Alien Lord

Chapter 1899: Sky Tribulation (2)

"Homeowner, in the direction east of Sancai Valley, there is an abnormal appearance. Please also show your homeowner!" At the same time, a large group of family warriors knelt outside the retreat and said in panic.

Soon after, Wang Chen walked out of the closed chamber, and after seeing his figure, let the children of the family outside feel a little calm. Then he stared at the dark clouds at the end of the sky and whispered to himself. "This is Xiaotianjie, and some people are crossing it nearby. Seeing that the destruction in Tianjian is so heavy, it seems that the top masters are in it! Alas, if it goes well, there will be another Jindan strongman in the world, just, why This person will cross the robbery here. Could it be that he has no enmity with us. No, I have to go over and stop him from crossing the robbery here. Can our elixir be destroyed like this. In this way, you wait Here, don’t take the plunge to avoid being spread. If there is a large-scale battle there, you should leave here immediately to avoid being affected by that time.”

"Yes, the owner!"

After arranging the people around him, Wang Chen did not delay, and flew directly to the land.

Sancai Valley, which is more than three hundred miles away from the space where the Dragon King of Space is now. Many of the strong foundation-builders in the valley have found something wrong. The powerful destructive power above the head has been covering them for a while. It was also in a state of panic.

Such a strong power of destruction appears here. There is no doubt that there are top powers here. One is not good, maybe they will be in danger of life and death.

However, after they saw the two allies and flew in the direction of the black cloud, their uneasiness fell a lot.

However, their cultivation practices are relatively insignificant, but they dare not go over and check like Wang Chen and Huang Hui.

We must know that a small sky-tribulation in the sky is still forming, and the real thunder has not yet fallen. If they were careless, the thunder that was lowered by Xiaotianjiao would be affected, and the dead would be really wrong.

In the face of Heavenly Tribulation, even the strong in the Golden Pill period, they have to deal with it cautiously, not to mention those of them who are the foundation period, innate period.

After a tea time, the figure of our leader Huang Da appeared at the destination. Of course, he was not stupid enough to go directly under the robbery cloud, but he was a few miles away from the robbery cloud. At that time, I stopped and looked carefully.

At this point, his eyes were almost staring out, because, he saw a huge dragon demon, lying on the top of the tree, with his head up, his looting cloud-robbing towards the sky was "crazy" "Howling", as if angering the thunderstorm in the sky.

"Why is a dragon demon?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Huang Hui's face.

Before, he thought he was a strong human being here. After all, this place is already completely human territory. There is no room for wild beasts to survive here.

However, he did not expect at all that what appeared here was a dragon beast.

Jin Hui's human warrior Huang Hui couldn't surrender. After all, someone with such strength must belong to him. Therefore, Huang Hui came here with a good lesson in mind.

However, now that it is a dragon monster, Huang Hui's mind changed.

Because, he can surrender to the monsters in Jindan period.

Even if this dragon dragon beast is unwilling, Huang Hui can also use strong, so the idea in Huang Hui's heart is completely changed.

Although Huang Hui does not know how this dragon monster beast appeared at this time at this time, and is still here.

However, this matter is not important to Huang Hui.

If you can surrender this dragon dragon beast and get a golden dragon dragon beast, that will greatly increase his strength.

As long as he can get the Jiaolong Demon Beast, Huang Hui does not care about other things.

As soon as I think of myself, there will be a Jiaolong mount, and Huang Hui's face suddenly changes from his previous anger to his current ecstasy.

The dragon monster beasts of the Jindan period are far rarer and more powerful than the ordinary monsters of the Jindan period.

The reason is very simple, the number of Jiaolong in the practice world is too small, let alone the Jinlong period.

Existence like Jiaolong usually lives in the depths of the 100,000 mountains, and there are powerful beasts everywhere around IE. Like Huang Hui, he dare not go inside because he knows that he is really If you want to go in, it is to die.

Now there is a Jiaolong, the joy of Huang Hui's heart, that is no words, he made up his mind that he must get this Jiaolong.

If anyone dares to **** this dragon with him, then who will he kill!

However, he can't surrender it yet. He had to wait for it to face Xiaotiankai, and succeed in crossing the robbery to become the dragon dragon beast of the Jindan period before he could shoot.

After all, if he won it now, he would interrupt the process of the Jiaolong Crossing Tribulation. At that time, it would be a bad one. If the Jiaolong could not stop the Heavenly Tribulation, wouldn't he have the Jiaolong Mount?

