Alien Lord

Chapter 1882: Leave first

At this time, Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao, who were in front, were about to reach the outskirts of Wanmo Mountain. Looking at the brighter and brighter light in front of him, Lin Ze was very happy. He knew that Wanmo Mountain was about to leave.

He took another sip of the millennium Yuzhi Lingye again, then took Gu Xiyao out of the distance, and rushed directly into the mist that was quickly dissipating.

He held Gu Xiyao in his right hand and rushed forward, and the two flew forward as if swimming.

In the blink of an eye, the outermost layer of mist was within reach, but Lin Ze's entire body was slightly shocked, his eyes exposed a hint of coldness, a little crystal light flying sword in front of the road, and the flying sword suddenly disappeared in place.

Then Lin Ze pulled Gu Xiyao like a sword straight from the bottom of the sea into the sky, rushing from the misty zone outside Wanmo Mountain, and the moment he broke through the fog, he turned into Changhong and disappeared Sky.

At this moment, under the fog, Jingguang Flying Sword flickered along the fog continuously, the sword gas above the sword body loomed out, waiting for the last moment to strike.

After nearly a tea time, a huge vortex appeared in the mist. The vortex was as long as four or five hundred meters. It rolled up countless monstrous clouds and swirled rapidly in one direction.

At the center of the vortex, a dark channel connected to the depths of Wanmo Mountain. Gradually, a blue wooden boat appeared inside, slowly emerging from the inside at a relatively slow speed.

An old man in a green shirt just stood on the boat, looked up at the sky, and after carefully checking the surroundings, the boat under his expressionless driver was about to fly, and suddenly he looked at him. As soon as I moved, the **** of my right hand were just in front of my eyes, and a loud whistle sounded, and then I quickly stopped.

At this time, when I took a closer look, I saw that the old man of Qingshan held a crystal light between his right index finger and middle finger. He looked at the flying sword in his hand, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he wanted to get rid of it, but Soon, his smile was slack.

With the sound of "Boom!", the crystal light between his fingers was slowly dissipating, and he knew immediately that this was actually a residual image.

Then, a strong sense of crisis rose from the bottom of my heart. An old Qingshan old man, at this moment, his head quickly flicked, and with a bang, a gleam of crystal flashed across his cheek, in the air. After a few flashes, they disappeared.

The old man in the green shirt did not prevent Jingguang from leaving, but stared at a distant place with a gloomy look. His right hand touched a trace of the wound on his cheek, and then directly placed the blood stuck on his hand at the corner of his mouth. After his tongue sticking out, he closed his eyes.

"This little guy has great courage! The strength is indeed a bit interesting!" After a long time, he opened his eyes and murmured in his mouth. The spiritual power inside Dantian entered the Qingzhou under him, and Qingzhou immediately turned into a state. For a stream of light, he quickly chased away in the direction of Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao's departure.

I don’t know if it’s because Lin Ze left some traces, or this old man from Qingshan has a way to track people. The direction he chased is exactly the same as the direction of Lin Ze who left before a tea, and the speed is faster than Lin Ze Come, come faster.

The outlying area of ​​Wanmo Mountain, because of the chaotic and entangled zone of devil qi and aura, makes the environment here extremely bad. The most important thing is that the chaotic aura here cannot make people absorb tuna, plus the surrounding devil qi The temperature is very low, and there are countless magic qi confluence and integration, which constantly erodes the surrounding life, causing the nearby life to be extremely rare. It can be said that this has become a land of ruins.

In the old days, there were also people living here, but with the erosion of the devil qi here, slowly, this place has been occupied by the devil qi, the cities, buildings and the like are no longer, there are almost no creatures, the whole million The outer area of ​​the magic mountain is like a silent dead place of death.

Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao passed by all the way, both of them were silent on the scene of death on the ground.

Although Lin Ze felt some emotions about this, the environment here could not be changed by him alone. If you want to change it completely, first of all, you must eliminate the endless magical energy on Wanmo Mountain. Speaking of Lin Ze, even the powerful in the magical period is helpless.

The magic energy above Wanmo Mountain is already the power of heaven and earth. Where is the power of heaven and earth so easily changed? To achieve this, really needs the strength of fairy **** level.

However, even if it is a fairy, will they consume a lot of their fairy energy for a small Wanmo Mountain? !

So, all this can only be said to be fate.

Maybe in the future, when Lin Ze is strong enough, he will come back here to relieve the erosion of magic energy and return this beautiful world.

Only now, Lin Ze is powerless and can only pretend not to see it.

The two were like a long rainbow, and they quickly crossed the sky, and soon disappeared in the sky.

