Alien Lord

Chapter 1709: True avatar

Now among the nearly three thousand people, the lowest strength is in the later period of the day after tomorrow, that is, the strength of the seven layers of the day after tomorrow.

The most powerful ones have even advanced to the innate stage, and this number is still quite a lot, twenty-six.

Coupled with the large number of congenital wild beasts in Lin Ze's hands, Lin Ze believes that the sect behind him has been initially established.

However, there is still a problem here, that is, the lack of a leader.

It can be said that the strength of these warriors was cultivated by Lin Ze in the way of raising seedlings. Their strength is strong. However, the body lacks the breath of the superior. Such breath may not be tasted by ordinary people, but, for those As far as the superior is concerned, it can be easily felt.

So, if they come out like this, others will soon find something wrong.

Therefore, to make these people pretend to be the background behind Lin Ze, Lin Ze also needs some real strong.

Regardless of strength or momentum, they are the strongest of the top.

Before Lin Ze thought about pretending to use the innate strong men he captured, but to be honest, Lin Ze’s most powerful hand is actually Qu Jingwen, and the rest is not casual repair, or the devil strong man, such a person, how? It looks different.

But if you use Qu Jingwen's words, the flaws are also great, because the Confucian aura in him is really too obvious, and it is true at first glance, this is a master of Confucianism.

Therefore, Qu Jingwen is also inappropriate.

Therefore, Lin Ze had a headache for a while, and he had been thinking of ways to solve this problem.

It is a pity that until now Lin Ze has not come up with a 100% flawless method.

However, all this was resolved after Lin Ze saw the semi-substantial avatar.

Lin Ze’s avatar is composed of pure consciousness, so its own strength is extremely strong. Even the current strength is also the strength of the foundation period. This can definitely make those who are interested in Kyoto shut up.

As for the breath of the body, or the breath of the superior directly, huh, modern people have a natural sense of superiority to the psychology of ancient people, plus Lin Ze itself has been a superior for several years, so he The breath on the doppelganger absolutely can't see any flaws.

In this way, Lin Ze completely solved the problem of background.

At that time, Lin Ze could definitely use this avatar to solve any danger, or a critical moment when the background needed to solve the problem.

It can be said that it directly solved a big problem on Lin Ze. Why did you say that Lin Ze was unhappy.

Of course, there is still a certain distance away from this goal. Lin Ze’s avatar of consciousness has not yet materialized, but Lin Ze believes that his avatar of consciousness will soon be materialized, because, here There are still eight other memory cryolites.

Just a memory cryolite, he semi-substantialized his own consciousness. If all the remaining eight memory cryolites were devoured, then...

After a long time, Lin Ze forcibly suppressed his inner surprise. He first calmed down his inner excitement a little. After his gaze became calm, the semi-substantial consciousness turned into a sudden body, and instantly changed the other. A memory cryolite is wrapped.

Soon, the previous strong painful feelings appeared again.

It was only this time that Lin Ze was used to it, and with that goal in his heart, so he was extremely calm, and the waves of memory in his consciousness were carefully swept by him one by one.

Immediately afterwards, his semi-substantial body of consciousness could not bear the huge memory data again. After the collapse, it turned into silk consciousness silk thread, wrapped him in, and formed an oval ice blue cocoon again.

The void of the starry sky appeared again in front of Lin Ze's eyes, but this time, what he saw was the memory of Master Xuanyin's alchemy.

As with the last time, Xuanyin Master spent a lot of top-level spirit materials, and refined countless panacea, but these panacea were also the same, and they were directly thrown into the star point by Xuanyin.

Even the last three of the highest grades, in Lin Ze's view, is not much worse than the previous Fang Ding, the same medicine.

This immortality looks completely different from the radiant Fang Ding before. It looks extremely rough, just like a huge mud ball, if it emits a rich and terrifying aura wave With the scent of the elixir, this thing does not seem to be a pill.

When Master Xuanyin started, he didn't discard them all. He took out one directly, and after taking the Elixir, the dead breath of his body dissipated a lot in vain, and the whole person looked as if He is young and lived a lot.

Seeing this, Lin Ze immediately realized that these three elixirs are definitely the top elixir of the longevity category. If you really want to take one, I believe it will definitely set off countless **** storms.

