Alien Lord

Chapter 1901: Sky Tribulation (4)

Although the space tyrannical dragon king's small sky-tribulation, plane seeds do not need to consume so much spiritual power, which is at most three of them, but these three layers also have a range of thousands of kilometers, the cost is still very high.

Besides, if you rely on yourself to resist the Heavenly Tribulation, it will also have more benefits for the future of Space Dragon King. Therefore, as long as Space Dragon King does not die, Lin Ze will not help him to block Heaven Tribulation.


Just between Lin Ze's thoughts, the thunder strike directly hit the space dragon king below. The powerful power directly cracked the scale armor of the space dragon king. A large amount of scale armor was broken like a bullet. Shoot in all directions.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!" On the ground, inside the forest, there are huge scars caused by the fragments of the dragon scales.

After that, several powerful thunderstorms bombarded the Space Dragon King, directly blasting it to the depth of thirty or forty meters below the ground. Numerous wounds appeared on the body, and the blood was flowing like crazy running water.

At the same time, the breath of Space Dragon King also became extremely low, as if he was about to die.

"There are only the last two thunderstorms left, and I have to prepare in advance. Otherwise, maybe Wang Chen's might be robbed by then." Huang Hui on the side began to start thinking.

Up to now, the space dragon king has carried all the thunderstorms hard, Huang Hui estimates that this time the possibility that the dragon has successfully passed the skyjacking has reached seven layers, so in order to get this golden age Jiaolong, Huang Hui started to prepare.

As Wang Chen thought, for Huang Hui, this golden dragon can be obtained by everyone, except Wang Chen.

Of course, if he can get it, it would be better.

After thinking of this, Huang Hui no longer hesitated, and his hand flicked, and a tens of tens of rays of light began to flash beside him.

Wang Chen looked at all this coldly, not worried at all on his face.

Because, he knows that this day's catastrophe has not really been spent.

The small sky robbers in the practice world usually drop 18 mine robberies. Counting all the previous mine robberies, there are two remaining mine robberies. Similarly, it is also the most powerful mine robber.

Now it seems that this dragon is able to survive this catastrophe, but, until the last moment, no one can guarantee that things will develop as you think.

Maybe now the following dragon is already at the end of Fei Ya, and the next thunder catastrophe will kill it.

Besides, even if Jiaolong has really survived the Heaven Tribulation, Huang Hui wants to win it, it is not difficult.

The dragon beasts, among all the beasts, are in the top position.

A dragon, with the strength of a barbarian of the same level, or even a cultivator, is the most powerful.

Even more, it can easily achieve leapfrog fighting. ,

Therefore, don't look at Huang Hui's realm as if it was stronger than the Jiaolong who just passed the Golden Pill Sky Tribulation, but, really, it's not as easy as Huang Hui can win.

In addition, there are things that belong to the human warrior one after another on Jiaolong, and there is even a thousand-year-old Yuzhi spirit liquid, so that he has no treasures. It can be seen that its background is not simple. The mussels are competing for the benefit of the fishermen.

Therefore, although Wang Chen saw Huang Hui's movements, he still didn't show any obvious movements with caution.

Sure enough, afterwards, there were two successive small sky-triggers, and the thunders fell, all of which were split in the space dragon king, which was located at a depth of 30 to 40 meters in the underground cave.

This time, the power of these two mine robberies is really too strong. It can be said that their power is almost the same as the power of the previous 16 mine robberies.

The powerful power finally broke the hard scale armor of the space dragon king, and a large hole more than two meters wide was broken on it. Countless blood was sprayed outward like a fountain. The eyes of the space dragon dragon At this moment, it became dim and dull, and it made a direct hammer, as if it was like a coma.

"Get up!" Suddenly, a majestic voice rang in the space king's sea of ​​knowledge. Lin Ze helped out at this most critical time.

If the Space Dragon King is unconscious, then there is a real possibility that he will die.

Lin Ze will certainly not let this happen, so after seeing that all the thunders have been safely read, Lin Ze directly uses the puppet mark to awaken the space king who is about to pass out.

The thick dark clouds above the sky began to disperse as the last two thunders fell, and then a colorful ray of light about 30 meters wide fell in the sky, directly covering the space below the Dragon King.

