Alien Lord

Chapter 1068: Raging (2)

"Master, we already know these aquatic savage beasts, why did you attack your master before?" Just when Lin Ze's killing was especially excited, Qu Jingwen's voice came from his ear.

"Oh, what's the reason?" Lin Ze asked, while the Xuan Ming sword in his hand still maintained the same attack power.

"Master, this is the case. These aquatic savage beasts all have the blood of the dragon, and you have just been in contact with the dragon before. The body is wearing a body armor made of dragon's skin. Therefore, these have the blood of the dragon. Aquatic savage beasts can smell the dragon's smell on you. They took it to you in order to capture the dragon's blood." Qu Jingwen reported.

When Lin Ze just opened the killing ring, he threw some wild beasts into the plane seed world to find out why these aquatic wild beasts attacked Lin Ze out of thin air. Now, Qu Jingwen they just asked The reason for this.

"Oh, it's because of this reason!" Lin Ze's eyes flashed an unexpected look, and he couldn't think the final truth would be this.

Jiaolong, he had just been in contact with him. When I asked the zombie puppet about the memory recovery situation, Lin Ze followed Qu Jingwen to meet the severely injured Jiaolong, and also got some from it. It was collected before. Use some of the dragon skin that had fallen off before it, some refined dragon skin armor.

Because these dragons' leather armor is extremely defensive, and the breath of dragons can scare away the peeping of many wild beasts, so Lin Ze will just put it on.

I originally wanted to use the dragon's breath to make the wild beasts in Wanmo Mountain dare not get close, and leave Wanmo Mountain faster, but I didn't think it was such a coincidence. In the big lake he passed by, it was just right. There are blood lines left by Jiaolong before.

Jiaolong, like its higher-level dragons, has a natural nature //// // **** ///, often with different wildness /////, resulting in nature, not only a large number of dragon blood, but also a large number The blood of the dragon.

These aquatic savage beasts in this big lake are obviously the blood veins left by a dragon all the years ago.

And the most important thing is, because the dragon's bloodline has been inherited for many generations, up to now, the dragon's bloodline in the blood of these aquatic beasts is already thin, which leads to the strength of these aquatic beasts getting worse and worse, maybe in the future At a certain moment, they will become the dishes of other powerful aquatic beasts.

The barbarians' IQ is very low, but no matter how low their IQ is, they don't want to change from predator to predator, so they want to change this miserable situation in the future.

In fact, the method has been put in front of them for a long time, that is to continuously improve their strength and strengthen the strength of their ethnic group.

The solution seems simple, but if you want to achieve it, it is not difficult.

First of all, this wild beast group is very large, the number is calculated in tens of thousands. Such a large group can be allocated to the cultivation resources on the head of each wild beast, of course, it is extremely rare.

With limited cultivation resources, you have to supply a tens of thousands of ethnic groups. You can imagine the strength of this ethnic group.

This is like the disaster relief in ancient times. The limited relief resources required relief for millions of victims. This is really not difficult.

Speaking of which, I want to admire that in the eyes of the world, it is an absolute corrupt official's peace.

I believe that everyone has watched Ji Xiaolan's TV series with iron teeth and copper teeth. Ji Xiaolan in it is definitely a smart person similar to Kong Ming, but his ability to deal with ordinary things, or to deal with some civil affairs, is really far. Far less than Heshen.

In the history of the Qing Dynasty, Heshen, as a big corrupt official, had a bad impression on him, but although he was greedy, he could not deny his ability. If there is no flash point on his body, how could Qianlong be so trustful and valued He, he was able to become the fastest-growing official in the Qing Dynasty, and his ability is definitely not very simple.

In fact, he is not only capable but also very wise. In some respects, even Ji Xiaolan has to admit defeat.

He Shen is not only capable, he also has the capital to be the emperor’s celebrity, and can guarantee that his family will not be punished for his greed, because his son married Qianlong’s favorite princess and became a relative of the emperor. .

Of course, what I want to talk about here is the wisdom of Heshen, which is more powerful than Ji Xiaolan in disaster relief, or directly understands the people.

At that time, Heshen and Ji Xiaolan were the officials responsible for disaster relief. Among them, a sentence he said was particularly famous and memorable. He said this: he was called the first rescuer!

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious, that is, not to save the people, let the officials eat the food first, or let the officials be greedy and/or corrupt before starting the disaster relief operations below.

Seriously, after hearing this sentence, most people must be thinking in their minds, does He Shen want to make a fortune in the relief food.

The implementation of the above did indeed have this in mind, and Heshen made a sum of money in these disaster relief grains. However, when others made a sum of money, Ji Xiaolan's face had nothing to say, and could only pretend to be invisible.

This is the case. After Heshen spoke this sentence, Ji Xiaolan was anxious and said: That is the life of thousands of victims! If you corrupt a part of it, it is equivalent to killing millions of victims! !

After Heshen heard this sentence, he resented Ji Xiaolan and said: Since you know that there are tens of millions of disaster victims now, if no officials go to settle them, who will give them food and other disaster relief materials, and finally, you go Or am I going? !

Even if we both go and bring all the subordinates around us, with such a wide range of disasters, how many people can Ji Xiaolan save alone? !

In the end, it is not necessary to rely on the officials below, so only after feeding them enough, they will take the initiative to rescue the disaster, after all, they also have to face, if the people's livelihood under the rule is too poor If they don’t, they won’t be promoted in their entire lives.

Ji Xiaolan was speechless about what he said directly about Christmas, and in the end he was only able to turn a blind eye to their ups and downs//corruption// corruption.

Why, because Ji Xiaolan is very clear, it makes a lot of sense to speak with Shen.

