Alien Lord

Chapter 1860: Quickly, who is it? (Happy New Year's Day! Happy New Year!!!...

"Take me to see quickly, I want to see this zombie puppet as soon as possible!" Lin Ze said eagerly, and then pulled Qu Jingwen directly and walked out.

Qu Jingwen is very clear why Lin Ze is so excited, because this matter is related to the grand resurrection of grandparents Lin Ze.

It is impossible to rely on Lin Ze alone to resurrect his grandparents. Therefore, after these people Qu Jingwen entered the world of Plane Seeds, Lin Ze explained this to them.

In this regard, Qu Jingwen also tried every means to do this.

However, how difficult it is to resurrect a person. Qu Jingwen hasn't had any clue until now.

However, now the zombie puppet, who had recovered his consciousness, let the endless darkness appear so bright.

How do zombie puppets come from? They are made from dead men, and the longer they are buried, the more corpses they absorb from the ground, the stronger the zombie will be.

Like this zombie puppet who regained his consciousness, he had been buried under the ground for nearly two or three hundred years. It has been buried in the ground for such a long time. Now he has recovered his previous consciousness. This is definitely a great good. News.

Because, if this matter is not a case, but a common practice, even if Lin Ze cannot find other ways to resurrect his grandparents in the future, in desperation, he can also use this method to resurrect his grandparents.

Like cultivating zombies, find an extremely suitable place to bury the bodies of his grandparents. After burying them for hundreds of years, when the opportunity is right, they are automatically generated as zombies.

After that, as long as Lin Ze continues to strengthen their strength, until a certain stage, Lin Ze's grandparents will restore their minds.

At that time, although Lin Ze's grandparents were still zombies, there were many restrictions, but at least they were still their former ones. Lin Ze also believed that his grandparents would never mind him resurrecting them into zombies.

When the time comes, Lin Ze will lead Shaman, Ping'er, Gu Xiyao, and their children to their grandparents. Lin Ze believes that his grandparents will definitely laugh and bloom.

Seriously, Lin Ze had been worried before. After grandparents were resurrected, did their previous memories still exist? Will it be his grandparents?

These two problems have been buried in the deepest part of Lin Ze's heart before. He didn't dare to think about these two problems at all.

Because, as soon as he thought about it, the grandparents who were resurrected in the future lost their previous memories, Lin Ze’s heart would feel like a knife-like pain.

However, it’s fine now. Zombie puppets have been buried in the ground for hundreds of years. However, they still recovered their previous memories. Therefore, Lin Ze no longer has to worry about resuming their grandparents, they will lose their previous memories.

Of course, turning your grandparents into zombies and resurrecting them is just a stopgap measure. Don’t make Lin Ze choose to do this when you have no choice.

In the endless darkness, the first glimmer of light appeared. Of course, Lin Ze wanted to see it as soon as possible and understand everything in it as soon as possible.

Qu Jingwen knew this, so he didn't say anything, so he was caught by Lin Ze and rushed in a certain direction.

Soon, Lin Ze pulled Qu Jingwen to the destination.

This is a very yin land, full of yin inside, the zombie puppets that Lin Ze got, as well as other wandering souls, ghosts and the like, are placed here.

With a cry, "Leng!" Lin Ze didn't stop, and quickly entered this extremely dark land.

As soon as he entered, Lin Ze saw some people studying around a zombie puppet. Obviously, that zombie puppet was the target.

"Have seen the master!" After seeing Lin Ze's figure, the warriors surrounded by the zombie puppets immediately knelt down and persuaded Lin Ze.

"Well, you get up!" Lin Ze waved his right hand, staring straight at the zombie puppet, and then, regardless of other things, came directly to the zombie puppet, staring closely at it, still using his hand After a few strokes, I even flicked the forehead of this zombie puppet.

Unexpectedly, the previous zombie puppet, no matter what Lin Ze did, it would not have any expression, but this zombie puppet's face, at this time, there was a trace of grievance, but, dare not say anything , Just looked at Lin Ze with poor eyes.

This extremely anthropomorphic, or almost human-looking look, is full of heart in Lin Ze's heart.

The eyes of this zombie puppet can show a sense of grievance. Obviously, as Qu Jingwen said, it has recovered his consciousness. This is really a big surprise for Lin Ze, because, this represents Therefore, his plan to resurrect his grandparents is not imaginary, but it is possible.

As soon as I thought of it, I could hear the caring voices of my grandparents in the future, Lin Ze's heart was excited and a trace of crystal tears appeared in Lin Ze's eyes again.

"Okay, okay, it's really good, okay!" Lin Ze said incoherently, patting the shoulder of the zombie puppet full of excitement.

Soon, Li Na suppressed the excitement in his heart. He knew that this was only the first step in the journey of thousands of miles. If he wanted to really resurrect his grandparents, there were countless hardships to be solved.

However, as long as this step is taken, that road will definitely end, that is to say, his grandparents will be resurrected.

Suddenly, Lin Ze's heart was relieved a lot, and a large stone began to loosen.

"Unfortunately, Mom and Dad and they..." Lin Ze's mood was a little low, and grandparents' thoughts on the resurrection, but his mom and dad...

"Alas, there is no absolute perfection in everything, Lin Ze, you have to be content and be able to resurrect your grandparents, even if it is good." Lin Ze heart continually relieved himself.

After adjusting his emotions, Lin Ze looked at the zombie puppet next to him again. This time his eyes were normal.

