Alien Lord

Chapter 1934: Make a fortune! (1) (Happy New Year!!!)

Not only the top grade spirit stone, but in the middle position, Lin Ze also saw the top grade spirit stone.

In fact, the spirit stones have reached the top grade, let alone the spirit stones are already inaccurate, because these spirit stones are almost equivalent to the existence of poly spirits, even if their aura is exhausted, as long as they do not destroy their structure, put some aura There are plenty of places. After more than ten years or tens of hundreds of years, these superb spirit stones will be filled with countless spirits again.

This kind of thing has a much higher grade than ordinary spirit stones. Therefore, this kind of thing has another name in the cultivation world: Spirit Crystal!

In terms of value, it is much more precious than the top grade spirit stone, too much.

Spirit stones are formed naturally, and of course their qualities vary.

As a universal currency in the practice world, the spirit spirits contained in those standard spirit stones are actually slightly different.

This is like gold and silver circulating in various countries. Different countries have different colors in gold and silver.

But in general, it is still within a certain range, and it will not be troublesome to exchange it.

However, the level of the top spirit stone is really far beyond this range, because in the place where the aura is abundant, it can even be said to be the perpetual motion of the aura.

Even if you keep replenishing Aura for a long time, there will be some damage to the Need for Spirit. Over time, this Need for Spirit will also be destroyed, but then you have to wait for hundreds of times to replenish the Aura, so many times, a cultivator I can't use it all my life.

Therefore, the best spirit stone can definitely be regarded as a top-level treasure, called the spirit crystal, and it is also worthy of the name.

Because of their different qualities, Lingjing is divided into four grades: lower, middle, upper, and top grade. Lin Ze can roughly judge that the twelve top grade spirit stones in this iron box are at least the quality of middle grade.

There are twelve of them, and they are still the quality of middle grades. To be honest, even for Lin Ze now, it is definitely an amazing and huge wealth.

He estimated that the value of each of these twelve top-grade spirit stones is also worth at least a few hundred thousand yuan.

Lin Ze, who has entered the Xuanyin Secret Realm, can really be regarded as an upstart in wealth, but he now has a spirit stone, and he has never exceeded 50,000 top-grade spirit stones.

There are now twelve excellent spirit stones worth more than 200,000 or so, and one can imagine what a great asset it is in the end!

However, soon, Lin Ze remembered that these barbarians had collected so many spirit stones, especially the twelve top-grade spirit stones. What on earth did they want to use them for?

"Look closely!" After thinking of nothing, Lin Ze was ready to check the situation here to make a comparison.

Soon, Lin Ze picked up those top-quality spirit stones, and replaced a few in the middle. Without changing one, Lin Ze's inductive force could see inside these top-quality spirit stones, and some different formation lines appeared, but At first glance, it makes people dizzy, because those formation lines are extremely complicated.

Seeing this, even Han Dong was very surprised in their hearts, not only saying: "I didn’t expect that these superb spirit stones would be engraved with such a complicated pattern. Now I can be sure that these superb The spirit stone was prepared by the barbarian for that huge warship. The barbarian's mind is really powerful!!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the barbarian tribes here would have such great ambitions. They were willing to use so many superb spirit stones as the motive force of the war mothership. Such luxury, even if I can't do it." Lin Ze There was also a burst of tongues, and it was his, and there was no such a big deal.

"In this way, this barbarian tribe must have a spirit stone mine in hand, or even a superb spirit stone mine." Xin Xue said brightly on one side.

"Huh, it's really awful!"

"Yes, this barbarian tribe really has a great possibility, there is a huge spirit stone mine." Qu Jingwen also said with bright eyes.

At this time, Lin Ze's eyes also turned bright. If there is anything that can make Lin Ze tempted now, the Lingshi Mine is definitely in it.

When Lin Ze came back to search for treasure in the 100,000 mountains, he was actually thinking about whether he could find some Lingshi mines here. Unfortunately, for so long, Lin Ze had not found any news about Lingshi mines.

Well now, he actually found news about the Lingshi mine here.

"Hey, it seems that God is helping me. I'm still thinking about where to find a Lingshi mine. I didn't expect it to appear here!" Lin Ze almost smiled and crooked.

