Alien Lord

Chapter 1908: Chaos (1)

In addition, the top sect is not to say that you want to join, you want to join the top sect is extremely demanding.

Even if Wang Chen is a strong power in the Golden Dan period, the Wang family needs to be tested for a long time if they want to join the top sect.

Over time, related news will inevitably leak out, and the other four families will surely know this news.

At this time, whether it is to let those top ancestors know that their families are not easy to provoke, or to save their faces, these four families will attack the Wang family with all their strength. By then, the Wang family will definitely not persevere.

As for the sect who said that the Wang family wanted to be sincere, it was impossible for the Wang family to come forward.

One is that if you fight against four powerful families that come more than the royal family, you will get no more benefit than they paid.

There is another one. The relationship between the family and Zongmen is already very tense. Once this Zongmen fights against these four families, the other families feel empathy, or they are afraid that other Zongmens are also learned. When the ancestors started, there might be many ancestors united to support the four ancestors and Zongmen in the war.

If there are only four families, this sect can be okay. However, if this number rises to ten, twenty, or more, then the strong sect cannot hold on.

With these scruples, Wang Chen had the intention to invest in other ancestors before, but he did not dare to act easily. After all, if he was not careful, those who waited for Wang Chen and Wang's family would have to die!

Now it’s different. Just looking at the golden dragons and dragons around Lin Ze, and the endless treasures on his body, it can be seen that Lin Ze’s identity in that powerful sect is absolutely unusual, even the top two or three generations. The presence.

In this way, as long as he can get Lin Ze's recognition, the Wang family can immediately join this sect.

The only thing to consider is how Wang Chen now convinces Lin Ze that the Wang family is truly sincere to him.

"Wang Chen, I can give you this opportunity to surrender to me, but, I believe, you also know that we are just not guaranteed by words, we will not believe, so, if you really want to surrender to me, then I will You have to plant a ban in the sea of ​​knowledge, are you willing?" Lin Ze said honestly, and directly called Wang Chen's name.

After all, the status of the two is different now. Before, the two still had the same status. Therefore, Lin Ze called Wang Chen the brother, and now Wang Chen wants to invest in him and is in a subordinate position, then Lin Ze Of course, he can no longer be called his brother.

".........." Wang Chen's heart was extremely punctured. He knew that Lin Ze's words were correct, but if he wanted to decide immediately, even if he was determined like Wang Chen, this time hesitated.

After all, God knows what kind of prohibition Lin Ze will plant in his sea of ​​knowledge. If it is a bad one, it is a prohibition such as murder, then Wang Chen will not die immediately.

Oh, you said that with Lin Ze’s worth, you don’t need to greedy Wang Chen’s possessions. Oh, that seems to be true, but for a billionaire billionaire, if he can let himself With a value of tens of millions more, if one or two billions of dollars, I believe he will accept it with regret.

Also, don’t forget, at the first time, Wang Chen had beaten Lin Ze’s idea of ​​the Space Dragon King, and he almost interrupted the process of the Space Dragon King’s absorption of colorful glow. This is actually an offense. Lin Ze.

If Lin Ze took the opportunity to start against Wang Chen for this reason, in Wang Chen's view, this is actually quite normal. If it is replaced by him, maybe he will do so.

Therefore, Wang Chen was very hesitant about Lin Ze's proposal to plant a ban in his knowledge of the sea.

After all, once he really did it, he would be really dangerous.

"Why, unwilling?" Lin Ze saw Wang Chen's inner hesitation. Lin Ze was also aware of Wang Chen's hesitation, because he would be so hesitant to change him.

"Since you have concerns in your heart, then this matter is fine, everyone is still a friend!" Lin Ze said with a smile, and then waved his right hand straight away the two golden dragons on one side.

Lin Ze said this, in fact, he is advancing with retreat.

He wanted to talk about Wang Chen, not to mention Wang Chen's own strength. Lin Ze didn't want to let go of the position of San Caigu alone.

As for the action of putting away the two golden dragons in the later period, it was actually his intention. He was reminding Wang Chen that if he really wanted to strike him, where else would he need to move his hands and feet on the prohibition and let the two people around him directly The Jindan period Jiaolong shot.

With the strength of these two golden dragons, it is not very difficult to destroy Wang Chen.

Sure enough, the effect of Lin Ze’s retreat is obvious, especially Lin Ze’s action of charging two golden dragons, which made Wang Chen’s eyes shine, and he also thought of what Lin Ze wanted him to think of. That point.

"Wang Chen worshipped Young Master, please, Master, you planted a ban in the sea of ​​knowledge of your subordinates!" Wang Chen bowed directly, looking at Lin Ze with a sincere look, his eyes full of firmness, and the previous hesitation was swept away And empty.

