Alien Lord

Chapter 1820: Into the city

As soon as he came to the door of Wanmo City, Lin Ze frowned directly, because he found that the gate of Wanmo City was like an ancient Chinese city. There were dozens of toll booths at the gate of the city. Armed warriors are standing at the gate of the city, while maintaining the order, while charging entry fees.

"It seems that this Wanmo City is not weaker than the night market of modern society in the splendor of the night market, but in some bad habits, it is much worse than the modern city." Lin Ze sighed in the bottom of his heart, and then directly toward the city gate Go.

Entering the village to follow the custom, now that he has come to the door of the other city, what Lin's doing is directly followed by Lin Ze.

In particular, Lin Ze now needs to keep an absolute low profile. Therefore, Lin Ze regarded these bad habits at the city gate as if he had not seen them.

"Stop!" Just came to the gate of the city, a warrior who looked like a captain level shouted Lin Ze.

Lin Ze stood still, looking at the person who shouted at him calmly.

"Where did you come from? What are you doing here in Magic City?" the captain asked directly.

"Why don't you ask other people, just ask me?" Lin Ze didn't explain, but asked instead.

The same is true of the implementation of the above. Before Lin Ze, hundreds of warriors entered the Devil's City. Apart from paying some entry fees, they did not encounter other things, let alone be called. Too.

"Oh, they are all sectarians, you are not a sectarian!" The captain explained with a sneering expression.

Hearing this, Lin Ze remembered the people who had entered the city before. The clothes on them were somewhat different. The clothes on them were more or less imprinted. Obviously, this was the imprint of their sect.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze no longer insisted on speaking, he said with a smile: "I am a casual repair, want to enter the city to buy some demon soul and ghost."

After that, Lin Ze directly transported the true solution of Xuanyin. Immediately, a strong air of Xuanyin leaked from Lin Ze’s body. The powerful air of Xuanyin instantly gave a range of ten meters around Linze directly to Frozen into frost.

"Senior, sorry, really sorry, I misunderstood you, please come in, please come in!!" Lin Ze here just leaked some momentum during the foundation period, and the former menacing captain converted directly His face, carefully apologizing to Lin Ze, and actively inviting Lin Ze to enter the Wanmo City.

"Fuck, it turned out to be an old monster, as I said earlier, otherwise I wouldn't make mistakes, wouldn't I?!" The captain kept muttering in his heart.

Only by virtue of the kind of frozen all mysterious air from Lin Ze, the captain knew that this guy in front of him was definitely a devil-level strongman. For such a strongman, where would he dare to embarrass him? .

Otherwise, a bad word may soon disappear silently.

"Oh, don't you need to pay Yuanshi to enter the city?" Lin Ze asked with a smile at this time.

"No, no, you don't have to pay a fee to enter the city. As long as the strength reaches the foundation period, there is no fee to enter the city." The captain quickly explained that he didn't want to cause the dangerous guy in front of him to be dissatisfied.

"Well, that's good." Lin Ze nodded, preparing to enter the city directly.

"Senior, yes, this is your identification in the city." The captain took the initiative to hand Lin Ze an identity jade card, which clearly indicated the word Jianji. Obviously, this thing is the ID card above the earth , Or something like a temporary residence permit.

Lin Ze didn't say it again. After receiving the identity jade card, he walked into Wanmo City excitedly. As for the trouble of the captain at the door, he really didn't have this thought, nor did he have this time. .

Just walked into the gate of the city, what appeared to Lin Ze was brightly lit and bright lights, directly illuminating the whole city as bright as during the day.

Moreover, the streets along the way are full of businesses, restaurants, and countless stalls. Lin Ze walked on the street, and it felt like he was shopping in a modern city, so that he quickly integrated into it.

"The ancestral ancestor planning this city is definitely a genius who manages the city. He can actually build a feudal city like a modern city. It can be seen that his wisdom is really very high. Unfortunately, he is in the two It has disappeared for a hundred years, otherwise, I will be able to discuss business with this ancestral ancestor in the future." Lin Ze's mouth was full of pity.

Lin Ze is confident that under his leadership, the future Huangsha Town will develop at a rocket-like speed. At that time, how to sell commodities was a problem, and the extremely prosperous business of Wanmo City was obviously an excellent one. As long as there is an agreement with Wanmo City, the commodities produced by Huangsha Town will not have to worry about not being sold for quite some time.

