Alien Lord

Chapter 1828: Ready to close the net


"So many people are enough. If there are more, there may be some unexpected situations. So, it's time for me to close the net!" Lin Ze thought quietly, preparing to close the net.

The other party suddenly showed seven or eight people who were both in the foundation period, and the highest of these seven or eight had already reached the state of the late foundation period. For Lin Ze, there was already some pressure, he could not continue to wait Go on, otherwise, if there are more than a dozen similar strongmen in the foundation period, or monsters of the same level, Lin Ze will really be able to sit on the wax, so Lin Ze is ready to close the net.

As for how to close the net and how to make none of these people escape, Lin Ze was confident about this, because, before he prepared to lure the five elders of the ghost ghost, he had made some arrangements in advance.

Among the thirty-six demon warriors, he selected eight people who mastered the formation, took a step forward, and placed a trap somewhere, only waiting for Lin Ze to guide those behind him to this trap. inside.

Before Lin Ze would stop to clean up the elders of the five ghosts, because he knew that the destination was close at hand.

Now there are seven or eight elders of the Ghost Sect in the foundation period. It can be said that Lin Ze's net is regarded as a'big fish' on the net, and he is ready to close it.

"The junior in front of you, you are really bold. You dare to take action against our Hades. Haha, the old man wants to see where you can go. I’m not afraid to tell you that within a few thousand miles of this area, These are all the sites of our ghost ghost sect. You juniors can't escape. You dare to provoke our ghost ghost sect and capture our elder, even if you are at the end of the world, you are dead."

The elder Ma Feng of the late foundation period said slowly, while speaking, his right hand waved freely, and a golden seal was immediately condensed in front of him. Then, he reached out and pressed, the golden seal immediately It flashed out and killed Lin Ze directly in front.

Suddenly, Lin Ze’s back neck was cold, and he instantly realized that the danger was coming behind him. At this time, he was not panicking, hesitatingly moved his body, and he dangerously avoided the golden one behind him. The characters attacked, but then, more golden seals attacked one after another.

Looking at the number of Fu Zhuan attacked later, Lin Ze guessed that this elder who attacked him should be a master of Fu Zhuan.

To be honest, Lin Ze is very satisfied with such a person, because if he can be captured, then Lin Ze's hands are not lacking in masters of refining and sealing.

Although Lin Ze's hands now have some martial arts refining Fu Zhuan, but the Fu Zhuan level is not high, not even a master-level Fu Zhuan division, so now after seeing this Fu Zhuan master, Lin Ze moved. .

However, in order to capture him, Lin Ze had to spend some means and time.

No, Lin Ze flew all the way to the Fuzhuan attack behind him, while secretly clenching his teeth, and quickly flew forward without looking back.

The elders of the ghosts behind him, the four elders who had stopped at this time talked about the treasures on Lin Ze's body, and the power of the Xuan Ming sword in Lin Ze's hands directly made the later seven or eight The elder's eyes flashed, and then he chased Lin Ze in front frantically.

Gradually, under the crazy full-speed chase of these elders, under the condition that Lin Ze deliberately pretended to be weak, the elder ghost group behind him was getting closer and closer.

Seeing here, Lin Ze's eyes flickered, and there was a smile on the corner of Lin Ze's mouth in those behind him who could not see the ghost ghost elders.

"Oh, all the guys are fooled, and now you can close the net!" Lin Ze was secretly ecstatic, and then he turned around and flew in a certain direction, where he prepared a'big day' for those guys behind him Surprise!

Of course, whether those guys behind will like the ‘surprise’ he prepared, hehe, Lin Ze doesn’t matter at all...

"Hunt me?! Ha ha, this will pay a price you can't imagine!"

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's eyes showed a bit of chill, and immediately, he again mentioned his speed and flew away in a certain direction.

Seeing Lin Ze speeding up, the elders behind the ghosts who had chased him did not think much, and all accelerated to chase Lin Ze.

As for whether there is a danger ahead, or if there are traps waiting for them, they really don't care at all.

One is that there are many people here, even if there are traps ahead, they also have enough strength and strength to break through this danger.

The other is that they have not allowed Lin Ze to escape from their sight. Under such circumstances, they believe that there will never be a trap set by Lin Ze in front of him, because he does not have this time.

It is for these two reasons that the elders behind the ghosts and ghosts will chase Lin Ze at full speed with confidence.

