Alien Lord

Chapter 1896: Heart palpitations

Someone here will say, is it too wasteful to just leave these best spirits unused, or is Lin Ze too shy?

In fact, this is not the case, as explained above, those superb spiritual implements are not that important for Lin Ze.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze has a plane seed guard. For him, as long as he has a plane seed in his body, don’t talk about the Golden Power, even if it’s a fairy, don’t want to kill him.

Therefore, Lin Ze's own defensive power is already so strong that he has no friends. At this time, is it really useful for him to use armor like dragon scale armor and dragon soul shield? !

There are plane seeds. These superb defensive spirits are really scum.

Just like a billionaire, someone else has a tens of millions of sports cars, which has envied countless people, but for the billionaire who owns a private jet, these things are really Not into his eyes.

Not to mention a car with a tens of millions of grades, even if it is a car with hundreds of millions of dollars, he will not care about it.

Lin Ze is also the same now. With the seed of the plane, what kind of body protector does he need.

Seriously, the only thing that works for Lin Ze right now is the escape ship, and this is the treasure that Lin Ze can use with confidence.

The number of Dun Tian Shen Zhou is not many, and there is no obvious mark. By then, as long as some things that belong to Wang Jiao are removed, Lin Ze can safely take it out and use it.

For Lin Ze, the refining of the Duntian Shenzhou is relatively simple.

With the help of Plane Seeds, plus the owner of Jiaotian Shenzhou, Wang Jiao, is now in a coma, so in just half an hour, Lin Ze completely refined the Yuntian Shenzhou, and, like manipulating a drone Same skill.

I believe that if Wang Jiao knew about this, he would lament God's injustice again.

You have to know that after he finished refining the Heavenly Divine Ark, he had been proficient for nearly half a year before he was able to control like Lin Ze now, but now Lin Ze is only half an hour. The time, the gap between the two is really too big, too big.

In fact, Wang Jiao was wrong, because Lin Zeke did not spend half an hour to get acquainted with the control of Duntian Shenzhou, but only spent less than twenty minutes.

A few minutes ago, Lin Ze was refining and evacuating the Heavenly Divine Boat, and the remaining twenty minutes or so was the skillful control of the Heavenly Divine Boat.

I believe that if Wang Jiao knew this, he would definitely vomit blood directly in depression.

As for why Lin Ze is so familiar with the control of the Duntian Shenzhou so quickly, would I tell you that Lin Ze had already learned how to fly a fighter plane when facing the earth, and that the flying technology is quite powerful.

In the middle of his depths /// East, Lin Ze drove fighters against the ace fighter pilots of the United States more than once, and Lin Ze drove low-level fighters.

Even so, Lin Ze won the final game.

And, this is not just one time, but a dozen times, so at that time, Lin Ze had a ace hunter title on his head, in the //// Dong/ army /// In Fang, it can be said that it is famous all over the world.

The control technology of Duntian Shenzhou is indeed complicated, but no matter how complicated, there is the complexity of Lin Ze’s control of modern fighters.

What's more, the escape of the Shenzhou Shenzhou is more dependent on the control of the consciousness, and Lin Ze’s powerful consciousness is well known. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has mastered the control of the Duntian Shenzhou so quickly. .

Lin Ze came out of the Plane Seed World after refining and refining the Heavenly Divine Boat and staying in the Plane Seed World for almost a day.

Just after coming out, Lin Ze’s consciousness began to scan the surroundings.

Sure enough, as Lin Ze thought, there were no other people here.

Lin Ze smiled and came directly to the highest point of a big tree, looking at the long-lost warm sunshine in the sky (Wonder Mountain was enveloped by devil qi all year round, the sunshine was not as warm as imagined), and the vitality around The lush green hills and green water, looking at this scenery like a fairyland, the mood is indeed quite refreshing.

However, there was a weird thing that made Lin Ze's good mood disappear at once.

That's when this time, he suddenly felt a palpitation, as if something was extremely bad, terrible things were about to happen, which made him very disturbed.

However, Lin Ze still couldn't figure out what was going on now, which would make him so palpitated and nervous.

Since he couldn't think of the reason for this, Lin Ze directly told the matter to Qu Jingwen and let them think about it. What kind of danger would they encounter? What danger do you ignore?

"Master, you said you feel extremely palpitations now, as if there is a great danger coming soon?" Qu Jingwen asked solemnly.