In the middle, Gu Xiyao wanted to say something, but at this time, Lin Ze's mind was all the people behind him, and he had no time to care about others. Gu Xiyao also knew this, so there was no further distraction Lin Ze.

During the flight, Lin Ze felt his heart suddenly. His right hand stretched out, and a gleam of light fell in his hand.

Suddenly, Lin Ze suddenly stopped, he stared at the trace of blood on the edge of the flying sword in his hand, and scraped it up with his hand. After a little look, he looked uncertain, because from this trace of blood, he felt a powerful , The spiritual wave of the extreme to the extreme.

This person has such a strong spiritual power with just a drop of blood, so to what extent is his cultivation practice? !

Thinking about this problem in his mind, Lin Ze put away the flying sword in his hand, and his heart was instantly crushing the mountain.

He looked up at a certain direction behind him, and then looked at the Ten Thousand Demons Killing Order being studied by Qu Jingwen in the Plane Seed World, and there was a sneer in his heart.

After that, Lin Ze grabbed Gu Xiyao, and hurried forward.

Lin Ze's speed is extremely fast, and the border of Wanmo Mountain is quickly skipped by them. From the distance, other peaks full of green life outside can be seen vaguely.

Realizing that the person behind him was getting closer and closer to him, Lin Ze thought about whether to send Gu Xiyao away first, otherwise he would fight, Gu Xiyao was really dangerous.

Gu Xiyao seemed to understand Lin Ze's thoughts. She took the initiative to stop and looked at Lin Zedao tenderly: "Li Xuan, I didn't care before, but from now on, I will be with you."

Although Gu Xiyao said very lightly, but the firmness in his eyes, it was clearly shown.

"Xiyao, the enemy behind us is extremely powerful. For your safety, you should leave this place first." Although Lin Ze was very moved, he was not prepared to let her take care of Yao's safety. stay.

"Li Xuan......." Gu Xiyao's face was very anxious. ,

"Xiyao, you listen to me." Lin Ze waved his hand to stop Gu Xiyao: "Xiyao, the enemy behind him is extraordinary in strength. If you are here, I will be distracted, and, rest assured, before me I secretly contacted Zongmen. I believe Zongmen’s helping hand is nearby, and my own strength is not low, so there will be no danger at that time. If you stay here, then I... ....."

For the rest, Lin Ze didn't go on, but the clever Gu Xiyao would not know.

Lin Ze’s meaning is obvious. If Gu Xiyao stays here, he will only distract him, so that in order to take care of her safety, he will not be able to attack with all his strength. At that time, the danger is even greater. Gu Xiyao left. In this way, Lin Ze would not need to take care of her safety when she was fighting next time.

"Li Xuan, I understand, well, I listen to you, I will leave first." Gu Xiyao quickly calmed down and followed Lin Ze's arrangement.

"It's just, Lixuan, you have to remember that there is a person who remembers you deeply in a short distance. Once you have an accident, I will definitely follow you." Gu Xiyao The face said firmly, Lin Ze was very moved.

"Xiyao, rest assured, I will have nothing to do, I assure you!" Lin Ze directly held Gu Xiyao's hands, and said solemnly.

The strength of the enemies behind them is strong, but Lin Ze is not afraid, there is a plane seed, he is inherently invincible, so, even if they are killing them, they are the strong power of the Golden Dan period. Lin Ze was also fearless.

"Li Xuan, I believe in you!" Looking at Lin Ze's firm eyes, Gu Xiyao's heart was finally gone.

"In this way, Xiyao, you are waiting for me in the Xingyue Canyon in the pioneer area. After I have solved the chasing behind me, I will immediately go there to find you."

"Well, I listen to your Li Xuan, you must come as soon as possible!" Gu Xiyao said reluctantly.

"Don't I will definitely rush away as soon as possible, Xiyao you can rest assured!" Lin Ze comforted.

After that, Lin Ze once again gave Gu Xiyao three war puppets to protect her safety afterwards.

Holding the Lin Ze handed to her, the three war puppets with obvious strength compared to the previous war puppets, Gu Xiyao was very reluctant, she whispered: "Li ., you have to think about your safety!"

"Well, rest assured, with the help of Zong Men, I will have nothing to do." Lin Ze said with a smile.

"Here, these are some spirit stones. After you arrive at Xingyue Canyon, you want to buy whatever you want."

"Li Xuan..." Gu Xiyao's eyes were filled with tears again.

"Okay, my Xiyao is the most beautiful. If you cry, it will not be beautiful!" Lin Ze wiped the tears in Gu Xiyao's eyes with his right hand and said with a smile.

"Hate!" Gu Xiyao snorted in the mouth, a hint of shame appeared on his face.............

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