Alien Lord

Chapter 1794: Pass through

"You want a truce, huh, asked me if I haven't." Gu Xiyao's mouth chuckled.

During these times when Wei Bo and Zhou Yu fought, she was not idle.

On the surface, it seems that Gu Xiyao was really deterred by Wei Bo's eyes, but, in fact, her brain was turning at full speed, thinking about how to deal with it afterwards, or a specific solution, including how to Provokes a fight between the two sides.

No, seeing that the situation on both sides seemed to be a little bit relaxed, Gu Xiyao was ready to put oil on this fire again.

"Now I will give you another fire for the war between you!" After that, Gu Xiyao took out a thousand demon streamers from the storage bag and wanted to throw it directly between Wei Bo and Zhou Yu Above the open space.

Gu Xiyao is very clear that Wei Bohui and Zhou Yu fought here, the main reason is the thousand demon streamers on her body, that is to say, as long as they can get the thousand devil streamers, they will pay all the costs for it.

Now if Gu Xiyao directly throws the Thousand Demon streamers between them, they will not think much at all, and they will definitely rush towards the Thousand Devil streamers in the first time, and at the same time, do their best to kill or repel The competitor on the other side.

Even if one of them got a thousand demon streamers afterwards, the other one was unwilling to be reconciled, and the two sides had another battle of life and death, which is conceivable.

Once the double reversals have **** out, they will have the leisure to pay attention to Gu Xiyao on one side, so that she can get away safely.

As for losing the rare top magic weapon of Qianmo streamer, Gu Xiyao didn't care much about it.

As the saying goes, if you leave people and lose your land, you will have both. If you leave people and lose your land, you will lose both.

Her own safety is the most important thing. Thousand demon streamers are very precious, but they are still much worse than her life.

Besides, for Gu Xiyao, this Qianmo streamer is now a banner leading to hell. As long as she has been holding the Qianmo streamer, she will inevitably become the target of numerous chasing.

A Xuanyin Demon Dao is enough to care for Yao’s headache, and now with other sects, Gu Xiyao can survive without such confidence.

Therefore, Gu Xiyao didn't have any pimples in his mind about throwing a thousand demon streamers to trigger another battle between Wei Bo and Zhou Yu.

But, just at the moment she was about to throw away the Thousand Demon streamers, a sudden sound came to her ear that she could not dream of, and at the same time, the voice that had been meeting in the dream all these days: "Fool, don’t Throw it out."

Lin Ze's voice suddenly sounded in Gu Xiyao's ear.

Up to now, Lin Ze has long figured out why Gu Xiyao is here, and at the same time, why these two people are fighting each other, all because of the thousand demon streamers in Gu Xiyao's hands.

Of course, now Lin Ze also knows the true details of Qian Mo Fan, but for this Qian Mo Fan, Lin Ze is just a little curious, and the rest are gone.

There are many things in his hand that are about the same size as the power of the Thousand Devils, like his true avatar, and the fighting power is definitely far more than the Thousand Devils.

In this case, how could he see the Thousand Demon streamers?

However, after all, Qianxiewan was the result of all the hardships of Gu Xiyao, and Lin Ze also saw that Qianmowan and Gu Xiyao were very good. Otherwise, how could it be easy to refine Qianmoya.

Although Lin Zexin’s heart for Gu Xiyao is not very involved in the love between men and women, but a girl from other people confessed to Lin Ze in such an upright manner, did Lin Ze feel any ill feelings towards her, and now they are in trouble In a dangerous situation, Lin Ze certainly wanted to help.

Therefore, when Gu Xiyao wanted to discard the Thousand Demon streamers to ensure her own safety, Lin Ze uttered her voice in time to stop her.

"Is it Brother Li Ze?" Gu Xiyao yelled in surprise. (When Lin Ze got along with Gu Xiyao before, he changed his name to Li Ze, and he looks slightly older.)

When she shouted, her voice was extremely low, and besides Wei Bo and Zhou Yu, they concentrated their energy on each other's body, so they didn't see the small changes on Gu Xiyao's side.

As a matter of course, they did not hear Gu Xiyao's laughter.

"Well, it's me." Lin Ze replied: "You don't need to shout, I am now on the top of the cliff 300 meters away from you."

Lin Ze was also afraid that Gu Xiyao's words would have been accidentally heard by others, so he quickly confessed his position.

With a specific position, when Gu Xiyao spoke, she didn't have to say anything anymore, she directly talked to Lin Ze with a thousand miles of sound.