At this time, the 50 meters deep underground Jiaolong King's eyes were full of excitement and crawled out of Shendong, shook his head that felt a little dizzy, and then directly expanded his mouth and sucked deeply. A bite.

"Hoohoo!!" I saw that with the dragon dragon's breathing, the colorful ray of light that had previously irradiated on it turned into a stream of colorful streamers, and quickly poured into its mouth.

Soon, as these colorful glows were continuously inhaled, the slightly dim eyes of the space dragon king before were obviously brighter several times brighter than before, and the body's momentum was also madly improving. In the empty Dantian, a golden Yuandan, the size of a rice grain, suddenly appeared.

Then, with the entrance of the colorful glow, this tiny Yuandan began to grow slowly, and soon turned into a dazzling quail egg-sized Jindan. For a time, the space king of the Dragon King Swell up.

Although it is still extremely weak now, the momentum it exudes at this moment is already the same as that of a golden demon beast.

In other words, the space dragon king has successfully broken through and become a monster in the golden age!

Previously, its body was originally entangled with only light red qi. With the essence of the space dragon dragon king's strength, it has also become pure red, and the innermost and even the red ones are whitish, and these Gang Qi looks so crystal clear.

The cracked body and scale armor that were originally bombarded by two thunders, this time also started to quickly compound under the influence of colorful glow. Although it seems that these newly born scale armor are very immature, but Lin Ze It can be felt that the defense of these scales has become more rigid.

Looking at the colorful glow of 30 meters wide, even at this time, Huang Hui had a look of envy and jealousy on his face.

He had such experiences before, but at that time, the range of the colorful glow he suffered was less than three meters, which was more than ten times worse than the space dragon king.

Thinking of this huge gap, Huang Hui's heart was full of resentment.

However, soon, Huang Hui recovered these resentments.

Because, as long as he can capture the Space Dragon King, all this is actually his, so he doesn't need to be jealous of the Space Dragon King.

While thinking about these sizes in Huang Hui’s heart, Wang Chen’s body, which had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly flickered and went straight to the space dragon king who was still absorbing the colorful glow. Seeing his appearance, very Obviously it was to conquer the golden dragon of the golden pill that had just passed through the robbery and was in weakness.

"Wang Chen, dare to dare!!"

Huang Hui was furious and even called Wang Chen directly by name. Obviously, he was really anxious this time.

You know, he could make something ready to shoot before, but one of his own ideas was actually led by Wang Chen.

The thought of Wang Chen actually wanting to pick up the cheap in front of himself, Huang Hui felt anxious in his heart, secretly, where is there such a good thing.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed past.

"You are surnamed Wang, don't know what's wrong. If you give me this golden dragon during this time, I will be rewarded with ten high-level magic weapons, and I promise that I will not expel your royal family. If not, If so, hum, today you and I, one of them will be buried here." Huang Hui shouted angrily.

"Huh, Huang Hui, you come here less. If this Jindan Jiaolong falls in your hands, there will be a place for our royal family in Sancai Valley later, so don't you dream!" Wang Chen didn't hesitate to sneer.

"You forced me, Wang Chen, to die!" Huang Hui in the back was furious, and finally started with Wang Chen first.

"It's good to come, I just want to see what step your strength has reached in these ten years, you also look at the trick!"

Two startled rainbows, thunder and thunder generally start to fight here.

For a time, the forest that had just calmed down again exploded as before.

Seeing that the two are still fighting here, and the movement is not smaller than that of the previous trip to the sky, Lin Ze, who is located in the void world, has a is the space dragon king The accidental trip here has made him feel tricky.

In order to avoid other people's ideas, he actually actually deliberately hid in the void world, and also chose a relatively remote place to cross the robbery.

However, what he didn't expect was that the space cataclysm would be so big, and there were people in such a remote place. The presence of these two warriors in front of him made Lin Ze really worried, because they were afraid The reason led to the failure of the space dragon dragon king.

Fortunately, after they came here, they did not interfere with the space dragon dragon king's robbery, but waited patiently on the side.

Lin Ze also knows that they are actually playing the idea of ​​Lao Wang, a space master.

Lin Ze did not care about this. He believed that these two guys would not succeed.

In this way, Lin Ze temporarily laid down his inner peace of mind.

However, what happened next made him stunned.

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