Alien Lord

Chapter 1857: Memories

Killing more than a thousand warriors, many of whom were strong during the foundation period, even if he wanted to do this, he could not do it in half a day, but Lin Ze was in less than half Within hours, this strength, even the old man of Qingshan, had to admit that he was not as good as himself.

"You go back to Wanmo City first and get all the news about Wanmo's killing order. Once there is news, immediately report it!" The old man of Qingshan said to Qiu Ming around him.

Then, in Qiu Ming’s stunned eyes, the old man in T-shirt took out a drop of soul blood directly from his eyebrows. After that, he directly dropped Qiu Ming and flew quickly to the southwest. This direction was just before Lin. Ze's direction of departure.

As for Qiu Ming, there was a desolate taste in my heart.

However, soon, there was a lot of happiness in his heart.

After all, looking at the fact that the old man of Qingshan was doing before, it is definitely a cold-hearted and hard-hearted guy. It is already good to be able to survive on his hands.

Although his soul blood was controlled by the other party, it was better than the cold-blooded youth who had turned into a blood mist before.

Qiu Ming thought this way in his heart, and then, with a trace of luck in his heart, flew towards Wanmo City.


Lin Ze was extremely fast. He had taken Gu Xiyao to fly nearly 500 miles when the sky showed a little light. At this time, he was more than 1,200 miles away from Wanmo City .

At such a long distance, Lin Ze finally felt relieved.

Of course, the most important thing is that the murderous bees that Lin Ze left behind have transmitted the images of the sect gates in the Demon City following them to Lin Ze’s sea of ​​knowledge, so this time Lin Ze can really be assured The rest.

On this way, I don't know whether it is because the burden at the bottom of my heart has completely disappeared, or because Lin Ze's arms are extremely comfortable, even if there are many bumps along the way, but Gu Xiyao shrank with satisfaction in Lin. In Ze's arms, he didn't wake up at all.

Seeing Gu Xiyao sleeping so well, Lin Ze didn't wake her up, so let her enjoy it. In the past 20 years, she has slept the most relaxed and comfortable.

"You build a cave house here." Lin Ze directly released some people and asked them to build a cave house.

He is also a little tired now, and he will leave these things to his men.

Almost half an hour after the sky started to light up, another new cave house was established.

Lin Ze looked at this newly built cave house, and his heart was extremely complicated.

"This is the third cave house on this day. I hope there will not be any accidents." Then, Lin Ze held Gu Xiyao into the cave house, and then carefully placed Gu Xiyao on the bedroom bed surface.

With a cherished look, she looked at Xiyao's sweet sleeping posture, helped her cover the quilt, and whispered out of the room.

After stepping out of the room, Lin Ze quickly entered the plane seed world.

Just after entering the world of Plane Seeds, Lin Ze saw Qu Jingwen let them take the newly conquered Qiu Chong and his party to greet him directly, and looked at the kneeling of the two hundred base-building warriors in front of him, Lin Ze's face With a smile on his face, he was very happy and thought: "It has been almost two years since we arrived in this different world, and it is only now that we have some real foothold strength. With these foundations, I believe that in Chu Within it, I don’t have to worry about the threat of any sect. Whether it’s the first one that provokes me before, //Kill//Hand//Team//Weaving//Cheng Ying Lou, or the Confucian Door, a symbol of the right way, or the Chu Kingdom The royal family relies on one case, ha ha, don't you come to provoke me afterwards, otherwise, I will let you know that your strength is actually like that, ha ha ha.... Zongmen or the royal family, As long as my strength is choking, what can you do with me?! An unhappy, I directly change the world, how is that!!!"

Lin Ze thought with a domineering face, at this moment, a large stone that had been pressed against his heart was completely removed.

To be honest, Lin Ze looked like a confident face before, but his heart was still afraid of the royal family of Chu and the top sects of Chu.

Otherwise, Lin Ze would not be able to enter the dangerous 100,000 mountains immediately after he settled the riots in Shazhou and stabilized the situation above Huangsha Town.

He would so eagerly put down the things in his hand, and came to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, not yet looking for enough strength here.

When it came to Lin Ze's status, and some of the dark lines he inserted in Baiyu City and other ancestors of Chu, Lin Ze knew that the Chu state's power dispute had once entered a stage of fierce heat.

Why the rebellion in Qingzhou can’t be settled for a long time, and there are deep conspiracies in it, and the leader of these conspiracies is extremely powerful. If Lin Zezhen is trapped, with his previous strength, it’s definitely an egg touch. stone.

Perhaps Lin Ze itself can rely on the power of the Plane Seeds to ensure his own safety, but his men and his loved ones can’t be guaranteed 100%.

Therefore, in order to gain the strength to speak in this huge turmoil and the ability to say no to those powerful blackhands, Lin Ze ventured to the 100,000 mountains and accumulated enough strength.

Now it seems that Lin Ze's task is not only extremely good, but also the excess of the excess.

Now Lin Ze not only does not need to be afraid of those black hands behind the scenes, but even now, he has become the most powerful one among those chess players, that is, the referee.

Once Lin Ze was dissatisfied, he would let the opponent try his strength as a referee and let him know the huge consequences of provoke him.

"Congratulations to the master!!!" Qiu Chong and his party quickly came to kneel in front of Lin Ze.

"Well, it's fine, let's get up!" Lin Ze nodded with satisfaction. These people are the strongest in his hands afterwards.

"Xin Xue, what happened to Jianxiu's affairs?" Lin Ze asked Xin Xuedao around him.

The power of the sword repair Lin Ze looked in his eyes, and wanted to have a powerful army of sword repair. If Qiu Chong still hasn't got any credit, he will hand it to Qiu Chong this time. Go to manage, instead of letting Xinxue now.

