Alien Lord

Chapter 1806: Kill easily

Gu Xiyao now has a 100% sense of trust in Lin Ze from the bottom of her heart. Even if the number of wild beasts behind them is so large that she can't count them, and she looks extremely dangerous, but she has nothing in her heart. No panic.

Because, now she can confidently say that even if the number of wild beasts chasing them is several times more, her beloved Lin Ze can handle it.

As for why Gu Xiyao is so confident, huh, is it true that Lin Ze’s strength in the base period is decoration? !

In addition, one of the most important points is that Gu Xiyao is the most valued disciple in the young generation of Xuanyin Demon Dao. She can access many precious books in the sect, so she knows a lot about Yujianshu.

Knowing that if you want to use Sword Art smoothly, in addition to the cultivator's need to have the foundation period of cultivation, it also requires you to have strong spiritual power.

The general practitioners in the foundation period cannot simply use them continuously for more than three hours like Lin Ze, and they still use them with all their strength. Such consumption cannot be afforded by the practitioners in the foundation period.

Seriously, when I arrived here, Lin Zedantian's endless spiritual power made her deeply curious.

After hearing Lin Ze's words now, she looked more confident, with her ice and snow cleverness, how could not guess the meaning of Lin Ze's words.

The number of wild beasts behind is large, and their strength is also very strong. However, for Lin Ze, it may be more difficult than eating something, but it is definitely not difficult to go.

A woman is not just looking for a man who can rely on and give her a sense of security. Lin Ze is definitely the best target now, and she has found it.

At the thought of this, Gu Xiyao's heart was full of warmth. He felt that he had never felt safe and warm from the beginning of being sensible.

Lin Ze did not pay attention to the change in Gu Xiyao's face behind him at this time. He was now looking at the countless brutal beasts approaching with excitement behind him.

Lin Ze didn't take a closer look before. Now that these beasts are approaching, Lin Ze really sees how these beasts look.

After chasing and killing Lin Ze, they are all flying beasts, and according to their power fluctuations, most of them are acquired strength, a few are innate strength, and, in Deep inside, there is also the level of guru, even grand guru.

It can be said that the strength of this large group of wild beasts is still very strong. The general Supreme Master encounters them and will not be their opponents. After all, their number is really too much, Lin Ze alone When they arrived, there were five or sixty thousand heads.

"It's actually a black devil!" Gu Xiyao behind him also recognized what these wild beasts were.

The black devil crow, a variant of the crow, is a crow that absorbs a lot of chaotic spirit. Among them, after being mainly dominated by the magic energy, it has become a powerful barbarian that has mutated after countless years of change. The acquired layer's strength, body shape and car size are proficient in sonic attack and magic gas bomb attack. Moreover, it is full of toxins all over it. Once injured, it will be poisoned immediately and very toxic.

A black devil is difficult to deal with. There are tens of thousands of black devil here now. At this time, even Gu Xiyao has some ambiguities in his heart.

"Oh, Xi Yao, don't worry, it's just tens of thousands of black devil crows, you can rest assured!" Lin Ze saw a trace of worry on Gu Xiyao's face and said with a smile.

After that, he didn't say anything. He waved his right hand directly. Suddenly, with a whine, Gu Xiyao saw that a black cloud appeared in the distance.

A closer look reveals that this black cloud is actually a large group of hurricane beasts, and the number is extremely large.

Previously, in Gu Xiyao's eyes, the dark clouds formed by an overwhelming number of black devil crows were counted. Under the dark clouds of the hurricane beast, it was like the difference between a child and an adult.

"Li Xuan, how many cards do you have!" Gu Xiyao sighed. After seeing such a large group of hurricane beasts, Gu Xiyao's heart was completely gone.

The strength of the Hurricane Beast was originally not weaker than the black devil in front of it, and now the number is several times higher than that of the other side. Under such circumstances, there is still a way for those black devil to live.

"Oh, these hurricane beasts were conquered by me in the mysterious secret realm." Lin Ze replied and explained the origin of this large group of hurricane beasts.

"Li Xuan, you are so amazing!" Gu Xiyao stared at Lin Ze with eyes full of stars. If it was not the right time, she would really pounce into Lin Ze's arms.

Lin Ze smiled slightly, then, very contented, directly ordered the hurricane beast in front of him to start attacking.

"Woooooooooo!!" With Lin Ze's order, a huge hurricane began to appear, and then, in the frightened cries of countless black devil crows, directly swept away.

In just a few breathing hours, these tens of thousands of black devils were swept in by this huge hurricane.

