Alien Lord

Chapter 1915: ridicule? !

Replaced by other people, that is definitely the result of a desperate cry.

However, this palm Lin Ze had been expected for a long time, so when Zhou Da put out his palm, the dragon scale armor on Lin Ze's body was instantly excited, Zhou Da's palm power first passed Lin Ze's body The body was blocked by the gas, and then weakened by the dragon scale armor suit. Finally, Lin Ze took advantage of the power to fly out hundreds of meters away, and rolled without any stop to relieve the force.

The combination of so many equipments and successive actions finally weakened Zhou Da's full power.

Lin Ze didn't leave immediately after he fled, but instead took advantage of the situation and directly hid in the ghost-faced bat group, using the power of the ghost-faced bat group to cover himself.

After that, things became simple. Lin Ze, who was slightly injured, waved the sword of Xuan Ming in his hand to resist the siege of the ghost-faced bat group around him, while using the power of consciousness to pay attention to Zhou Da and demonization. The battle of Huang Hui.

Although the number of those ghost-faced bats is numerous, Lin Ze is now a doppelganger. His cultivation practice has reached the completion of the foundation period, coupled with the powerful Xuanming sword and Xuanming sword tactics, the countless ghost-faced bats around it are simply Lin Ze can't rely on him. In a short time, Lin Ze's side won't be dangerous.

Seriously, if it is normal, Zhou Da will definitely not be able to detect the problem, but at that time, all his energy was used to deal with the demonized Huang Hui who had been killed with red eyes. He was naturally distracted to look around.

After that, the fighting was extremely fierce. Zhou Da didn't have time to listen to the movement on the side. In this way, Lin Ze lurked smoothly near Zhou Da.

To say that Lin Ze is most likely to be exposed, it must be when Huang Hui feels danger and starts to summon other ghost-faced bats.

At that time, countless ghost-faced bats approached Huang Hui and wanted to rescue Huang Hui. At this time, Lin Ze's side can be said to have only a few ghost-faced bats left. At this time, his figure is already very obvious If Zhou Da pays a little attention here, I believe that it is not difficult to find Lin Ze’s traces.

However, after Zhou Da died himself, he took out the Sun Stone.

The powerful sunlight directly pushed away the group of ghost-faced bats that had arrived, allowing them to escape.

In this way, it is perfect to hide Lin Ze's trace again.

After all the ghost-faced bats fled in vain, Lin Ze also converged his body and took advantage of the space snake to open the void world, hide it inside, and watch quietly with his consciousness only.

Finally, when Zhou Da successfully used the brass clock magic weapon, and Sun Stone successfully won the demonized Huang Hui, and the body and mind were in a state of extreme excitement, the most relaxation, and no defense at all. Lin Ze took a decisive shot and directly blamed the seal chain that had been cast before, and then they were blessed with the power of the seal seal by Han Dong. They shot it in the form of a "lock" character and successfully trapped Zhou Da into it.

At this moment, when I heard Zhou Da's horrifying voice, Lin Ze's heart was really happy.

But then, with a sneer on his face, he said coldly: "Zhou Da, you are so much older than me, you are not dead, how can I die, ha ha, I can’t think of it, this time last The winner is me, hahaha..."

With Lin Ze’s loud laughter, Zhou Da’s face was extremely pale. He didn’t show mercy to the palm of his hand before paying his heart, and he definitely made all his efforts. Such power, even if it was a Jindan period The strong man suffered this, fearing that he would be seriously injured, coupled with the siege of countless ghost-faced bats afterwards, it would definitely end in death.

But why is this kid like nothing, unless it is...

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Zhou Da's mind, he exclaimed: "Spirit level armor, do you have top-level armor level armor?"

Although cultivators like the foundation period are generally not able to use such top-level Aura-level armor, it is not that they really cannot use it, but because such aura-level armor drives spiritual power. Purity and quantity are not provided by a warrior in the foundation period.

If you want to use the power of these top-level Aura-level armor, you must at least have Golden Power, or even Golden Power's mid-term strength.

This is something that Zhou Da didn't think of before, because in his view, it is impossible for Lin Ze to have such a treasure, but now the cruelty is placed in front of him. Obviously, Lin Ze definitely has this High-level armor.

