Alien Lord

Chapter 1796: Fisherman (1)

"Elder, be careful!"

"Elder, hurry away!"


Suddenly, Zhou Yu heard a series of shouts coming from behind him, each shouting to make him careful.

Obviously, there must be a danger behind him that he didn't know about.

In fact, without the reminders of those who control the Beast Sect, Zhou Yu at this time was already feeling the crisis behind him.

As a supreme grandmaster, he has a natural intuition about danger.

In addition, the blood moon wolf was confused by Lin Ze’s psychedelic technique at this time, and it did not shrink its momentum when attacking. It directly used the biggest attack to attack Zhou Yu.

A powerful gang attack made a loud noise directly behind Zhou Yu. Under such circumstances, if Zhou Yu didn't know that there was a huge change behind him, he would have already died.

In particular, it was the Blood Moon Wolf that attacked him, even if it was a strong man of the same level, but wild beasts are naturally stronger than cultivators of the same level, especially under their powerful power, the minds of ordinary warriors will also be affected. Interference, which creates an irresistible feeling of fear in the bottom of my heart.

Zhou Yu now has such a feeling, so he knew very well that the blood moon wolf behind him did not know what the reason was, and actually began to attack him who was an ally.

In this way, Zhou Yu used his own spiritual power to expel the powerful momentum of the blood moon wolf behind him, while forcibly running the innate real energy in the meridians. Soon, an extremely commanding gang gas shield appeared in the air. Zhou Yu's back, and at the same time, a shadow of Jian Qi appeared on Zhou Yu's left hand. This was the way he prepared to fight back.

But, I haven’t waited for Zhou Yu to make a full preparation, bang..., a huge scarlet wolf appeared behind Zhou Yu out of thin air, and slammed into Zhou Yu directly, the gang gas shield he had just arranged on his back , It was easily crushed by this huge scarlet wolf shadow, endless blood red gang gas, directly drilled into the gap of the gang gas shield that was just torn, and then all hit Zhou Yu’s Back.

"Poof!" A large mouthful of blood protruded directly from Zhou Yu's mouth, and his entire figure was shot like a cannonball and flew out more than 50 meters away, and fell heavily on the ground.

Just a face-to-face effort, the Blood Moon wore Zhou Yu like the previous Wei Bo, easily flying dozens of meters.

At the same time, another blood moon wolf also displayed power in the crowd, helping the blood moon wolf that hit Zhou Yu, blocking the attacks of those behind him.

The four giant claws of the blood moon wolf gently waved, and those spirit beasts who came to rescue Zhou Yu, as well as several people who controlled the beast sect, were soon wiped out.

For a time, the scene was messy, there was blood everywhere, and the screams of screams, and the incredible eyes of the people who controlled the Beast Sect.

Indeed, the eyes of the gatekeepers of the Beast Sect are full of disbelief.

They simply couldn't figure out why the blood moon wolves who were with them before, instead attacked them.

Are these Blood Moon Wolf and Wei Bo even calculated before them? Or are these blood moon wolves already crazy?

For these two guesses, one of the beast masters is not clear.

First and foremost, the blood moon wolf and Wei Bo united to fake and deceive them. This possibility seemed reasonable at first, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is actually impossible. ,

One is that when they came out before, the Blood Moon Wolf was in a life-and-death battle with Wei Bo. Seeing that they are looking for a trick, they will definitely not be together.

In addition, it is also the most important point, that is, Wei Bo's injury was not pretended, but was really seriously injured.

Even if he is acting with the Blood Moon Wolf, he doesn't have to be so real and pay such a huge price.

Therefore, Wei Bo and the Blood Moon Wolf united to deceive them, and they simply did not exist.

As for the blood moon wolf is crazy, it seems even more impossible for the gatekeepers of the Beast Sect.

They all know that these two blood moon wolves are the peak strength of the Supreme Grand Master. With such a powerful strength, who and what can drive them crazy. ,

Therefore, all the gatekeepers of Beast Sect believe that this possibility does not exist.

As everyone knows, this is actually the true truth, or part of their guess.

The two blood moon wolves are indeed mad now. After Lin Ze’s psychic spells, their consciousness has been confused, and they can’t tell which is an enemy or an ally.

To wake them up, one is to kill them directly, the other is the effect of Lin Ze's Ecstasy has passed, and the other is to get rid of the influence of Ecstasy by themselves.

Relying on its own strength to get rid of the influence of Lin Ze's Obsession, this possibility basically does not exist.

