Alien Lord

Chapter 1825: Fight

Unfortunately, Lin Ze was very dissatisfied with these people who were robbed by fire, and the strength of these people was like that, so he didn't show mercy at all.

The speed of Lin Ze's escape in front of him is not reduced. The whole person is flying fast in the forest like a loach, but his consciousness spreads back, and the consciousness attacked by the condensed consciousness continues to follow closely. Behind them, the disciples of the ghost ghosts killed.

As long as Lin Ze perceives a disciple of the ghost ghost, he will move his mind. Afterwards, a powerful consciousness attack instantly breaks the sea of ​​consciousness of the disciple of the ghost ghost, and then another disciple of the ghost ghost falls down, Stepped into the same end of the previous Liu Wu.

In this way, the disciples who pursued the ghosts stopped involuntarily and dared not continue to pursue them.

However, the elders of the five ghost-building periods of the Ghost Sect did not care at all, always staring at the place pointed by the mirror in the distance and chasing them.

This is also the reason why Lin Ze does not attack the consciousness attack on the five elders. These five elders are the strengths of the early and middle stages of the foundation. Lin Ze’s consciousness attack can play a surprise role, but, want to It's not difficult to download them.

I don’t know whether it’s because I can’t stand Lin Ze’s hands on the disciples under the door, or because I feel that the distance is enough, one of the elders in Captain Wu came and waved a black giant seal from his sleeve. After a few laps in mid-air, it turned into a huge mountain with a height of more than 30 meters. With the sneering finger of the elder, the huge mountain immediately crashed down on Lin Ze's head.

At the moment of smashing, Lin Ze who knew everything behind him immediately turned around and quickly hid.

However, the elder’s smile was colder, and there was a slight contempt in the corner of his mouth. His right hand flicked again and again, and the huge mountain was not flexible enough. He quickly caught up with Lin Ze and smashed it violently and continuously. Lin Ze also dodges.

Therefore, in a series of bombardment sounds, a dark shadow rushed away from the large amount of tree debris with a trace of embarrassment, turned around and glanced at the five people coldly, and continued to fly away quickly. "Hand over the storage bag on your body, otherwise, die!" The elder who threw out the ancient mirror, his eyes like electricity, whispered to Lin Ze's back.

However, his words just fell, and suddenly there was a dazzling light in front of him, a dozen powerful sword qi, suddenly spurted from the ground, each sword qi directed at his key point, the most recent sword qi even Already in front of his eyebrows, he was terrified in his heart, his body paused, and he stiffly moved a few inches to the left in less than one thousandth of a second. However, such a forced disguise made him inside. His spiritual power was out of control in an instant, and countless spiritual powers were chasing in his Dantian and meridians, which caused the gang gas shield on the surface of his body to shatter instantly after some shaking.

Not waiting for the elder to come and raise another protective body, suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest, as if something had penetrated into it, and then came out of his back, a big mouthful of blood came from his Spit in the mouth.

"This insidious trick!!!" The elder was pale, and his face was tingling with fear. If he hadn't been hiding fast just now, I'm afraid he would die here today.

Lin Ze in front sighed a pity at this time, but he set up this trap before, and used the shape of embarrassment to cover up a dozen powerful sword qi hidden under the ground, as well as several killer sword qi afterwards. .

The dozen or so powerful sword qi in the front are actually only used to disturb the enemy. The real killer is actually the extremely sinister and silent sword qi in the back.

The previous development was similar to Lin Ze’s imagination. One of the elders of the Haunted Ghost Sect didn’t pay attention and stepped on the trap left by Lin Ze directly. Then, dozens of sword qi attacked him, powerful power, and instant The speed of the advent caused the elder to lose his proportions directly, leading to aura rebellion, and the body's body and qi shield disappeared instantly.

After that, several silent sword-qi chasing and killing followed him, and instantly hit the elder who lost the protection of the body-protecting qi shield.

It's a pity that this guy who was recruited didn't peep at the elders like the powerful sect, such as the ghost of the ghost, and the strength in his hand was very strong.

Although Lin Ze felt a little dissatisfied with the failure to clean up the elder, but for the first time in the hearts of several other elders, there was a chill for Lin Ze for the first time.

They are about the same strength as the elder who was just hit hard. So, even if they are replaced by them, the best result is the same serious injury as the elder, and if it is slightly worse, then... ...

