Alien Lord

Chapter 1927: Secret Manufacturing

Speaking of fighting between countries, hehe, now everywhere.

Like Chu State where Lin Ze is now, because of the Qingzhou rebellion, it was completely chaotic.

In addition, not only the Chu Kingdom, but also several other surrounding countries, also because of the rebellion of the refugees, as well as the competition between the princes, also became chaotic.

In addition, the animal tide has begun to brew, and the form of various countries will become more severe in the future.

Therefore, it can be said that this is the most turbulent time. As long as you are a caring person, you will want to share a slice of soup here. Obviously, this family alliance is such a caring person.

However, this family alliance has the right intentions, because, in this way, the barbarian tribe is more likely to have a secret craft of war flying ships.

As for whether Lin Ze can finally obtain the secret method of making warships, Lin Ze said that as long as he is known, the secret method of making warships is not his or his, and he is such an overbearing! !

"Brother Huang, how do you know that this barbarian tribe will surely have secret craftsmanship and spirit materials for making warships?"

Lin Ze was excited, but he still had some doubts in his mind, so he asked Huang Zhen again.

Huang Zhenzhen laughed.

"Haha... Brother Lin, our family alliance is not vegetarian, maybe it is not an opponent of the barbarian tribe for the time being, but it is really a simple matter to monitor them. Besides, this barbarian tribe I don’t care much about our surveillance. As long as we don’t fight, they will assume that we don’t exist. Therefore, we know most of the movements in the barbarian tribe, so I can say with certainty that barbarians definitely have warships. The mystery and a large number of corresponding spiritual materials. After all, like the spiritual materials of the millennium iron wood, this barbarian tribe has collected a lot. So many millennium iron wood barbarians have collected them and they are not for sale. They are not used for What is it to make a warship?! And, Brother Lin, if you still don’t believe it, why don’t you go with me to my mansion, where I still have messages recorded by spies using a photostone, and then you will see it yourself I will know it in a moment. In addition, after a few days, we will fight with the barbarians. I believe you can also see these things. This matter can only be resolved in a day or two, and it will not delay Brother Lin how much time you have. ."

"In addition, Brother Lin, you also know that in the nearby trading market, most of them are warriors from various countries. The number of warriors like barbarians is very small, so they are easily recognized as soon as they appear. Manpower was placed in various trading markets. After seeing the appearance of the barbarian warriors, they secretly probed the content of their trade here. It was found that the content of these barbarian transactions, in addition to the spirit pill and spirit material, the other is the warship. Relevant materials and materials. If this is not yet possible to confirm that this barbarian has a secret method of making warships, then I will never believe it."

Huang Zhen saw that Lin Ze was already a little emotional, so he directly told Lin Ze about his guess and most things he knew.

He is not afraid of leaking, thinking that such content can be collected by anyone as long as he wants to collect it.

Besides, if he wants to persuade Lin Ze to fight with them, then he has to come up with something. Obviously, the information related to the barbarians is the best thing.

"Brother Huang, I won't go to your mansion. So, two days later, when Brother Wang and they go out, you will come to me again, and then we will go to Tianyuan Mountain to find the barbarian tribe together."

Lin Ze groaned for a while, then said with a smile.

He had planned to take a few days off, and when it was stable, he set off to go to the Xingyue Canyon trading market. Gu Xiyao was still waiting for him there, and this time the trading conference was very important for Lin Ze. A lot of supplies he badly needed.

However, before spending a few days to go to Tianyuan Mountain to obtain the secret method of warship crafting, it did not delay his itinerary, and it was worthwhile for Lin Ze to delay some time for the secret method of war.

At most, Lin Ze handed over the transaction to Gu Xiyao. Anyway, there were five demonized foundation-building masters around her. I believe that there will not be so many non-eye-opening guys looking for her in the trading conference.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's decision in his heart became more firm.

After that, the two parties quickly reached an agreement.

As long as the barbarian tribe is captured, Lin Ze can not only get the secret method of making warships, but also the corresponding materials collected by the barbarian, Lin Ze can also be divided into two layers.

Lin Ze was very satisfied with this distribution plan, so they quickly became an agreement.

After the agreement was reached, Huang Zhen and the Lin brothers, and others, said goodbye to Lin Ze, and then returned to their respective residences.

