Alien Lord

Chapter 1903: Regret it

To be honest, Wang Chen was alone, and he really couldn’t help Huang Hui, and the success rate of this dragon could not be more than three layers, but as long as he prevented Huang Hui from succeeding, he would draw Lin Ze’s powerful background. People, then the Wang family may not only have a strong ally in the future, but also, the two will jointly suppress Huang Hui and even destroy him directly, which may not be impossible.

Huang Hui is the pillar of the Huang family's future. As long as he is killed, the position of the Huang family and the Wang family will be changed from today.

The situation of suppressing the Huang family and putting the Wang family in position is no better for his royal family.

Having figured out these things, how could Wang Chen refuse to join forces with Lin Ze?

"Oh, thank you, Brother Wang, for your righteousness!"

Lin Ze smiled faintly, and then looked back at Huang Hui, whose face was cloudy and uncertain.

Yes, his current strength is not able to fight against Huang Hui, a Jindan cultivator, while guarding the Space Dragon King, but don’t forget that there is also a Jindan Wang Chen.

From their previous conversation, Lin Ze could clearly hear that Wang Chen was not a gang with Huang Hui.

It seems that they are allies, but it is only the relationship on the name. The real relationship is actually very poor, and it can even be described as an enemy.

This can be seen from Wang Chen's long-term focus on Huang Hui.

The Wang family was originally suppressed by the Huang family in this alliance, and now Wang Chen would like to see Huang Hui so powerful that he can't check and balance.

With Wang Chen's restraint here, Huang Hui wanted to **** his Jindan space dragon king, but it was not so easy.

In this way, Lin Ze exercised his hands and controlled Xuan Ming Sword, directly blocking Huang Hui's path, smiling confidently.

He, as well as Huang Hui, Wang Chen, and the severely injured Space Dragon Dragon King, their three martial artists, and a Golden Pill Spirit Beast were so temporarily stalemate.

As the space dragon king who has just been promoted to Jindan, is he still lying on the ground under the protection of Lin Ze, and his head **** around and gradually begins to thin out the colorful glow.

Seriously, don’t look at the stalemate, but among the three people and one beast, Lin Ze is undoubtedly the most nervous.

One is his lack of strength. He rushed out to stop Huang Hui before. In fact, he just wanted to delay the time, waiting for the Jindan Space Dragon King beside him to absorb the remaining colorful glow in the surrounding air. These colorful glows are what Sky Tribulation made up for the Space Dragon King, which is an extremely precious adventure for the Space Dragon King. Once this adventure is lost, the strength of the Space Dragon King will be greatly reduced.

In addition, after all, this is the site of other people, really want to fight here, God knows that there will be no other reinforcements coming behind.

Lin Ze, a strong man in Jindan period, can deal with it, but if two, three, four come later, then...

Finally, don’t look at Wang Chen as if he is on his side now, but the hearts of the people are the most difficult to predict, and what will happen in the end, Lin Ze also said badly.

Therefore, now Lin Ze wants to maintain this scene most.

Lin Ze watched the two golden powerhouses with vigilance, thinking about his next move quickly.

Once the space dragon king around him has absorbed these colorful glows and regained his vitality, then by then, will he stay here to have a life-and-death fight with Huang Hui, or will he just leave here, he will have the initiative.

This is the best situation that Lin Ze wants to see most.

Huang Hui's face is now completely gloomy, his eyes full of anger. The situation in front of him became a little more complicated. He could not imagine that the two Wang Chen and Lin Ze in front of him actually joined hands to deal with him. Before today, to be honest, although Wang Chen had some strength, he didn't think it was the same thing. It was only because of the reasons of the three families that he didn't really pack up Wang Chen.

As for Lin Ze, an outsider, to be honest, he wouldn't be more concerned about the death crisis before him.

However, even if this is the case, it is really difficult for a warrior in the foundation period to want Huang Hui to pay attention to it.

But once Lin Ze had this golden dragon, the result would change immediately.

Such Lin Ze will become pivotal. If they are succeeded by the alliance of the two of them, how can he sit securely as the leader of the three talent valleys?

Soon, Huang Hui's eyes quickly swept Wang Chen and Lin Ze.

It is obviously extremely difficult to kill Wang Chen in a short time. He and Wang Chen have been fighting in these three talented valleys for nearly two decades, and now he can't help Wang Chen anymore, at most it is better than Wang Chen in the situation.

Therefore, in order to kill Wang Chen's idea, Huang Hui simply gave up.