Then, "Buzz..." A sound wave attack, and the consciousness attack began to continue to attack the black devil in the hurricane.

The Black Devils were already swayed by the strong wind of the hurricane, and the center of gravity was unstable. Now they are attacked by sound waves and consciousness one after another. Their end can be imagined.

"Oh, uh!!" There was a burst of blood rain in the sky, and the smelly **** smell quickly spread to the surrounding dozens of kilometers.

A large number of wild beasts have smelled the **** smell that makes them heartbeat. If in the past, these wild beasts in the Demon Mountain will definitely kill the place where the **** smell came, but this time, all the smells These **** savage beasts were treated as if they didn't smell, and even a look of horror appeared on their faces. Then, countless yellow dust rose in the distance and continued to spread toward the horizon .

Obviously, these wild beasts were frightened by the hurricane's lethality, and they were afraid that they would be the next black devil, so they simply escaped.

Lin Ze didn’t care about the wild beasts that had escaped. Now he has many wild beasts in his hands. The wild beasts of ordinary strength can no longer be looked down on by Lin Ze. What he can now be watched by Lin Ze is only congenital. Spirit beast, and spirit beasts that are not in the plane seed world.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooer the hurricane blew for nearly ten minutes, and then the hurricane shoWed away slowly, and the sky became clear, except that the tens of thousands of black monsters that were surrounded by the hurricane before, except Thousands of them were secretly collected by Lin Ze into the Plane Seed World, and the rest were slaughtered by Hurricane Herd.

(With the cover of the hurricane and the fact that Gu Xiyao's mind is mostly on Lin Ze, she can't even notice the changes in the hurricane.)

"This........, this is over!" Gu Xiyao looked at the empty sky with a stunned face. She knew beforehand that the dark demons were definitely not opponents of Linze's Hurricane Herd, However, when she thought about it, it took a few hours to clean up so many black devil crows, but now it is only more than ten minutes, and all the black devil crows have been cleaned up. Such a speed is really true. Beyond her imagination.

"Xiyao, a flying barbarian such as the Black Devils, when they encounter a hurricane, it is equivalent to encountering a natural enemy. The power of the hurricane has caused them to instantly lose their greatest reliance, that is, their flying ability. If they lose their flying ability, they If you want to launch a sonic attack and other gang attack, it is not enough. Afterwards, the hurricane beasts launch sonic and consciousness against them. These two powerful and difficult to defend gang attacks, small Of course, the little black devil can’t stop it. Is that the truth?!” Lin Ze explained with a smile.

"Well, Lixuan, what you said is." Lin Ze's explanation Gu Xiyao understood immediately.

The black devil is very powerful in her eyes. That's because Gu Xiyao treated them as flying beasts.

You know, in the cultivation world, the flying beast is the least known beast that is not easy to deal with.

Once the flying beast is flying in the air, you, a warrior who can only use light skills for short, short-distance flight, can attack a beast flying 100 meters or even hundreds of meters in the sky.

Therefore, even a congenital strong man like Gu Xiyao, at some times, even facing the flying beasts on the 6th and 7th floors of the day after tomorrow, it is helpless.

However, this time is different. Although the Black Devil is a flying barbarian, the Hurricane Beast is still a flying barbarian, and its strength and number are stronger than the black devil.

Coupled with the hurricane beast's attacking method, it happens to be the black devil crow, no, or even the nemesis of all flying wild beasts, so it is not surprising that they have been wiped out by the army in such a short time.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyao's heart is no longer strange.

"Let's, let's go on the road!" Lin Ze took Gu Xiyao, ready to move forward.

As for the wreckage here, Lin Ze was not prepared to clean it up.

Most of the black devil crows have devil qi, so the value of the materials on them is not high. Even if Lin Ze collected it, he could not sell much money.

"Well, Lixuan, I listen to you!" Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with a happy face.

Soon, the two flew again towards Wanmo Mountain.

The whole area of ​​Wanmo Mountain is extremely large, and the surrounding four or five hundred miles are the low-level of Wanmo Mountain, and the landform is extremely complex. The outside is all high mountains and dense forests, and inside, it is almost a concave shape. It is not an overwhelming basin, but there are many peaks and lush trees in this basin, and there is a strong breath everywhere. Obviously, there are a lot of powerful beasts inside.

Lin Ze’s sense of sensitivity felt no less than a hundred breaths similar to those in the foundation period. Even in the deepest part, Lin Ze also felt some breaths that could threaten him. Increased several levels.

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