Alien Lord

Chapter 1925: Alliance scheme

"Yes, our affairs are related to this barbarian. Speaking of this, the Sancai Valley, and the Tianyuan Mountain where the barbarian sect is located, was originally a treasure land connected together. It used to be occupied by our five families, but Because of the strength above, we have not spread to Tianyuan Mountain for the time being. But, who knows, some twenty years ago, somehow, a barbarian sect moved from somewhere, not only dominated Tianyuan Mountain, The children of our family on the mountain have been driven out, and we are not allowed to go into Tianyuan Mountain to collect spirit materials or something.

All our five family alliances have lived here for fifty or sixty years. It can be said that they are their territory, not to mention the barbarians who occupy it. Of course, our five family members cannot ignore them. The matter after that was also very simple. Our five great families joined forces and wanted to drive those barbarians away from Tianyuan Mountain and ask them for a fair..."

Huang Zhen's solemn Xu Xu explained: "Tianyuanshan said all of our five family alliances. If they fall into the hands of the barbarians, not only will our five family alliances lose their reputation, but similar things in the future will be inevitable. There will be one after another, so..."

"To be fair? The 100,000 mountain range is so wide, and there are many mountains with countless spiritual materials. Why do you keep staring at this Tianyuan Mountain? And, obviously, the strength of the barbarian is not weak, I believe that the barbarian strength is absolutely No less than the alliance of your five great families, otherwise they would never dare to take the initiative to start with you, so Brother Huang, just say what you have to say, there is no need to make excuses for turning. Say, you want to expel those barbarians People, what benefits do you want from them? Or, there are treasures on Tianyuan Mountain that you can't give up. If there is no benefit, I believe you will not be so active."

Speaking here, Lin Ze was a sneer.

Huang Zhen was really speechless at this time. All his thoughts were debunked by Lin Ze. Fortunately, he was old and thick-skinned. Even if Lin Ze was debunked in person, he immediately laughed and said: "Since Brother Lin, you have seen through the things inside, and then you will not hide from you. We want to deal with the barbarians, of course, we also have some selfishness. We first come to Sancai Valley to build the spirit medicine garden, which is also our first The found Tianyuan Mountain is not for the time being because of its strength. However, we will definitely develop towards Tianyuan Mountain in the future, so why can't we accept it?"

"Well, since that's the case, then you just go to conquer. Conquering a barbarian sect, it should be a very simple matter for your five major family alliances." Lin Ze asked with a puzzled expression.

"Uh, the problem is here. Although the barbarian small martial arts are small, there are quite a few powerful leaders." Huang Zhen was embarrassed.

Hearing this, Lin Ze was really surprised this time.

Sancai Valley does not say anything else here. There are as many as twenty or thirty people in the foundation-building cultivators alone, and all of them are elite children of the foundation-building family, and their equipment is extremely luxurious, not to mention Such as Zhou Da, such a strong Golden Power, such a powerful strength, how can't get away with such a barbarian small martial art!

This thing really made him unimaginable.

Lin Ze thought for a while, and asked with a surprised face, "As far as I know, the barbarians are all sculpted ///meat//body, and they really have a huge advantage on the battlefield, but, in the cultivating world, this kind of The strength is not high, and you are not lacking in the Jindan period. With your strength, will you not be able to win this small barbarian school?"

"Brother Lin, seriously, we thought this was the case. However, out of the cautious period, in the years just beginning, our family alliance still sent manpower to the barbarian tribe in Tianyuan Mountain to explore it, and finally found that this There are several strong leaders at the barbarian level, and their strength is extremely strong. Even Uncle Zhou Da attacked them together, they were not completely sure.

At that time, if our barrage fails, this barbarian is frightened, and if more barbarian masters are mobilized to come here, then our family alliance will not say that we want to conquer. We are not good if they are not conquered, so it is good. Over the years, we have waited for nothing to do, only for Sancai Valley's things, other things are not at all, wholeheartedly retreat practice, in order to gain more strength. "

Huang Zhen shook his head and smiled bitterly.

