Alien Lord

Chapter 1874: Background

With the sound of "Boom!", Gu Xiyao's mind burst into a roar, and then a new world appeared in front of her, Gu Xiyao successfully promoted to the realm of Grandmaster.

Seeing this familiar wave of power fluctuations, Lin Ze lowered his mind and left Gu Xiyao's back.

"Xiyao, you continue to practice and stabilize the state, I am here to accompany you!" Lin Ze said softly.

Hearing Lin Ze's words, Gu Xiyao showed a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth, and then devoted himself wholeheartedly again to the stable state.

After the warrior breaks through the realm, it is not 100% successful. The stability of the realm is also an extremely important thing.

In the practice world, among the 1,000 warriors, there will be dozens of warriors. Because they do not pay attention to the stability of the realm, they will return to the previous realm after breaking through the realm.

In fact, this is like a product on a modern production line.

Don't look at the fact that many of the current production lines are automated production lines, but the products produced will still have defective products.

The products produced by the advanced production line need to be checked again afterwards to pick out all the defective products.

Gu Xiyao here began to stabilize the state, and Lin Ze around him began to rest.

Although the ability of the Millennium Yuzhi Juice to instantly replenish spiritual power can be called retrograde, this ability cannot be used frequently. This is too much energy for the warrior. If this time it was Lin Ze’s avatar, really Lin Ze could not persevere because of his real body.

In addition, this time Lin Ze was able to obtain such great results, all because his enemies in the two wars were relatively weak. Although the number was countless, but the beasts who could really block Lin Ze’s attack power, That's nothing.

If there is one or a few powerful beasts in the barbarian group that he has played against twice before, the ending may be completely different.

Perhaps Lin Ze can still rely on the cheating ability of the millennium Yuzhi to defeat these wild beasts, but now, he is absolutely impossible to be so relaxed. Now, he is 100% tired.

Therefore, the victory of these two battles did not make Lin Ze stunned by victory, but made him more calm.

With his current strength, although it is a bit stronger, it is not enough to let him act unscrupulously, so now it is better to keep a low profile. ,

This is one of the reasons why he would leave the battlefield so quickly before.

Otherwise, if it is replaced by a saobao, after winning such a big victory, he will definitely stay in place and wait for the arrival of other warriors, so that he can show his style.

Then Gu Xiyao began to break through the realm again, Lin Ze's nerves were tightened again, until Gu Xiyao was safely promoted to the level of the master, he was really relieved.

Later, riding Gu Xiyao to stabilize the state, he sat down directly on the island.

It wasn't until this moment that he really relaxed, and once the spirit was relaxed, the kind of intense extreme, the exhaustion of spirit and flesh /////body //// swarmed in.

Within more than three hours of battle before and after this, the number of flying demon wolves and aquatic savage beasts who died in Lin Ze's hands was already unknown.

Only relative, his situation is actually not optimistic.

Although the magical power of thousands of years of Yuzhi juice supplements the spiritual power, the consumption of his physical and mental will has reached the extreme that he can bear after these two battles.

After all, he is just a person, not a **** with perpetual motion.

For such a long period of fighting, it is still like a single-player battle of Zhao Zilong and Chang Banpo with seven in and seven out. Such a powerful battle is enough to drain all the power of any one person.

What's more, so many wild beasts died under his men, and this kind of spiritual shock cannot be underestimated.

If it weren’t for Lin Ze’s previous presence on the earth, I’ve seen countless corpses (in the middle of the east//, especially in the war zone), plus the hundreds of thousands of sand robbers in the black sand city that were previously eliminated, and the annihilated ones If the experience of the hundreds of thousands of refugees is not there, perhaps he was already surrounded by countless corpses, and the mental pressure was too great, and he immediately collapsed.

After sitting down, Lin Ze first inspected the surface of the body, which made the muscles on Lin Ze's face twitch slightly.

He is wearing Jiaolong leather armor, but this is the Jindan period Jiaolong leather armor, the defense is amazing, the general foundation period masters can not be broken, but now this set of Jiaolong leather armor, but left very clear There are more than ten white marks. These marks were left in the battle with the flying magic wolf and those aquatic wild beasts.

As can be seen from these traces, in fact, if the strength of those wild beasts is very strong, if Lin Ze had this Jiaolong leather armor, he would not feel well now.

Although the Xuanming sword in Lin Ze's hand and his own combat power are violent, but the prolonged initiation and fighting still give the crowded beasts around him some opportunities.

It's just that those unlucky savage beasts couldn't think of it. In addition to having such a terrible weapon in Lin Ze's hands, even his armor was so powerful.

So these wild beasts really attacked Lin Ze, but their attack power is really not enough for Jiaolong Leather Armor. The most powerful attack is just leaving some on his body. White marks, but can not bring him real harm.

However, after this battle, Lin Ze had a clear understanding of the important surnames of his defensive equipment.

If he is not the body of the dragon dragon leather armor, then the two battles in the Great Lakes today will not be the retreat of the wild beasts, but he will be hit by heavy damage.

As for death or something, there are plane seeds in hand, this thing will never happen, at least until the plane seeds are destroyed, such a thing will not happen!

"Well, I really feel a little tired!" Lin Ze's mouth was raised directly from Hache, and his heart was full of sleep.

"Looking at Xi Yao's appearance, it won't be good in a short time, so, during this time, I still sleep, take a rest!" Lin Ze first looked at Gu Xiyao around him, and then muttered in his mouth Words.

