Alien Lord

Chapter 1765: Alchemy (1)

Soon, Qu Jingwen's answer proved Lin Ze's guess.

"Yes, Master, these stone chairs are made of special materials. In fact, you have seen this master before, that is the century-old Xuan Bing." Qu Jingwen introduced.

"Oh, it's a hundred years of Xuan Bing!" Lin Ze immediately realized when he heard the name.

Lin Zeng brought this thing into the world of Planar Seeds for a hundred years, and, in order to cultivate the son-mother gout, a world in Xuanbing was created exclusively in the Plane Seed World.

Now, it seems that this world of Xuan Bing has begun to produce some special spiritual materials.

"So it seems that there are some formation prohibitions engraved on it?" Lin Ze looked at the stone chair, and the pictures that looked very beautiful said.

"Yes master, this is indeed engraved with a prohibition to isolate most of the temperature. Otherwise, even a hundred years of Xuan Bing can't stand the temperature of thousands of degrees for a long time, or even better." Qu Jingwen Nodded and admitted.

Although the temperature in the alchemy room is not comparable to the temperature in the refining room, many times, it will still reach a high temperature of thousands of degrees. Such a high temperature, the century-old Xuan Bing cannot withstand it, so these stone chairs There are also some formation prohibitions to isolate the high temperature in the alchemy room.

"Well, this stone chair is very good, Qu Jingwen, you worked hard." Lin Ze praised.

"Master, this is what we should do." Xin Xue and others said with a smile on their faces. Lin Ze's praise was actually the best recognition for them.

Not too long ago, a middle-aged man in his thirties entered this room. After seeing Lin Ze, the man came forward with a respectful face: "Feng Ming has seen the master!"

Yes, this person who worships is actually the second child of the three brothers of Feng's who conquered in the Yinfeng Canyon (Woooooo..., I don't want this nickname...).

Each of their three brothers can be said to be a talent. Among them, the boss Feng Miao has the strongest strength, five layers of congenital strength, and is proficient in implantation. Now he is appointed by Lin Ze as the director of the Lingyao Garden, specializing in the cultivation of elixir.

The second child, the innate three layers, which is this seal, is proficient in alchemy. He himself is the alchemist at the peak level of the guru. It does not take long. I believe that he can be promoted to the alchemy master.

The third, Feng Lin, ranks second among the three brothers. The innate strength of the fourth floor is stronger than that of Feng Ming.

However, he has no talents in alchemy and planting, and his real talents are in cultivation.

Feng Ming is 20 years younger than their boss Feng Miao. However, his current strength is already the peak strength of the innate four tiers, and it will not take long before he can be promoted to the innate five tiers.

Compared with Feng Miao's innate five-layer strength, Feng Ming's talent for cultivation doesn't know where he is strong.

Now Feng Ming's name is also in the list of people Lin Ze focuses on training, and the ranking is still very high.

Each of the three brothers has a special talent. Seriously, with their abilities, if they can live peacefully, maybe there will be a place for them in the cultivation field of the Chu Kingdom in the future. Unfortunately, they hit their minds to Lin Ze Body, so...

"Get up, just can't think this alchemist will be you." Lin Ze said with a surprised face.

He did not expect that the alchemy of alchemy would be so powerful, and actually became his strongest alchemist.

"Oh, this is the master's love!" Feng Ming answered with a trace of embarrassment.

However, his words are not all polite words, and a large part of them are really his words.

In general, an enemy like him, let alone surrender, will not be reused so quickly.

In general, there will definitely be a few years of trial time. Until a few years later, he will still be obediently obeyed and will be truly reused.

And here, it is just a puppet mark, he is reused directly, and he is arranged to become the leader of the alchemy master as soon as he comes up. This is really like the grace of the encounter to the seal.

In addition, the alchemy conditions here make Feng Ming feel like he is in the fairyland of alchemy.

Especially the controllable ground fire and the temperature during alchemy made him very happy.

Seriously, don't say that now he was planted with the puppet mark. Feng Ming believes that even if he has not been planted with the puppet mark, if he knows of such an alchemy fairyland, he will be sent to the door automatically.

This alchemy room is really more precious for an alchemy master than an artifact. Any alchemy master is willing to pay everything for it.

Lin Ze nodded, he saw Feng Ming’s current thoughts, so he waved directly at Feng Ming, and the powerful true energy immediately subdued Feng Ming, and then said: "Okay, since now it’s all you own , These polite ones are not needed."

"Yes, master!" Feng Ming followed him up respectfully.

"How is it, are you still used to here?" Lin Ze asked when he picked up the Lingcha beside him.

"Thank you Master for your care. I am used to it here. I can even say that every day now, I feel like I am in a fairyland." When talking about fairyland, Feng Ming's expression was very excited.

"Oh, what do you say?" Lin Ze was very curious.

Although the area of ​​the Plane Seed World has expanded to half the size of China, and the area is not small, and Lin Ze has not restricted Qu Jingwen’s freedom, Lin Ze believes that compared to the outside world, Plane There is still a lot less popularity in the seed world.

"Feng Ming, you wouldn't be perfunctory about me, just say so!"