However, it is a pity that the Wanmo City is now a chaotic place. If Lin Ze comes here to do business, the chance of losing money will be as high as seven or eight layers.

Perhaps for the first time on the mainland of China, seeing such a prosperous night market, Lin Ze visited the whole market for nearly an hour, before he began to do the right thing.

"Such a beautiful night market, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can take Xi Yao, Ping'er and Shaman to visit them, I believe they will like it." With such thoughts, Lin Ze step by step left the night market, Move forward to the Wanbao Pavilion that I had inquired about before.

While in the night market, Lin Ze also harvested some spiritual materials from some stalls. At the same time, he also asked the stall owner to find out where the shops selling magic souls and ghosts are located in the Wanmo City.

Lin Ze asked the owners of the five stalls for information. The shops mentioned by the five people all had the name of Wanbao Pavilion. Therefore, Lin Ze came directly to Wanbao Pavilion.

Wanbao Pavilion, just hearing this name, will know what is sold in it and what kind of storefront it is.

The entire Wanbao Pavilion occupies a huge area, and Lin Ze found the Wanbao Pavilion easily.

Looking at the huge attic with a floor height of dozens of acres and an area of ​​tens of acres in front of him, even Lin Ze saw it, and felt a little shock in his heart.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, compared to the large shopping malls on the earth, this Wanbao Pavilion is also not compromised!" Lin Ze praised in his mouth, and then went directly into the Wanbao Pavilion.

The entire Wanbao Pavilion has a total of 18 floors, each of which is a few times more expensive for magic weapons and spiritual materials. When Lin Ze came here, the ground floor was almost filled by the warriors. A large number of warriors were here. Bargaining with a few obviously lower-level guys.

In order to ensure safety, Lin Ze took out a black robe from the storage bag to cover his head and face before entering.

This kind of dressing is normal in Wanmo City, especially when you come to a treasure land like Wanbao Pavilion, the nine-story warriors will wear such a black robe to hide their appearance.

This is Wanmo City, the world of the demon warriors. Here, there are greedy eyes everywhere. If you don’t dress up, it is really difficult for you to leave Wanmo City safely.

After Lin Ze entered, he took a rough sweep, and soon discovered that the value of the first layer was not high, like weapons, only the yellow level black soldiers were the main ones, and a few reached the black level. .

Even if it is the spirit materials, most of them are only ordinary grades, and a few of them are exquisitely placed in the boxes. Seals are attached to both sides of the boxes to prevent the spirit materials. The aura inside leaked out, causing the level of the aura to decline.

In addition, in the middle of the first floor, there is also a cylindrical crystal wall, in which three ground-level Xuanbing finished glyphs are floating opposite each other.

These three prefecture-level mysterious soldiers shone brightly and sometimes darkly, sometimes shining bright luster, and sometimes exuding a burst of powerful momentum. Some low-level warriors could not even walk in.

Seeing Lin Ze staring at the crystal wall, a buddy came from the side.

This buddy looks twenty years old, with a smart look on his face, and his strength is also quite good. The strength of the innate early stage. When he walked between the rooms, he already looked at Lin Ze first.

Lin Ze's behavior of covering his head and face is quite indifferent, because such a dress is a common thing here.

There are often some guests who don’t like to be seen the true face, so they will dress like this.

The other party’s cultivation base was because he had a method of identification from the Wanbao Pavilion, and Lin Ze’s body carried the identity jade card given by the captain of the city gate, so soon this guy knew that the guy in front was the foundation period Strength.

But face to face, soon, a strange look appeared in his because, when he sensed Lin Ze's identity jade card with his mystery, he found something wrong, this guy on the opposite side, his Cultivation is the foundation period, but it is the strength of the Jindan period.

Such a change makes this guy a little puzzled.

Where does this guy know that Wanbaoge's secret secret is powerful, but when it is used on Lin Ze, there is an error.

Yes, the strength of Lin Ze’s body is the state of the great consummation of the foundation period, but don’t forget that Lin Ze’s psychic power has reached the Jindan period.

Therefore, this buddy's perception will appear such a mistake.

However, although this man was surprised, he didn't see any abnormality on the surface. He looked at Lin Ze respectfully and said, "Seniors, did you like these few mysteries? You are for your juniors Did you buy it?"

Although this man is a little uncertain about Lin Ze’s strength, he is very smart, knowing that Lin Ze’s strength is inferior to the soldiers of this level, so he directly said that Lin Ze is for his descendants watch.

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