Alien Lord

Chapter 1814: Jiaolong

As Lin Ze walked more and more inside, the color of the gang gas shield around him became heavier and heavier, and the number of cultivators along the way was also decreasing.

Since the ninth valley he has just entered, he can no longer see any other cultivators within the range of his induction, and the ground animal bones on the ground gradually increase.

Lin Ze paused a little here in the ninth valley, adjusted to rest, he carefully observed the surroundings, and his consciousness spread out, because he always had a feeling in his heart that this ninth valley was completely different from the previous eight valleys. Different, as to what exactly this difference is, he doesn’t know it right now, but his heart always feels like, there seem to be countless eyes gathered here at the moment he entered, staring closely at him, Moreover, these eyes are extremely greedy, as if they want to swallow him.

There was a sneer in Lin Ze's heart, the consciousness in the sea of ​​knowledge spread out with all his strength, and then with a mentality that even a small fly didn't let go, he swept all around here immediately. The eyes gathered before dissipated, and Tanai seemed to have restored the previous calm again.

"Humph, bully and frightened ghost stuff!" Lin Ze snorted coldly, his sense of power had just sensed the masters of these eyes, these are some ghosts hidden in the void world.

If the timing is not right now, Lin Ze would really let these ghosts taste his power.

The void world is indeed very dangerous for other practitioners, and it is not easy to open, but it is not difficult for Lin Ze, who has a space snake.

Lin Ze pondered for a moment, and finally gave up the idea of ​​finding these ghosts hidden in the void world. Afterwards, he collected the scattered ghosts in a hurry and picked some strengths after the magic masters of the Supreme Master , He went to the tenth valley... (Lin Ze is now a true avatar, building on the strength of the Great Consummation, so capturing some of the supreme grandmaster-level demons is really as simple as eating. )

When Lin Ze walked through the thirteenth valley, the bodyguard around him suddenly snapped and broke open.

Lin Ze's eyes were dignified. He knew that this meant that the quality of the extremely dark land here had already broken above the prefecture level, and even reached the prestige level.

This extremely yin land is absolutely a place of death for any other cultivator, because the extremely yin qi here will instantly freeze the true qi of these cultivators, and then their flesh. ///body.

However, all this is nothing for Lin Ze, who has a plane seed.

Moreover, Lin Ze is not only not afraid of the extreme yin qi here, but on the contrary, he is still absorbing the pure extreme yin qi here with plane seeds.

Just after entering the valley entrance of this valley, Lin Ze felt a wave of extreme cold coming out of this valley, and just after touching Lin Ze's body, he vaguely felt his body became a little stiff.

Lin Ze looked carefully around and sighed. In fact, this is definitely the best place to collect demons and other ghosts. Unfortunately, it seems calm here, but it can be directly called by the outside practitioners. It is one of the three dangerous places, and there must be danger in it, and the danger is not small. Otherwise, the magical sect such as the zombie sect will never let this treasure land go.

Therefore, Lin Ze did not dare to catch the devil and the ghost here for a long time. Even if the conditions are good here, before he fully understands the dangers inside, or under the last resort, he is Would not choose to stay here for a long time.

He hesitated a little in the bottom of his heart, and things like Demon Soul, he has actually collected a lot along the way, even if the amount above is used to supplement the Thousand Demon streamers, but he also believes that he captured These magic souls and ghosts should also be able to increase the power of some thousand demon streamers.

Now that the Thousand Demon streamers can only exert their mid-level strength, then after absorbing these demons collected by themselves, I believe that they can exert their power at least for the base period. This is for Gu Xiyao. Say, it is enough.

Anyway, Gu Xiyao will stay with Lin Ze in the future. In this case, wherever she is needed to fight, as long as she can do some self-preservation, it is enough.

However, Lin Ze was so deep that if he had to leave here, his heart was still a little unwilling. After all, there are really a lot of Yin-type spirit materials here, and a lot of them are counted as treasure levels.

However, looking into the valley from here, you can see the appearance of the thirteen valleys. The thirteenth valley is obviously different from the previous twelve valleys. Its size alone is almost equivalent to the sum of the previous valleys.