Moreover, like the Jiaolong in the foundation period, seriously, it is of no use to Huang Hui.

Only the Jindan period Jiaolong played a great role in Huang Hui.

As long as he wins the golden dragon of the Jindan period, no one can compete with him in the entire Sancai Valley in the future.

And, perhaps in the future, the position of the head of the Huang family will also be his.

When thinking of these beautiful pictures of the future, the saliva in Huang Hui's mouth almost ran down.

However, when sitting in Huang Hui's heart without dreaming, suddenly, he felt a figure flash in front of him, and then, Wang Chen's figure flashed in front of Huang Hui.

"Master Wang, you are here too!"

After seeing Wang Chen's figure, Huang Hui's face changed slightly, then his eyes changed extremely sharply, and he said in a serious tone: "Wang Family Master, come first and come later, I will make it clear here, this dragon dragon beast is an old man First discovered, the so-called first-come-first-served basis, you can leave now.

"Huh, it's a joke. This dragon monster is obviously an unowned thing. Everyone can see it. How can you say that it belongs to you?! Besides, you are only the lord, not the owner of the Huang family, Qualified to order me to leave here."

Wang Chen sneered in disdain, he was unwilling.

Let him leave now, this is really a joke!

If this dragon monster monster had been surrendered by this Huang Hui before he came, then he would also like to stop staying in these three talented valleys.

Although the two seem to be an ally relationship, the two have been constantly conflicting because of the problem of the allocation of elixir in the Lingyao Garden. It can be said that if the other three people are suppressing, the two of them have long been Turned over.

Now if Huang Hui got this dragon monster monster, it would be really bad for their royal family.

It can be said that after seeing Huang Hui and this dragon beast monster, Wang Chenxin has changed his mind. This dragon dragon beast can be obtained by anyone, but Huang Hui is an exception, or all the Huang family Are exceptions.

"Wang Jiazhu's words, you want to force someone Huang to do it. Ha ha, there were three other companies suppressing us. We haven't had a fight for more than ten years. This time there are only you and me, Huang. I want to see how much skill you have gained and how many skills you have learned in the past ten years."

Huang Hui's complexion gradually changed with his words.

The murderousness began to grow thicker on him!

"Oh, each other!"

Wang Chen also sneered again and again, and he didn't care about Huang Hui's threats.

However, although Huang Hui and Wang Chen had a violent tone of voice, to the point of being on the verge of being touched, there was no real hands-on.

To rob this dragon monster beast, no matter whether they are two of them, they have to wait for it to successfully cross the robbery and become the monster of the golden pill.

In case of failure to cross the catastrophe, Jiaolong will be reduced to ashes under Xiaotianjie, then this fight between them will have no meaning.

Although the two are full of hatred, they have to admit that the strength of the other party is between Bo Zhongzhong and the guarding power of Sancai really cannot be separated from each other, so, If they can't turn their faces, they're better off.

With the passage of time, a large piece of dark black clouds became darker and darker, centering on the space dragon king below, forming a horrendous vortex of dark clouds over a hundred miles.

If you look up at the sky, you can see from time to time in the rolling clouds, countless thunder and lightning, and the horror of black snakes dancing around.

Even Huang Hui and Wang Chen, suspended in the periphery of this robbery cloud, stopped the unnecessary quarrel between the two at this time and stared at the scene in front of their eyes.

They have all experienced such a small disaster beforehand. Naturally, they knew the dangers. If it was a bad one, if they dealt with mistakes, the final result would be that the disaster would no longer be lost.

Although the strength of Jiaolong in the distance is very strong, the cloud robbing in the sky is obviously not a general cloud robbing. At least it is more powerful than the two cloud robbing that they encountered when they crossed the robbery in the past. So, for that dragon It is really hard to tell if the monster can finally survive this tragedy on its own.

At this time, the King of Dragons in the distance may feel that the Heaven Tribulation is coming, and the Cross Tribulation is imminent. Therefore, it seems more and more restless.

It was aware of the more and more urgent Heaven Tribulation, and the danger of the endless power of destruction in the Heaven Tribulation, desperately spurting a group of strong, light red dragon inflammation, dragon inflammation in each scale armor skeleton bones all over the body They were all squeezed out and covered a hundred meters above the head, condensing to form a thick shield of more than ten meters in size and more than two meters thick.

Then, the long body directly turned into a snake array, the huge Jiao head looked up to the sky, and the Dragon Shield above a hundred meters, no more and no less, just completely covered its body.

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