Alien Lord

Chapter 1809: Night (1)

Time passed quickly, and soon the sky began to darken gradually.

Seeing the sky getting darker, Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao finally found a relatively suitable place to stay after walking for a while.

This is an empty cave. There are not many beasts in and around it. It can be seen that there are not many beasts in and around this cave.

In addition, the temperature here is relatively high, and the inside is also very dry. Reiki and the like are also OK. It is a good place to rest.

Lin Ze entered the cave and searched carefully. After killing hundreds of fist-sized scorpions, there was nothing more dangerous in the cave.

After Lin Ze asked Gu Xiyao to stay in the cave, he stepped back, and his body jumped around all around, searching for the surrounding conditions, eliminating more than a dozen guru levels, and hundreds of innate, several days later After the beast, he turned back into the cave.

After returning to the cave, Lin Ze saw that the scope of the cave was a little small. He directly patted the storage bag around him and threw a flying sword. His right finger pointed to the mountain in front of the flying sword, and the flying sword immediately cut go with.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!!" A series of choking sounds from the metal floor kept coming out. Hearing these sounds, Lin Ze frowned, and found that the mountain was harder than he had imagined. The flying sword was cut on it. Like cutting on metal, the effect is minimal.

"Humph!" Lin Ze hummed softly, and photographed the storage bag beside him again.

"Boo babble!" This time, more than ten flying swords flew out of the storage bag at once.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ze's powerful spiritual power was scattered and condensed on each flying sword. After that, the dozen or so flying swords immediately turned into a sword rain, bombarding the surrounding mountains continuously.

In this way, the progress of expanding the cave was accelerated immediately. The big stones were quickly cut into the cave at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then Lin Ze waved his hands gently and was quickly put into the storage bag.

Watching Lin Ze continuously expand the scope of the cave, Gu Xiyao on one side looked at Lin Ze's every action with joy, she had long been accustomed to Lin Ze's actions along the way, he had avatars all over him It's no surprise that such a treasure as a seal can be consumed without care, so it is now possible to control more than ten flying swords.

Although she knew that controlling the dozen or so flying swords, it would have great demands on the warrior's consciousness.

However, love is blind, and now Gu Xiyao turns a blind eye to this unreasonable thing in front of him.

Time slowly passed, and this process continued continuously. Soon, Lin Ze expanded the scope of this cave by three times. Now the whole cave is 30 meters wide.

Lin Ze was also decorated in the cave. Now it looks like a stone room with tables, beds and the like. The only drawback is that it looks a little simpler.

After more than ten minutes, a humble room was formed.

Lin Ze's eyes flickered, his hands kept on, and he took out a lot of arrays from the storage bag one after another, and arranged arrays around.

Although the surrounding wild beasts have been wiped out by Lin Ze, a lot of dangerous beasts will appear here.

If guarded by the formation method, it is relatively safe and saves Lin Ze's mind.

Gu Xiyao saw a bit of surprise in Lin Ze’s eyes after seeing some loose arrays. She was also a bit researched on the formation, so she was very clear that Lin Ze’s array was very powerful, at least. She can never be arranged.

She really wanted to go forward and check the formation carefully, but she didn't know if this would disturb Lin Ze's arrangement.

Therefore, after Gu Xiyao took a deep look at the bulk arrays in Lin Ze's hands, the shock in her eyes faded, revealing a trace of reluctance, but she quickly concealed the past.

But what Gu Xiyao didn't know was that Lin Ze was still seeing this reluctance in her eyes. Of course, this was Lin Ze's sense of "seeing".

Although he had been in formation before, his consciousness never moved away from Gu Xiyao. After all, this was Lin Ze’s first true love relationship with a woman. Therefore, Lin Ze’s heart was for Gu Xiyao. Take it very seriously.

However, despite seeing the reluctance on Gu Xiyao's face, Lin Ze still put the position in his hand first. After starting the formation, he turned around and looked at Gu Xiyao and said, "Xiyao, you like it Formation?"

"Well, I like the miscellaneous knowledge of formation and alchemy." Gu Xiyao did not pretend to answer directly.

"Well, the timing is not right now. After I go back, I will give you some of the formation above. This is what I got from the Xuanyin Secret Realm." Lin Ze said after thinking for a while.

"The formation knowledge in Xuanyin Secret Realm? Is it the inheritance of Xuanyin Master's formation?" Gu Xiyao shouted in surprise. Lin Ze's words really surprised Gu Xiyao's heart.

