Alien Lord

Chapter 1723: 2 female

Although Zhang Xuan didn't say it, the people present were all elites. They couldn't see where they were. Confucianism had something wrong, and it was still a big deal. Otherwise, how could such a confidential communication method be used.

"Well, since there is nothing wrong, then let's continue to wait for the disciples in the secret realm to come out!" Zhang Jing said, he didn't go and force Zhang Xuan to force him.

He also saw that Zhang Xuan was lying, and there must have been a big problem in Confucianism. However, if something really happened, it would not be appropriate to speak here. Therefore, Zhang Jing did not continue to question him.

Anyway, if Confucianism is about to happen something big, I believe they will be able to know too soon, so wait for some time.

At this time, the master of Confucianism in the distance once again conveyed a command to Zhang Xuan: "Pay attention to a person named Li Ze. Once you see him, it is best to invite him to Confucianism. Remember, tens of millions Don't do it, it's the strong man in the foundation period!"

"His, the strong man in the foundation period!" Zhang Xuan also took a breath in his heart after seeing the information.

This is the strong man in the foundation period, even in the Confucian door of the Chu Kingdom, there are only two of them, and these two are usually in closed retreat, and Zhang Xuan has only heard of it. nothing.

"It actually involves the strong man in the foundation period. In this way, it is not surprising that the door owner's avatar fell into the dense realm." Zhang Xuan said in his heart.

With this order, Zhang Xuan understands that Sun Xifeng's doppelganger will die in it.

From Zhang Xuan's point of view, that secret realm is obviously not a general secret realm, it should be an extremely important secret realm, otherwise, there will be a strong man in the foundation period going there.

Now that the strongmen in the foundation period have gone there, it is clear that the upper limit of this dense realm is extremely high. At least the strongmen in the foundation period are also very interested in it.

In this case, there will definitely be a danger in the foundation period, and Sun Xifeng's avatar strength is strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is the level of the Supreme Grand Master. Such strength, in the face of the danger of the foundation period, is very dead Normal thing.

"It seems that this secret realm is really serious. Otherwise, it will not attract the strong people in the foundation period to come. Gee, this sacrifice of the master is also worth it."

"However, the most important thing now is to find this senior "Li Ze", he is the most important. As long as he finds him, maybe he can figure out some secrets in the secret world." Thinking of this, Zhang Xuan decided Come down and follow Zhang Jing to the front of the secret realm, waiting patiently for the people inside to come out.


The people outside are already waiting for the people inside to come out, and the many disciples in the mysterious realm of Xuan Yin are also ready to go out at this time.

"Huh, it's finally over, and if it doesn't, I really don't know if I can stick to it!" A big fat man weighing about two hundred pounds holds a foot in his right hand that is as big as his body The animal's legs, while nibbling, said.

This fat man was Zhou An who came in with Lin Ze before. After he came in, he was separated from Lin Ze.

The only unexpected thing is that this fat man Zhou An is still up to now.

After all, he was just an early congenital cultivator. He was not really strong here, just to see that he is still alive now, and, as if he were living well, it can be seen that this fat man Zhou An is not easy.

"In another two hours, the secret realm will be shut down. It seems that I can also prepare to go out. Well, I have to put away the thousand demon streamers first." A small valley deep in the secret realm Gu Xiyao, who was hidden inside, also came out of the small valley, looked at the clouds that had begun to change in the sky, and Nan Nan said to himself.

Looking at Gu Xiyao, he was a little embarrassed and there were some damages to his clothes. After separating Gu Linyao from Lin Ze, it was not very good to have too much.

Otherwise, with Gu Xiyao's character, where would she be hidden in this small valley, she had already gone out and turned over.

"Damn Feng Yan, if you haven't been making troubles, this is definitely not the only thing I have gained." Gu Xiyao muttered bitterly in his mouth.

After separating from Lin Ze, Gu Xiyao soon met Feng Yan.

In the face of Lin Ze, the two people were able to join forces against Lin Ze, but once Lin Ze's threat disappeared and Gu Xiyao and Feng Yan met again, a war was inevitable.

Feng Yan will shoot Gu Xiyao, that is, want to seize the thousand demon streamers in Gu Xiyao, and Gu Xiyao will completely rely on the power of Qian Moya, to teach Feng Yan a good meal.

It's a pity that Gu Xiyao thinks it's good, but Feng Yan on the opposite side is not so good.

The group of spirit beasts around her made Gu Xiyao experience the beast tide for the first time.

