Alien Lord

Chapter 1879: Breakthrough (4)

However, this feeling will not cause any trouble to him. As a warrior, the temperature of the boiling water can still withstand. Moreover, this change is not even more than the kind that Lin Ze was attacked during the battle before. Shock.

Subsequently, this severe pain quickly dissipated, and then, a more powerful and powerful innate ingenuity was subdivided from Dantian, and they entered Lin Ze's sea of ​​knowledge along a secret meridian.

At the same time, Lin Ze’s spiritual power, which had been silent before, was at this time releasing his own power, and as in the past, converting those constantly entering true qi into spiritual power representing the soul.

However, the situation at this moment is different from that when Lin Ze used to transform true energy into spiritual power. Now Lin Ze, his temple is beating suddenly, and the quantity and quality of spiritual power conversion seem to be comparable. He usually has more and higher heights, and the knowledge of the sea is also extraordinary. It seems that some huge changes are taking place in him.

Yes, there are indeed extraordinary changes in Lin Ze's knowledge of the sea.

Because, in the next moment, a strange power was born from the depth of his knowledge.

Lin Ze felt it just after this power appeared, and he was no stranger to this power, because this is the power he usually uses when launching the consciousness attack, the power of consciousness!

It's just that when Lin Ze used this force, it was like riding a bicycle. Although it was fast, it was really exhausting. Now, Lin Ze is like riding an electric bicycle, and the speed is faster. By the way, he doesn't have to spend much energy.

Obviously, as Lin Ze's strength improved, his own degree of control over his consciousness went to another level.

If it is described in the realm of martial arts practice, Lin Ze's use of divine consciousness was only an entry level, but now he is proficient at this level.

The spiritual power of the proficient level, which Lin Ze felt at this time, is completely different from the power of the previous entry level. Previously, he was able to command a consciousness attack. Now, his mental security can be integrated into the spirit. The feeling of being fully integrated in spiritual power is simply the most mysterious taste in the world. It is as if the whole person has merged into nature at once. This kind of feeling is really beautiful and indescribable.

Seriously, spiritual power is the most mysterious thing in the world, and it is also a kind of power that all warriors must master after they are advanced.

Like Qu Jingwen, the reason why they can stand out and be promoted to the level of the guru is because they have already cultivated spiritual power at that time, and they have initially mastered some spiritual power, so they can break through to the level of the guru, and the fighting power rises directly. Times, or even a dozen times, these are unimaginable things in the eyes of ordinary warriors.

After the strength of the warrior reaches the innate period, there are two levels of mental support and no mental support during the battle.

This is like a fight, one with weapons and one with bare hands. If the two sides fight, the winner will be the guy with the weapon on the ninth floor.

Also, when Lin Ze was fighting other warriors who were more powerful than him, it was not because of his psychic attack, so these guys, who were stronger than Lin Ze, eventually became Lin Ze's prisoners. .

Qu Jingwen, Xin Xue, and the three brothers of the Feng family, as well as the other men, didn't Lin Ze get it this way.

Mental power is a wonderful thing, you can't see it, but its strength is absolutely beyond your imagination.

In the past, the mental attack method used by Lin Ze was very elementary. Although the attack power was also acceptable, but during the attack, the real effect was about half of the mental power. The other spiritual power can be said to be just This is wasted.

However, it is different now. Lin Ze’s mastery of mental power has broken through the entry level and reached the level of proficiency. Therefore, after Lin Ze’s magical attack, not only will the number of attacks increase, but also the strength of the attack It will also increase.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's breath suddenly became heavy. Although there was no change in his face, he was almost happy in his heart and almost jumped up.

Originally it was just a breakthrough above the realm, but unexpectedly it brought him another huge surprise, his mental power attack entered a new world.

However, Lin Ze also knows that it is not time for him to be happy, he has to get a good grade to stabilize the state, so his spirit quickly sinks, the whole person restores the previous calm, and at the same time, his spirit It seems to be integrated with the entire Dantian, and can clearly feel any subtle changes that have occurred in Dantian.

