Alien Lord

Chapter 1831: Run away

A familiar figure suddenly appeared at the mouth of the valley. He was dressed in green clothes, and the protective body exuded a noble temperament that was difficult to speak. This temperament was with Ma Feng and them, as bright as the lights in the night. .

Even Ma Feng couldn’t help squinting at this time, but soon, his eyes were fixed on Lin Ze’s figure, and he could not help walking forward a few steps, his fist clenched gradually in his right hand. power.

It's just that he hasn't walked in a few steps. The intuition in his heart tells him that the danger is near. If he keeps on moving forward, the danger will soon come.

Feeling this, Ma Feng stopped walking forward, and even took the initiative to step back a few steps, then his eyes constantly scanned the surrounding conditions, trying to find the source of danger.

Lin Ze looked at the elders of the ghost ghosts in front of him and raised his right hand. With a ‘sing’, Xuan Ming Sword appeared in his hand. Looking at the Xuan Ming Sword in his hand, his voice said coldly, "Do you want this?"

Ma Feng glanced, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his right hand began to have some preparation.

The elder Qu Yuan, who was the earliest chase at this time, immediately stared straightly at the Xuan Ming sword in Lin Ze’s hand, and said in his mouth: "Yes, we just want your flying sword, No, not only these, we also need all the treasures in you, ha ha ha ha..."

"Yes, that's it. Now you honestly hand over everything. We can guarantee to save you a life, otherwise, if you..., hey..."The mouth of the relatively thin elder before Yin said with a smile.

"Something to talk to him, bring it to me!" This is the elder of the big head, said, his big hand stretched directly at Lin Ze, the Xuan Ming sword that had been in Lin Ze's hand immediately detached from him, Flew into his hands.

Seeing the flying sword as simple as this fell into his own hands, the big-headed elder smiled on his face.

These people know the value of this flying sword, so soon Qu Yuan simply pointed it out at this point.

"Elder Ma, I believe everyone knows the value of this flying sword, and everyone is not a sword cultivator. So, this flying sword belongs to me directly. I will have a generous reward in the future, and, this kid I don’t get any penny for any other treasures on my body. In addition, Elder Ma, what needs do you have in Zongmen in the future, I must obey, how about this?"

Qu Yuan stood directly next to the elder of the big head, staring closely at the Xuan Ming sword in his hand, and said with a longing look on his face.

Ma Feng's eyes were swept directly on the Xuan Ming Sword, and there was a moment of thought in his heart: "Indeed, I am not Jian Xiu, although this flying sword has a high level, I also want it very much, but, believe this kid There will be more treasures, plus the promise behind Qu Yuan, which is extremely beneficial to my competition in Zongmen, so..."

Thinking of this, Ma Feng directly nodded his head and agreed with Qu Yuan.

At this moment, the elder of the big head flashed his eyes, his body flashed out, and his hands were directly picked up at Lin Ze. In his view, Lin Ze definitely had more treasures on his body, so he should grab him as soon as possible and search out These treasures.

Even before picking up Lin Ze, the elder of the big head laughed and laughed again and again: "Boy, today you are so difficult to fly with wings, you should come to me!"

After that, the elder of the big head grabbed Lin Ze's neck regardless of his hands, and he didn't see it at all. Now Lin Ze's mouth showed a sneer.

With a cry, the elder of the big head soon came to Lin Ze. His hands were about to grab Lin Ze's neck. At that moment, the elder of the big head caught by Lin Ze, mouth The inside screamed suddenly, and the sound sounded very miserable.

The screams hadn't been played. Immediately afterwards, he saw blood spewing out of his mouth and nose, and a lot of blood appeared in the Seven Tips. His body was thrown backwards as if hit by a heavy truck. Going out, however, before flying out of the confidential distance, he was caught back by an invisible force.

Immediately, with a bang, the whole person instantly turned into a icy icy icy, and then, stepped on Lin Ze directly under his feet, leaving only a terrified, unbelievable look.

It was only a few moments of breathing, and a strong man in the middle of foundation building was just killed in a second.

Lin Ze kicked the big-headed elder who had become Bingtuo aside directly, and then said with a domineering face: "I really don't know how you live to the present, and who gave you the guts, actually thought I am the meat on your cutting board?!"

"Oh, from this moment on, you are the meat on my Linze chopping board, if you want to live, surrender obediently, otherwise, hum..." Lin Ze's eyes are directly towards the one behind him Block Bing Tuo Tuo glanced at it, and it was clear that Lin Ze meant that if they did not surrender, they would end up the same.

