Alien Lord

Chapter 1799: Backstage

How high is the value of the space attribute spirit beast on the market, Gu Xiyao knows clearly, this is only the acquired space attribute spirit beast, if it is replaced by the innate level space attribute spirit beast, Gu Xiyao is already afraid to Imagined.

More importantly, this is not just a congenital attribute, but the blood moon wolves of the two supreme grandmaster levels. Their preciousness is beyond the description of money.

At least Gu Xiyao was sure that as long as she brought the two blood moon wolves back to Zongmen, the things she had betrayed before Zongmen could not only be cancelled immediately, but Yu Zongmen would also give her a very generous reward.

In addition, the Thousand Demon Sect gates on her body will not be recovered.

From these things, you can see the importance of bleeding moon wolf.

Of course, Gu Xiyao will definitely not do this.

As the saying goes, a good horse doesn't eat back grass!

Since Gu Xiyao chose to betray Xuanyin Demon Road, she would not be able to go back.

What's more, even if Gu Xiyao went back, I believe that her status in Xuanyin Demon Road will not be so high in the future. After all, a person who had betrayed her previous subjects before, Xuanyin Demon Road would never believe her.

Like many people who have been in jail, in fact most of them have been reformed, but once they know that they have been in jail before, those employers will not use him.

Even if it is a sweeping job, it will not be given to him.

"Brother Li, thank you!" Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with eyes full of love.

She knew that Lin Ze would give her the two blood moon wolves because she was afraid of her safety, so she used the two blood moon wolves to protect her.

Although Lin Ze did not take the initiative to say anything to her before, nor did she obviously respond to her previous hints, but no amount of response, no amount of frank confession, is comparable to the last actual action.

Just like when you were in a relationship, no amount of sweet talk, no amount of flowers, and no more than you can write the name of the other party on your room book. (Hey, I believe many of them have similar personal experiences, that feeling..., hey...)

As long as Lin Ze saw her war puppet destroyed, he sent her two more powerful and precious blood moon wolves directly, you can see that he has her in his heart, and is sincere Loves her.

As long as there are these, what sweet words are for Gu Xiyao is nothing.

"This.........this is what I should do!" Gu Xiyao's fiery eyes made Lin Ze's face red.

Regarding the matter of falling in love, really, no matter whether it is on the earth or on the mainland of China, Lin Ze has not experienced a few times, especially this kind of girl who actively pursues you, he has never experienced it once, so , For a while he was a little bit shy.

"Hee hee hee..." Looking at the red face on Lin Ze's face, Gu Xiyao smiled sweetly in his heart.

Anyone who sees Lin Ze's face now will know that he is shy.

A strong man in the foundation period is actually shy in front of a little woman. Don't you understand what this means? !

"Brother Li, you blushed!!!" Gu Xiyao gave Lin Ze a mischievous joke.

It was this sentence that directly turned Lin Ze's face into a red apple.

"You little girl!!" Lin Ze nodded angrily at Gu Xiyao's forehead, Gu Xiyao's face dissatisfied with puffs.

The two didn't care about the others and they fell in love and fell in love there. Zhou Yu and Wei Bo and his team saw the black dots above their heads.

"You two, enough!" Cao Yuan shouted angrily.

"Brother!" Cao Yuan shouted at Wei Bo.

"Hmm!" Wei Bo nodded, and didn't continue to say anything. With his hands pinched, he was suddenly still entangled with those spirit beasts, the fake base-building zombie puppets, jumped and killed Lin Ze directly.

"Huh?" Lin Ze looked at Cao Yuan and others unpleasantly, and was dissatisfied with them.

"Xiyao, you are going to be careful while optimistic about yourself. I'll clean up these guys first." Lin Ze first said to Gu Xiyao around him.

"Well, I will take care of myself. Brother Li, you should be more careful yourself." Gu Xiyao has no children, but she nodded and agreed.

However, before leaving, he still advised Lin Ze to be careful of his own safety.

As for worrying that Lin Ze could not clean up Cao Yuan, Gu Xiyao did not.

One is that she knows Lin Ze's strength, a strong man in the foundation period, how can he not be able to pay for Wei Bo and them.

The other one, Wei Bo, these people are all wounded, even if they are not injured, the Qi is consumed by more than half, and the strength is less than five layers.

In the face of such a group of injured patients, Lin Ze, a strong man in the foundation period, can't deal with it? !

"Well, I know." Lin Ze nodded, his heart warm.

Someone cares about you. This feeling of being cared makes Lin Ze feel very comfortable.