The strength of these two blood moon wolves is very strong, and some spiritual wisdom is also opened, but there is still a long distance from the intelligence of real people. Therefore, their spiritual strength is comparable to that of cultivators of the same level. Speaking of it, it is worse.

Lin Ze’s current mental strength has already reached the state of the great consummation of the foundation period. With his mental strength, the ecstasy technique is displayed. Seriously, the blood moon wolf is really inextricable.

This is just like a college student and an elementary student. It is extremely simple calculus for a college student. For that elementary student, it is as difficult as answering.

Although the people who control the Beast Sect are not sure what happened to the two Blood Moon Wolves, they are now not only attacking them, but also attacking the people of the Puppet Sect, but they know that in the current situation, they only have a joint Only when they rise up can they resist the rampage of these two blood moon wolves.

Lin Ze was also extremely proud that he only relied on a small ecstasy to create such a huge victory.

At the same time, Lin Ze's sensitivity also noticed that these two attacks by Blood Moon Wolf were not without cost.

Lin Ze clearly realized that there was a wound comparable to the fist in the abdomen of one of the blood moon wolves, and he continued to sprinkle blood as his body fought.

Obviously, just when it sneaked into Zhou Yu, Zhou You's left hand was still hurting this blood moon wolf.

It can be said that the two are really both losers.

"Hey, I am only ten fishermen to benefit!" Lin Ze's mind burst into joy.

"Well, the two blood moon wolves below also have strong fighting power, and I am extremely looking forward to the future battles!" Lin Ze continued to stay on the cliff with a smile on his face.

Now is not the best time for him to go down. Not only the two blood moon wolves have strong fighting power, but even the two sides of the Beast Sect and the Corpse Sect are also very strong.

It was Lin Ze who's best chance to go down and clean up the mess until they were both defeated.

At this time, Zhou Yu was not too serious because he was prepared before. He had already eased a little at this time.

"Scorpion Lion, attack!" Zhou Yu, who had just taken a breath, immediately released the most powerful spirit beast Scorpion Lion beside him.

The scorpion-tailed lion, Zhou Yu's most powerful spirit beast, in the late Supreme Master's period, has a head and body like a lion, but the tail is a scorpion-shaped tail, so it is called a scorpion-tailed lion.

At this time, the three scorpion-tailed lions had come to Zhou Yu's side, guarding him firmly, and then, under the command of Zhou Yu, two of them flew extremely flexibly towards the blood moon wolf, and the tail of the scorpion tail continued Shaking, emitting a strong smell of smell around.

Obviously, the tail of a scorpion tail lion is not just a decoration, it is extremely toxic.

The blood moon wolf's strength is indeed not covered. In the face of the scorpion tail lion pounced on them, the two blood moon wolves can't avoid it. When they rushed up, they first made a leap and went directly to the back of the scorpion tail lion. Press and hold the back of the scorpion lion directly, then, the scorpion lion is not weak, and the tail that was prepared long ago was drawn.

At this time, Zhou Yu had stood up under the protection of another scorpion-tailed lion. He swallowed a few immortals in a hurry, and then operated innate innate energy. A sharp sword gas appeared on the sword in his hand. .


The tail attack of the scorpion-tailed lion was indeed unexpected, and the blood moon wolf was quickly hit, and the powerful toxicity was instantly injected into their bodies.

Unfortunately, it is not unreasonable to call the blood moon wolf the blood moon.

The toxin of the scorpion lion has just been injected into their bodies, and the blood moon wolf's body has a color of blood moon rising.

Those black toxins, after encountering the light of these blood moons, like snow meeting the sun, quickly melted and disappeared.

The scorpion tail lion's powerful toxin that can melt the black iron has no effect at all on the blood moon wolf, so he directly defeated. It doesn't mean that it didn't work at all. The tail of the scorpion tail lion still played some role, that is, it left several finger-sized wounds on the body of the blood moon wolf.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

The scorpion-tailed lion saw that his most powerful killer attack was useless, and it didn’t even need to be used later;

The **** light before the blood moon wolf is obviously not free to use, and the cost of using it is not small. At least the blood power of the blood moon wolf has dropped by a grade, so I learned the scorpion. After the lion scorpion tail poison was so powerful, they also shrunk a bit when they fought.

For a time, the four powerful beasts wrestled in this valley.

Four huge beasts fought fiercely in the valley. The battle scene was very magnificent. The valley was full of gangsters flying everywhere. A large number of rock walls were easily peeled off like limestone under the attack of the gangsters.

In just three minutes or so, Lin Ze saw that the space near the four-headed barbarian battle had doubled directly. Alien Lord

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