"No, no, no, Master, I am definitely not perfunctory, but my sincere words." Feng Ming replied anxiously, he did not want Lin Ze to misunderstand, after all, what he just said, indeed It is his truth.

Perhaps afraid of Lin Ze’s disbelief, Feng Ming quickly said: "Master, the environment here is really good, and I really like it here. Especially in the area of ​​alchemy, this is the best fairyland here."

"Oh, you talk about it." Seeing this, Lin Ze also knew that Feng Ming was not actually lying, he was telling the truth.

"Master, you know that for us alchemists, if we want to achieve success in alchemy, then is there a prerequisite?"

Lin Ze raised his eyebrows and said, "I really don't know about this, you talk about it."

"General alchemy refining, under ordinary conditions, as long as this alchemist is not rubbing like that, it is okay, but such alchemy will not have much effect on the promotion of alchemist, maybe it will not be promoted for more than ten years. The ability of the alchemist. Therefore, for the alchemist, if you want to improve your alchemy strength, you need to refine some high-level elixir. The more precious and rare the elixir, the higher the requirements for the elixir, the corresponding Yes, if the refining is successful, for the alchemist, it is actually a breakthrough. For example, today’s best-in-class conquering barrier is refined for you. If it is handed over to the general master-level alchemist, the success rate is absolutely impossible. It won’t exceed 10%, but if I do it, the success rate can reach as many as eight layers. The most important thing is that in this alchemy process, it is also a big improvement for my own alchemy ability."

Hearing this, Lin Ze's eyes shone brightly and asked quickly: "Is there any reason? The difference will be so big."

"In fact, it's very simple, because the conditions for alchemy here are really good!" Speaking here, Feng Ming's face once again showed a fanatical expression: "When alchemy is alchemy, the most important thing is the problem of urgency, and there is earth fire. The problem of stability, but in the alchemy room here, these problems don’t need any idea at all. As much fire as you want, as big as you want, you can increase or decrease to as much temperature as you want, and you can Keeping the temperature stable all the time, this is simply the fairyland of the alchemists, such a place, I will not leave for a lifetime."

"Hehehe..." After listening to this explanation, Lin Ze laughed directly. He could not think of his unintentional actions one by one, which would have such good results.

Half an hour later, all the well-prepared seals began his alchemy.


At the bottom of the alchemy furnace in the middle, the fire is fierce. The temperature in the entire room is also rising rapidly. The hot ground fire directly melts the air in the alchemy room. The high temperature instantly comes to Lin Ze's entrance.

It's just that he wasn't close to Lin Ze's two meters in front of him. With a hum, a clear shield appeared directly, blocking the hot air firmly.

This shield is actually not specifically set up for Lin Ze, this shield has been there before.

However, it is not used to protect people, but to protect those spiritual materials.

During alchemy, all spirit materials are prepared in advance, but all spirit materials are not thrown into the alchemy furnace all at once, but in a certain order.

Therefore, it is inevitable that there are considerable spiritual materials that need to be put aside first.

In this way, if there is no formation prohibition to isolate the high temperature here, I believe that it will not take long for these spirits to be burned to ashes, so the formation of a high temperature isolation prohibition will be set here.

Someone asked, can't you throw it directly into the storage bag around you? In that case, isn't it more convenient?

The principle is this principle, but if you put the spiritual material into the storage bag, it is disordered. It takes a certain time to find out if you want to take out the corresponding spiritual material.

If there are many spiritual materials, it will not be difficult to find, but if the quantity of spiritual materials is calculated in Then you want to find it in the storage bag, Seriously, the difficulty is not small.

In addition, there are many spirits with similar appearance.

Like the fake Cordyceps sinensis that is often seen on the market today, seriously, the appearance and Cordyceps sinensis are really imaginable. After reading it, many people really think it is Cordyceps sinensis, but in fact, they are inside There are true and false.

There are 4 pairs of 8 feet of genuine Cordyceps sinensis, which are arranged clearly under the abdomen; while the fake ones are either wrong in number or unclear, and the shape is fuzzy.

The grass body is the tail-like section behind the worm body, that is, the part of the Cordyceps sinensis exposed to the ground. The grass part of the real grass is a complete piece and will not branch. The fake grass has twists and forks tangled together.

The pattern of true Cordyceps is very narrowly distributed with three narrow and one wide, and clear. The fake grass is not so regular or invisible.

The eyes of the real grass are small, distributed on both sides of the insect body; while the eyes of the fake grass are bright and large, very obvious.

In addition, there are fake grasses that are re-assembled from the broken grass, either stringed together with toothpicks, or glued together, and using wire and metal powder to increase weight and appearance. These will leave traces, which can be seen when you look carefully at the time of purchase.

Seriously, the traveler has been fooled twice and bought fake Cordyceps at real Cordyceps prices, alas...

You guys, when buying Cordyceps in the future, you really need to pay attention to whether it is true or false. Otherwise, the loss of heartache and money will be small, and if your body has problems, it will be a big problem.

The most important thing is that if the mother-in-law suspects that you are fooling her, the consequences........., alas...

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