Alien Lord

Chapter 1784: Find...

The first seven hundred and eighty-fourth chapter found...

Gu Xiyao understands Yang Han's choice very much, because this is the dignity of being a warrior and being a grandfather, the last effort for grandson.

It is a pity that the strength of the war puppet exceeds Yang Han's imagination, and the previous battle with the seven-headed blood moon wolf consumes too much of Yang Han's strength, so this time he blew himself up, although it was a heavy blow to Gu Xiyao, However, it failed to kill Gu Xiyao.

However, I believe that after seeing Gu Xiyao's appearance after Yang Han's death, he will laugh and bloom in his heart.

Although Gu Xiyao was not killed by his self-destruction, he also hit her hard. More importantly, he directly eliminated Gu Xiyao's most powerful reliance, the war puppet.

Without puppets of war, the road after Gu Xiyao will become more difficult.

Don't forget that in the surrounding forest, there are countless people looking for Gu Xiyao's trail.

In the past, Gu Xiyao could rely on the war puppets and thousand demon streamers to destroy or directly kill those who tracked her, but now that he has lost the war puppets, Yang Han believes that Gu Xiyao is absolutely inescapable It's a disaster.

What's more, he would choose to explode before, but not only wanted to die with Gu Xiyao, he also used this huge noise to attract other cultivators' ideas.

With such a loud movement, those who are looking for Gu Xiyao's traces will surely follow the sound. When the time comes, a seriously injured Gu Xiyao can escape.

It can be said that this guy Yang Han is worthy of living an old fox with more than one child in the practice world, and the calculations are one after another. Even Gu Xiyao did not think he would have so many calculations.

Although Gu Xiyao didn’t know Yang Han’s last calculation, she wasn’t stupid, she knew she had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, don’t say those who secretly followed her, if the blood moon wolf who had left before If you return, then...

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyao simply tidied up and then recalled the Demon Soul.

Just after the Demon Soul entered the Thousand Demon streamers, Gu Xiyao's mouth was startled, "Hey, this Demon Soul's power seems to have doubled!"

Thousand Demon streamers have been refined by Gu Xiyao, so she can clearly feel that the strength of this demon soul has doubled.

"Well, it should be that the demon soul absorbed some of Yang Han's soul!" Soon, Gu Xiyao guessed the reason inside.

Although Yang Han exploded in the shortest time, when he exploded, the greatest mobilization was his innate qi, and the power of the essence and blood on his body, like the power of the soul, because he needed to resist the erosion of the demon soul, so , Only a small part was mobilized.

And Yang Han blew himself up, and did not involve his soul. Therefore, even after his blast, even the entire body disappeared, but a considerable part of his soul remained.

In the end, the soul fell directly into the mouth of the demon soul and was swallowed by it.

"Huh, it really rains in time!" Gu Xiyao smiled in his mouth.

The war puppet was directly destroyed in the self-detonation just now. In this case, Gu Xiyao destroyed the strongest card in his hand. Seriously, she was still worried about how to go after the road, now The power of Demon Soul doubled in surprise, and Gu Xiyao was given a big surprise.

Relying on the original Demon Soul, Gu Xiyao's strength has been able to reach the peak strength of the Grand Master. Now that the power of the Demon Soul has doubled, then Gu Xiyao even has a battle against the strong Grand Master Power.

"However, there are too many people who follow me. Even if I have the power to fight, if the group is under siege, the danger is still not small, so I can't carelessly." Gu Xiyao continued to reflect.

Just because of the moment's care, Gu Xiyao was hit hard by Yang Han's self-exploitation, and even lost the most powerful killer war puppet in his hand.

With this previous lesson, Gu Xiyao dares to underestimate others now.

"Without the war puppets, then when I went deeper into the 100,000 mountains, I was really looking for my way to death." Gu Xiyao thought about it: "Well, the old saying is good. The most dangerous place is actually the safest place. , Since this is the case, then I...


"Uncle Cao, haven't you found Gu Xiyao's trace?" Jiang Chengxing's face already had a little impatient look.

They have left the valley now for more than half a day. In the past few hours, they have been able to collect the traces of Gu Xiyao from time to time, but since they entered a wild beast group, they have completely lost their care. Yao's trail.

Up to now, they have been looking for Gu Xiyao for six or seven hours, but there is still no news at all.