"Brother Huang, this matter only requires us to take action from our family. Why do you go to the door and ask for this guy with the surname Lin. By then we have annexed the barbarian tribe and got the benefit and scored a copy for him, which is really It's cheap to him."

Halfway along, Lin Ziyuan said with a bit of a scratch.

"Oh, Brother Lin, this person is young, but the cultivation base has reached the peak of the foundation period. Moreover, this person's background is extremely strong, even Uncle Wang Chen and they are sincere friends. With his background, if he is an enemy, he is afraid that he is an extreme A terrible opponent, maybe none of our five families will be an enemy of the background behind him. Even if you don’t say this, his strength alone, combined with the strength of the five of you and us, may be able to barely compete with him, even In the end, it may not be his opponent, because he still has a golden beast spirit. Anyway, it is his strength alone, and he has now made good friends with us, then we have to try to win. Even if it is the benefit of the time To share him, this is nothing for us. Compared with these efforts, it is the most important thing to really pay him well, otherwise he will be spoiled by our good deeds, or be evil with him, On the contrary, it is very bad." When Huang Zhen said here, the expression on his face was extremely dignified.

Lin Ze’s strong background, he listened to Huang Hui, and at the same time, Huang Hui told him to make good friends. (Hey, Huang Hui is under Lin Ze’s staff, and of course will order Huang Zhen to make a good deal with Lin Ze.)

"Isn't he saying that he will leave here soon? Why don't we wait for him to leave and start working again?" Lin Ziyuan still said a little disheartened.

It is no wonder that Lin Ziyuan will not be convinced in his heart, because he is also a young and handsome. Before that, he has always been the object of Huang Zhen’s care. In the family alliance, there are countless people who are stabbing their two brothers. So, gradually, he The heart became proud.

Now when I meet Lin Ze who is younger, stronger and better-looking than him, Lin Ziyuan is really jealous and dead.

Huang Zhen is a reasonable person. Besides, Lin Ziyuan's jealous look was put directly on the face, and others understood it at first glance. Therefore, Huang Zhen shook his head secretly in the bottom of his heart, and said, Lin Ziyuan It was really spoiled before, and if we continue this way, the future is really not very bright.

However, he will not say anything about these Huang Zhen. One is that he will not necessarily hear Lin Ziyuan, and the other is that he is the Huang family and Lin Ziyuan is the Lin family.

"Leave here? If it were so easy to leave, you said this Lin Ze would appear in this place where the bird does not shit, and he actively helped us seal those ghost-faced bat swarms? If I were to leave, I was afraid that he would have left So, I think he has just talked about it and wanted to reduce our guardianship. If it weren’t for the three talented valleys above, for a person with a strong background like Lin Ze, wouldn’t there be nothing and no benefit? Contending, I think, now he is afraid that he will seize the site with us." Huang Zhen shook his head and said.

Then he sighed again, "This time there is such a big problem here in Sancai Valley, maybe there is a barbarian's arm inside (the ghost-faced bat group thing, did not say Huang Hui, but pushed onto the mysterious event. Anyway, the group of ghost-faced bats is extremely powerful. The five big families need to pay a huge price to enter the mouth. Lin Ze believes that they will not be willing to pay this huge price, so don’t worry about getting real in their mouth. s reason.)."

"Hiss, Brother Huang, you said there are barbarians' handwriting?" Lin Ziyun, another brother of the Lin family, asked with a cool breath.

"Well, I see that there should be a barbarian's handwriting. After all, our five families are training here and accumulating strength. The barbarians also know there. They know that sooner or later we will divide a win~www. Therefore, the barbarians directly start to be strong. They secretly opened up the tunnel between us and the caves of the ghost-faced bat group, which flooded countless ghost-faced bat groups here, and let us lose this site. In this way, we The threat is not too big." Huang Zhen said very seriously when he said this.

"His hiss!!!" The group of people took a breath, they didn't think there were so many secrets inside.

"Brother Huang, who said these things to you? The barbarians should not have this strength!" Lin Ziyuan still had some doubts, because, he thought that the iron-brained barbarians would have such calculations.

"This is Uncle Huang's story!" Huang Zhen glanced at Lin Ziyuan angrily and said directly.

"Uh..." Lin Ziyuan's face was embarrassed. It was really uncomfortable to be directly beaten.

"Since Uncle Huang said what they said, it must be right!" The others nodded in agreement.

Although the IQ of the barbarians is not high, they cannot be denied 100% that they cannot do such a thing.

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