Alien Lord

Chapter 1726: Method

The interests of one warship and two warships, the other Zongmen may not care, but also need to worry about the strength threat of a Linze avatar, but once the number of warships has reached a limit, like five or eight Yes, those who are the right Taoist sect, will start to have a strange mind, not to mention those magic sect.

Of course, some people will say that if Lin Ze knew that buying so many warships would be very dangerous, then it would not be enough to just buy one or two ships. In this way, there would not be much danger.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At the same time, this is Lin Ze’s last plan. If he really can’t think of any good countermeasures at that time, he really can only do so.

However, in this way, this great opportunity will be missed in this way.

You should know that large-scale trade fairs like this one are not always available. Such large-scale trade fairs only happen once in three years. If Lin Ze missed this time, and would like to have such trading opportunities, then Wait another three years.

Three years may not be long for the average person, but for Lin Ze, it is quite a long period of time. Three years is enough for Lin Ze to improve his strength by several grades.

This is still not the case with flexible transportation like the war flying boat, and if Lin Ze had the war flying boat, then his strength could be improved by several grades.

It can be seen that the importance of flying warships to the development of Lin Ze's strength.

Some people will ask, why is such a large-scale trade fair opened only once every three years, once a year, or once every six months?

You can also think about how backward the ancient traffic is. Even if you are a congenital powerhouse, it is extremely powerful and powerful. However, if you want to be like a modern train, you can run a distance of 3,000 or 4,000 kilometers in a day. This is simply a fantasy.

Even Lin Ze, now he is doing his best with light skills, he can only fly four to five hundred miles a day, and he can't do anything longer.

The dozen or so countries around the Chu Kingdom are not small. The smallest country is as big as the current China. Like the Chu State where Lin Ze is now, the land area is as large as ten Chinese.

With such a large range, it takes a very long time for ordinary warriors to rush to the place of the fair.

In addition, the trade fair here is not a supermarket. The trades in this fair are all treasures of cherish level. Such treasures require a short period of time to prepare. Therefore, a fair is held every three years, and the time is just right!

No matter how long it is, or how short it is, this trade fair will not be as prosperous as it is now.

On such large-scale trade fairs, the number of strategic weapons such as warships is actually not small. If Lin Ze wants to buy four, five, seven or eight ships, there is no problem.

Therefore, the only problem now is Lin Ze's own strength.

Only when he is strong can he guarantee that the treasure he bought will not be remembered by others, or that he will not be forcibly robbed by others.

Now Lin Ze has an avatar of the foundation of the great consummation, plus a space tyrannosaurus king of the foundation period. This strength can be achieved, and I want to completely protect the Lord, but it is still weaker.

Lin Ze also had a headache for this problem before, but fortunately those demonized warriors came to the door.

To be honest, after Lin Ze saw so many demon warriors in the secret place, his heart was actually very excited, because these demon warriors could not solve the big problem in his heart.

As long as he takes a part of these demon warriors, he has enough strength to take the shot. Then, at the fair, he does not have to shrink his hands when he acts, he can let go of his hands and feet to buy everything. Want something.

Therefore, after Lin Ze got some memory inheritance from Xuanyin's master, he obviously had a very powerful hiding ability. Finally, he still showed up actively. In fact, there is also a reason here. He needs these demonized ones. Musha.

After entering the blood sea space, Lin Ze acted extremely low-key, in fact, at this time, he was already planning to win which demon warriors.

At that time, there were two or three hundred demon warriors in the blood sea space. Not all demon warriors were the strength of the foundation period, and some of them were only the strength of the supreme grandmaster level.

Like the puppets of Sun Xifeng who had been taken down before, they only have the strength of the supreme grandmaster level.

For such a demon warrior, Lin Ze is disrespectful.

Finally, after some thoughts, Lin Ze finally won thirty-six demon warriors who were very satisfied with him, and each of them was the strength of the foundation period.

As long as Lin Ze can subdue them, he will have thirty-six men in the foundation period.

With so many foundation-building period, Lin Ze still need to worry about the dangers in the trading market.

