Alien Lord

Chapter 1775: Innate (5)

However, regarding these changes around him, Lin Ze didn't care at all, or noticed it, but he didn't care about it.

Because, his heart is now full of an extremely strong expectation. The subconscious in his heart has already felt that the power of Xuanyin's true energy has reached the limit, but under his constant compression and continuous strengthening, Xuan Yin Zhenqi's power continues to climb.

Finally, all the energy accumulated by all the pill medicines swallowed by Lin Ze was turned into nourishment at this moment and was put into Xuanyin's true energy.

In an instant, when Lin Ze could not think of it, that powerful incredible power suddenly burst out.

This can be said to be a variation, an extreme variation in energy quality.

At this time, Xuanyin true qi, in Lin Ze's view, is no longer the acquired Xuanyin true qi, but after being compressed to the extreme, after having a change, it has become another kind of completely Different Xuanyin Zhenqi.

Perhaps the essence is still the same, but it is even higher in rank.

It's like diamonds and charcoal.

The essence of the two is actually the same, but whether it is in appearance or in the world's values, there is a world difference between the status of the two.

Suddenly the accident happened, even though Lin Ze had already prepared in his heart, but the shadow of the previous failure still caused Lin Ze to respond a little slowly.

It's just that the arrow is on the string now, and I have to send it, so Lin Ze can't hesitate.

No, that mysterious qi that poured into his body from the outside, the ice cold raged to a terrible point, that kind of mysterious qi was not the first time he broke through before, Dan Tianzhi Can be compared with the cold generated in the.

This kind of mysterious ice power is too powerful, just a hint, Lin Ze's control of his body disappears completely when the body is covered by a thin layer of ice.

At this time, the bitter cold was like a steel needle, and he screamed fiercely at every part of his body. Under that kind of severe pain, the organs and even the flesh of Lin Dong's body showed a little distortion, even, The blood flow rate has slowed down...

All these signs indicate that his situation is very bad now!

For such a terrible situation, Lin Ze itself is now incapable and powerless. In the face of the cold and fierce beast that is pouring into Dantian, his power seems too insignificant, even if it is Lin Ze mobilized all of his real energy to stop it, and was like a mantis arm in the car, and was instantly repelled.

Under the constant erosion of these cold air, Lin Ze's body suddenly appeared a violent shaking, as if there were countless sharp needles drilling on his body, Lin Ze couldn't bear to move a few times.

After practicing the true solution of Xuanyin and feeling the power of the ice of Xuanyin’s true energy, Lin Ze’s resistance to the pain on the body is much greater, let alone such acupuncture will not feel much pain, even if It is now that someone has cut it with a knife, and it may not be able to cause any harm to Lin Ze's body.

But the feeling of acupuncture at this moment is directly acting on Lin Ze's spirit. Such pain is far beyond the limit that Lin Ze can imagine, just like in the body, there are countless sewing machines From inside to outside, from the outside to the inside, he crossed his body like a piece of cloth, pierced countless holes, and then directly sewed it smoothly.

In Lin Ze's view, this kind of pain seems to be no longer a pain that the human body can bear, and even makes people feel that life is not as good as death.

However, this feeling only appeared for a moment.

After a moment, this feeling has disappeared.


After filling Linze's Dantian with these icy atmospheres, Linze's consciousness just shook a little at this time, and then, a hint of ice-blue consciousness was actually amazing. Penetrating from the sea of ​​knowledge, and finally rushing towards Dantian along Lin Ze's meridians.

This ice-blue power of consciousness, although very small in amount, is like the difference between an elephant and an ant to the mysterious Xuanyin in Linze Dantian, but in essence, or level, Lin Ze's consciousness is in an absolutely dominant position.

Lin Ze didn't need to feel it carefully, just a cursory look, he could feel a kind of heart palpitations from that trace of consciousness. He could feel that this icy blue power of consciousness might not be So simple...

The ice-blue power of consciousness rushed straight into Linze's Dantian all the way, and then Lin Ze felt that an extremely hot battle broke out again in Dantian, waiting for each other there. Under the fierce battle of erosion and fusion, his Dantian is faintly expressing subtle pain.

