Alien Lord

Chapter 1772: Innate (2)

With the running of "Xuan Yin Zhen Jie", Lin Ze's vitality seemed to converge. Gradually, a kind of charm appeared in Lin Ze's breath, and he felt that he was gestating a new kind in his body. , The extremely miraculous power is general, and the vitality that has converged is providing sufficient nutrients for this power.

When the power of Xuanyin Zhenjie reached the ninth level, Lin Ze didn't stop there. He began to work slowly to take further exercises.

Numerous Xuanyin true qi alternately runs in Lin Ze's body, from the meridian to the Dantian, or from the Dantian to the meridian. This experience is repeated repeatedly. After reaching a certain apex, Lin Ze fully operated " "Xuanyin Zhenjie", "Boom", Lin Ze turned Xuanyin Qi to the extreme.

Seriously, since Lin Ze got "Xuanyin True Explanation", he never tried it, and pushed Xuanyin's true energy to its limit before running it.

It’s not that Lin Ze dares to do this, but this is a problem of control, because once a certain kind of exercise has reached the extreme, then if you want to continue to strengthen it, the difficulty will be unimaginable. Forced to change, I am afraid that I will hurt meridians in an instant. If the consequences are serious, I am afraid that I may die on the spot.

This is the same as the car's engine. Its power has reached the limit. If you still want to continue to pressurize at this time, this engine is likely to directly explode the cylinder.

However, at this moment, Lin Ze is directly facing the difficulties. Not only does the Xuanyin True Qi in the body have no meaning of stopping, even Lin Ze actively converts the spiritual energy in the ultimate congenital broken obstacle into Xuan. Yin Qi Qi.

As Lin Ze fully operated Xuanyin Zhenqi, the real mist in Dantian began to slowly gather in the interior of Dantian, and, gradually, the true mist had signs of solidification.

Seeing this, Lin Ze was overjoyed in his heart, because this is what he is now pursuing.

To advance the congenital phase, first of all Lin Ze had to refine the acquired innocence in Dantian to solidify. Only by condensing the acquired innocence can he proceed to the next step.

"Very well, it seems that everything is going smoothly!" Lin Ze's heart was overjoyed, while he continued to run "Xuanyin Zhenjie", constantly strengthening Xuanyin's true energy, and on the other hand, he was constantly digesting the best innate in Dantian Obstacle Breaking Pill, it's just that this time Lin Ze's power from the Need for Innate Obstacle Breaking Pill is completely different from before.

What Lin Ze is doing now is not to direct all the power inside, but to guide a little bit like the size of the hair. This is because, now the acquired energy in his Dantian has reached the extreme, this At that time, even if Lin Ze wanted to put more effort on it, he didn't want to add it all at once. Instead, he had to slowly increase it. This is the most safe.

Therefore, although Lin Ze continues to run Xuanyin Zhenqi to increase Xuanyin True Qi, these increased Xuanyin True Qi is like a little weak flame, which seems to be blown out at any time. of.

However, slowly, Xuanyin Zhenqi was running at a very slow speed in Lin Ze's body meridians and Dantian, increasing, this speed is comparable to the speed of the turtle, although it is slow to the extreme, but has been Continue to make unremitting efforts to increase.

At this time, Lin Ze's body once again exhibited a wonderful change. The cold breath before him actually began to slowly dissipate. The breath around the body changed like the warm feeling of spring. Let People are extremely comfortable.

This remarkable change, especially on Lin Ze's current skin surface, began to slowly permeate an extremely sweet scent, which is very memorable.

At the beginning, these refreshing fragrances were just such a small piece of Lin Ze's side, but slowly, this fragrance began to expand outward and gradually spread to the entire chamber, and it spread to the outside And go.

Seriously, the speed at which this scent has just begun to spread is still extremely slow, and it seems that it is a painstaking effort to expand the scope a bit.

However, when the range of these fragrances gradually increased and spread to one third of the entire chamber, it was like the fire of the prairie fire, and it quickly spread out at a speed that could not be concealed.

But in a few breaths, these fragrances have spread throughout the entire chamber, and now the chamber where Lin Ze is located seems to become a fragrance chamber filled with Qin fragrance, exuding the inside. Incredibly refreshing fragrance.

