Alien Lord

Chapter 1780: Beheaded

As for saying that Yu Ming was hit hard by war puppets, in Feng Qiping's view, this was just Yu Ming pretending to be, in fact, all his injuries were pretended by him.

With such thoughts, Feng Qiping was certainly full of confidence when he caught up with Gu Xiyao, and even wanted to play a cat and mouse game.

However, what he could not think of was that the thoughts in his heart before him were just the thoughts he took for granted. It was true that Yu Ming was hit hard. Gu Xiyao had a powerful war puppet in his hand, if it were true.

It's just that the cost of getting this answer is really too great, and directly lost a blood moon wolf.

You know, even Feng Qiping, he only has three blood moon wolves in his hands. Each one is better than his immediate son, and he is the capital of the world.

Now, he lost a head directly in Gu Xiyao's hands, and it was still a loss caused by his underestimation. For a time, Feng Qiping was really heartbroken in his heart.

Now, all he has in his heart is to directly kill Gu Xiyao, some hatred in the heart, and others, he has not thought about it for a while.

"Blood Moon Wolf, give it to me!" Feng Qiping took out the two Blood Moon Wolf again and issued an attack order against them.

| Aooo! !

Oh! !

The two blood moon wolves howled, and then turned into two **** streamers, killing Gu Xiyao from the left and right directions.

"Now I think how do you escape?!" Feng Qiping looked at Gu Xiyao fiercely, and his heart was full of joy.

But, soon, he began to feel a little hairy in his heart, because, not far away, Gu Xiyao suddenly showed him the appearance of being fooled to him at this time.

I haven’t waited for Feng Qiping to figure out why Gu Xiyao would show such a look. Gu Xiyao, who was not far away, jumped directly onto the war puppet. He rushed towards himself.

Before the war puppets approached, Feng Qiping felt that the sky of murderousness directly enveloped himself.

"No, this **** Gu Xiyao, she wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king first!" Feng Qiping immediately understood Gu Xiyao's plan.

Before, there were two blood moon wolves beside him who were guardians of him. Therefore, even if Gu Xiyao wanted to attack him, the success rate was not great. However, now the two blood moon wolves were sent by Feng Qiping to attack Gu Xiyao. There was no guardian spirit beast beside him.

As everyone knows, the strength of the Beast Master is not strong. He can have strong strength. More than half of them rely on the spirit beasts around him.

Feng Qiping is also the same. The ultimate reason for his strength is still the three blood moon wolves around him. Now these three blood moon wolves are not beside him. This is when his strength is the weakest, and Gu Xiyao clearly caught This.

"Give me up, give me up to block Gu Xiyao!!" Feng Qiping opened the spirit beast bag around him in a panic and released a spirit beast with good strength.

It is a pity that the strongest of these spirit beasts is the strength of the Grand Master level, and there are only five heads, and the others are the strength of the Grand Master level. Taking out such strength, for Gu Xiyao, it really looks like Paper-thin.

Like the five blood moon wolves that are obviously the same as the blood moon wolf, the thousand demon streamers in Gu Xiyao's hands gently waved at them. Suddenly, these five grand master-level blood moon wolves were like Like the smoke of the ecstasy, the eyes of one by one turned around in the same place.

The other spirit beasts with the number of twenty or thirty heads were directly crushed into countless pieces of meat by the war puppets under the Guxi Yaozao.

Blood and blue giblets spilled all over the place.

"Gu Xiyao, I surrendered!!" Seeing that the fists of the war puppet were already in sight, Feng Qiping, who knew that he was not an opponent, immediately lost his confident look and immediately surrendered to Gu Xiyao.

"Surrender?! Hehe..." Gu Xiyao smiled contemptuously, and then the war puppet under him directly punched Feng Qiping, who was already pale, at a faster speed.

"Boom!!" Feng Qiping resisted with all his strength, and he would block the war puppet and punch.

At the moment when he was happily blocked by the bottom of his heart, the afterglow of the corner of his eye saw that another fist of the war puppet came from the position of the dead corner of his eye towards him.

'boom! This time, it was not that Feng Qiping blocked the fist of the war puppet, but that he was directly blown out by the war puppet.

While Feng Qiping's body flew out, his mouth and body, like a funnel, were constantly spraying blood outward, and the countless fresh blood protruding from his mouth was also mixed with internal organs.