In the face of this battle, Lin Ze, who has temporarily lost control of his body, is only staring at this time. However, Lin Ze is not worried. If there is a plane seed, the situation is even worse. Lin Ze’s own security is not a problem.

Moreover, Lin Ze actually has great expectations in his heart.

After all, this trace of consciousness is the power of great consummation during the foundation period, and there are a lot of Xuanyin qi in Dantian, but it is just acquired qi. .

The result afterwards was just as Lin Ze expected, the powerful power of consciousness may be due to his level far exceeding the acquired Xuanyin Zhenqi, this battle in Dantian did not seem to be imagined The tyranny, it can even be said that even Lin Ze felt a little bit over.

After Xuanyin Zhenqi in Dantian was directly surrounded by the ice-blue power of consciousness, it took less than ten minutes, Xuanyin Zhenqi was consumed by nearly seven or ten times. And, the two are finally showing signs of fusion.

In Dantian, along with the gradual fusion of the two, there was no specific color of Xuanyin Zhenqi. At this time, it turned dark blue, and it originally looked like a basketball-sized Xuanyin Zhenqi group. It is also at this moment that a more turbulent and solid air mass that turns into a soy blue that is only the size of a soybean is like a substantial air mass. Around that air mass, even the air of cold ice can be felt faintly.

In the end, when this ice-blue air mass was formed, Lin Ze's body suddenly shook violently, a powerful feeling that had never been seen before, quickly rushing from the bottom of his heart, and finally spread to every part of his body. A part.

And after all the battles were over, Lin Ze's spirit was suddenly refreshed. He felt that a strange energy poured into the body and the sea from the outside.

This is not the power transformed from the elixir in his body, but a powerful energy that the body itself directly absorbs from the outside world.

This energy was attracted by the Xuanyin true qi in his body, and he entered into his body continuously.

And his body is now like a container that has been enlarged ten times. The powerful energy source continuously rushes into the body and quickly fills every space in the container.

The skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, all organs, all cells of his body have undergone subtle changes under the impact of this energy.

It was like being soaked in a hot spring, which made his body feel extremely comfortable.

This is actually the washing of innate qi energy, so that Lin Ze's body has undergone earth-shaking changes from above.

It's not just that his physical strength has been incredibly increased. Even his lifespan and the consciousness in the sea of ​​knowledge have increased in an unknown way under this strange change.

This is another Although Lin Ze’s strength of consciousness did not break through to the Jindan period, but it also broke through to the pseudo-Jindan period, and the strength has once again been enhanced, Lin Ze This is already satisfactory.

The energy introduced into the body from the outside seems to carry a trace of frost ice, which made Lin Ze understand that the energy he absorbs is actually the aura of the ice attribute, but this is the purest in nature. Aura of ice.

This is because he is practicing Xuanyin true solution at the moment. If he is practicing the exercises of other attributes, the energy he absorbs may change accordingly.

"Click, click..." At this moment, the ice layer on Lin Ze's body suddenly cracked a gap, and the ice on his body kept falling.

Lin Ze's heart sank into Dantian, this was the first time he "saw" his own Dantian.

The ice-blue air mass in the Dantian, to Lin Ze, looked extremely charming, the air mass was slowly rotating, a trace of Xuanyin true air with the power of ice surrounding it, waiting for Lin Ze at any time Fielding.

At the next moment, Lin Ze’s mind withdrew from Dantian, his eyes closed, and a peculiar wave spread out of his mind, projecting the surrounding environment within tens of meters back into his mind, but also extremely careful.

"Is this the feeling of a priori realm?"

The feeling that everything seems to be under control makes Lin Ze's body tremble with excitement. After entering the innate realm, it is the real door to cultivation!

This is the first important level in the cultivation process!

In order to impact this level, during this time, Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen did not know how much hard work they put in.

Now it is finally done, and, after two attempts, it has broken through the innate period, which makes Lin Ze's heart really sighed.

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