This time Gu Xiyao will go inside the Xuanyin secret realm to search for treasure. The biggest reason is indeed because of the Thousand Demon streamers, but there are some willingness, that is, she wants to find the formation knowledge in the Xuanyin secret realm.

As long as you look at the countless ancestors, the formation in the Xuanyin secret realm is still helpless, you can see the power of the formation in the Xuanyin secret realm.

You know, this is not the first time. At the beginning, it was found that the number of sect gates in Xuanyin Secret Realm is indeed very small, that is, single digits. It spread throughout the Chu Kingdom, as well as more than a dozen countries around it, even in the Great Qin Empire.

Therefore, every time when the Xuanyin Secret Realm is opened, the number of coming Sect Gates will not be less than one hundred.

In the previous single digits, the manpower was limited, or the genius in the formation method was limited. Therefore, these sects have no way to take the formation of the Xuanyin dense realm.

However, the number of sect gates is now dozens of times higher than before. There is still no way to take the formation of Xuanyin dense realm. From this, we can see that the formation in Xuanyin dense realm is How amazing.

This knowledge of formations is like any addict who is interested in formations, just like the feeling of a junkie facing a white face. It can't be resisted.

Gu Xiyao also likes the formation very much, so after hearing Lin Ze’s words, she was insanely surprised.

"Lixuan, I want to see the inheritance of Xuanyin Secret Realm, Lixuan, I want to see it!" In order to see the formation inheritance of Xuanyin Secret Realm most in my heart, Gu Xiyao directly pulls In Lin Ze's side, his mouth continued to be coquettish, and the entire three-year-old child begged his parents to look like he wanted to eat sugar.

"You!" Lin Ze humorously nodded Gu Xiyao's forehead with his hand, and then couldn't help Gu Xiyao's request and took out part of the inheritance.

It wasn’t Lin Ze who was stingy and didn’t want to show Gu Xiyao all the inheritance of the mysterious secret formation, but Gu Xiyao’s strength was too low. The number of formation inheritance she could understand now was extremely limited. It was enough for her to digest for a few years.

Then come up with other profound formation inheritance, not to help Gu Xiyao, but to embarrass her.

This is like you handing over mathematics to someone else. The person you teach is just a high school student. It’s enough for you to teach him the daily mathematics in high school. However, you have to give him the knowledge of mathematics orsay. Mixed with some mathematical knowledge in universities.

Haha, I believe that if you teach like this, your student’s math scores are quite worrying.

"Xiyao, I also got these positions from Xuanyin Secret Realm. Do you want to try to arrange these positions?" After that, Lin Ze turned to look at Gu Xiyao.

Since Gu Xiyao likes the things above the formation, Lin Zeya simply handed over the formation to Gu Xiyao.

Gu Xiyao thought for a moment, then walked forward without saying anything, took out a black array from the storage bag in Lin Ze’s hands, first carefully checked the relevant contents of these arrays, then, in Lin Ze Under the watchful eye, began to place positions.

After four weeks of distribution, Gu Xiyao's heart was still a little uneasy, so he carefully checked it again, and after consulting Lin Ze again, it was finally successful.

Afterwards, Gu Xiyao was accompanied by Lin Ze and arranged several formations one after another. Finally, he arranged the formations previously arranged by Lin Ze and connected all the formations together.

"Lixuan, should these formations be settled?" Gu Xiyao asked with a trace of uncertainty, and wiped the sweat beads on his forehead with his right hand.

The positions Lin Ze handed to her are all some advanced positions. Such a Where she had contacted before and arranged it, of course, she was not very sure, and she was even nervous. Sweat.

"Well, you installed it very well, Xi Yao, it seems that you are indeed talented in the formation!" Lin Ze said with a trace of surprise in praise.

Don't look at the fact that you have just placed some already refined arrays, but if you don't have the talents of the formation, you will definitely not arrange them so quickly.

Now Gu Xiyao only adjusted once or twice, and put all the positions back.

You know, even Lin Ze, when he first came into contact with these positions, he wanted to put all the positions properly and it took several times longer than Gu Xiyao.

This shows that Gu Xiyao is indeed very talented in the formation.

At least for Lin Ze now, Gu Xiyao's talent in formation is stronger than him.

"Hee hee, Lixuan, you are so nice!" Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with a smile, full of warmth in his heart.


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