"Well, Wang Chen, since you can trust me in this way, then I will never let you down. Rest assured, your Wang family will definitely become a top family in the future!" Lin Ze also answered with a serious face, since Wang Chen like this Believe him, then he will not disappoint Wang Chen either.

"Thank you Young Master!" Wang Chen's eyes flashed with excitement. He cast his eyes on Lin Ze, not to develop the Wang family. Now that Lin Ze's words, the future development of the Wang family will no longer need him to worry. .

"Please ask the young master to plant a ban on his subordinates!" After that, without waiting for Lin Ze to answer, Wang Chen directly opened his own consciousness, and everything was exposed to Lin Ze's eyes.

"Forbidden, medium!" Lin Ze also did not hesitate here, directly a puppet imprint flew into Wang Chen's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Om!!!" Soon, with Wang Chen's active cooperation, the puppet mark smoothly integrated into Wang Hai's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Percussion to the master!!!" After a dozen breaths, Wang Chen knelt down again in front of Lin Ze to see, but this time he was completely surrendered.

"Very good, get up!" Lin Ze said with a smile, being able to easily accept a general like Wang Chen was such a great surprise for Lin Ze.

"From now on, you will be here with the eight brothers of the Mao family in Sancai Valley, and send out the spirit materials in Wanmo Mountain endlessly," Lin Ze ordered.

Since Wang Chen is already his own, when Lin Ze ordered, he no longer had to be polite.

"Yes, master, his subordinates understand." Wang Chen said respectfully.

"Relax, the Wang family will definitely develop afterwards, I believe you now have a clear heart." Lin Ze said with a smile.

Since it is his own subordinate, Lin Ze will certainly not treat him badly.

"Thank you Master for your kind gift, Wang Chen is very grateful!" Wang Chen said with a touch of expression.

The puppet seal carries some memories, some about Lin Ze's identity, and memories of the Plane Seed World.

Although Lin Ze has no powerful background behind him, there is a world of plane seeds. Lin Ze’s future is definitely tens of thousands of times, hundreds of millions of times stronger than those of the top sect.

Therefore, his decision to invest in Lin Ze before Wang Chen really did not make a mistake, even in the heart of Wang Chen still secretly rejoiced, fortunately he took the opportunity to vote decisively to Lin Ze, otherwise, wait until Lin Ze's strength develops in the future If Wang Chen voted for Lin Ze again, the treatment would definitely not be as good as it is now.

"Go, let's first take control of Sancai Valley in our hands." Lin Ze said to Wang Chen with a smile.

"Good master, the subordinate leads the way!" After that, Wang Chen led the way in front of him and flew in the direction of Sancai Valley, followed by Lin Ze.

At this time, the large dark clouds of the small sky-tribulation formed during the space emperor King Dragon Crossing had already dispersed, and the clear sky was restored again above the sky.

In the direction of Sancai Valley, a large group of hundreds of children from the family wearing blue skirts and blue shirts are constantly looking toward the horizon under the fear of trembling.

The huge battle fluctuations that came from the place where the robbery was before have already alarmed these people.

It's just that the battle fluctuations there are really too strong, coupled with the influence of the robbery cloud, so that these children of the family dare not dare to look closely, and can only wait anxiously here.

In the power fluctuations in the distance, there are two power fluctuations that they are very familiar with, so they are very confident and can get the news there soon.

However, soon, Huang Hui with a wound all over his body, and his half-length body was aquamarine, and looked extremely embarrassed when he returned to Sancai Valley. These disciples looked at him.

Among these family children, there are many belonging to Wang Chen and Huang Hui. They have always been divided into two factions, and they are not pleasing to each other.

Now just seeing the green color on Huang Hui’s body, I know that this is the venom of Wang Chen’s unique fangs spider, and now that Huang Hui is poisoned, he has also fled back in embarrassment. Obviously, these two are already turning faces .

The leaders are desperately Then how can they be on the sidelines!


"The leader of the League was injured by Wang Chen. Fellow brothers and sisters, avenge the leader of the Yellow League!"

"Brothers, we don't need to suffer from Huang Hui's birdishness anymore. Huang Hui has been hit hard by his family. This is the best. We kill all the animals of the Huang family!"



In an instant, the entire Sancai Valley was completely plunged into chaos.

Except for those disciples who saw the situation wrong and were far away from the other three families, the other two martial arts soldiers in Sancai Valley, who had nothing to do with each other, started a **** battle.

After that, even some ordinary martial arts who did not belong to the two factions were also affected, and the valley suddenly became chaotic and blood was everywhere.

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