For Lin Ze's words, they all believed in Qu Jingwen.

The warrior’s intuition is very accurate. Once Lin Ze really feels extremely strong palpitations, the danger is definitely in sight.

"Yes, I felt this kind of palpitation after I came out." Lin Ze nodded.

"So master, how is your level of palpitations? Do you want to be stronger or weaker than the dangerous feeling during the previous battle?" Qu Jingwen asked again.

Only by understanding this level of palpitations can they make the most accurate judgment.

"I think about it!" Lin Ze bowed his head and thought for a while: "It should be stronger than the previous battle, and it should be a few grades stronger!"

"Hiss!!" Hearing Lin Ze's answer, Qu Jingwen and his party directly took a breath.

You must know that Lin Ze had met four strong powers of the Golden Age period before. This kind of encounter has already been regarded as a top bad luck encounter. Now Lin Ze says that his heart palpitations are stronger than this encounter. Qu Jingwen immediately said to Lin Ze: "Master, I think you are still advanced. Here, you will not be in danger."

Qu Jingwen is right, no matter how great the danger is, until Lin Ze enters the world of Plane Seeds, there will always be scum.

However, Lin Ze replied this way: "Once it is really unstoppable, I will think about it this way, but now the most important thing is to find out the source of this danger. I cannot always hide in the world of plane seeds. Right!"

For Lin Ze, it is not unacceptable for him to hide in the plane-seed world, but, similarly, they need to find the source of the danger and then find a way to solve the danger.

Otherwise, Lin Ze stayed in the Planar Seed World forever.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze also has a lot of things outside, and Ping'er, Shaman and their confidantes.

"Yes, what the master said is that we started thinking about who will start with your master!" Xin Xue replied quickly.

Then, a group of people, including Lin Ze himself, began to think about who would kill Lin Ze, and still be that kind of powerful enemy.

"Will it be the puppet sect? Before the owner killed Jiang Chengxing, the son of puppet sect Jiang Yan, plus some other masters, the puppet sect definitely has your thoughts on the master, so will you not Could it be that they have all come here?" Soon, Feng Miao first guessed.

"No, it shouldn't be the people of the Puppet Sect, the people I don't look down on the Puppet Sect, the threat of the Puppet Sect, for the current owner, it really doesn't matter, even if Jiang Yan personally shot it, at most It’s just the next Wang Jiao, how could he give such a powerful threat to the owner’s heart.” Soon, Qu Jingwen overturned Feng Miao’s guess.

"In this case, it is the people in the Blue Dragon City in Wanmo Mountain. They definitely have this strength to put a huge threat to the master." Xin Xue quickly said.

"This is also impossible." Lin Ze denied this time.

"Wang Jiao has just been taken down by It will take a while for the people of Qinglong City to know this. Not to mention, how does Qinglong City know that Wang Jiao was taken by me, so, We don’t need to worry about the people in Qinglong City for a short time."

"Yes, the master said yes!" Xin Xue said suddenly.

"Is it because of the threat caused by your ten thousand demon killing orders on the master?" At this time, Han Dong spoke.

After hearing Han Dong's words, everyone's eyes lit up, they seemed to feel that they had already found the answer.

"Yes, yeah, yeah, Ying Kar is the reason for the Wan Mo Zhu killing order. The master is ignoring the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, but for other warriors, this is definitely a treasure they dream of, even if it is They are willing to give everything for this," Qu Jingwen said with certainty.

Because, instead of him, after knowing the role of the Ten Thousand Devil Order, he will also participate in the competition.

For a warrior, promotion to Jindan, or Yuan Ying, is definitely the biggest dream in their hearts. Now that they have this opportunity, they will try to find it.

Maybe they shipped well, and they really got it.

Therefore, Qu Jingwen can be sure that it is absolutely the matter of the Ten Thousand Devil's Extermination Order, and, perhaps, Lin Ze's identity is also somewhat exposed, so Lin Ze felt palpitations before.

"If this is really the case, then it will be really hard to say." Lin Ze frowned.

Because, this time, if it was really caused by the Ten Thousand Devil Order, then if Lin Ze wanted to solve it, it would be really difficult.

Let’s just say it, as long as the Wan Mo Zhu killing order is still in Lin Ze’s hands, then Lin Ze will face the endless black hand, and countless warriors will succeed the previous servants, even if Lin Ze kills more The same goes for the warrior.

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