"Master, the subordinates have carefully selected a hundred people to repair Kendo, and now it has just begun." Xin Xue replied quickly.

Lin Ze had just explained about Jianxiu's affairs, and Xin Xue immediately began to implement it.

Maybe it is extremely difficult for others to choose Jianxiu, but this is really not difficult for Xin Xue.

The way of Jianxiu depends most on one's willpower, and these people in the plane-seed world have a stronger willpower, and everyone knows it well.

However, at the beginning, it was not easy to mount too many people at once. The sword repair method was not simple. Even if it was a worm, it was not mastery. If there were mistakes at that time, if there were only a hundred, there would not be much. Loss.

"Very good, just one hundred. Wait until they have some results, and then increase the number." Lin Ze nodded with satisfaction and expressed support for Xinxue's caution.

As the saying goes, don’t move too long. If it’s too long, you’ll get rid of it.

Lin Ze remembered this sentence in his heart. When he was acting, he never rushed for success. Of course, he wouldn't get rid of it.

"Qu Jingwen, these people who just joined, you are responsible for teaching their rules here." Lin Ze turned to Qu Jingwen aside.

For things like fighting, it is best to leave it to Xinxue, but for things like handling internal affairs, it needs to be handed over to Qu Jingwen.

"Yes, master." Qu Jingwen replied with a smile.

After arranging these things, Lin Ze stretched out a lazy waist, and then said to Qu Jingwen: "Give me a secret room, I have to take care of something."

"Master, it is already ready, please come with me!" After that, Qu Jingwen led the way, and Lin Ze followed him to a secret room that had been prepared.

These closed chambers were prepared a long time ago, and they were built by Qu Jingwen for Lin Ze. The specific location is next to Lin Ze’s bedroom.

It was very open, Lin Ze entered the secret room, sat cross-legged, looked at Qu Jingwen who was waiting for his order, and said flatly: "You pay attention to the movement of the gate outside Xiyao. Once you see Xiyao getting up, come immediately. Notify me here, understand?"

"Yes, master, the subordinates under the mother and mother Xi Yao will pay attention."

"Very well, let's go down first!" After that, Lin Ze took out a piece of stuff directly from the storage bag around him and started to pick up the harvest of the previous war.

In the previous war, Lin Ze wiped out more than a thousand warriors, and everything on each warrior was searched by Lin Ze. There was no time to deal with it before. Now Lin Ze is ready to open these'treasure boxes'. See if there are any surprises.

Don’t think that most of those warriors are Grand Masters. Warriors of the Supreme Grand Master level think that there will be no good things in them, but they are not, because there is no warrior who can survive here in Wanmo Mountain Simple, therefore, they will have some surprises more or less.

Otherwise, Lin Ze will not specifically find a secret room to start these surprises. Throw it out directly and let Qu Jingwen clean up.

It's just that he didn't wait for Lin Zhong to really open the treasure chest. His eyes saw something.

Upon seeing these things, Lin Ze's open eyes no longer had the color of happiness before, but revealed a rare color of misery, nostalgia, mixedness, and finally directly transformed into the color of sadness. In Lin Ze's mind, he couldn't help but recall the scene in Huaxia that year that belonged to his home...

"Lin Ze, you are not young now. Grandpa is getting older. I don’t know which day I will go. In the past few years, some of your aunts have found a lot of matchmakers to help you. Say pro, I see you go home this time, let's go to kiss a few times, so that grandpa can see my good grandchildren get married before leaving. In this case, I will see your dad when I go down. Well, after I went down to see your father, what should I say!"

When Grandpa saw Lin Ze going home, the first time he began to marry Lin Ze.

It was just that Lin Ze's mind at that time was all about how to collect spiritual materials and how to develop the plane seed world he got. He didn't care about Grandpa's pains.

Another year later, when Lin Ze went home...

"Little Bunny, a person as big as you in the village, the children have been able to run around, like your sons and daughters of the second uncle, now the children can also play soy sauce, how come your marriage hasn't been a little bit still, Do you want to mad your grandpa?"

It's just that this time I was the same as last time. Lin Ze's heart was always thinking of exploring Mount Everest to see if he could find some ice-based spirits.

Therefore, this year, he still disappointed his dearest grandpa...

In the third year, Grandpa hadn't said anything about his marriage, and his grandmother stopped him directly.

"Old man, you said how do you worry about day and night, of course, we should choose a good grandson and grandson when we get married. With our grandchildren's current achievements, ordinary people can enter our house. Zeer is now a national art Master, can he be an ordinary person looking for a daughter-in-law? Based on our conditions, we will find you a fairy-like granddaughter in the Do you understand?"

"What's so beautiful, can such a grand-daughter-in-law like to live in the countryside? Being able to get in touch with our old couple? Marrying such a woman back, it's good not to wait for her when we want. We don’t even think about it. Besides, even such a grand-daughter-in-law is extremely virtuous. Said angrily.

"This is really, doll, I think you still listen to your grandfather this time, and find someone to get married directly in this neighborhood. In this case, we will take care of us when the time comes, and we all know the girls nearby, surely. It’s not going to be bad. I believe that in your future life, nothing unexpected will happen."

Grandma also changed her position and persuaded Lin Ze.

It's just that, when he met those years ago, Lin Ze still made excuses to perfunctory his grandparents.

"Grandpa, grandma, you two rest assured that your grandson is who I am, and I want to marry a wife. I can do it at any time. Now is the most important time for my career, so let me put it aside for a while, but rest assured, I will definitely bring you a gentle and virtuous good wife back then..."

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