At the same time, Lin Ze's clothes turned automatically without wind. With the bang, a very powerful breath erupted directly from Lin Ze's body, and once this breath broke out, it was extremely powerful and direct. Blowing away everything within five meters of Lin Ze's side, and haven't waited for these things to fall on the ground or on the wall, they are silently turned into powder.

From this we can see how powerful Lin Ze's breath is now.

Similarly, we can see from this why why those quasi-innate powerhouses need to find a secret room when they break through the innate.

This is not only because he does not want to directly break through the innate, he is disturbed by other things, but more importantly, when he breaks through the innate, the atmosphere around him is extremely chaotic and powerful. If there are outsiders, it is easy to cause incompetence. The consequences of redemption.

At this time, Lin Ze's breath had reached the point where he exceeded the limit that the human body can tolerate. Now, beside him, it is like a black hole. Anyone who dares to approach here is extremely dangerous.

However, Lin Ze, who is in the center, seems to be unconscious. The true solution of Xuan Yin in his body has been successfully raised to the tenth level, which is the quasi-innate realm, and is still consuming the Dantian. Aura inside the best congenital broken obstacle.

Under the impact of Xuanyin Zhenqi, which seemed to be spread all over the body, Lin Ze's body finally transformed magically.

Just like the legendary tide, under the impetus of countless waves in the back, the forefront wave directly rose tens of meters high, with a surging momentum, towards the frontless impact...

Desolate, nothing more...

Under Lin Ze's whole-hearted cultivation, he had no consciousness about the passage of time. In this way, the three-hour time passed quietly.

In these three hours, Lin Ze’s cultivation did not stop for a moment, and with his hard work, his meridians and Xuanyin true qi in Dantian were also growing stronger and more condensed, and sometimes he was exploring Lin Ze was also able to feel the hidden barrier when he was hitting the innate barrier of Dantian. The solid barrier was slightly shaky.

At the same time, Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue outside looked at the closed door of the secret room with anxious expression.

Although they have strong confidence in Lin Ze’s breakthrough innateness, as long as Lin Ze does not really walk out of this door, they will still be worried in their hearts.

And, as time goes by, this worried thought becomes even more important.

"Alas, Qu Jingwen, what do you say about your master now?" Xin Xue kept walking back and forth anxiously, and finally couldn't help asking Qu Jingwen around him.

"Where do I know the situation inside!" Qu Jingwen responded angrily.

Maybe I realized that I had just said something, and then Qu Jingwen said another sentence: "When we broke through the innate before, it also took two or three days, and now only three hours have passed, so it should be There will be no problems."

"Well, this is, it's just..." Xin Xue nodded, but his face was still worried.

"Relax, with the master's foundation and the worries we prepared before, I believe that the master will definitely be able to break through the innate. This time, don't forget, there was a burst of scent in the The text is more confident.

"Really, when the refreshing scent came from before, I thought I had an illusion. It stands to reason that the time when the scent came out would have to look like another ten hours. Now it is so fast It came out, it can be seen that the master's breakthrough is very smooth this time!"

After thinking of this, Xin Xue finally smiled.

"Well, this time the master will break through the innate, this will definitely succeed!" Qu Jingwen said with a firm face again.

For these outsiders Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue, they have been speculating that Lin Ze, who has been quietly practicing in the secret room, naturally does not know, and even if he knows it, I am afraid that he will not do too much disregard and see no results. Before, any guesses were useless.

In this quiet environment, Lin Ze's cultivation is as unpretentious as before. When time elapsed to five hours later, Lin Ze's cultivation finally made significant progress.

In this nearly seven or eight hours, he was shocked by the congenital Dantian obstacle nearly a hundred times, finally under his full preparation and shock this time, his perseverance to move the mountain was finally A very small gap broke out!

Although this gap is extremely small, and it is still a long way to go before it is really opened, Lin Ze clearly understood in his heart that his efforts were finally rewarded, and advancement was in sight!

When the powerful Xuanyin true qi, with Lin Ze's ecstatic emotions, continued to rush into Dantian, toward the innate Dantian barrier, Lin Ze could feel a kind of transformation, as if by the body Derived from the depths.

That kind of feeling is like ascending into the sky like a submerged dragon, and like a fish into the sea.

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