Just a glance, Lin Ze saw that the yin qi on this zombie puppet is already much richer than before. If it was only a thin layer on the surface of the body, the amount of yin qi now is very impressive. Lin Ze estimated that the thickness of this layer of yinqi also has a palm width, and it is extremely rich.

Lin Ze glanced at him, then said with a smile: "To what extent has your memory recovered now?"

This is actually what Lin Ze is most concerned about, because, if his memory is completely restored, that is really the best news for Lin Ze.

"Oh....., oh...." The zombie puppet opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything at all, only to say some words like oh huh.

"Qu Jingwen, what's wrong?" Lin Ze asked with a frown.

"Master, this is a zombie puppet, their throat knots, and their tongues have long rotted. Where else can they speak!" Qu Jingwen quickly stepped forward and explained.

When Lin Ze heard it, he shook his head slightly, thinking that he was still anxious. Otherwise, he would not see such a problem.

"Well, I remember someone can speak with true energy, and then you teach the zombie puppet to speak with true energy." Lin Ze thought for a moment.

Since the vocal organs like the tongue are gone, just use real qi to utter.

Just like a thousand miles of sound, as long as you learn, even a zombie puppet, he can still speak.

"Observe, my master!" Qu Jingwen replied: "However, what should the master do now?"

"It's okay, I know lip language, just talk like that!" Lin Ze waved his hand carelessly. This question is indeed a problem for others, but for Lin Ze who knows lip language, it is not at all. problem.

"Master is wise!" Qu Jingwen smiled and patted a fart, Lin Ze listened with a funny look at Qu Jingwen.

The next thing was simple, without the language barrier, Lin Ze and the zombie puppet resumed talking. (After that, it was directly expressed in normal language, not that zombie puppets really speak.)

After the language problem was resolved, the zombie puppet quickly said: "Master, I have just been promoted to the base stage, and memory recovery is still continuing. To say the degree of recovery, it should have been recovered by nearly 5%. I believe , As my strength increases, I will be able to fully recover."

"Oh, are you sure?" Lin Ze still had some doubts. After all, he only recovered 5%. This number is indeed too small.

"Yes, the master, I am sure, because the memory I am recovering is the memory of my childhood, and the memory now recovered and the memory of my childhood are connected. So, the recovery of this memory is because it is a gradual process." Zombie puppets It was a very affirmative answer once.

"Well, this is good, this is good! Hahaha..." Lin Ze smiled happily.

He was the problem with the most headache memory before, and now it seems that this problem really does not exist.

After all, there is such a real example in front of me. Lin Zexiang can’t believe it.

Later, Lin Ze asked some other questions about the zombie puppet, such as how did it feel when the memory was restored, and, after the memory was restored, did the feelings for the previous family members still exist?

Furthermore, after the memory is restored, will he think about his former loved ones or something, and so on, these questions are all around love.

This thing of love looks extremely unremarkable, and many people don’t care about it, but you will not realize how important love is for you until you really lose it. How inseparable it is.

For Lin Ze, that’s why, he tried everything he could to revive his grandparents. One is because he felt guilty about his grandparents. Another reason is that he wanted to feel his grandparents’ love for him again. , Which is love.

If the zombie puppets lost these loved ones after recovering their memories, Lin Ze would first be prepared to wake up the loved ones in grandpa and grandma's heart by various methods.

Fortunately, everything is moving in a good direction. After recovering this memory, this zombie puppet has not lost his loved ones for his loved ones. Thoughts, it seems that the loved ones are more intense.

Just like now, the zombie puppet is asking Lin Ze if he can make him go home. He wants to go home and see what is happening to his home.

Even if Lin Ze told him that the time had passed for two or three hundred years, the zombie puppet was only low, and then he decided to go home and see.

That's his home. Even if two or three hundred years have passed, it's still his home. He must go back and see.

The family is full of his memories, even if the people in the family are no longer those in the past, but the family must still be that family. Even if you go back and find some things to bring with you, it is also the best comfort for him.

Hearing this zombie puppet, Lin Ze did not persuade him any longer, and agreed to his idea of ​​going home to see it.

This zombie puppet really made a great contribution to Lin Ze, so if he wants to go back and see it, let him go back and see it.

However, this time had to wait until the Xingyuegu Trading Conference, because, at that time, Lin Ze must have bought the warship, so that if the zombie puppet was going home, it would be faster.

After hearing everything Lin Ze wanted to hear, Lin Ze let the zombie puppet go down, he had just been promoted to the foundation period, his strength was not completely stable, and it took a while to cultivate and strengthen his strength, so now it still goes back first Good practice and consolidation of strength.

After the zombie puppet sank to the ground to practice, Lin Ze turned directly to Qu Jingwen and asked, "Is it clear, is this memory restoration an example, or is it generally the case?"

When I asked this Lin Ze's words were all trembling, because it was related to his grandparents' plan to resurrect.

"Master..." Qu Jingwen looked at Lin Ze embarrassedly, speechless.

"Alas!" Lin Ze sighed heavily at Qu Jingwen's complexion.

Obviously, the matter of restoring memory is just an example.

"Could there be no other news? Who is proficient in zombies or something like us?" Lin Ze looked at the people around with a hint of expectation, but none of them looked down, it was obvious that everyone here Don't understand the zombie thing.

"Ah, it seems that after going out, I have to look for something like zombies." Lin Ze said to himself with a trace of disappointment.

At this moment, suddenly, Feng Miao's eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Master, we don't understand the things inside the zombie puppet, but, I believe there is a guy who may know something about it."

"Hurry up, who is it?" Lin Ze asked hurriedly.

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