Alien Lord

Chapter 1757: Claim

"Anyway, this time you and Xinxue are considered to have merit, let's say, what reward do you want this time?" Lin Ze smiled and looked at Qu Jingwen and Xinxue in front of him.

This time he rewarded both of them, not only for the merits of this time's proposal, but also because of the merits of building this mansion.

"This..." The two hesitated when they heard this.

Now when the two face Lin Ze’s reward again, it will not be postponed as before, because they know that Lin Ze is a person with a clear reward. Since he said that they are rewarding them, it is really a reward. They, they need not be polite.

Soon, Qu Jingwen answered Lin Ze first.

After thinking for a while, Qu Jingwen came directly to Lin Ze, first bowed deeply to Lin Ze, and then said gratefully, "Master, I want a few Chinese innate barriers."

After listening to it, Lin Ze smiled dumbly and said, "Qu Jingwen, are you asking for your son or other relatives?"

Qu Jingwen is now the Grand Master, and with his strength, where is there any innate need to break the barrier, so it can only be requested by his children or relatives.

Qu Jingwen's face turned slightly red, with a hint of embarrassment in his mouth: "Master, hehe, I am really asking for my son. He now has the strength of the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow, and he can be promoted to the congenital soon. Yes. I didn’t have many ideas before. After all, they are still outside. Now that the owner decides to help us pick them up, then I have to prepare these things for him first."

After coming here, after a pause, Qu Jingwen said with a trace of Xiao Suo: "This is what I should compensate him. In the past, I paid too little attention to him. Compared with his heart, he still complained about me and complained about me. I haven’t been with him since childhood, alas...

Before being taken by Lin Ze and entering the plane-seed world, Qu Jingwen thought most about how to ascend, how to occupy a higher position in Confucianism, how to improve his own strength, for his own Family members, of course, are somewhat overlooked.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Ze was captured and he completely died back to Confucianism, did he really reflect on everything before him, at this time Qu Jingwen discovered how incompetent he was before.

Perhaps for Confucian, he is indeed a competent Zongmen child, but for his family, he is not a competent husband, a competent father and child!

Now aware of all this, Qu Jingwen wants to take the initiative to save it all.

Therefore, when Lin Ze asked him what he wanted before, Qu Jingwen would boldly say that he wanted to be reunited with his family.

Without these reflections, Qu Jingwen would never make such a somewhat embarrassing request.

This time for such a good opportunity, he also directly gave his children and loved ones. It can be seen that now in Qu Jingwen's heart, his family's position has been adjusted.

"Qu Jingwen, you are fine, I agree!" Lin Ze nodded with a look of satisfaction, he was very satisfied that Qu Jingwen could consider this for his family in this way.

Lin Ze's men are not the cold-blooded men. On the contrary, it is the men with blood and flesh that Lin Ze wants most.

"It’s not just Qu Jingwen you, even Xinxue, and the family of other people, as long as they reach the innate period, they can come to me to receive enough middle-grade goods, and the above innate broken obstacles, this is my Commitment!!!" Lin Ze said solemnly.

When Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue heard this, they looked at each other with surprise in their faces.

Lin Ze will agree to Qu Jingwen's request, which is entirely within their expectations.

After all, Lin Ze agreed to rescue such a dangerous request as Qu Jingwen. Now it only requires a few innate obstacles, and that's not even a problem.

However, what they did not expect was that Lin Ze not only easily accepted Qu Jingwen’s request, but also directly promised that other people could come to him in the future to receive the Innate Breaking Pill and help their loved ones break through the innate period. .

As everyone knows, Lin Ze has the most profound experience till now if he has merit and punishes if he makes mistakes.

When he resettled the migrants before, there was still a lot of confusion at the beginning, until he implemented this ‘punishment if he has done it, reward for merit! After the measures, the resettlement of refugees was really on track.

After that, until Lin Ze came out for more than a year, although there were some twists and turns in the middle, there was no big problem.

Qu Jingwen directly bowed deeply to the ground and said: "Thank you Master for your reward!"

Lin Ze took his hand and lifted him directly, said with a smile: "Qu Jingwen, since you are my men and have made great contributions, these things really don't need to be polite, as long as you can continue to stand in the future Great work, I will not be stingy with rewards!"