This time, only a few minutes, Lin Ze's eyes appeared, there was a very obvious mountain.

The mountain outside was misty, and I couldn't see the details inside, but when Lin Ze arrived here, he quickly rushed in without thinking.

And, at the moment when he approached the mist in the mountains, suddenly, the mist suddenly split a road, and then several figures appeared directly in front of Lin Ze to welcome Lin Ze's arrival.

Lin Ze flashed directly into the mist, and the previously exposed passage was quickly covered. Those behind him did not see the changes in the mist at all.

"Is everything ready?" Lin Ze asked directly after entering the mist.

"Master, everything is ready!" a leading demon warrior replied respectfully.

"Very well, you go down and prepare to see my command line." Lin Ze nodded with satisfaction, and said.

"Yes, master!" Soon, the eight demon warriors disappeared into the mist again.

At this time, the elder group of ghosts and ghosts behind him also chased to the vicinity of the mist. Seeing these mists, the leading Ma Feng showed a trace of disdain.

He thought that Lin Ze fled towards here, trying to get away from the mist here.

In response, his face showed a look of contempt.

Maybe this kind of fog is really a confusing effect for ordinary cultivators, such as those who are below the master level, but for them, those strong foundation-builders who can already use divine consciousness, it is really They don't exist at all, they can clearly'see' everything in the mist.

Including Lin Ze who seems to have stopped now.

"Carved insect skill!" Ma Feng said with disdain, and then raised his right hand, ‘咻咻咻’ successively three golden Fuzhuan attacks flew directly into the mist.

In a flash, a series of fuzhuan flashing with dazzling golden awns broke through the mist like lightning, and rushed directly into it. Then, he straightly killed Lin Ze inside the mist.

"Good to come!" Since he had arrived at his destination, Lin Ze was no longer prepared to continue to pretend to be weak. He directly took out the Xuanming sword around him, and countless sword qi flew out of the Xuanming sword, killing directly Flying golden seal seal.



"Boom!" The blue sword gas and the golden seal seal instantly collided, and a powerful explosion sound followed. After two or three breaths, Lin Zehe and Ma Feng's middle position rose directly After a cloud of mushrooms, afterwards, the powerful gang Qi Yuwei swept everything around.

The ground was directly scraped by the aftershock of the qi for nearly a meter. On the ground more than 100 meters around, there were cracks in the thickness of the arms everywhere, and the trees and weeds here have now turned into powder and disappeared. Inside the gale.

"Baizhong Mountain!"

"Autumn Rain Sword!"

"Ghost Knife!"

"Yinling Xiao!!"

....... Lin Ze just wiped out Ma Feng’s Fuzhuan attack, and the attacks of other ghosts and elders appeared one after another.

For the elders of these ghosts, there is no knightly demeanor and they don’t pay attention to one-on-one. Once they shot, they directly swarmed up, and they still just used Lin Ze tricks, Dan Tian A sudden attack when the spiritual power inside has not yet been stimulated.

More than a dozen powerful magic weapon attacks, the gang attack immediately encircled the Linze regiment.

after that.......

"Boom!" A burst of explosion sounded, and countless light gray dust directly submerged Lin Ze.

call out! Suddenly, a figure quickly flew out of the explosion wave, and it was very embarrassed and staggered toward the fog.


Lin Ze snorted, a spout of blood spewed out of his mouth, and then his body fell like a broken kite, and was directly hit into the mist by the aftermath of the explosion behind him.

"I really underestimated these guys this time! Cough cough cough...!" Lin Ze flying in the air coughed for a It was clear in his heart that he really was this time It's too young to see this elder group of the Hades.

In fact, think about it too. Others say how they are the elders of the ghosts and ghosts, or the strong ones in the foundation period. The most important thing is that others are demon cultivators, but they will not tell you the right way.

Besides, this was originally a battlefield of life and death. On the battlefield, of course, everything is done to kill the enemy, whether this method is right or not, it doesn’t matter.

"Master!" Soon, three demonized warriors appeared in the mist. They looked anxiously at the pale Lin Ze, a flying body, caught Lin Ze, and then waved the flag in his hand.

I saw that the mist in front of them suddenly rolled, and the thick mist completely covered Lin Ze's figure in an instant.

These demonized warriors act extremely fast, and with the cover of the mist, so the elders of the ghosts behind did not find anything wrong in the mist.

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