Since Wang Chen couldn't do it, then only the guy turned to the other side.

Although the last sense of death crisis in my heart was extremely real, many people actually did not believe such a hunch, not to mention that Huang Hui was now completely lost by Jiaolong ///////, gradually, he also Don't care about this sense of crisis before my heart.

In fact, Huang Hui’s psychology will change so quickly, the most important thing is because Lin Ze is just a warrior in the foundation period. In his heart, he is simply a waver.

As for the sense of death crisis in my heart, Huang Hui now has an explanation in his heart.

Huang Hui can cultivate to this level and become the leader of the small family alliance of Sancai Valley, and his IQ will not be low.

Therefore, what Wang Chen saw before and believed that Lin Ze's background was extremely strong was also seen by him.

So, now in the heart of Huang Hui, he thought that there would be such a big sense of crisis before, but it was actually Lin Ze’s background.

In this case, Huang Hui felt a lot calmer.

There is no shop in front of it, and there are hundreds of miles of barren land without other people. It is too easy to kill someone here.

Here, even if he killed Lin Ze, as long as he didn't talk nonsense, no one would know about it.

As for Wang Chen on the side, hehe, maybe he will have to help himself hide this matter.

Don’t forget, Wang Chen is also on the scene, and on the bright side they are allies, so once this matter leaks out, do you think those people will believe Wang Chen is innocent? !

Even if he was innocent, but as long as he appeared on the scene and watched the person being killed, he would also be regarded as an enemy by those who were looking for revenge later.

After all, his existence also distracted others. Without these distractions, perhaps this person could escape safely.

Having figured this out, Huang Hui was ruthless and decided to kill Lin Ze as quickly as possible.

He originally thought that he should not have the most powerful backgrounds. After all, the strength of the Huang family, that is, to show power in those small family alliances, once faced with the true top sect, the family, it really is not considered what.

Therefore, in the face of Lin Ze with a powerful Beijing, he first did not want to kill him. But now, the existence of Lin Ze has influenced him to get the Jindan Dragon, and finally really control the plan of the family alliance of Sancai Valley, so Huang Hui now has to kill him.

"The little guy on the opposite side, the old man gives you the last chance. You leave now, and the old man has nothing to do, but otherwise..." Huang Hui said slowly, killing Yi Ling in his eyes Ran.

"Hehe........." Lin Ze didn't say much, and answered directly with the words Hehe.

At this time, Huang Hui had no other thoughts in his heart, he suddenly raised his hand, and a golden awn flew out of his sleeve. Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming golden mansions rushed out of his sleeves and swept toward Lin Ze with an amazing momentum.

Lin Ze immediately noticed Huang Hui's surging killing opportunity, and he felt awkward in his heart. He didn't want to immediately take out the Xuanming sword and other hundreds of flying swords, a sword tactic, and a thousand swords large array appeared again.


Suddenly, hundreds of sword qi instantly appeared beside Lin Ze, and surrounded him directly in the innermost. Then, these sword qi formed a powerful sword array, and the fierce attack of the golden light killed, and the sword qi flashed Afterwards, the golden lights exhibited by Huang Hui were destroyed one by one. After that, the remaining sword qi directed towards Huang Hui directly.

"Fuck, really a rich kid, so many flying swords!"

Seeing how many hundreds of Lin Ze's side, the lowest are flying swords of medium quality, Huang Hui's face suddenly changed greatly, and a deep regret has risen in his heart.

He had guessed that Lin Ze’s background was unusual. However, he didn’t think that the background would be so powerful. He suddenly brought out hundreds of flying swords of extremely high quality. Such a value Huang Hui began to feel cold.

"If you have such a strong background, you said it clearly before that time. If you said that at that time, what else would I use my crooked brain! You are not in Ken!" Huang Hui wailed in her heart. Full of confidence is completely gone.

However, when he said these words, he completely forgot his previous greed.

Before, when he saw the Jiaolong, his eyes were all red, and looking at anyone else was like killing his father and enemies.

Moreover, before he actually guessed Lin Ze's strong background, but he didn't ignore this because he couldn't bear the greed for Jiaolong.

At that time, if he could be awake, just like another Wang Chen, he would not regret it in his heart now.

In the end, all this was sought by Huang Hui. His inner greed, his prying eyes on the space dragon dragon, and his contempt for Lin Ze finally attracted this powerful enemy for himself!

The greedy person eventually died under greed! !

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