The elders of the four ghost ghosts who chased Lin Ze tightly couldn't help but shivered with a chill. They looked at each other the same and dared not underestimate Lin Ze in front.

"Shoot together!" The four elders looked at each other, and soon shot Lin Ze at the same time.

"Hoohoo!!" A huge mountain, two demon souls with a height of more than five meters, two male and female swords, and a giant giant palm, struck Lin Ze at the same time.

"Thousand Sword Skills!!" Facing the four-strike killer skills that struck at the same time, Lin Ze took out the top magic weapon Xuan Ming Sword from the Xuan Yin Secret Realm, one was just out of the sheath. The flying sword that exhaled endless murder was held by Lin Ze in this way, and then hundreds of thousands of silver-white sword qi flew out of the Xuanming sword.

"咻咻咻!!" Hundreds of hundred to Xuan Ming sword gas directed at the killer of the four elders.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and countless trees and the ground within a hundred meters of the surrounding area were turned into powder in this vibration and explosion sound.

After all the sounds of the explosion stopped, I saw a big pit with a length of 150 meters and a depth of 4 or 5 meters directly in front of Lin Ze and the four elders. The mess, the trees within this range have been destroyed, and a huge crack remains on the ground.

In the face of such a result, the four elders of the Hades and the other elders who have been relieved by God are all shocked. They do not say a few defensive decisions in a row, on the surface of the body. A layer of body protection was placed on it, and then he stared at Lin Ze in front of him.

Seriously, before they came, they had put Lin Ze high enough in their hearts, but, unexpectedly, Lin Ze's strength was several times stronger than they thought, even their joint, Lin Ze also couldn't win.

"Fuck me!" Lin Ze's eyes were cold, and after saying this sentence, he continued to fly away quickly.

The five elders of the Ghost Ghost Sect glanced at each other, and finally looked at Xuan Ming Sword wandering outside Lin Ze's body with greed in their eyes.

From the confrontation just now, the five elders are undeniable. Lin Ze's strength is very strong, but they claim that they can beat Lin Ze if their five join forces. Before Lin Ze was able to defeat one by four, in In their view, the biggest reason is the powerful flying sword in Lin Ze's hand.

Such a powerful flying sword can be said to be extremely rare in the practice world. The most important thing is that the five of them were originally due to the treasures on Lin Ze. Now the treasures are close to their eyes. Chase away.

The elder who was seriously wounded may have learned the lessons of the previous attack, threw several defensive magic weapons during the chase, and defended the body around the airtight. This was relieved, and then he continued to count down. Elixir of Elixir, while chasing Lin Ze, recovered his injuries and the spiritual energy he had previously consumed.

After the previous lesson, the elder dared not underestimate Lin Ze, so he made all preparations.

At the last moment, he hesitated on his face, and soon he gritted his teeth, took out a piece of communication jade jade, put it on his forehead, and flicked it out. This piece of communication jade jade flickered and disappeared.

This elder has become a startled bird. Just in case, he used a message to inform other peers. Once they lose something, their peers can come as soon as possible.

Lin Ze looked at the movements of several guys behind him in the eyes, and he couldn't help but sneer for a while.

Because Lin Ze would be so entangled with these five elders, in fact, in order to guide them into the trap he set.

If Lin Ze really wants to escape, where will these five guys catch up.

Not to mention the powerful method of escape, even if Lin Ze used the space snake to open the space channel, I believe that the elders of the five ghosts could not catch up.

Lin Ze will deliberately use ordinary light skills to escape from the Magic in order to guide them out.

The huge harvest just inside the Wanmo City made Lin Ze realize that this Wanmo Mountain abandoned by the cultivation world is actually a real treasure. There are countless treasures in it, so Lin Ze needs to leave some people here to collect Information and treasures here.

Lin Ze did not have any suitable candidates. Neither Qu Jingwen nor the thirty-six base-building demon warriors who had just conquered were suitable candidates for staying in Wanmo Mountain.

Like Qu Jingwen, they are all in the right way, which leads to their way of doing things, and the true nature of their bodies. They are very different from the devil cultivators in Wanmo City. They stay here too obvious. , Will be killed soon.

In addition, Qu Jingwen's own strength is not enough.

Grandmaster, Grandmaster-level strength, in Wanmo City and Wanmo Mountain, it doesn't matter. Once they have trouble with people here, they can easily be killed.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to leave Qu Jingwen in the Wanmo City.


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