Alien Lord

Chapter 1728: Leave the secret

In order to ensure that the secret of Chengyinglou is better, Chengyinglou will definitely be in the shortest time. Dispatch the most powerful force to kill you directly.

At that time, Lin Ze had to face not only the killers of silver level and gold level, but also the top killers of dark gold level, purple gold level, and Yuanjing level in addition to these.

What's more terrible is that this time Chengyinglou shot, the target was not only Lin Ze, the relatives around Lin Ze, such as Shaman and Ping'er, and their relatives, will be The object started by Chengyinglou.

Moreover, the number of killers Lin Ze will face will far exceed his imagination.

In order to ensure that Lin Ze and his forces can be uprooted, then Chengying Tower will send all the forces, so Lin Ze may face another army at that time. A powerful army of killers.

This is Chengying Tower, and there is also Confucianism.

The strength of Confucianism is stronger than that of Chengyinglou, and he has many allies. Therefore, once shot, the power is stronger than that of Chengyinglou.

You said that in the face of such a powerful Chengyinglou and Confucianism, Lin Ze can still live a peaceful life? Can he 100% ensure that his loved ones are not assassinated? Can 100% guarantee that the forces under his hands will not be cleaned?

Lin Ze could not guarantee these things, so at that time Lin Ze even knew that his men were thinking about the people in his family, but because of his limited strength, Lin Ze could only pretend to be invisible.

Qu Jingwen is also very clear about these things, and he also knows that he really shouldn’t put forward these conditions at this time, but he is not a puppet who lost his mind. He is still the same except being planted with a puppet mark. He is a living person, a person with feelings and flesh and blood, and he will be homesick and his loved ones in his heart.

Moreover, these thoughts have been accumulating continuously with the passage of time, and finally burst out directly today.

"Qu Jingwen, I can understand your feelings, but this time I am not kidding, you are not dying in dreams, I do agree with your opinion, you can go back to your family in secret." Lin Zexiao He said, his face didn't look embarrassed at all.

These words are indeed Lin Ze's sincere words, not just smiles.

As for why Lin Ze is not afraid of the most Chengyinglou and Confucianism now, it is because Lin Ze is now different than before.

In the past, Lin Ze would pretend not to see it, but the reason why his strength was not strong enough.

At that time, Lin Ze’s most powerful man was the red-great ape of the Supreme Grandmaster level, regardless of whether it was Chengyinglou or Confucianism. There are not many masters like this, and it is more powerful than this. There are also a considerable number of masters.

Therefore, Lin Ze at that time, because of the absolute difference in strength, could only pretend to be invisible.

However, after coming to the Xuanyin secret realm this time, Lin Ze's strength has changed dramatically.

Under his hands, let's not say the strength of the Supreme Grandmaster level, even the number of people at the base period is very large.

Such strength is enough to resist Chengyinglou and Confucianism.

In the face of Lin Ze's powerful strength, even if Chengyinglou and Confucian had guessed something inside, they would not dare to do it, because if they did, they would definitely suffer Lin Ze's full blow.

In the face of the full-scale attacks of more than 30 strong people during the foundation period, neither Chengyinglou nor the Confucian branch of Chu Kingdom can afford it.

In addition, Lin Ze will take the initiative to say that he will not tell the secrets of the two, so in the end, the two can only swallow the bitter fruit.

"Master, are you not afraid..." Qu Jingwen looked at Lin Ze carefully. Lin Ze understood the unfinished meaning in his words.

"Afraid?! Ha ha, Qu Jingwen, are we still the same as before?" Lin Ze asked with a smile.

"Huh? Er........." Qu Jingwen suddenly realized: "Yeah, the master's strength is no less than a hundred times stronger than before, more than thirty strong base period, don't What kind of Confucianism does it mean, even the top ancestors of the Chu Kingdom do not add up!"

Thinking of this, Qu Jingwen's heart was suddenly bright, the big rock at the bottom of his heart was finally put down, and at the same time, an unparalleled sense of excitement rose in his heart.

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!!" Qu Jingwen thanked Lin Ze with tears in his eyes. At this time, he was really excited and excited.

"Oh, well, don't say these polite words, this is what I should do." Lin Ze waved his hand with a smile.

