Alien Lord

Chapter 1917: Wait patiently

Whether they are Lin Ze or Han Dong, they have underestimated the seal seal of the Xuanyin Master. Of course, in the past, they did not think about this. Until today, they really understood that they It's just that they are exposed to some fur knowledge, and if they want to truly master the power, they need a lot of time to learn.

Seriously, they don't even think about it, Master Xuanyin used this seal seal to seal a strong man with a pseudo-infant period, and it was still a seal from his residual soul.

The most important thing is that this seal has been running well even after more than 500 years have passed, and after the Baidu Demon King is out of trouble, he will continue to find it and seal him again.

In fact, it can be seen from this that Master Xuanyin's seal chain is not simple, but unfortunately, neither Lin Ze nor Han Dong thought of this at that time.

In addition, after receiving the secret code of the formation of the Master Xuanyin given by Lin Ze, Han Dong thought that they had mastered this seal chain.

As a result, until now they and Lin Ze are really real masters of Master Xuanyin.

Even the power of a small chain of seals is not something they can control.

Therefore, Xuanyin Master, who can create a seal chain, is definitely a real strongman at the top.

A small seal chain, or Han Dong, they have a trace of fur, and now it is possible for Lin Ze to seal the Jindan strong like Zhou Da, and let him be put to death. This is an exaggerated force.

In fact, the power of the seal chain is really not accessible to Lin Ze and Han Dong.

Whether it is Lin Ze (ontology) or Han Dong masters, their strength is only in the initial stage of cultivation. At this stage, how strong are the forces they can contact and how much can they learn? !

They were able to study the power of some seal chains, and the biggest reliance was on the formations and seal secret codes passed down by Xuanyin.

However, even if this is the case, these secrets are still a lot more advanced for Han Dong and Lin Ze. They want to truly master the power inside, at least they must study wholeheartedly for more than ten years, or even dozens It’s only a year, until then, they can really master the power of this seal chain.

This is actually the same as modern advanced machinery. Even if you know their specific manufacturing methods and have the tools for manufacturing, but you are just a junior high school student culture, even if you have these materials, but, You don't want to make it at all.

Because there is too much knowledge that you cannot understand. If you want to understand this knowledge, you must first go to school to study for more than ten years.

Even if it is, whether you can really understand the knowledge of the most advanced modern machinery manufacturing is also unknown.

Just like today's fifth-generation fighters, many countries actually know how to manufacture them, but they are extremely difficult to manufacture, and few countries can master them.

Not to mention the other, just stealth paint and the engine, it is difficult for nine countries in the world. There are only a handful of countries in the world that can master these two things.

As a matter of fact, if Han Dong had been patient and studied for a few years, they would soon find that they were still outside the door, and it would take some time to get inside.

The power of Xuanyin’s seal chain is on two words, one is ‘seal’ and the other is ‘lock’.

Once it is displayed, as long as it is within the envelope of the power of the seal chain, any object with energy supply, whether it is a creature or other things, will be locked by the power of the seal chain, and then sealed directly.

Unless they have the power to exceed the power of the seal chain, they will never be able to escape, even if they die until the end, the seal chain will not be lifted.

Of course, if you want to master such a powerful secret technique, you can imagine the difficulty. ,

If you only understand some of the furry plans, then finally Lin Ze will appear like this, and the seal seal will also reject him as his master.

Seal seals like Lin Ze’s show, even if the releaser can’t hurt the strong man trapped in this seal area, really, the usefulness is really not big, at most it is the enemy, the other is Don't think about it.

However, although this is the case, the power of the seal seal can not be denied, just to see that it can directly seal Zhou Da, the strong man of the Jindan period, under the control of Lin Ze//Fuck/// Seeing that its value is still there.

Seriously, Zhou Da will be defeated under this superficial seal seal, which is actually not wronged.

After all, the body of the seal seal seal is the seal chain of Xuanyin Master. Zhou Da can deal with the seal chain of Xuanyin Master. I believe he will have a trace of pride in his heart after knowing this fact!