"Boom!!" The puppet of the zombie in the fake foundation period directly sprayed a light gray gang wave to Lin Ze.

"Noisy!" Lin Ze didn't move much, and waved his right hand directly.

"Hoo!" A powerful gang of gas directly dissipated that gang of qi wave, blowing the hundreds of meters of the zombie puppets in the base period of the sky, and fell heavily on the ground.

However, the self-defense of the zombie puppets in the fake foundation period was really strong. In the face of such a powerful attack, it quickly stood up and continued to rush to Lin Ze without any damage.

"Huh! It's a good zombie puppet!" Seeing the zombie puppet under his own blow, he didn't hurt, Lin Ze felt some interest in it.

"Sleepy God, medium!" Lin Ze pointed to the zombie puppet.

"Woo!", a sound similar to the sound of a train passing by quickly, and then saw a golden gang of air flew out of Lin Ze's right index finger, and instantly hit the fake base period zombie puppet.

Upon hitting, this golden gangue gas instantly became a huge golden gangue net, firmly putting the zombie puppet on the ground.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The gangue on the golden gang gas net is obviously of a positive nature. After the zombie puppets inside were exposed to the golden gang gas, the whole body was like snow meeting the sun and rising. There were black mists, and the zombie puppets howled silently, puncturing needles constantly.

It's a pity that the power of this gang gas net outside of its body is very strong, no matter how the zombie puppet inside is pinned, it is inseparable.

"..." Wei Bo and Cao Yuan were both stunned for a moment. The two looked at the trapped zombie puppet like a fool, and their minds were full of emptiness.

"What's wrong with this? How is this possible?" Cao Yuan couldn't help mumbling in his mouth, and the whole person looked a bit broken.

"You........, you were the one who was next to Zhang Jing!" At this time, Wei Bo recognized Lin Ze. He recalled that before, Lin Ze was beside Zhang Jing. Moreover, Zhang Jing had great respect for Lin Zi, and even said he was a bit stiff.

"You are the foundation period?" When Wei Bo asked this sentence, his voice didn't know what it was. It was that kind of hoarseness. If he didn't listen carefully, he might not hear clearly.

"Hehe..." Lin Ze didn't explain anything, and directly responded with two hehe.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Wei Bo and Cao Yuan and others seemed to have a thunderbolt in their heads, and their spirits were in a trance.

Although Lin Ze didn't answer directly, but the two mocking ‘haha’ can be heard by the fool, in fact, they admit that they are strong in the foundation period.

"Senior, can we leave now?" Wei Bo said bitterly.

Facing a strong man in the foundation period, he really has no will to fight.

Maybe other people have not seen the strength of the strong in the foundation period, so there will be a little fluke in my heart, but Weibo and Cao Yuan as Jiang Yan’s brothers, but have seen Jiang Yan and the top undead in the Death Canyon fighting. Scene.

To say something unpleasant, with their strength, don't say that Shenhe went in. Even if you stayed nearby, if you are not careful, you will be killed directly by the aftermath of the battle.

Therefore, after knowing that Lin Ze was the strength of the foundation period, he had no fighting spirit in his heart.

Fighting against the strong in the foundation period, that is not fighting, but delivering food!

"Oh, it seems that you are very clear about the strength of the foundation period!" Lin Ze was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that Wei Bo would fight hard.

"Yes, my brother Jiang Yan is a strong man in the foundation period, and now he will be promoted to the strength of the early and middle stages of the foundation. I have seen the scene of the brothers fighting more than once before~www.mtlnovel .com~ So, I know your strength gap with our predecessors." Wei Bo explained respectfully.

It was only during the explanation that he secretly raised the background behind him, his brother Jiang Yan, a strong man in the foundation period who was about to be promoted to the middle of the foundation period.

"Oh, Jiang Yan, then, Jiang Chengxing I just killed is his son myself!" Lin Ze said with a careless face.

It is just a person who is about to be promoted to build the foundation in the middle and middle stages. Such strength is really not being taken seriously by Lin Ze.

Don't say that Lin Ze's true avatar is already in the state of the Great Consummation in the foundation period, even if he had conquered the space snake king before, it was already the state of the Great Consummation in the foundation period.

The state of two great consummations during the foundation period, a little Jiang Yan, do not want to go back when you come.

"........." After Wei Bo and Cao Yuan heard Lin Ze's words, the whole person was completely speechless.

Because Wei Bo raised Jiang Yan before, just threatened Lin Ze, and signaled that they also have a strong background behind them. If you kill them, the trouble afterwards is definitely not small.

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