However, he quickly got excited and continued, "But what I didn't expect was that you, Brother Lin, came to Sancai Valley and had an excellent relationship with Uncle Wang Chen. In the past, I cooperated with Uncle Ji to seal the nest of the ghost-faced bat. In addition, Brother Lin, you actually have the Golden Dragon Dragon, such a powerful spirit beast, know that the dragon beast is the most threatening to the barbarian, because many barbarians have blood of the barbarian. After encountering the dragon, Born to be suppressed, the strength is greatly reduced, which is equivalent to greatly enhancing our strength from another aspect.

Besides, taking Brother Lin's cultivation as the pinnacle of the foundation period, if the strength is in the cultivation world, it is second to none. If Brother Lin Ze can join us to conquer this barbarian sect this time, with our current strength, it will be absolutely safe. "

"Yes, Brother Lin Ze, since we are destined, you and Wang Shishu are friends again, why not follow us to conquer this barbarian tribe this time? After all, barbarians have always been our enemies, and this time you shot it, it is considered to be Walk for the sky!"

"As long as Brother Lin takes this shot, then we can promise that by then the barbarian's harvest will be picked first. All the loot, you occupy two layers!"

In order to persuade Lin Ze, Huang Zhen took out their greatest sincerity, and even gave Lin Ze a big split, two layers inside the loot.

This amount of distribution is really very large. After all, Lin Ze is only a person, and here is the coalition of the five major families, and the strength is also very strong.

Lin Ze now began to understand something.

No wonder since he came to the Sancai Valley, he found out that there are too many children in this family, even if it is an aphrodisiac garden, an extremely important place, but there is a Jindan strong guardian here It’s almost the same, why is it five at a time, and the number of other disciples is far more than the general situation, it is because of this reason.

He made a quick calculation in his heart, and found that going to Tianyuan Mountain to conquer the barbarian tribe, the main benefit was their five families, all the sites, and other intangible harvests, were all theirs, which was of little benefit to himself.

In addition, because the dragon suppresses the blood of the barbarian, the barbaric main attack power will hit him at that time, so he will be really dangerous.

If the time comes, if the people of the five big families do something secretly, even he himself will...

This is equivalent to doing the wedding dress for others, he really has no interest.

In addition, as long as he did not damage his interests, he would not intervene arbitrarily. This is equivalent to fighting between the sect.

Although the martial art belongs to the barbarians, for the Chu Kingdom and the dozen or so countries around it, the barbarians are the opponents and must be killed, but for Lin Ze, he does not feel that way now, After all, he came to the earth, and he has not really experienced the invasion of the barbarians. Therefore, for the barbarians, his heart is more to tame their thoughts than to destroy them.

Of course, as a cultivator, he will not stop the alliance of the five big families to conquer a barbarian sect.

These are the disputes between the interests of the sect, Lin Ze can't control, he doesn't want to control, let alone join in!

"Oh, this is the case. However, the things of the barbaric cultivators, for cultivators like me, I believe there is not much use. The skills we practice are very different. Perhaps these things are obtained for me. Kind of cumbersome. You also know that I am already the peak strength of the foundation. If it is above the strength, it can no longer be enhanced. Now it is only the last bottleneck of Jindan, as long as I try to find the thing of the Dandan, and at the same time, I will go to Xiaotiankai It’s enough to prepare. So for me, the most important thing is how to spend the future Jindan As for other things, for me, it’s really not like that now. important.

In addition, this time I came here just by chance. This time, I will leave here soon and go to other places to find opportunities. However, I didn't expect that I just came out of the border, and then I met you to come to the door. Although I am very sympathetic to your affairs, this matter has nothing to do with me, so you are going to deal with those barbaric cultivators, or you should go by yourself. Although I am not involved, I will not stop you, It will not reveal your action plan. "

Lin Ze's side very plainly rejected Huang Zhen's invitation. This time, for Lin Ze, the harm is far more than the benefit.

After hearing Lin Ze's words, Huang Zhen, the Brothers Lin, and the others suddenly showed extreme disappointment on their faces. After all, with Lin Ze’s current strength, especially if there is a golden dragon in his side to help them, then their strength will be greatly enhanced.

However, Lin Ze has made it clear that he is not interested in the barbarian, and even bluntly that he will leave soon, which makes them helpless for a while.

After all, Lin Ze's strength is not low, nor can they force others.

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