"Bang!!" Feng Qiping flew out about a hundred meters, and the whole person fell to the ground like a rag. When he was in the air, he was actually dead.

"Aooo, aooo!!!" Suddenly, the two will be the blood moon wolves who arrived, and stopped at the same time, and then raised a sound of howling wolf with happiness.

Feng Qiping, the master, died, and even the spirit beasts under him were truly free.

Maybe Feng Qiping was really good for his spirit beasts before, but no matter how good they are, they don’t have the freedom to really get free, and they don’t have the ability to return to nature again.

Therefore, Feng Qiping's death may have such a sorrow in the hearts of these spirit beasts, but after this sorrow has passed, only the joy of regaining freedom remains in their hearts.

"Go!" Gu Xiyao shouted coldly at the spirit beasts in front of him.

"Wow!" Suddenly, these spirit beasts who were still very happy before, like a mouse meeting a cat, turned around and fled into the forest, and soon disappeared into the distance.

"Huh!!!" After seeing all the spirit beasts disappear, Gu Xiyao finally breathed out, and the whole person eased down.

You know, Gu Xiyao's heart was always mentioned before.

Especially when she saw Feng Qiping's three blood master wolves of the Supreme Grandmaster level, her heart was even cold.

The blood moon wolf of the three-level Supreme Grand Master level, coupled with Feng Qiping, the master who is not weak, even if Gu Xiyao has a powerful war puppet in her body, she has no certainty of victory.

What's more, Gu Xiyao is very clear that there are others who are following her behind. If the time spent here is too long, the followers behind her will chase them up again. At that time, she will really There is nowhere to escape.

Therefore, after realizing that Feng Qiping was difficult to deal with, Gu Xiyao began to calculate. He first put on the look of a weak woman to confuse Feng Qiping.

After that, it followed Feng Qiping's good temperament, and constantly angered Feng Qiping.

The reason why she did this was that she wanted Feng Qiping to lose her sense of anger. It was best to think that her strength was not enough. Under contempt, she sent only a blood moon wolf to deal with her.

As long as things go along with her idea, Gu Xiyao has confidence and can solve this Feng Qiping in the shortest time.

Seriously, Gu Xiyao didn't have much expectations for her plan. In her view, how could Feng Qiping be a character, how could he be so easily taken.

However, things are so unpredictable that what Gu Xiyao did not expect was that Feng Qiping, like she had exercised in advance, was very cooperative in the direction Gu Xiyao wanted to see most.

At first, she was easily irritated by a few words, and then only sent a blood moon wolf to intimidate her.

When things got here, Gu Xiyao almost immediately wanted to jump up.

Fortunately, the last reason stopped her, so that no other things changed. Afterwards, the development of the matter was exactly the same as the best situation Gu Xiyao thought before. She first used Qianmowa and The war puppet's cooperation directly killed the first blood moon wolf, and then Feng Qiping on the opposite side was very cooperative. It was really stupid enough to send all the two blood moon wolves around him to kill her, which directly exposed Feng Qiping himself.

Afterwards, Gu Xiyao forcibly smiled and took the war puppet, directly attacked Feng Qiping's advance...

The development of things here is very much in line with Gu Yao's thoughts. However, in the subsequent development, it is very unsuitable for Gu Yao's appetite.

She did not expect that, with Feng Qiping's status and strength, she would beg directly for mercy, and it was still the kind of shameless kneeling for mercy. This action directly smashed some beautiful pictures in Gu Xiyao's heart. At the same time, her heart was also There was no reason to raise a anger that wanted to vent.

It goes without saying that afterwards, Gu Xiyao directly killed the guy who made her very unhappy, and then directly repelled those spirit beasts.

Until this time, Gu Xiyao's tense heart was relaxed.

It was just that when she packed up the booty of Feng Qiping and wanted to leave this small valley and hide it well, a huge noise suddenly came from the forest on the left.

Gu Xiyao listened carefully, and soon found that someone was fighting with the spirit beast that was previously repelled by her, and originally belonged to Feng Qiping, and after listening to a few wolf howlings, it was obvious that this guy was unlucky. Met the most powerful blood moon wolf pack.

"Oh, I really sympathize with this guy. I encountered something bad, but I met the blood moon wolf who is the most powerful and the most difficult to deal with. Ha ha ha..." Gu Xiyao laughed directly Now, of course, she wants to see this most.

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