Alien Lord

Chapter 1833: Pull back

Lin Ze sneered with a sneer, and also cut through the sky like a meteor. From afar, he saw Sangnan who was fleeing quickly. A cold gleam flashed in his eyes, and a crystal light spit out from his mouth. Under the flash of the crystal light, it disappeared immediately, and appeared a few hundred meters away instantly.

Sang Nan's panic flight suddenly came with a very strong sense of crisis in his heart, as if the danger was already in front of him. He was even more anxious in his heart. He just wanted to do something. Suddenly, he felt a backache. When I looked down, I saw a crystal light piercing through his chest. Countless blood, first of all, flew out of the wound on the chest like a fountain, and then, a sky gold net fell from the sky, directly wrapped him, carrying He flew backwards quickly, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't speak the sound well.

Then, he felt that his strength gradually disappeared from his body, and his eyes were getting darker and darker. Eventually his body crooked and fell from midair...

At the end of the fall, he still couldn't understand why all this suddenly changed, prey, how did he become a hunter in the end!

At the moment when his body fell, dozens of thin golden lines immediately flew from Kun's hand on Lin Ze's hand, and bound his body under a roll. As Lin Ze passed by, Sang Nan's body was like this Trapped by the trapped net, and then directly into the plane seed world, and like the previous Qu Yuan, began to plant puppet marks.

"The third one!" Lin Ze was with a happy face, and the trapped God Net in his hand directly closed, the induction slightly discerned where the other personnel were, and then turned around and flew to the next target.

The demon warriors who came out before looked at the scene in front of them. Although they were prepared for a long time, they still set off a wave of stormy waves. At this moment, Lin Ze’s power turned into an indelible mark, a deep engraving. In their hearts.

Wei Hai is the elder of the inner door of the Hades and Sects. He enjoys his respect in the ordinary days. At this time, he is like a dog of a bereavement. He is in a hurry to escape. He knows that his speed is not enough, so he digs on the ground immediately after escape. After a big pit, he took his breath away and buried himself in the ground.

At that time, he was not a strong man in the foundation period, or just an acquired warrior. He used this method to escape the disasters many times, and even, several times, he still escaped the pursuit of the strong man in the foundation period. Said that this is his strongest means of getting out.

At this time, lying a few tens of meters below the ground, his heart was slightly looser, but soon, a bitter smile in his heart, secretly said that after he advanced to Grand Master, he had been for a long time, long enough to forget to use this Life-saving technique.

He sighed in the bottom of his heart, just wanted to turn around or something. Immediately, this action of him was solidified directly in place. After that, his eyes swelled, revealing the red lightning that suddenly appeared in his pupils, and he knew the sea. Countless lightnings are being abused, and immediately, blood can't stop flowing out of his seven tricks, knowing that the sea is already turned upside down, and there are countless red electric awns.

"Give me out!" With Lin Ze's roar, dozens of gold threads quickly drilled through the soil, and then **** Wei Hai's body, lifting layers of soil and pulling it out.

"This is the fourth!" Lin Ze said with a smile. A dozen of gold wires were separated from the trapped God Net in his hand, and Wei Hai was trapped like this. Now Wei Hai is completely in a comatose state. I just woke up in the attack of the consciousness just now.

Compared with the previous three, Weihai now has blood coagulating between his nose and eyes, which looks more terrifying than the previous guys.

"You go in too!" Lin Ze flicked his right hand, and soon put Wei Hai into the world of Plane Seeds, and also began to plant puppet marks for him.

After capturing the two men in succession, Lin Ze's eyes not only did not decrease, but heavier, and soon he flew away again.

After Yixiang, Lin Ze's face was a smile on his face. He'looked' at a prison in the world of Plane Seeds. The number of people there had changed from the previous four to the present. Nine people.

Obviously, in the just past incense incense time, Lin Ze also won the elders of the five ghost ghosts.

Apart from these nine people, there are now four people left in Lin Ze's induction.

Three of these guys no longer need Lin Ze to arrest, because they were unlucky to go in the direction of the three demon warriors who manipulated the formation, with their current state of panic, plus the demonization of Lin Ze The warrior can also use the power of the formation, so he believes that these three guys were captured, just a matter of time.

So, the only person left now is the elder bee who fled the earliest. As long as he wins him, Lin Ze’s plan is a perfect end.