It's just that a huge question follows, and that is why Lin Ze can drive such armor-level armor?

"Why, why can you use the armor level armor?" Zhou Da shouted loudly after seeing Lin Ze's face that I had such level armor.

If this problem is not solved, Zhou Da will not look away even if he dies.

However, Lin Ze sneered inside and said directly: "Do you want to know the answer? Hey, after we meet again later, I believe you will know even if I don't say that at that time. ."

Listening to this fullness, after Zhou Da's seemingly endless killing voice, Zhou Da suddenly panicked in his heart. He quickly persuaded: "Little brother and slow, have something to say, something to say, old man..."

However, before his words fell, he saw a flash in front of his eyes, and a powerful mental attack had already flown into the endless seal seal seal light.

However, the speed was fast when the mental attack began to fly, but as soon as he entered the area of ​​the seal seal seal light, he was entangled by the endless seal seal seal, and the speed was slowed down immediately.

Zhou Da was stunned for a moment. He blinked twice, and after a closer look, he discovered that this was indeed the case. He suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, boy, you are using the'lock' character, in this space. , Everything that can move will be locked by the power of the seal rune, so even your kill is useless here, so boy, you can’t kill me now. Haha... .., kid, I can feel that the power of the seal seal seal around me is constantly dissipating, and it won’t take long for me to get out of it. I can tell you honestly, kid, once the old man comes out, it’s you Is dead, ha ha ha ha..."

Sure enough, with the laughter of Zhou Da, the flight speed of Lin Zeshi’s mental attack was getting slower and slower, and finally approached him with a snail crawling speed. However, as he approached Zhouda's five-meter range, Lin Ze's mental attack power was completely exhausted. It was so strange that it first floated in mid-air, and then dissipated cleanly with a pop.

Seeing this, Zhou Da laughed again, and he taunted Lin Ze: "Boy, your attack is not very good, hehe, you wait. Once the time limit of the seal Fulu has passed, you will be escaped. The old man will not let you go, even if he travels all over the world, the old man will also peel you and cramp, so that you can't survive, you can't die, and the last howlly death in the miserable days, boy, you wait , Hahaha..."

After seeing that Lin Ze’s attack was ineffective, Zhou Da was extremely rampant. His laughter was growing louder and more taunting.

Lin Ze didn't care at all. He sneered. After thinking for a while, he threw a hand and threw three magic weapons out.

And, as expected, these three magic weapons are not Lin Ze’s favorite flying swords, or pagodas, but three heavy weapon magic weapons like a meteor hammer.

It seems that the weight of these three heavy magic weapons is indeed very heavy, and even Lin Ze now //fucks//, it feels a bit difficult.

"Haha, kid, is there no way for you? Do you want to kill me directly with such a heavy weapon? Hahaha..., it's funny, really funny, hahaha... ...." Zhou Da ridiculed and continued to laugh at Lin Ze with words.

It's just that Lin Ze didn't pay any attention to Zhou Ta's taunts. He didn't care at all. Instead, after these three heavy magic weapons flew, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Soon, they flew into the power range of the "lock" character under Lin Ze's //fuck//control, but only after entering this power range, the mental force attack was delayed before, The power of the seal has never appeared, making them still from slow to slow ~ ~ constantly moving forward, and finally, stopped not far from Zhou Da's body.

This time Lin Ze can be said to be doing his best. The thorn in front of the furthest meteor hammer has almost touched the skin of Zhou Da’s body, but even so, this is the remaining point. The distance seems to be close to the horizon, and it is always beyond sight.

Seeing this, Zhou Da, who was still scared before, was staring at Lin Ze beyond the seal seal seal light, with a light and greasy sneer on his face.

After the few life and death threats just now, in his heart, he has indeed made up his mind that as long as he can go out this time, then no matter what the price is paid, the kid in front of him must be beheaded.

In any case, he will not be allowed to leave here alive, no matter how powerful his background is, he has to do the same.

This is not just Zhou Da's revenge, but more importantly, he can't let people know that he was forced to such a point by a junior. This is really too shameful for his Jindan strong.

... m.

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