Alien Lord

Chapter 1864: 'fishing'!

"Is the barbarian below the ice attribute, otherwise, how could the lake here be so frozen!" Lin Ze guessed secretly.

With so many ice cubes on the lake, it is impossible to rely on his cold sword energy alone. Obviously, there must be other ice attributes.

Lin Ze’s cold sword energy alone can’t cause such a powerful explosion. Only the attack power of the following wild beasts is also ice-based, which can cause such a powerful attack power.

In Lin Ze's view, this kind of power is no less inferior to those of the continents on the earth.

At this time, Lin Ze's heart also whispered a fluke. If he wasn't quick-sighted, he just stopped in mid-air when he just launched the offensive, and raised the body shield, if he was tight at that time. As his attack wave went away, then he was afraid that he would become very embarrassed.

Severe injuries are not very likely, but, for minor injuries, that is 100%.

"Huh, if you fight later, you have to be careful!" Lin Ze's heart secretly admonished himself. After this lesson, the tail that Lin Ze's heart just turned up finally disappeared.

Seriously, after getting so many men in Xuanyin Secret Realm and Wanmo Mountain, and having a dragon in the late Jindan period, Lin Ze's tail turned up unconsciously.

Of course, with his current strength, it is indeed possible to tilt the tail, but it can't often tip it up either.

Lin Ze didn't feel his mentality before, but after this lesson, Lin Ze finally realized that there was a problem with his mentality.

There have been changes, which is the most reasonable saying in Lin Ze’s heart. After realizing his mistake, Lin Ze immediately corrected his wrong idea.

Suddenly, Lin Ze's ear moved slightly, and there seemed to be some slight noise in the frozen lake below.

After hearing these voices, Lin Ze killed the past without thinking.

It is a pity that maybe the wild beasts under the lake realized the danger. So, before Lin Ze got into the water, these abnormal sounds disappeared. Lin Ze only stood on the ice and looked at the deep below The lake was speechless.

Although Lin Ze is not a dry duck, it doesn't matter even if he dives into the water for a few hundred meters. He can stay underneath for a few hours, but if he wants to go on like this, Lin Ze's heart is still a bit bottomless.

Fighting in water is completely different from fighting on land and in the air.

Lin Ze has experienced a lot of battles on land and in the air, but the battle in the water, really, Lin Ze has never encountered it once.

What's more, this big lake just looks at the deep color of the lake water, and knows that the depth of this lake water is absolutely several kilometers. Lin Ze really does not want to go down in such a deep lake water.

Fighting in a strange and unfamiliar place where you are completely unfamiliar and don't know how much power you can exert is something that a fool would do.

"Well, I'm waiting here. Since you were already shot in front, I believe you must be up." Lin Ze looked at the deep lake below with a certain face, he was 100% sure. , Those wild beasts hidden below, will definitely come up to find him later.

Maybe the previous battle fluctuated greatly, and a considerable part of the wild beasts will be scared, but Lin Ze believes that those who really hit his idea will definitely not be able to stand up, and at that time, it was Lin Ze Let them taste their power.

"Dare to count on me, then I will let you pay the price of blood! Huh!" Lin Ze snorted directly, then, sitting on the ice like this, while breathing and restoring God, while patiently waiting for the enemy to self Throw nets.

Lin Ze was right in his guess. In the dark world hundreds of meters deep below the lake, thousands of spooky and terrifying big fish are gathering here, and dozens of them have wounds on them, blood on the wounds Although it stopped, but from the outside of the wound, you can clearly see the fish thorns inside.

The injuries on these heavy rains were caused by the ice sword qi that Lin Ze previously cast.

These big fish gathered here, and they kept making a buzzing sound, as if they were discussing something, but they could not quickly discuss the results. Finally, a few hundred meters of giant fish appeared. After that, all the buzzing finally disappeared.

After seeing a shadow on the lake coldly, these large fishes with a length of hundreds of meters quickly commanded countless men and began to slowly approach the shadow on the lake.

Obviously, this time the negotiations have come to fruition, and as Lin Ze guessed, these barbarians are not going to let him go, so, came to the lake to find Lin Ze's trouble.

Seriously, Lin Ze hasn't figured out why the barbarian in this big lake will attack him, and he hasn't done anything to hurt them. Moreover, he passed this big lake for the first time, why is it here The wild beast will attack him.

"Could it be said that these barbarians are very domineering, and directly treat this big lake as their territory, and no one is allowed to pass here?" Lin Ze couldn't help thinking.

When he wanted to come, it was only this possibility that would allow the beasts here to attack him.

"It is impossible for these wild beasts to know the things about the order of the Ten Thousand Demons!" Lin Ze guessed for no reason.

However, for this possibility, Lin Ze believes that its chance will not exceed one-thousandth. After all, here are some aquatic wild beasts, where will there be any orders for killing monsters.

Besides, Lin Ze can guarantee that the matter of the Ten Thousand Demons Slaying Order is now only spreading around the Ten Thousand Demons City, and absolutely has not been transmitted here, so, for the Ten Thousand Demons Slaying Order to deal with Lin Ze, this possibility Sex is minimal.

"Qu Jingwen, you said, why do the aquatic beasts here attack me actively, they should be aware of my strength." Lin Ze, who couldn't figure it out, directly asked Qu Jingwen and his party in the world of Plane Seeds.

"This......, Master, there is too little useful news, and we can't guess the reason for it for a while." Qu Jingwen said bitterly.

He and others also guessed countless reasons, but none of them were convincing.