After he finished speaking, he turned directly to Xin Xue and waited for his answer.

Xin Xue thought carefully for a while, and then said with a straight face: "Master, his subordinates have something to ask for."

Lin Ze waved his hand and said indifferently: "Let's say, if you have any requirements, please directly say, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

"I want the inherited crystals of alchemy inherited from Master Xuanyin, learn the alchemy technique inside, and ask your master to complete." Xin Xue said sincerely.

After Lin Ze heard the news, his face froze slightly, because Xin Xue's request was somewhat unexpected.

It was not that Lin Ze didn't want to hand over this inheritance spar to Xinxue, but that he didn't expect that Xinxue would want this succession spar.

Before Xin Xin's impression in Lin Zexin was an assassin, an extremely powerful assassin leader, such a person, the first idea in his heart should not be to improve his own strength. How could he turn to alchemy? .

Lin Ze got a lot of inherited crystals in the dense realm this time, including some extremely powerful magical skills. Seriously, as long as Xinxue can learn any one of them, his strength can soar. .

However, now Xinxue has asked for alchemy, which made Lin Ze a little puzzled.

"Xinxue, how do you want to learn alchemy? Before, did you really want to practice the follow-up exercises of "Escape"?" Lin Ze asked without knowing it, so he simply asked Xinxue.

"Hey, Master, actually my favorite is alchemy. Before I became the blood demon of the Seventh Prince, I studied alchemy. It was just that I was born as a small family, and I didn't have this resource to consume, so In order to improve my alchemy and collect everything necessary for alchemy, I directly became a member of the Dark Guard's troops under the seven princes, and finally became one of the leaders. However, even so, my subordinates are On alchemy, I didn't give up, and I practiced alchemy several times.

"What's more,...not to mention..." Speaking here, Xin Xue looked at Lin Ze very carefully, and hesitantly continued before saying: " What's more, I believe that I can still get the follow-up cultivation secrets of "Hidden Escape", and it is like the inherited spar on the alchemy of Master Xuanyin. If I miss this, I may have missed it all my life.

Here, the person who has stronger alchemy ability and talents than me is that if the master is handed over to the other alchemy master by the Xuanyin master alchemy inheritance crystal, then I will not cry to death, so... ...., hey.........."

Finally, Xin Xue smiled embarrassedly, with a cunning expression on his face.

"Oh, you!!!" Lin Ze also smiled. He understood Xin Xue's idea very well. If it was him, it would be the same choice.

"Hey..." Xin Xue also smiled with him.

"Okay, I will promise you, Master Xuanyin's alchemy inheritance crystal, and I will give it to you." Lin Ze readily agreed.

Yes, Master Xuanyin's alchemy inheritance crystal is very precious, whether it is for ordinary cultivators, or for those top ancestors, it is an extremely precious But, such treasure is now For Lin Ze, it is the role of a stone.

Lin Ze is not someone who always puts all his power and all things on his own hands. He is dealing with things. He chooses to give this matter to the hands that are most suitable to deal with it.

For things like alchemy, they are handed over to the alchemist masters. The things above the alchemy are given to the alchemist, and the things above Fu Zhuan are given to Fu Zhuan....... .

He only needs to control the overall situation, and the rest can be let go.

In this way, not only did Lin Ze not have to be very fortunate, he also exercised and improved his ability to handle things.

During the Three Kingdoms period, after the death of Zhuge Liang, there were no ministers who could handle it. The reason is that Zhuge Liang likes to leave everything to himself.

As a result, the people under his hands lacked sufficient experience in dealing with government affairs, so that when he died, the people under him would not know how to deal with government affairs.

There are many examples like this in history, such as Zhao Kuo’s paper talks, and several times during the Yuan dynasty, when he attacked the Japanese nation... and so on.

If Zhao Kuo had some experience in commanding a large army before the battle of Changping, it is believed that there will never be a later battle of Changping, and Zhao will never die afterwards.

Also, the leaders of the conquering Japanese army in the Yuan dynasty, if they were not Mongols who did not know a little about the water station, but Han generals who knew the water station, it is unknown that there is still a Japanese country.

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