In addition, the strangeness in this valley is that almost no corpses and animal bones can be seen, and the ground is covered with a very strange, blue and frost atmosphere, which looks quite mysterious, There is a feeling of being in hell.

Facing such a weird place, even Lin Ze is now a little chilly in his heart.

He stood on the spot, and when he looked at it from afar, the road he had just walked through was not the end of the thirteenth valley.

Moreover, I do not know whether it is because of the influence of extreme yin qi here, or because of any restrictions here, and the range of Lin Ze’s inductive force sensing is also limited here.

Before Lin Ze's sensing force could sense a range of about five kilometers, but now it can only sense a range of about one kilometer, and the sensing range is directly reduced by five hundred.

Therefore, in the face of such a weird place, and Gu Xiyao was waiting for himself, Lin Ze looked at the valley carefully. After thinking a little, he shook his head and prepared to return.

But, just when he was about to leave, suddenly, there was a roaring roar in the depths of the valley, followed by a giant jiao that was more than 100 meters in length, suddenly emerged from the frost and mist in the valley. .

Seeing this, Lin Ze's complexion changed, and immediately backed away for 100 meters, stepped on his feet, operated the recluse technique, and drilled directly into the ground to hide it, but his consciousness spread out instantly, staring at this A giant jiao.

I saw this giant dragon's huge body move, and suddenly the wind and thunder burst around, and the air was radiating, almost in the blink of an eye, it traversed the distance of nearly two kilometers, and flew into the valley valley.

When the giant jelly flew over Lin Ze, a large piece of blood fell from the sky. Lin Ze's did not need to look up, just by virtue of the sense of force, he clearly saw a deep gap in the belly of the giant jelly. The length of the gap is almost half the length of the dragon body.

Lin Ze's inductive force looked in the direction that Ju Jiao had flown before, only to see a blood mark appeared on the ground, which showed that during this flight of Jiao Long, the blood never stopped.

Jiaolong stopped above the valley entrance, a trace of indifference appeared in his eyes, seeming to ignore the **** under his body and the wounds of bones. He looked up at the sky and made the last roar, and the roar came out, all around The original silent air immediately showed obvious changes. There were invisible ripples in the air, and a violent impact came out like a raging wave in the sea. forward.

Cultivators, demon souls and other things in the other valleys around them, after being hit by this sonic wave, directly emit a burst of popping sounds, afterwards, they have turned into powder, and then, they are blown by the waves behind Set off, continue to push away.

Lin Ze is under the ground and protected by plane seeds, so the impact is minimal, but the corner of the mouth is also shocked with a trace of blood.

It can be seen that the strength of this dragon is really very strong, otherwise, Lin Ze's now complete avatar of the foundation period, where will be injured?

Not only that, but the unknown ground of the valley was also scrapped off three feet thick. After seeing these, Lin Ze’s heart was extremely shocked, because it is obvious that the strength of this dragon is more than his current one. The strength of the avatar is much higher, it is definitely a dragon of Jindan strength.

However, it is such a dragon that has reached the Jindan stage, but it has been hit so seriously that it can threaten its life. From this, it can be seen that the danger in Wanmo Mountain is in danger.

This roaring sound continued for a long period of incense Jiaolong's bright eyes gradually faded, with the last trace of strength, one head fell from the air, a bang The weight of thousands of tons hit the ground directly, instantly smashing the ground.

The ground that was originally solid like steel is now like a foam, and it was directly smashed into a deep pit that is as deep as 30 to 40 meters, and the body of Jiaolong, as if it was submerged in water, was instantly submerged in the pit. In the depths, no one will be seen again.

"Boom!" Lin Ze jumped out of the ground suddenly at this moment, rushed away without thinking, and came to the deep pit in a blink of an eye. When his body was still in the air, his right hand turned into All the while, he grabbed the dragon tail that had been half of the body deep into the ground and dragged it outward.

Just listening to the click, the huge dragon was dragged out of the ground by him, and fell directly to the ground.

After seeing this huge dragon, Lin Ze’s heart jumped for a while. After that, Lin Ze said nothing. First, a full-strength mental attack directly stunned the conscious dragon. Then, his right hand was against the dragon. Wave.

"Hoo!" Suddenly, Jiaolong was instantly taken into the Plane Seed World by Lin Ze.

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