"Master, don’t worry, since I’m already at war, then I believe that the reasons for this will be cleared soon. Master, when you are at war, you will collect a few aquatic savage beasts, then believe us. You can figure out the reason inside." Qu Jingwen comforted.

"Well, you're right. I think about it now, but I'm just asking for trouble. After I capture some of it, the reason can be known soon, huh, huh, I really think too much." Lin Ze laughed at himself. Laughed a little. After the questions in his mind were left behind, he waited for the aquatic barbarian beneath himself.

In the area where Lin Ze is now, don’t look like it is calm now, you think it’s safe here. In fact, beside him, dangerous places abound, and these dangers are hidden under the ice, very not It is easy to be noticed.

Many times, when you find out, you will find that the danger is already on your head.

Although Lin Ze has a sense of sensitivity in his line, he is not afraid of sneak attacks, but at this time, he dare not arrogantly arrogant not to guard, or to directly go into the water to challenge the aquatic beasts below, if he really does, then It is completely self-investing.

Fighting in the water, Lin Ze’s strength will be directly reduced by about half, and if he dives deeper into the water, his strength will continue to decrease. So, fighting the aquatic barbarian in the water is really impatient for you to live. Too.

No, Lin Ze chose to wait for the arrival of the aquatic barbarian beneath the water on the ice, and, in order to create a local superiority, Lin Ze kept entering the air of ice into the ice below his feet, gradually, The ice surface, which was only a hundred meters in size, directly expanded to now two or three kilometers wide, and the thickness is not small, reaching more than ten meters.

"Huh, fortunately, there is plenty of water and aura here, otherwise if I want to do this, it is really not easy!" Lin Ze wiped the sweat beads that appeared on the forehead, this time expanding the ice surface to such a large size, Such thick, Lin Ze's consumption is not small.

Fortunately, the water aura here is sufficient. Lin Ze borrowed the sufficient water aura here to achieve the current effect.

"Those beasts under the water should start to act. When I have the lowest strength, it is definitely the best opportunity to attack!" Lin Ze wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, and his eyes were deep. Changes.

Yes, Lin Ze used all his strength to expand and thicken the ice under his feet, in fact, to lure those aquatic beasts below.

A few minutes ago, Lin Ze’s sense of power had actually found this large group of aquatic savage beasts.

Seriously, Lin Ze was able to find them. The dozen or so aquatic savage beasts who were hit hard by his cold sword spirit played a big role.

These aquatic beasts are worthy of living in the water for life. They can be merged into the water very harmoniously. Like a chameleon, they can instantly change the color of the skin to the surrounding environment.

These aquatic savage beasts not only have the chameleon's color-changing function, but also can change their own aura to be similar to the aura of the water flow. They can also use their abundant water aura to cover up their power fluctuations.

It is precisely for these reasons that Lin Ze’s responsiveness has been unable to find them.

One of the reasons why Lin Ze doesn’t like to fight in the water is because the water is not Lin Ze’s home court. He doesn’t want to go down. The reasons for the outside and his sense of reason are in it.

In the water, Lin Ze's sensing force is like encountering an obstacle, and the sensing range is greatly reduced.

On the ground, his induction range has now reached five kilometers, but in the water, four or five hundred meters is considered good, and the induction range has been reduced by about ten times.

In addition, the environment in the water is too complicated. For example, the continuous fluctuation of the water flow will cause Lin Ze’s misjudgment of the sensing force. Therefore, it can be said that Lin Ze’s sensing ability is greatly weakened in the water. Too.

He wanted to restore the power of his senses in the water, first of all, he had to find a way to eliminate the strong interference from the outside world.

This matter was not difficult for Lin Ze, but it also took a considerable amount of time, but it is now clearly too late.

It is also for this reason that Lin Ze’s sense of power has been unable to find those aquatic wild beasts hidden deep in the water.

If it weren’t for the dozen or so aquatic wild beasts that were severely damaged by Lin Ze’s cold sword, Lin Ze could hardly find the traces of these water beasts.

Now that it has been discovered, the rest is how to lure them.

This is like fishing. After you find the fish underwater, you have to find a way to catch it.

Using a fishing rod or something like fishing is definitely not acceptable, as are fishing nets.

Therefore, to lure them up, Lin Ze had to find another way.

In the end, the Thousand Insect Daoist who knew the barbarian best thought of a way.

That is to treat these aquatic savage beasts as cultivators directly. For cultivators, you want to induce them to be fooled, either by using some extremely precious spiritual materials, or quotations like martial arts cheats //Induce him, either your strength is weaker than him, or the strength is greatly will definitely be fooled to attack you.

With a good idea in mind, the next thing is much simpler.

Lin Ze doesn't know much about what kind of spirit material the aquatic barbarian likes, and even if he knows whether he has the corresponding spirit material, he chooses to give up.

Needless to say, martial arts cheats and the like, where the human practitioners’ martial arts cheats apply to aquatic savage beasts, so this is also given up.

In the end, there was only one way to attract the aquatic savage beasts with a method of greatly reducing their strength.

Reminisce that they were preparing to attack Lin Ze before, so once Lin Ze's strength was found to be greatly reduced, then these aquatic wild beasts would attack Lin Ze 100%.

After determining the plan, the rest is how to implement the plan perfectly.

The perfect plan for Qu Jingwen they made it quickly. In order to avoid causing suspicion to the aquatic wild beasts below, Lin Ze accepted Qu Jingwen’s suggestion to consume a lot of their own power by making a lot of ice to reduce the aquatic below. Barbarian's suspicion.

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