There is no news for such a long time, and the patience in Jiang Chengxing's heart has gradually been worn away.

Imagine that at the beginning, the people around him said that they were looking for him to have fun, and Jiang Chengxing came here with great interest, but suddenly found that their destination was still far away.

However, as long as he can enjoy what he wants, Jiang Chengxing does not care about these.

It's just that after he went through a lot of mountain-building one after another, someone suddenly told him that the hedonic place they were about to go to was already sealed or temporarily closed, you said what your heart would be at this time Kind of feeling.

Believe that at that time, you will start scolding loudly in your heart.

"Chengxing, don't worry. Although we have lost Gu Xiyao's trail now, we can definitely find Gu Xiyao's trail as long as we follow those people." Cao Yuan comforted.

To be honest, he did not expect Gu Xiyao to be so difficult to find. You know, the number of people who are looking for her has exceeded several hundred. However, so many people are looking for her, or she can easily get rid of them.

At this moment, Cao Yuan really wanted to scold the guy who followed Gu Xiyao.

"Uncle Cao, you said the same thing three hours ago." Jiang Chengxing replied angrily.

Similarly, he had heard about it two or three hours ago, but the result was that they had not yet found Gu Xiyao's track.

"Chengxing, I think it's a little late at this time. Let's take a rest here and wait until tomorrow to find the trace of Gu Xiyao?" Wei Bo looked at the sky and found that it was a little late. He was going to find a place here first. Placed down.

This is inside the Hundred Thousand Mountains. At night, it is quite dangerous. It is better to find a suitable place to stay and look for Gu Xiyao tomorrow morning.

"Uncle Wei, if we stop to rest, then Gu Xiyao can easily get away?" Jiang Chengxing said with a doubt.

Although it is extremely difficult to find now, as long as I think of Gu Xiyao's face with heavenly fragrance, Jiang Chengxing's heart is full of motivation.

"Relax, Chengxing, but here in the 100,000 mountains, at night, it is the most dangerous time, because at that time, countless powerful beasts will start to play rhenium activities, if you continue to be active outside this time, maybe After dawn, you will become a push fertilizer in 100,000 mountains." Wei Bo explained with a smile.

"Well, that's good, then let's find a place to rest here." Jiang Chengxing was relieved when he heard this.

"Okay, here I am..." Wei Bo's words weren't finished. Suddenly, a bang, a huge explosion came from a distance.

Wei Bo didn't want to think about it, so he and Cao Yuan directly flew on a tree hundreds of meters high and looked in the direction of the explosion.

Soon, they saw the explosion.

It's about ten kilometers away from where they are now, not so far away, and, most importantly, in Wei Bo's sensitive ears, a voice can be heard vaguely as if chanting the name'Gu Xi Yao'.

Although this sound is very far away, it is likely that he heard it wrong, but, in the case of losing all traces of Gu Xiyao, such a big thing happened on the opposite Bo decided at the bottom of his heart , Check it out.

'call! ! At one point, Wei Bo and Cao Yuan successively landed on the ground.

"Chengxing, there is movement in front, let's go over there and see."

"Okay, please ask Uncle Wei to lead the way!" Jiang Chengxing didn't say much. He got up directly and followed Wei Bo. They flew up the treetops, and then carried out light power, and flew quickly in the direction of the explosion.

In the old forest like this, if you have the strength, the best way to get on the road is to use light work on the treetops.

On the ground, there are too many big trees to block, it is easy to get lost, and there are too many obstacles on the ground, the speed of the road can not be raised.

Don't look at the distance of only ten kilometers, but in dense forests, if you want to catch the ten kilometers, you may need to spend a few days.

Even if they were replaced by Jiang Chengxing, these martial artists, it would take several hours.

And if they use light power to rush on the treetops, because there is nothing to stop, and the route of travel can maintain an absolute straight line, so they can get there within ten minutes.

A top expert like Wei Bo, even a few minutes is enough.

However, this time because of Jiang Chengxing's delay, the time spent by Wei Bo and his party was still relatively more. They spent almost half an hour to reach their destination.

(It’s too dangerous inside the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it’s impossible for them to leave Jiang Chengxing first, but the current one rushes over. If they really want to do this, one is not good. When they come back, they are greeted by a pool of blood .

Inside the 100,000 mountains, danger is everywhere! ! )

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