Alien Lord

Chapter 1792: 2 lose all injuries (1)

"However, the zombie puppets around you used to perform such a powerful attack before, and their consumption is not small!" Said here, Zhou Yu's face showed a terrible color.

"In this case, it's your turn to **** strength now, Wei Bo, take the trick!"

"Attack!!" Zhou Yu ordered, immediately, many spirit beasts that had been assembled under his command, at the same time launched a gang attack on Wei Bo and his party.

"Boo babble!!" The countless colorful gang attack immediately enveloped Wei Bo and his party.

"Boom!" One after another, there were explosions one after another, directly submerging Wei Bo and his party in the yellow dust.

"Ahhh!!" A screaming sound sounded inside Huang Chen. As Huang Chen gradually dispersed, it could be clearly seen that the ground around Wei Bo and his party was all messy, blood was scattered, some On the heavily damaged zombie puppet, some bones are clearly visible on the outside, and even the stomachs of some zombie puppets have directly opened a large hole in which the blue-gray internal organs are clearly visible.

The power of this counterattack launched by Zhou Yu is indeed very strong, even if Wei Bo had done a good defense before, but the continuous, like a rain attack, still broke Wei Bo. They arranged it. The body's body protection qi, then, some of the outermost zombie puppets, and the slightly weaker corpse sect disciples, have become victims in this continuous gang attack.

"A very powerful group attack, just this one, it directly wiped out no fewer than twenty zombie puppets and five corpse puppet masters. Ha ha, this Zhou Yu really has the power to say no to Wei Bo. "" Lin Ze at the top of the cliff saw the scene at the scene, and there was also a shock in his heart.

In his heart, for the strength of Zhou Yu and Wei Bo, he was more optimistic about Wei Bo. After all, the strength of the zombie puppets around Wei Bo is really strong, and the defense power of zombie puppets, It is also much stronger than the spirit beast.

Although the number is now at an absolute disadvantage, in Lin Ze's view, Wei Bo's odds are greater.

However, what I did not expect was that Zhou Yu could attack all the spirit beasts, such as the arm-driven command offensive, and a covering group of gang attack made Wei Bo a fierce blow in an instant.

Zhou Yu's counterattack not only eliminated the shame he just fell under Wei Bo's attack and even fell, but also slapped Wei Bo's face fiercely, and further expanded the strength gap between the two sides. .

"Well, it seems that I will learn from this Zhou Yu in the future on the Yushen Spirit Beast. If a single attack is not powerful, use the group attack directly." Lin Ze summed up secretly.

At this time, apart from a scorched black body and a large pool of blood in the valley, only Zhou Yu and Wei Bo both of them.

From beginning to end, Gu Xiyao, who was standing on the side waiting for the most suitable opportunity, stood with a sneer on her side, only after seeing Wei Bo and Zhou Yu exhibiting powerful attacks one after another, her face slightly changed. Change, the depth of the eyes becomes dignified.

To be honest, now Gu Xiyao is a little dumbfounded. After seeing the powerful attacks of Zhou Yu and Wei Bo, she instantly felt that she was walking up and down from the coccyx to the back of the head, and the whole body was up and down. It was cold sweat.

"This is the true strength of the strong in the later period of Supreme Master Grandmaster?! This is the strength of the strong in the base period?" In Gu Xiyao's mind, only these two thoughts are left.

Take a look at Wei Bo, from his attack to the final release of dozens of black arrow attacks, Gu Xiyao's estimate is not even three seconds, but it is in such a short time, Wei Bo Can cast such a horrible arrow and arrow rain magic, not to mention the zombie puppet beside him who has reached the base period of the fake construction.

In addition, don’t forget that beside Wei Bo, there are also puppet sect disciples who are staring at each other, and the puppets of zombies who look like they are not weak.

Gu Xiyao believes that if she really fights with Wei Bo, they may only be killed in seconds.

In addition, there are also the Beast Sect Masters who were not seen by Gu Xiyao before. Their strength is also unexpectedly strong.

Before Gu Xiyao easily killed Feng Qiping of Yuzuzong, she made a very low decision on the strength of Yuzuzong's doormen.

However, this time Zhou Yushi's attacking power directly hit Gu Xiyao's face.

The individual beasts surrounding Zhou Yu are not as powerful as the zombie puppets beside Wei Bo, but the strength after he united them is really more powerful than expected.

A random group gas attack, even the unscrupulous Wei Bo and his party were instantly smashed, and the 20 powerful zombie puppets were eliminated, plus five corpse puppets. disciple.