Then, he continued to tell Qu Jingwen: "Qu Jingwen, this matter will be left to you to do, but only after this trade fair, I hope you can understand it."

"No, no, no, what the master says is what I mean, I also understand what you mean by the master, so just follow what the master says!" Qu Jingwen replied quickly.

Qu Jingwen had long understood why Lin Ze had to do this after the fair.

If you want Confucianism not to be held accountable, you have to show them your strength, and this time the trade fair is the best, a great opportunity to show your own strength.

You said that if there were more than a dozen foundation-building strongmen directly at that time, the leader of the foundation-building period would be the great state of perfection. The other foundation-building strongmen were all disciples. After seeing this scene, you said that Any thoughts.

Just come to participate in a trade fair, you can send such a strong strength, then how strong the strength of the entire Zongmen!

I believe that those minds at that time would immediately raise such an idea.

After that, these masters are shown again, which is actually the mysterious and powerful sect that Lin Ze said in his mouth. When you talked about the state of Chu, and those sects in more than a dozen countries around, dare to underestimate Lin Ze ? Dare to provoke Lin Ze?

It can be said that this time the Xingyue Canyon Trading Conference is not only Lin Ze's big procurement trip, but also a deterrent trip to show his strength to the outside world.

"That's good." Lin Ze nodded with a smile, relieved in his heart.

This matter was actually a big rock in Lin Ze's heart, but now it was finally resolved, and Lin Ze was a lot easier.

"Qu Jingwen, you said that we will see these demon warriors locked up today?" After solving Qu Jingwen's case, Lin Ze's attention turned once again to those demon warriors who had just been locked up.

"Well, I think he will be shut down for another four or five days. These people are very strong. The shut down time is short. I'm afraid they won't do much." Qu Jingwen wanted to answer.

"Four or five days?! Hehe, that's enough for these guys to drink a pot. The illusion array I arranged before, but directly transformed the time thousands of times, that is, just outside One day, but it was three years in the phantom array, and four or five days, it was fifteen years."

Speaking of which, Lin Ze shook his head, a sympathetic look appeared on his face.

After listening to Lin Ze's words, a trace of sympathy also appeared on the face of Qu Jingwen on one side, and he could not have imagined that the illusion array arranged by Lin Ze would be so powerful, actually actually speeding up the transformation of time thousands of times.

However, if it hasn’t been this long, it won’t do much for these powerful demon warriors, and now these 15 years are just right.

These times are at their most uncomfortable time.

If the time is long, maybe these demon warriors will gradually get used to it. If the time is short, these demon warriors may insist on it.

The fifteen-year period happened to be at the most appropriate stage.

This is the same as the long-distance running. At a certain time, you will have a physiological limit. At this time, psychological resistance is the lowest, and the body feels the most tired, but as long as You gritted your teeth and exceeded this psychological limit, then you can continue to stick to it for a long time.

Lin Ze’s 15-year period is actually this psychological limit.

Within this limit, those demon warriors have the lowest psychological resistance and are most likely to surrender.

"Master, it seems that the secret realm is about to close!" At this time, a bright colorful light suddenly appeared in the sky, and Qu Jingwen immediately reported to Lin Zeyu, because, in the relevant records, this was the sign before the secret realm closed.

"Well, this is indeed the case. The secret realm will be closed soon." Lin Ze looked up at the colorful lights of Tianshan, but he couldn't wait.

He has been in the mysterious Xuanyin for a month. During this month, in order to find the baby's things and explore the secrets, Lin Ze didn't have much rest for a day, and there were always battles.

Fighting the barbarian guarding the treasure, suddenly encountering the barbarian battle, fighting with other warriors for spirit materials, fighting the hundred poisonous devil in the secret..., etc., The countless battles really made Lin Zexin feel a little tired.

Therefore, Lin Ze was very happy to be able to go out now.

"Wow!!" At the moment, the colorful light that was slowly descending at the moment, came to the ground in an instant, and then the colorful light shining on Lin Ze directly surrounded Lin Ze Tuan group, and finally, in Lin Ze A tiny transmission array was formed under his feet.

With the sound of "Boom!", a very bright light flashed through, and Lin Ze's figure disappeared directly into the dense realm........

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