Alien Lord

Chapter 1877: Breakthrough (2)

The biggest feature of the millennium Yuzhi juice is to instantly restore the true energy, spiritual power, and true yuan you consume. Although the number of warriors in different realms needs different amounts, it is only an advantage to restore the true energy you consume instantly. Let the millennium Yuzhi become the top treasure in the cultivation world.

Maybe one drop or two drops of millennium Yuzhi juice will not cause much sensation, but if ten drops and one hundred drops of millennium Yuzhi juice appear at once, even the strongest of the Golden Pill period will be disturbed.

Therefore, in the practice world, the millennium Yuzhi has always been in a priceless and market-free situation.

However, the most important thing for Lin Ze now is for Lin Ze to be able to slightly enhance its strength and refine the role of true energy.

Although this little power obtained from every drop of millennium Yuzhi juice is not powerful, it is actually enough for a strong man who is only a congenital layer or even a guru level.

Perhaps the magnitude of this increase is just that the glass of water is smaller than the river, and it cannot achieve any decisive effect.

But when Lin Ze was here, it was different. His real Qi cultivation was only a congenital one, and during that period of fighting, the amount of millennium Yuzhi juice swallowed by Lin Ze was over. Thousand drops, this number has reached a terrible level.

Even if every drop of millennium Yuzhi juice only provides him with a trace of permanent Qi, and improves the purity of a trace of Qi, the thousands of drops of millennium Yuzhi add up, and the final data will make him have Qi. Explosive increase.

Coupled with the previous epiphany, this epiphany can not only act on the avatar, but also on the real body. After these changes are superimposed, it is enough for his body to digest and bear the changes caused by these forces.

And this change is that his true energy miraculously climbed to the pinnacle of the innate layer, and it continues to increase, and soon can strike the realm of the innate layer.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Ze stood up first, wandered around for a while, and then turned on the induction to fully investigate the surrounding conditions, especially the situation in the lake, after determining that it was unlikely that there was any danger in a short time. Only Shi Shiran returned.

This time, Lin Ze is ready to break through the innate two layers.

After sitting down, Lin Ze took out a jade bottle from his arms, but within this jade bottle there were ten top-quality qi pills.

Although Lin Ze's innate real energy is enough for him to be promoted to the innate two layers now, but for the sake of insurance, he still prepared these ten top-grade Qi Qi Dan to make up for the fastest in the event of an accident. Lack of qi.

Today, the lowest elixir taken by Lin Ze is of the highest quality. The effect of this quality elixir on the meridians is not very great, and the amount of residual erysipelas is very small. Strength, even to the point of taking five capsules every two days.

It is precisely because he never skimps on panacea, so Lin Ze can break through the realm repeatedly in such a short time.

However, the background of Lin Ze's body is really very strong, which causes that when he accumulates strength and sprints to a higher level, he naturally needs a more powerful Qi support.

Generally, at this time, Lin Ze will prepare some immortality medicines, so as to avoid insufficiency.

Opening the bottle cap, Lin Ze hesitated for a moment and poured out three top-grade Qi-pending Dan in one go.

He can feel that the innate innate energy in the body is quite abundant, so take three, which is already the limit of the amount he can swallow at one time.

However, if Lin Ze's present luxury is to let other warriors see this scene, it will definitely be heartbroken.

Like ordinary warriors, when they broke through the peak of the innate one-level realm and under the innate two-level realm, the elixir they were taking was just a Chinese medicine tonic Qi, which in their view was already Quite extravagant behavior.

However, when Lin Ze was here, he not only swallowed the top-quality Qi-Qing Dan when he hit the innate two-layer realm from the peak of the innate one layer, but also swallowed as many as three.


If these three elixirs are given to other ordinary innate first-tier innate warriors, it is likely that at least fifteen outstanding two-tier innate characters will be created.

(The top quality qi pill, one can be exchanged for at least five middle grade qi pill. If you have enough quantity at once, the price of this exchange will rise. It seems that there are five top grade qi pill. If you have one, you will be able to change to six middle-class qi qi pills, and if you have 10 top-grade qi qi pills, you will be able to switch to at least 70 middle-class qi qi pills. Extremely precious.)

Looking at it from another direction, this matter is actually the gap in the training qualifications between the warriors. If you want to make up for this gap, then the resources he spends on training will increase by several times and even tens of times.