From the beginning because of the order of the Ten Thousand Demons, until the end of the two wars, Lin Ze has not slept for more than a day, and the scenes of these wars are very large, consuming a large amount of Lin Ze Energy.

In the past, Lin Ze couldn't feel sleepy because the nerves in his heart were tight, but now, after the whole person relaxes, the sleepiness in his mind immediately floods his mind.

"Forget it, let's go to sleep first. Anyway, they watched Qu Jingwen, there wouldn't be any danger." Thinking of this, Lin Ze first released a dozen base-building demon warriors, and the secret guardian Gu Xiyao and himself, After that, he directly threw a Simmons poem, covered it with a warm quilt, leaned his head on the pillow, and fell asleep.

This time Lin Ze slept quite peacefully, because he had a dozen guardians of the demonized warriors during the foundation period, so he didn’t have to worry about any unexpected sudden arrival. If something unexpected happened, Qu Jingwen, these guys would definitely Wake him up beforehand.

This sleep Lin Ze was quite sweet, until five hours later, he naturally woke up and turned around. (True deep sleep, only four or five hours is enough.)

The moment Lin Ze opened his eyelids, his spirit was completely restored.

Moreover, after so many life-and-death battles before and after, his body was even more fascinating, and belonged to the invincible strong!

The growth of the strong is often accompanied by endless blood, and the highest altar envyed by everyone can only be stepped on countless bones.

The old saying isn’t that, as long as it succeeds, Lin Ze has just experienced such a state.

After several previous large-scale fights, Lin Ze’s entire mental outlook and temperament have changed completely differently.

In fact, although Lin Ze’s previous mentality was strong, he did not reach the kind of fighting spirit that directly confronted countless strong men and did not retreat much.

This encounter with these aquatic savage beasts and the subsequent flying demon wolves can only be said to be a coincidence, a huge opportunity to exercise Lin Ze’s supreme fighting spirit, and eventually developed to such a great battle that has long surpassed Lin Ze. Unexpected.

If he had known that he would go through these two wars, he would not have the courage to challenge him alone beforehand.

However, when he experienced the hardships of these two wars, his mentality changed fundamentally.

He closed his eyes slightly, and began to recall the experience of that battle in his mind.

Strong mental power has this kind of benefit. As long as you want to see the memory of a certain thing, the mental power in your mind will be like a movie. The previous memory picture is directly displayed in your mind, every picture , Are so clear, so vivid.

Now Lin Ze wants to see the pictures of the previous wars. The mental power in his mind is very good. All the previous memories are played like a movie in Lin Ze’s sea of ​​knowledge. Lin Ze just waited like this. While watching Gu Xiyao, he quietly watched his every move in the previous battles in the video.

In the picture, the person who wielded the Xuanming Sword to kill the ring is indeed majestic and unstoppable, but from the perspective of Lin Ze as an outsider today, many of his actions in these few wars are actually superfluous of.

In the case of falling into that kind of hard fight, any extra procrastination is fatal, and only the most concise and direct action is the real king.

It was precisely because of the few extra actions on Lin Ze that he let the beasts besieging him find an opportunity to pounce on.

If it weren't for him to have the body protection of Jiaolong Leather Armor, and the strong defense force made those wild beasts helpless, the result of this battle would be diametrically opposite.

After a long time, Lin Ze sighed deeply. He opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to become more severe.

"Qu Jingwen, how much do I understand Jianyu?" Lin Ze asked.

He clearly remembered that after almost three hours of fighting, he and Xuanming Sword seemed to have some kind of mysterious communication. After that, he directly entered the epiphany, which all the practitioners dreamed of. Of the state.

At that time, every wave of power and the essence of the strength of each sword qi appeared in front of his eyes, allowing him to instantly grasp the power inside.

Finally, when the connection between him and the Xuanming Sword in his hand reached a certain critical point, he suddenly released this force once.

The strength of that force is absolutely unparalleled. It was because of this surging and incredible blow that Lin Ze came into contact with the strength of the sword field, and he also entered a new world on the sword.

However, in Lin Ze's final memory, it seems that he will soon come out of this state, and Qu Jingwen has never mentioned comprehension of these things before, so he only has to ask if he wants to understand.

Qu Jingwen and his team were silent for a while before saying: "Master, according to our observations and inferences, you really have stepped into the door of the field, but you want to truly grasp the power of the field, this... .... At least in a short period of time, there is no possibility. Master, your heritage on Kendo is too much, too much!"

After finishing this Qu Jingwen looked at Lin Ze with a disturbed face. After all, he was not talking about good news. He was afraid that Lin Ze would be angry.

It was just that Lin Ze was not angry because of this. In fact, he already had this feeling in his heart, but he was not sure yet, but now it is only really sure.

"Kendo's details!" Lin Ze sighed and said, "I am not only lacking the details of Kendo, but other aspects of the details, I still extremely lack!"

In fact, this is indeed the case. Only two years after Lin Ze came to mainland China, even if it was replaced by a modern library on the earth, how much knowledge could Lin Ze have in two years.

Besides, here is the extremely feudal mainland of China. Lin Ze wants to learn the corresponding cultivation secret code, which is very difficult. It is unimaginable for people on the earth.

Had he not had a puppet mark and a plane seed in hand, could Lin Ze now get a secret of cultivation, it was a question.

Therefore, he can have the current strength and the current heritage, in fact, it is already very powerful.

Change to other people in his current situation, I believe they are definitely not as good as Lin Ze.

"Master, in fact, you don't have to worry. There are us, there are the eight brothers of Mao's group who have just joined them. It is not difficult to supplement your master's details." Qu Jingwen exhorted.

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