Although in the end she repelled Feng Yan's herd with the strength of Thousand Demon streamers, but it also provokes Feng Yan.

After that, Feng Yan no longer collected spirit materials, but just acted in the vicinity of Gu Xiyao.

Once Gu Xiyao discovered the spirit material, Feng Yan would jump out and fight with Gu Xiyao.

This is not a bad crime, the worst, and the biggest headache for Gu Xiyao is that Feng Yan relies on her ability to control the beast, and every time she jumps out to fight for the spirit, it will provoke some powerful beasts.

In this way, Gu Xiyao and Feng Yan, as well as the powerful barbarian in the secret realm, fought for more than ten days.

After such a long period of time, although Gu Xiyao's strength has improved a bit, he directly advanced to the strength of the master, and also refined the thousand demon streamers in her hand, but her contribution is not small.

First of all, the other mysterious soldiers on her body were completely destroyed. Secondly, she had never slept in An Shengjue one day. If she had eaten a resident Yan Yan given by Lin Ze, maybe now she would become The panda eyes are gone.

This is not the worst. The worst is that only the current piece of clothing is left on her. Other clothes are destroyed in these dozen days of fighting.

Moreover, she hasn't taken a bath for more than ten days, and now the smell on her body is really not small.

"Feng Yan, I admit defeat, I won't fight anymore, and now the secret area will be closed. I want to take a bath before going out. I believe you have a bad taste. You also want to take a bath , How about we stop here?" Gu Xiyao shouted loudly at a big tree outside the valley.

There is Feng Yan's shelter.

"Good!" Soon, Feng Yan's answer came from the big tree.

Then, a figure quickly floated down from the big tree, Feng Yan did not say much, and flew directly into the valley.

"What do you want? Do you still want to fight?" Seeing Feng Yan flying towards herself, Gu Xiyao directly transported her Qi Qi defense, she thought Feng Yan wanted to start.

"Huh, aren't you stupid? Here, there is only a bathing place in the valley behind you, let go!" Feng Yan was directly glanced at by Gu Xiyao, and then flicked with his right hand. Walked to the waterhole.

".............." Gu Xiyao was a bit dazed to see Feng Yan now.

"We still have enemies in front of us, why is it like a girlfriend now!" Gu Xiyao is all bad.

However, she was not an ordinary person, and it quickly reacted, and she entered the small valley with a smile.

Five minutes later, two wonderful bodies were immersed in the water pool, and the clear running water let the two relax for a while.

"Feng Yan, we don't even know each other. I hope you don't tell me what I got from the Thousand Devils." Gu Xiyao said to Feng Yan around her.

Gu Xiyao is not ready to hand over the Thousand Demon streamers. With the Thousand Demon streamers, she can advance to a higher level more easily, and she can also master her future for the first time.

Don’t look at Gu Xiyao as the core disciple of Xuanyin Demon Dao. His status and status are extremely high. The same is true of the master.

"Relax, I'm not such a big-mouthed person." Feng Yan gave Gu Xiyao another white As a gatekeeper of Wan Beast Sect, Feng Yan was much better than Gu Xiyao. Although there are also countless trolls, such trolls can't get her, because, in the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, the most important thing is the talent of controlling the beast, and it is obvious that Feng Yan is above the controlling beast. Talent is the strongest in the generation of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"Thank you!" Gu Xiyao really thanked.

With Feng Yan's assurance, she can swallow the thousand demon streamers, so that in the future, she can control her own future, and it is no longer a chip or chess piece in the hands of others.

"A lot of people know about the Thousand Demon streamers, you are so sure, others will not know that you got the Thousand Demon streamers?" Feng Yan asked.

There are many people who know about the Thousand Demon streamers, whether it is the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, or the Xuanyin Demon Road, there are many people who know this. The most important thing is that Gu Xiyao was originally lined up to seize the Thousand Demon streamers. After going out, you will definitely be inquired about the whereabouts of Qianmoban.

If Gu Xiyao does not have a suitable excuse, her ending will definitely not be good.

"Hee hee, isn't there that guy!" Gu Xiyao said with a smile.

"That guy..." At this time, Feng Yan's face could not help showing a smile.

"However, does this guy have such strength to carry this black pot?" Feng Yan asked again.

"Hey, that's the guy you underestimated. Although this guy has been wearing too one suit, but as long as he sees his martial arts, and doesn't know about the surrounding sects, it is obviously not a person of too one suit, plus, He is younger than us and his strength is so strong, so his background is absolutely extraordinary." Gu Xiyao said with certainty.

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