This was almost unimaginable before, but at this moment, he really felt it.

In fact, this kind of change is not only unique to Lin Ze, but other innate warriors also have such changes, but their changes are not as obvious as Lin Ze's.

Congenital two floors, in the early days of congenital, can also be regarded as a large step, although it is only one step away from the innate layer one, but its essence has undergone tremendous changes.

Because, once the innate warrior broke through to the innate two floors, it represented that he had opened the door of spiritual power. The next step was to push open the door and walk in.

Especially at the last moment when it hits the innate two levels, the energy produced is more pure and mellow, far better than usual. At this time, as long as you seize the opportunity, you can directly push the door and enter the world of spiritual power.

It’s like when you’re studying mathematics. If you’re outside the door of mathematics, you may feel that mathematics is so boring, so difficult, but in fact, as soon as you open this door, you will suddenly find that Mathematics is such an interesting thing, even more fun than playing games.

Especially when solving a difficult problem, the inner sense of accomplishment is really unparalleled.

At this time, the trace of abnormal spiritual power generated in Linze Dantian was the moment when Linze broke from the peak of the innate one layer to the innate two layers. The power is powerful, not to mention ordinary Congenital two-tiered warrior, now even the master-level warrior, may not be able to reach.

It is precisely because of this special and powerful spiritual power that Lin Ze will transform it into spiritual power, and then have a subtle connection and resonance with his own knowledge of the sea, let Lin Ze directly from the entry level, advanced When you reach the proficiency level, you will feel the tremendous feelings and personally control the essence of spiritual power.

As Lin Ze was constantly proficient in the new spiritual power he had just mastered, wonderful scenes appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge.

At this moment, he seemed to be his own Dantian, and then went through a process of rebuilding after breaking up.

Buildings collapsed and collapsed, and cells were destroyed. However, at the same time, new, more robust new buildings emerged, and new and more powerful new cells were born.

Evolution, this scene is actually the evolution process of Dan Tian, ​​and it is also the root of the martial arts' true energy promotion.

Although Lin Ze knew this a long time ago, when he personally sensed all this, he still felt a stronger impact and stimulation.

It is precisely because of this unprecedented stimulation that his spirit has become more concentrated and more powerful.

The sudden burst of spiritual power gave him a new perception of true energy. The surging innate true energy flowed endlessly in his meridians. The original he was only able to achieve initial control, even with the assistance of induction. Nor can it reach the point of Now, his spiritual power is a commander, and every innate spirit is a small soldier ruled by him.

In the past, he used the entry-level mental manipulation to command this innate and invincible army. Because he is also a rookie, he can only use it roughly at best.

But the moment is different. He is now manipulating the mental power and becoming a familiar bird. The powerful spiritual power gives him more control.

In his feelings, he seemed to become a central processor, able to convey every command of himself to any subtle innate ingenuity.

Under his control, these innate ingenuity seemed to be able to release unimaginable power that was far beyond his realm.

However, this thought was only a flash, and Lin Ze immediately calmed down and began to restrain the gradual boiling power in the body.

Although the heat flow of the panacea in the belly was weakened a lot at this time, it still emerged endlessly.

In the Dantian where he has already been promoted, it now looks a little empty, and this heat of immortality has just filled in, leaving his innate instincts in a rapid growth process.

I don't know how long it passed. When the heat flow of immortality that seemed to never stop was finally decided, Lin Ze also opened his eyes at the same time.

His eyes were flashing with a terrifying fine awn. If Gu Xiyao by his side just opened his eyes at this time, he would definitely be taken aback by the light in his eyes.

This ray of essence is no longer just the power of true energy, but also contains Linze's more powerful spiritual power.

Feeling more powerful true energy and spiritual strength, Lin Ze's heart surged and it was difficult for himself.

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