Such a result, Gu Xiyao's self-confidence, she can never beat it.

It can be seen that Zhou Yu's strength is also far above Gu Xiyao.

"Huh, fortunately Feng Qiping was careless before, otherwise, maybe it was me who fell now." At this moment, Gu Xiyao's heart raised a blessing, she knew that if Feng Qiping was too careless before, and didn't do anything at all Put her in the eyes, and then give her the opportunity to kill with a single blow, otherwise, the modern fall will definitely not be Feng Qiping, but she is Gu Xiyao.

Realizing the huge gap in strength between them and Wei Bo and Zhou Yu, Gu Xiyao felt a little regret in his heart, no, it can be said that it was a mess of regret.

After these two guys really showed their strength, none of them could cope with the fact that they had lost the war puppet now.

"I already knew this was the case. Before that, I should have thrown out the Thousand Demon streamers and let the two fight for it." Gu Xiyao thought regretfully.

"So I'm throwing out the Thousand Demon streamers now, is it time to come?" Gu Xiyao began to turn to such thoughts.

However, such a thought had just appeared in her heart. Suddenly, Gu Xiyao only felt cold all over her body, as if she had been drowned from the head by ice water.

She looked back and saw Wei Bo's eyes came over to her. Obviously, Wei Bo, who was extremely sensitive, felt Gu Xiyao's thoughts, so he directly warned Gu Xiyao.

"I don't move...!" Looking at Wei Bo's fierce eyes, Gu Xiyao raised his hand with interest, saying that he wouldn't move or disturb the fight between them.

Maybe I really believed Gu Xiyao's current gesture, or maybe it was because of his strength that he could easily crush Gu Xiyao, so Wei Bo didn't care about her existence, and quickly withdrew his eyes and continued to stare at him The biggest threat now is Zhou Yu.

Gu Xiyao is now miserable, and does not dare to make trouble, his mouth is closed tightly, and he dare not disturb Weibo in the slightest.

"Zhou Yu, I admit that I really misunderstood your strength, so I will now kindly say to you, you are still too late now, I will not stop." Wei Bo's voice was not a touch of gratitude, It's like the huge loss just around me doesn't exist.

After a pause, Wei Bo continued to say slowly: "Zhou Yu, rest assured, I will not hold you irrational and arrogant before."

"Wei Bo, if you want to fight, there is so much nonsense." Compared to Wei Bo, Zhou Yu's name is not true. A word of rain should be very gentle, but Zhou Yu's temper is obvious. It's very hot, and it just bursts at one point.

No, Zhou Yu’s words just fell off, and Lin Ze didn’t see any other movements. There suddenly appeared a dozen or so brute beasts with a minimum of Grand Master’s peak strength in front of him. With Zhou Yu’s right hand Wave.

"Furfurfurfurfur!!" A powerful attack of gangrene, which cut through the sky, with endless murderous power, first brought out a deep gully on the ground, and finally, directly killed Wei Bo and his party.

Facing Zhou Yu's attack, Wei Bo couldn't avoid it. His eyes stared at the dense attack of gas in front of him, and at the same time, his hands began to pinch a series of laws.

With the sound of "Boom!!!", an extremely thick gang shield appeared in front of Wei Bo and his party.

Then, Boom...

A loud noise, a gang attack attacked directly on the gang shield outside the body that cut Weibo. The pale gray gang shield and a large number of gang attacks directly collided together, and suddenly a dazzling blast Light.

Roar! !

In the same way, the pseudo-base-building zombie puppets around Wei Bo, as well as other zombie puppets, Cao Yuan and others were not idle at this time. Attacks were issued from their Especially the fake base-building period The attack of the zombie puppet is the most powerful, so the goal it chooses is the most powerful Zhou Yu.

A powerful attack of Gang Qi hit Zhou Yu in an instant.

Suddenly, a sharp yellow light illuminated in front of Zhou Yu. The whole person was wrapped in an eggshell. He also raised a gang gas shield to block those gang gas attacks that hit him.

The powerful gang gas shield, even the attack of the puppets of the zombies who forged the base period, has no effect at all.

It's not that the attack of the zombie puppets in the fake base period is very poor, but because such an attack is just a general attack, like the power of the previous killer attack, Zhou Yu's body protection is absolutely difficult to resist.

It's just that, as Zhou Yu said before, a similar killer tool consumes too much. Even if it is a fake zombie puppet at the base stage, the number of times it can be displayed is extremely limited.

Now it seems that Zhou Yu is right. The fake zombie puppet near Wei Bo can't show the powerful killer attack as before.

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