Huo Ranjian, the screams of countless sharp ghost-faced bats rang again in the distance, and those ghost-faced bats who were driven away by Zhou Da's Sun Stone flew back slowly after the threat of Sun Stone disappeared.

Here, when Huang Hui released the ghost-faced bats that he collected decades ago, it became the base camp of this group of ghost-faced bats. Huang Hui has been collecting ghost-faced bats for decades. The number is really It's quite impressive. The number of ghost-faced bats here is simply countless.

Although they were forced away by nemesis like Sun Stone, when the dazzling light that instinctively awed them disappeared, they slowly came back around.

Lin Ze looked up at him, a cold smile overflowed at the corner of his mouth.

Isn't it the ghost-faced bat group? After the ghost-faced blood bat king is sitting in the town, can such a ghost-faced bat group still get him.

In addition, compared to more hurricane beasts here, Lin Ze has encountered countless times in the mysterious realm before.

The hurricane beasts there are called the sun and the sky, and the number is large, which has been calculated in billions, but for Lin Ze himself, he can be sure that the number has exceeded one billion.

At present, the number of ghost-faced bat groups here is at most three or four million. Compared with the hurricane herd, this number is really nothing.

Therefore, when others saw so many groups of ghost-faced bats, their hearts were cold, but for Lin Ze, it was really a small meaning in the small meaning.

But, soon, something that surprised him appeared. Although these ghost-faced bats returned to the cave of Huang Hui, they just hovered around in the high altitude, and did not want to fly down and attack him. the meaning of.

After stunned for a while, Lin Ze looked directly at the space covered by the "lock" character, and he suddenly realized.

In this area, there are endless seal seal light, the power of these seal seal light, although not as strong as the previous sun stone, but for these ghost-faced bats who like to live in dark caves In terms of, it is also not a good thing to like.

So as long as the seal seal seal light does not dissipate, they dare not easily approach.

In addition, the seal seal seal has the breath of their king, and for the safety of the king, they dare not easily come down and attack Lin Ze.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze shook his head slightly, sensing the movements of other people with his consciousness, and found that Wang Chen did not threaten at all, so he was at ease in his heart.

As for the other two Xu An and Lin Guang who are still reluctantly insisting, since they still have the strength to fight the countless ghost-faced bats around them, let them go on.

This time, Lin Ze came to win Sancai Valley. What better than winning all the senior leaders in Sancai Valley directly?

Now Lin Ze has won Wang Chen, Huang Hui, and Zhou Da. After that, as long as he wins Xu An and Lin Guang, then Sancai Valley is his.

With the cooperation of these five people, I believe that the family they are in will never find out that the control of Sancai Valley has been transferred.

Even if there were doubts afterwards, but with the five Golden Power strongmen sitting in town, and the cooperation of the eight strong brothers of Mao’s power, it is impossible for the five major families to take back control here. Too.

If they are honest, Lin Ze would not mind giving them some benefits, if they dare not be honest, hehe...

"Since the two of you still have fighting power, let me wait for a while!" After that, Lin Ze sat cross-legged and he waited quietly.

Not only did Xu An and Lin Guang fall, but they also waited for the power of the seal seal to dissipate.

This class, according to a full tea time.

The sound of "Boom!!!" The light inside the seal seal gradually became dimmed, Lin Ze's spiritual power could be clearly sensed, and the blockade power there was very little. .

The most obvious of these is the three sealed heavy weapons. At this time, they can no longer hover in mid-air, but fell all on the ground, making a heavy noise.

Each of these three heavy weapons weighs no less than one kilogram, and now the power of the seal seal has begun to dissipate. Of course, the power of the seal cannot stop the weight of the thousand kilograms.

Seeing this, Lin Ze smiled. He got up and reached out with a hand.

Now, he can still feel the strength of a beaming force working, but this force can no longer affect him too much.

But even so, Lin Ze didn't dare to have the slightest slighting heart.

You must know that half an hour has passed at this moment, but the effect of this seal glyph has not completely disappeared, so it can be seen how powerful this thing has reached.

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