"Brother Li, why did you come here?" Gu Xiyao asked excitedly, even she didn't even consider that she was still in danger. The most important thing is to get away safely, not to ask. Lin Ze did something unrelated.

Lin Ze understands Gu Xiyao's current mood very well. For this, he feels a little proud and feels a bit painful: "She cares about me wholeheartedly, so after hearing my voice, the first one The idea is not that she was saved, but why I would be here! Alas......., the magic of love is really too great!"

Sighing back, Lin Ze quickly answered Gu Xiyao: "You have made such a big noise here. I used to be near here. It is impossible to hear or not."

"Hee hee..., that's good. If I knew Brother Li was near you, I should have made some bigger movements." Gu Xiyao looked like a little girl, smirking.

Listening to what she said seemed to be able to meet Lin Ze's words, even if it was dangerous, she didn't care.

"This silly girl!" Lin Ze's heart was full of softness.

"Don't say these stupid things, your safety is the most important thing, understand?" Lin Ze's tone was a little serious reprimand.

In this regard, Gu Xiyao not only did not feel unhappy, but on the bottom of his heart, a warm feeling that was never felt, which was cared by people, the whole heart, including her whole person, was obvious at this moment. It's that warm.

"Well, I listen to you!" Gu Xiyao replied very cleverly, his eyes full of shyness.

To a woman of her status, once I say what I said to you, it means that she has given you the whole person to you.

"........." Lin Ze was stunned for a while.

"Congratulations to Master, Master He Xi!!" Qu Jingwen and others in the Plane Seed World immediately congratulated Lin Ze.

Before Lin Ze opened Qu Jingwen's feelings about the outside world, or Lin Ze directly converted the information from the outside into a video, and directly showed them to Qu Jingwen in the Plane Seed World.

Therefore, they knew everything about Lin Ze.

Now I heard that another beautiful woman expressed her love to Lin Ze. As a subordinate, of course, she sent her blessings for the first time.

Note: At other special times, such as when people have three anxieties, or in some extremely private situations, Lin Ze will disconnect Qu Jingwen from them, so don’t worry about the ones that are not there.

"Oh, this..." Lin Ze didn't know what to say. It was the first time he had met such a thing in thirty years since he was born.

The most important thing is that this active confession woman is a beauty who can beat more than ninety, so Lin Ze didn't know what to do for a while.

However, Lin Ze’s psychological quality is very strong, and he quickly reacted. However, because the current situation is not suitable for some response, Lin Ze directly ignored the implicit one in Gu Xiyao’s dialect. This kind of meaning turned to the topic and talked about other things.

"Xiyao!" Lin Ze's heart has actually accepted Gu Xiyao, so when she called Gu Xiyao, she no longer called her full name, but called her name directly.

This title makes the following Gu Xiyao also very excited.

She had been waiting for Lin Ze's response just after she said that sentence.

Although Lin Ze didn't seem to respond to her, she changed her name.

Although only one word has been lost, this is actually the best response.

Because, a woman like Gu Xiyao, who can call her boudoir name, is not her elder, but her husband besides her girlfriends.

In addition, Gu Xiyao has also reacted. Now this state is really not a time for love and love. Therefore, Gu Xiyao is very satisfied with Lin Ze’s roundabout response.

"Well, Brother Li, if you have anything, just say it. Xiyao listens to you." Now Gu Xiyao, where there is the domineering time when he and Lin Ze were like jade for the first time~www.mtlnovel. com~ is just a young wife married to her husband.

Gu Xiyao's huge changes, even after Lin Ze read it, had to admit that women are really a kaleidoscope, and changes you can't anticipate at any time.

"Xiyao, I'm sorry, I can't rescue you right now, because he wants to blow the two groups of people down, so I still need them to continue fighting, and finally I will fight for a fisherman Profited." Lin Ze apologized first, and then explained to Gu Xiyao why he didn't directly rescue her.

Gu Xiyao didn't blame Lin Ze in his heart. Now that Lin Ze has explained it, Gu Xiyao will say nothing more.

Seriously, after being chased by these guys for such a long time, Gu Xiyao's inner anger was not much at all. Now that he has a good chance to kill them all, Gu Xiyao is absolutely 100% cooperative.

"Well, Brother Li, you can rest assured, I understand." Gu Xiyao responded little by little.

With Lin Ze as a powerful helper, Gu Xiyao's safety is 100% guaranteed, so now she directly looks at Wei Bo and Zhou Yu with the eyes of the theater.

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