In addition, during the disaster relief process, Heshen found that the amount of food for the relief was simply not enough for the huge victims. They could not save these tens of millions of victims. Qianlong was very anxious after knowing that Ji Xiaolan, the so-called smart man At this time, I couldn’t think of any coup, but at this time, He Shen smiled. He said very confidently: He came up with a way to increase the food to save these disaster victims, that is, to concentrate the relief food , Replaced with rice bran and wheat bran for pigs.

Ji Xiaolan, who did not understand the situation inside, was anxious again, saying that Heshen would not have a conscience to do so, or if he was not a human, he would eat these things for the victims. Isn’t this just harming the people? .

In the end, Ji Xiaolan didn't even think about the situation, he quickly reported the matter to Qianlong.

Qianlong would of course ask why Heshen did this, but Heshen said without hesitation: The rice grains we provided for the disaster were not enough for the victims to eat. If all the grains were food, we could only persist for a month or two. For four or five months of disaster relief, it is simply not enough.

However, now these good foods are replaced by these things. Although the victims eat pig and horse feed, they look extremely bad and the taste is extremely difficult to swallow, but they can report their stomachs. Let these tens of thousands of victims survive.

After listening to these words, Qianlong tacitly agreed with Heshen to do so, and even greatly praised him after the disaster relief was over.

After listening to these words, Ji Xiaolan was also unable to say anything, and was able to lower his head to smoke his big squirt gun.

Later, flooding occurred in the private sector, and many victims flooded into the capital. After Qianlong knew it, he quickly mobilized food and rescued the disaster, but many local people who were cheap and cheap even pretended to receive food. All of a sudden it's gone.

Many real victims were so hungry and hungry that they were so weak that they were about to die, and when they saw Sugan, they quickly ordered people to transport some sand and pour all the sand into the rice.

Many ministers did not understand this time. Ji Xiaolan even started cursing directly with Heshen. Finally, Qianlong came out and said peace, and asked what Heshen meant.

At this time, He Shen smiled and said: In fact, the real victims have been starving to death, facing the food, even if there is any surface in the bowl, even if the inside is full of sand, when the belly is hungry to the limit, He would gobble up and eat it.

However, if they were replaced by fake victims, they saw that the rice was full of sand, and some even exceeded the average. They naturally dared not eat it.

Even if it is received, it takes too much time and energy to separate the sand inside. It is better for him to do some livelihood at this time, so he can buy more rice with the money he earns. , Cleaner.

Furthermore, these people really need to have the patience and patience to detect the sand inside. Obviously, these people can't live anymore, they can also be said to be other victims. In this case, even if they are led by them It is not a good thing to take some relief food.

Unexpectedly, Heshen's move really worked. Slowly, the people in the city pretended to be the victims to get food, and fewer and fewer things finally made most of the victims survive.

Qianlong also praised him greatly after knowing this situation, and those victims who could not survive did not blame him in their hearts after knowing this action of Heshen, but were very grateful to him.

Therefore, although Heshen is greedy, he is a big corrupt official, but his abilities are really better than many of Qianlong's men. Even Ji Xiaolan must be willing to succumb in some respects. No wonder he can finally become a big red man in front of the emperor.

With limited resources to support a huge ethnic group, the strength of this ethnic group is not increased. On the contrary, as the number of ethnic groups increases, the strength of this ethnic group becomes smaller and smaller.

Perhaps on Earth, there is no danger, but this is in the mainland of China, or in the most dangerous mountain of 100,000. Here, once you have no power, then you can imagine your end. .

The development and growth of the ethnic group and the limited resources directly make the strength of this ethnic group lower and lower.

Secondly, the continuous decline of the dragon's bloodline makes this group's cultivation qualifications lower and lower.

Perhaps before the last generations, the wild beasts in this group, relying on the relatively rich dragon blood, only took a little time to be promoted to a certain level.

However, as the concentration of the dragon blood veins in the body now decreases, these wild beasts need to spend several times more time and more spiritual materials than before to cultivate to the realm that they have previously figured out.

Originally, the number of spiritual materials of this group was not enough. Now it has to be increased several times. You can imagine the difficulty of this group's development, not to mention the improvement of the group's strength.

Finally, it is also the most important point. This is actually similar to Lin Ze's idea of ​​wearing Jiaolong Leather Armor.

Lin Ze thought that as long as he put on Jiaolong leather armor, relying on the dragon breath above the leather armor, he could enable countless wild beasts in Wanmo Mountain to dare not come out to find him in trouble.

Now the minds of this group are similar. When the dragon blood veins on them are still relatively rich, as long as they gather together, the combined breath is the complete breath of dragon, in this case, it is not top-notch The wild beasts dare not come to trouble them.

However, now the dragon blood veins in their bodies are continuously decreasing. Correspondingly, the dragon breath that deterred other powerful beasts has also made mistakes, and it has become lower and lower with the passage of time.

This is like the age of Jiaolong is increasing. At its strongest, that is, when it is the youngest, within a distance of hundreds of miles, no other powerful barbarian dare to break in, but, once Jiaolong has reached the age of old age. After its strength is greatly reduced, some powerful barbarians will enter the site of Jiaolong from time to time, constantly provoking it.

After it is convinced that the dragon's strength has dropped to a certain level, this powerful barbarian that broke into the dragon's territory will launch an attack on the elderly dragon.

Many dragons, and why the dragon left the site and sought a destination for its life after old age, or when it was seriously injured, one of the reasons is that it did not want to be attacked by other wild beasts and was killed by other The beast is eaten as food.

Now the beasts of this group are in such a dangerous situation. If they want to change this situation, they have to enhance the strength of their group.

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