At that time, others were afraid that he was too late, and where dare to hit his mind on him.

Unfortunately, all this requires a prerequisite, that is, Lin Ze planted puppet marks on these demon warriors. If this prerequisite is not completed, then everything above is delusional.

What makes Lin Ze more frustrating is that he is now trapped in this difficulty.

The strength of these demon warriors is too strong, Lin Ze wants to plant them with puppet marks, really is not an ordinary difficulty.

"Qu Jingwen, do you have any ideas?" Lin Ze directly asked Qu Jingwen in the Plane Seed World. He couldn't think of any specific ways now.

"Master, I don't have a good way, but, if I have a bad idea, I might have one, maybe it can play some role." Qu Jingwen thought for a moment, and finally said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, let's talk about it quickly." Lin Ze's eyes lit up, he was not afraid of bad ideas, he was afraid of no idea.

"Master, these guys would rebel against the poisonous demon king before, not because they wanted freedom, and, to make them strong like them, their minds are very firm, even if we use some things to seduce them, the effect will not be Great, if that is the case, we should not give them a good face, and simply imprison them.

The captivity I’m talking about is not the kind of jail cell. The captivity I’m talking about is that the master directly creates a separate cell similar to the sea of ​​blood space, and then puts these demonized warriors into each one. . Don’t talk to them during the period, and, Lord, you can from time to time transform some seal chains that are exactly the same as the previous ones, wandering in these cells continuously.

I believe that as long as this continues, these demon warriors will soon beg for mercy. Such a soft knife is the most powerful way to torture! Qu Jingwen said with a smirk.

As a master master, Qu Jingwen is very clear that the torture on the meat ///body // is actually not the most uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable is actually the torture on the spirit.

Like these demonized warriors, they are not ignorant of the power of the Baidu Demon King, but, at the last time, they united to betray the Baidu Demon King.

Why do they do this? Not for freedom, in order to completely get rid of the infinite captivity of the Baidu Demon King.

Hundreds of years of imprisonment has made these guys have a strong sense of fear of the blood sea space innately. So, as long as they are specially made into a similar cell, these guys can hardly persist.

In fact, if they had been kept in the blood sea space before, they wouldn't be able to play any role in the same cell as the blood sea space, and they would stay in this cell well.

However, don't forget that they have enjoyed free space for quite some time before. At this time, you want to continue to imprison them in the blood sea space, which is simply killing them.

A monk, if he hadn’t eaten any meat in the beginning, his demand for meat wouldn’t be so But once he tasted the taste of meat, this time, you want It would be absolutely impossible to think of him not thinking about the taste of meat, but not wanting to eat meat in his heart.

"Good idea, really a good idea!!" Lin Ze said with great delight, Qu Jingwen's idea was really good.

"I'm not only setting up cells exactly like the blood sea space, but also arranging phantom arrays in these cells. Once those demonized warriors are locked in, the phantom array will happen.

Under the influence of the illusion, the concept of time of the person imprisoned in it will be completely changed. Outside is obviously a day, and under the influence of the phantom, their inner subconscious will think that it is one year, ten years, or even a hundred years.

Hey, under such circumstances, I don’t believe that the demonized warriors can continue to stick to it, ha ha ha ha..."

Speaking of the last, Lin Ze laughed directly.

"Master is really wise!" Qu Jingwen and others on the side heard Lin Ze's words, and their eyes lit up, competing for praise.

In the world of Plane Seeds, Lin Ze is the God, and everything here is his final say, so even if Lin Ze’s array is not strong enough, he can’t arrange any decent array outside, but, In the world of Plane Seeds, Lin Ze can arrange an extremely powerful formation with only one thought and some aura.

Like Lin Ze's powerful phantom array mentioned above, Lin Ze just said it, there are hundreds of powerful phantom arrays formed there.

The power of these phantom arrays, even if a strong man like Xuanyin Master enters into it, they must sink into it.

Therefore, it is not a problem to use such a phantom array against those demonized warriors.

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