At this time, Ma Feng was still a fugitive, but the more he ran away, the cooler his heart was, because, after such a long time, he had not been able to escape from the fog, and, according to Ma Feng’s conjecture, he probably actually Circle around in the fog.

In the middle, Ma Feng did not find a way to get rid of this foggy array, like the previous magic weapon attack, as well as the method of breaking the array, etc., he experimented, but the final results were very disappointing. He Or continue to be trapped in the fog.

It was at this time that Ma Feng really confirmed that when Lin Ze started from the beginning, he was tempting them and wanting to smash them all away, otherwise, how could this misty fog be broken by them before, obviously, it was Lin Ze had put water before.

Although Ma Feng was anxious in the past, he didn't lose his balance. The whole person was still calm. However, with the passage of time, he sensed that the number of breaths belonging to the elders of the ghost group was decreasing (similar to ghosts Sects like Zong, there are special methods for distinguishing among the various people, such as breath identification, which is one of them.) Especially now that there are only four of him left, his heart is completely panicked. The scalp is tingling for a while.

In just such a short time, the other party actually ‘killed’ all the nine-story foundation period except him. What kind of cultivation can this be done. (Ma Feng thought he felt that the breath of these other people had disappeared, and thought they had all been killed by Lin Ze. As everyone knows, they all received ‘reformation’ in the Planar Seed World.)

"Isn't he the foundation period at all, but the Jindan period?" Ma Feng shuddered at the bottom of his heart, but then he denied this idea, because before they hunted down Lin Ze, what he thought about his actual cultivation It is clear that it is just a strong man in the foundation period.

If this were not the case, they would not chase like a joke, but now, the situation is suddenly reversed. This reversal process is too fast. As soon as Ma Feng is feeling a kind of daydreaming, it is just a nightmare.

Lin Ze followed closely behind the wasp, and his eyes grew thicker, staring at Ma Feng who had run far away, and there was a sneer in his heart.

This Ma Feng is worthy of being the strongest among all the elders of the ghosts and ghosts, and is worthy of his peak strength in the late period of the foundation period. The speed of escape is several times faster than others, but Lin Ze is not in a hurry, the other party is so fast Escape, spiritual consumption will be enormous, and it will slow down in a short time.

Moreover, there is a big fog here, even if Ma Feng is faster, as long as the big fog can't be removed, he can't escape.

From the past half an hour, it seems that Ma Feng has no strength to crack his fog, otherwise, he would have escaped long ago, where would he circle in the fog.

Ma Feng gritted his teeth and turned his direction again. According to the memory in his mind, he remembered that there was a breath of the ghost ghosts not far away. Obviously, there was another elder of the ghost ghosts. If it was before, Ma Fengzhen He didn’t want to get along with this elder, because it would increase his chances of exposure, but now that the crisis of life and death is imminent, he can’t care about anything else, just ask others to hinder each other a little, and save his life first.

Therefore, at the next moment, Ma Feng directly exerted twelve points of spiritual power and galloped to another elder of the Hades and Sects at the maximum speed.

Ding Yuan, the elder of the ghosts and ghosts, the strength at the beginning of the foundation period. This strength, really, is already acceptable, plus he is only seventy years old, so the future is really bright, he has great The chance of being promoted to Jindan in the future.

It is also for this reason that Ding Yuan's status in the Hades is not low.

This time, he actually came out with Ma Feng, came to Wanmo City to discuss things, UU read books www.uukanshu. Com also counts as a credit to him, so that he can be promoted to a higher level in the future.

In this regard, Ding Yuanxin was actually very satisfied, but what he did not expect was that this time he came out, and he would eventually fall into such a result.

"Ah, if I knew I would encounter such a thing, I would do something, alas!" Ding Yuan sighed in succession several times, and now he really regretted that he came out.

"Huh, is there anyone here?" Ding Yuan also quickly felt a certain direction on his left hand, and the atmosphere belonging to the Hades was quickly approaching.

"No, this is not because other people want to drag themselves into the water!" Ding Yuan is not stupid, and immediately thought that this is because other people want to pull themselves into the water.

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan dared not delay any further and wanted to leave here quickly.

It is a pity that after all, he only has the strength at the early stage of the foundation, compared with Ma Feng at the peak strength at the later stage of the foundation, it is too far away. This is not only a moment of breathing, Ding Yuan was behind him Ma Feng caught up directly.


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