Lin Ze’s cultivation qualifications are not only average, but can even be said to be very poor. If he had a plane seed in his hand, he should not want to advance in the realm of the acquired day, let alone advanced innate period.

That's why, for those ordinary congenital innate warriors, when they break through the innate two floors, they only need a Chinese qi pill to suffice. This is because their training qualifications are OK.

And Lin Ze's practice qualifications are extremely poor, so he needs to take at least three top-grade qi pill, otherwise, he can't break through the innate two levels.

In many cases, this is the cruelty and the reality in the practice world.

No matter how good your training qualifications are, but if you don’t have a strong background behind you, and you don’t have a continuous stream of training resources to provide you, then your final future may not even reach one tenth of your training qualifications. But, with a strong background behind him, there are countless guys who can use the cultivation resources, and finally go far!

Lin Ze has a plane-seed world in hand. In the cultivation world, he is a properly high//rich//handsome, and still that kind of high//rich//handsome, so even if it is him His cultivation qualifications are like garbage, but his cultivation speed is faster than other cultivation geniuses, and it comes easily.

I believe that once ordinary practitioners know these things, they are absolutely full of envy and jealousy.

However, Lin Ze can't care about so many things now. He is now fully focused on breaking through the innate two layers.

As for Lin Ze, a handsome man, as long as he can improve his own strength, then no matter how much training resources he consumes, he will not feel heartache.

In this way, Lin Ze looked up and swallowed the injured three top-grade Qi Qi Dan into his abdomen.

Just a moment later, a surging heat flow rushed out of his meridians and belly.

Fortunately, Lin Ze's meridians have been baptized countless times by the energy of elixir and millennium Yuzhi juice, so they have become tough and abnormal. Even with such a powerful medicinal impact power, the meridians cannot be damaged.

It's just that how can such a surging force surging out easily be absorbed.

Gradually, Lin Ze felt that he seemed to be a little swollen. He knew that it was because of the accumulation of medicine.

Therefore, Lin Ze didn't dare to neglect, and immediately devoted himself to the cultivation. He tried his best to guide this medicine in the direction of Dantian.

After these powerful medicines entered Dantian, they immediately found that the space here had been filled with strong innate ingenuity, and there was no place for them.

However, besides this, there is no other place to go, because the road behind it has long been blocked by a steady stream of medicine.

No, Lin Ze gritted his teeth, let these heat flow suddenly rush forward, and fully compressed the innate real energy in Dantian, and finally, finally finally had some effects.

The medicine continued to flow slowly into Linze's Dantian, and at this time, the innate real energy in Linze Dantian began to be gradually compressed.

If the innate ingenuity in Linze Dantian was a pale white mist Now it is gradually becoming a white mist. Obviously, the innate ingenuity in Linze Dantian Started to change.

With the constant flow of medicine from outside into Dantian, Linze's Dantian began to boil like boiled water just now.

The endless medicinal power was transferred to Dantian, and the temperature inside Dantian became hotter little by little.

The advancement of true qi is a very difficult thing, especially the congenital state of true qi, the difficulty is even greater.

Although Lin Ze was not promoted to the Grand Master realm from the early innate, or advanced from the Grand Master to the Grand Master Realm, but because of his own poor qualifications for cultivation (from the meridian in the small body) It was all broken, and the body was extremely weak...), so even if it is promoted from the innate one-level realm to the innate two-level realm, the difficulty in the middle is much greater than that of the average person.

It can even be said that the difficulty of Lin Ze's realm promotion is now more than ten times more difficult than that of Gu Xiyao's promotion to grandmaster.

Like Gu Xiyao, if she was urged by the power of the three top-grade qi-reinforcing pills, she might have been promoted successfully.

However, Lin Ze's current Dantian is like one of the most stubborn stinky stones, and he is hard to make any changes.

Fortunately, Lin Ze had been psychologically prepared for this situation before. Therefore, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he took a deep breath calmly and eased his direct feelings. Dan's medicine power flowed into Dantian.

After Lin Ze's spiritual power was promoted to the Jindan period, his will and spirit were greatly enhanced.

Especially in the mind above, he has been able to achieve inner vision, and has reached the level of subtlety.

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