After that, the same thing happened again. After Lin Ze passed on the memory of Master Xuanyin's alchemy, the huge blue cocoon outside shattered again. At this time, if you take a closer look, you will find what appeared inside. Lin Ze, his avatar avatar became more solidified.

As time passed, Lin Ze's memory of Xuanyin's memory continued.

Every time Lin Ze digested a memory cryolite, after a little rest, he would fuse the next one again, and so on.

When the ninth ice crystal, the last memory cryolite, was completely absorbed by him, Lin Ze’s body of consciousness had changed from that translucent, semi-substantial state to a completely solid state. Looking at it, it's hard to see the difference from the real //meat//body.

Even if you touch it by hand now, you will find that this body is completely indistinguishable from the real flesh. Even, even if Lin Ze’s avatar returns to the earth and uses the most advanced medical equipment on the earth to check No problem.

In other words, Lin Ze’s avatar is actually a real ‘person’!

Lin Ze took a deep breath and calmed down, then began to carefully observe his body.

This body, whether it is touch, hand, or even the sense of the ears, nose and nose of the five senses, is no different from the real ///meat///body.

The only difference is that this avatar's strength is extremely strong. According to Lin Ze's estimation, it has now reached the state of the foundation of the foundation. Such strength is really beyond Lin Ze's expectations.

Oh, you said that this avatar of Lin Ze will be the same as the previous avatar of the Baidu Demon King, devouring the body, and then occupying the king.

Haha, don't worry about this problem at all.

It’s not just that Lin Ze’s avatar is different from Baidu Demon’s avatar. In addition, the most important thing is that there are plane seeds.

When the Baidu Mojun refined the avatar, he divided his soul power directly. In this way, the avatar will develop its own consciousness over time, and it will be normal for the lord to bite.

After all, everyone has the same memory, the same power, why can't I make the decision.

Lin Ze’s doppelganger did not directly divide his soul into two. His soul was still a whole, and only the energy of Divine Consciousness was separated.

Finally, the most important point is that the plane seed is Lin Ze’s own recognition, even if Lin Ze’s //meat//body is lost, the plane seed recognizes the Lord’s soul, not what Doppelganger.

Just like Lin Ze had lost // the flesh // body, the Plane Seed had not broken the space with Lin Ze's soul, came to the mainland of Shenzhou, and helped Lin Ze to complete the defeat.

Therefore, even if Lin Ze’s doppelganger rebelled by that time, directly destroy or take away Lin Ze’s //meat//body, then Lin Ze would change another ///meat//body, then he would never fall To the end of the front of the poisonous demon king.

Besides, even if Lin Ze loses his strength, but with the seeds of the plane in hand, who else can take away his //meat//body.

I believe that once someone's soul enters Lin Ze's sea of ​​ Lin Ze will throw this soul into the plane seed world for the first time. At that time, this person was not at Lin's discretion.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about Lin Ze being taken away. As long as the plane seeds are not destroyed, Lin Ze will never have to worry about being taken away, nor will he ever have to worry about avatars.

Although he was very satisfied with his avatar ///meat//body, gradually, Lin Ze became more and more puzzled in his heart, because he couldn’t understand that he just absorbed the memory inheritance of Xuanyin’s memory, why did he condense What about a real body?

This body, except that it does not belong to his soul, is almost exactly the same as ordinary people, no difference.

Lin Ze pondered a little about this, and then he swiped directly on his left arm, and suddenly a wound appeared, bright red blood flowed down from inside, staring at the bright red blood, Lin Ze's heart was finally determined, now For myself, it is indeed the same as // the flesh // body in the past!

As for the difference between this //meat//body and the earth, Lin Ze didn’t care. As long as he had a real body, as for whether his DNA was the same, Lin Ze really didn’t care. .

Besides, Lin Ze can't check now.

However, in Lin Ze’s heart, the biggest guess is that the DNA of this //meat//body is the DNA of Lin Ze who came to this world. After all, his own DNA is endless in Bermuda on Earth. Space energy is destroyed.

All he has left now is the soul who was born on the earth, and the ///meat //// body on the earth can never be found.

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