He will be so happy, not only because of the huge gains in front of him, but also because of the news that he found the Lingshi mine, but more because he knows that the Lingshi mine is of very high quality, otherwise, it will not be here There are so many top-grade, top-quality spirit stones, and even the big lambs like the barbarians are placed here. There are no expert cares. These spirit stones may not be anything to this barbarian tribe.

As long as I think of a barbarian tribe in the hands of this barbarian tribe, the saliva in Lin Ze's mouth will flow out.

"In this way, I will not be able to let go of this barbarian tribe this time!" Lin Ze began to plan with Qu Jingwen, how to keep the news of this Lingshi mine from the people of the five big families as much as possible, And how did you get the news of this spirit stone mine.

However, these things are not in a hurry now. For Lin Ze, the most important thing is to give everything here first.

"I'll take a look at the other boxes, and I think there should be something similar to this box."

Lin Ze opened a few other iron boxes with a bit of expectation, and looked down, and found that the contents were still similar to the previous box.

Countless spirit stones are stacked in these iron chests, and in the middle are the top-grade spirit crystals with countless auras. The same, they are all carved with complex patterns that make people scalp numb.

However, soon, Lin Ze's heart raised a doubt, that is, these superb spirit stones can actually be placed in storage equipment, even if the box is large, the general storage equipment cannot be put down, but, You don't need a box at all, just put it in the storage equipment. In this way, aren't these superb spirit stones here more secure?

It doesn't have to be like Lin Ze now, after he was invaded, these spirit stones will be his.

Lin Ze also asked Qu Jingwen about this temptation. Both Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue couldn't think of the reason for it at one time, but Han Dong explained it to Lin Ze.

"Master, when it comes to refining, time is very important. Once the best time is missed, the refining will fail, or the quality of the refined things will be greatly affected. Time is important for any refining master and alchemist. For teachers, they are extremely important.

Master, you should also know that in order to save time, the alchemy master prepares the necessary elixir in advance during alchemy, and directly takes it out of the storage equipment and puts it in the alchemy master. They do this, In fact, it is to save time, and don't admit the wrong medicine.

Now that these barbarian refining masters put these spirit stones outside, it is actually a similar idea. There are so many spirit stones here. If they are installed in storage equipment, you will need a lot of storage equipment. When the time comes, if you want spirit stones, you have to take a look at that storage equipment. Spirit stone.

If it is replaced by a general refiner, like refining a flying sword or the like, if you do so, it will not delay much time, but it is replaced by refining the war flying boat in front of us, and the huge ship In the case of warships, this action will delay a lot of time and energy.

There are a lot of refining masters for refining these warships. When you need a spirit stone, pick up the storage equipment on one side to check where the spirit stone you need is, and the other needs the spirit stone and the corresponding spirit material refiner Master, seeing this, only after standing on the side and waiting for the refiner in front to find what he needs, he then went to the storage equipment to find it.

Master, do you say this is a delay? ! However, if these spirit stones and the corresponding spirit materials are directly placed here, who needs what is directly clear, and because there is a lot of space here, there will be nothing between the various refining masters Delay, greatly improved in time and efficiency. "

Han Dong explained it in detail, and Lin Ze understood the reason behind it.

It is like the shipbuilding technology of today and the shipbuilding technology of World War II.

During World War II, without the help of a computer and without laser calibration, every ship was built on schedule, and one ship needed to occupy a dock.

However, now that there is a segmented manufacturing method, when manufacturing a ship, there is no need to go to any special dock, nor to manufacture it in one piece. It can be manufactured in different places together in segments, and finally it is folded together.

This way of shipbuilding has greatly increased the speed of shipbuilding. This speed is absolutely comparable to the speed of previous shipbuilding.

Why our country, the current warships are launching like dumplings, and the speed is so fast that even Western countries are terrified. A considerable part of the reason is the application of this segmented shipbuilding method.

The warships made by the barbarians are similar.

Put all the necessary spirit materials and spirit stones directly here, and what is needed at that time is a matter of clarity. In this way, the manufacturing speed and efficiency can be greatly improved.

It can be said that the barbarian refiner is also very smart.

Set a small goal first, for example, 1 second remember: book guest house

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