"His, your kid is a pig and a tiger!" Qu Yuan yelled in his mouth. The situation is now obvious. Lin Ze had been weak before. The big head elder is the best example.

"You really are right!" After saying this, Lin Ze showed a bloodthirsty taste on his face, and the Qu Yuan, a pedestrian, looked cold in his heart.

Now they feel like they are encountering natural enemies. The feeling of grief in their hearts hits everyone's heart like a raging sea.

This is totally a sense of trembling from the soul, as if encountering a natural enemy, as if at this moment, the person in front of them has become a huge beast, and they are just the little beneath this huge beast. Like a little beast.

The waves of oppression from the soul have caused the waves of unconsciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness of the people present, and there are even signs of fragmentation of consciousness. Under the endless waves, it seems like countless The thunder exploded in their bodies and in their ears at the same time. They were so dizzy that they almost collapsed.

Like Qu Yuan, he had a wound in his body, and before his consciousness was attacked by Lin Ze’s consciousness, there were still many injuries in the consciousness. Although he suppressed it before, but There has been no time to recover.

At this time, the monstrous giant waves were set off directly inside the sea of ​​knowledge. Under the blast of the big waves, Qu Yuan only felt that the direct sea of ​​knowledge was broken directly with the sound of a "click", and then his mouth and nose were spurting blood. The blood in the Qiqiao flowed out like tap water. Then, the whole person stepped back and planted it in the ground. At the same time, the body twitched uncontrollably, and every time a twitch, a lot of blood poured out of the Qiqiao.

Soon, Qu Yuan fell into a complete coma. The Baizhang Peak in his hand fell directly from his hand and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Ma Feng's expression changed greatly. Under the shock of his heart, the sleepy net in his hand snapped a few times, and the original intention to inherit the attack was involuntarily destroyed, because, facing Lin Zezhen's absolute superiority in the battle The consciousness oppresses the attack, and Ma Feng believes that his trapped Divine Net has little effect.

With a shock in his face, he stepped back a few steps again, after which, without any hesitation, he immediately flew out into Changhong.

As for the idea of ​​seizing the treasures on Lin Ze's body, it has long since disappeared, and I can't afford to think about it.

Yes, Ma Feng is really scared.

As a strong man in the late foundation period, he is within the scope of the Wanmo City, and he is also regarded as the number one character. Moreover, he has never been afraid of his heart before, even if he is stronger than the deep foundation period he built. He, even the strong man in the pseudo-Golden Period, has not encountered him before.

Every year, a considerable number of similar strongmen come to the Magic City to buy spiritual materials, or exchange some treasures. A few of these people are strong in the pseudo-Golden Period. Although he can't beat it, he never fears in his heart. It’s because he believes that even if he can’t beat it, he has enough bottom to escape.

However, this situation is completely different now, because in front of Lin Ze, he is like a golden power stage, his heart and nerves are beating madly, he knows that this is the highest state of alertness Entering such a state means that the person in front of him is a strong man he can't resist. His only way is to escape.

Ma Feng swears that this is the first and only time after he has advanced into the foundation period, and he even felt the fear of death, even the smell of death.

So, after that, he almost didn't think about it, he didn't want to think about anything, he just turned around and ran away.

If it were in the past, even if he had run away, Ma Feng would never choose the first one to escape. With his mind and practice, he would surely try to escape after others, and then choose a safe direction to ~ But now, he has a strong feeling in his heart, if he does not escape immediately, immediately, as soon as possible, then he will only have a dead end!

Look at the rest of the ghost ghost elders. At this time, they also changed their expressions one by one.

Especially after Qu Yuan fell to the ground without any trace of serious wounds, his life and death were unknown, and after the most powerful elder Ma Feng then walked away without hesitation, the remaining people also invariably used twelve cents of spiritual power. Scattered into several directions, Changhong scattered away in a hurry, and quickly escaped.

Each one exerted all of his strength, fearing that he would slow down one point and become a backed existence.

As for stopping to gather all the forces to fight Lin Ze to the end, huh, everyone, don’t forget, these elders of the ghosts and ghosts are all devil cultivators. They are extremely selfish in their hearts, and they will not have themselves left to help block Lin. Ze's pursuit, while letting others escape.

In their hearts, they wished that others would become backs to block Lin Ze's pursuit, and then let themselves escape safely.


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