Alien Lord

Chapter 1702: betray

Lin Ze's eyes flickered, and he looked a little under him. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on an unremarkable stone pillar in the space behind the mysterious creature.

With a move in his heart, he stared at the stone pillar, keeping his position firmly in his mind.

This is because when Lin Ze just urged the Falun Dafa in the memory inheritance, he felt a faint call from the stone pillar.

Although this call is extremely weak, but it can shake his memory inheritance, as a result, this is Shizhuzi's inevitable difference!

"Maybe all the answers lie on this obscure stone pillar." Lin Ze thought secretly.

Lin Ze's eyes flickered, his right hand was not raised, his index finger just waved aside, and suddenly a tiny space crack that was more than a hairline came before Lin Ze's body. .

Lin Ze’s little action is extremely secretive, and now that the Hundred Poison Demon Kings are fighting with mysterious creatures, Lin Ze’s energy fluctuations in opening the space crack are all buried by this battle, and finally the space crack appears and disappears almost For an instant, no one around noticed the sudden change in front of Lin Ze.

Seeing here, Lin Ze felt a little peace of mind. The appearance of this space crack indicated that she could still use his memory to inherit the unique way of space movement here.

He glanced at the eleven middle-aged young masters and other eleven people who surrounded him vaguely, and sneered in his heart. There were so many killers on his body. If they really turned their backs on him, Lin Ze had absolute confidence. Let them taste their evil, but there are some things that Lin Ze is most worried about, that is, the eleven man's ritual weapon and the five-element beast card that was handed to him before, even the few hundred inferiors Lingshi, Lin Ze also has certain vigilance against these things.

He didn't believe it. The eleven old guys would put these things in their own place so simply. The reason why he said that before was just to confuse people.

Having experienced many times to enter this space crack, Lin Ze discovered very early that the space crack opened by the method of memory inheritance was not from the side immediately after entering, but in the middle, there was a The extremely short blank zone is just full of chaos, preventing all consciousness from entering.

He also tried once because of curiosity, took out a flying sword, and threw it into the crack of the space after branding his consciousness, but when the flying sword entered the gap of the space, he immediately lost his sense of it. Only after coming out from the other side, the connection is re-established.

After being aware of this, he pondered deep in his heart and couldn't help but think that if this feature of space cracks is used well, maybe at a certain time, he will receive amazing effects!

Of course, the best thing is to put it directly in the world of plane seeds.

With the barrier of the plane seed world, even if those people have done some work on these things, there is no use at all.

However, Lin Ze was worried that if he did this, these people would immediately lose their sense of these treasures, and they would feel that they were working directly in the dark, or they wanted to steal their treasures. At that time, they and Lin Ze Fan's face is 100%.

At this time, it is not the best time to turn their face with them. The best chance is that when they secretly count the poisonous demon king and fight with him, they would not dare to turn their face even if they wanted to turn their face.

In addition, seriously, as long as these middle-aged young masters don't count Lin Ze, Lin Ze really won't greedy the magic weapons they gave him.

These magic weapons are very precious, but their value is not worth Lin Ze’s credit.

Therefore, as long as they don’t turn their faces in the end, Lin Ze will really cooperate with them. In this way, Lin Ze will of course not put these natal magic weapons directly into the plane seed world, but put them in the storage bag around him. inside.

However, in order to avoid any unexpected situation at that time, plus Lin Ze’s heart has an extremely bad feeling, so after he pondered a little, Lin Ze quietly put the five elements to control the beast cards and those spirit stones. , And the eleven magic weapons of life, staggered the order, and placed them in the three storage bags beside them.

Moreover, Lin Ze also left a mark on it. Once things have changed suddenly, these marks will directly bring these treasures into the plane seed world. In this way, the middle-aged young master will lose the most powerful. arms.

But it was at this time that something went wrong.

The middle-aged young master, who had been motionless before, looked at each other, led by the old man, pinched their respective hands, a powerful beam of light flashed from their hands, and connected each other into an irregular pattern, putting a hundred poisons. The devil is directly surrounded.

Baidu Mojun looked coldly at the seal of the formation around him. His eyes swept the middle-aged young master and other eleven people again. There was a sneer sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he slowly said: "Oh, you eleven After waiting for so many years, I finally found an opportunity, very good! Very good!"

The old man who had previously presided over the transaction with Lin Ze heard a slightly gloomy look here and had a bad hunch in his heart, but he had to send an arrow on the string. The other ten people are moving, and their speed of change is changing with the speed of the old man, becoming faster and faster.

With the change of their decision, the irregular patterns connected to each other suddenly turned bright, and they quickly moved towards the Baidu Demon King.

Baidu Mojun sneered and didn't care about these changes around him. He withdrew his gaze to the old man, turned directly to the mysterious creature that was three or four hundred meters long, and slowly said: "It seems that you have been in contact before , This time, I want to unite together and seal me again!"

The mysterious creature stared at the Baidu Demon King and said plainly: "Oh, you are right, we have already contacted. On the day you let them out, we have already contacted. As long as we seal again With you, the eleven of them can not only share the memory inheritance, but also get rid of your control. In the face of such a huge temptation, whoever they are, I believe they will also agree to betray you!"

Baidu Mojun didn't care about the irregular pattern shrinking to himself quickly. After hearing these explanations from the mysterious creature, he simply laughed.

After shaking his head, he held the Baidu streamer in front of him with his right hand. Then, he suddenly waved forward. Suddenly, a series of broken sounds suddenly appeared. Then, powerful black dragons appeared around the sky, toward the no. The regular pattern graphics, roaring away.

Immediately afterwards, did they wait for the elders to react to them? Baidu Mojun raised his forehead with his right hand, and then stared at the elder among the elevens, sullenly shouting, "Explode!"

The old man heard that his face had changed, and immediately, his body was red, and a trace of chaotic powerful breath radiated from his body. A large number of soy-sized sweat beads appeared on his forehead. Obviously something is forcibly resisted.

Judging from the end of the defecting demon warriors before, Lin Ze guessed that the old man is now sealing with all his strength, or breaking the identification set by the Baidu Demon King in his sea of ​​knowledge.

The strength of the old man is indeed strong, or this mysterious creature really knows too much about the Baidu Demon King. Therefore, the old man did not experience the explosion of identification. His body shook and his right hand immediately patted his eyebrows. Location, burst into the mouth and said: "Let me go!"

Suddenly a flash of red light flashed inside his body, and then, just like the flood discharge of the reservoir, these red lights suddenly vented from the position of the eyebrow.

At this moment, not only the other ten people around this old, but also all have the same dignified attitude, and the same tactics in the hands have changed and become inviting.

With the ruling of this world, the broken red mansions were immediately divided into ten, transformed into ten red mansions, and integrated into the body of the other ten people. At this time, the ten people around them were immediately in each body. Shining bright red awns, immediately after that, the old man immediately shouted again, "Give me!"

In an instant, the red light that blended into the body of ten people quickly emerged, and the volume became two or three times larger than before, quickly united into one, and then returned to the old man again, his body in this way The moment the red light returned, he spontaneously shook his mouth and spouted a spit of black blood, then his face suddenly paled, but his eyes were full of light while staring at the Baidu Demon King Smile, and then loudly said with a grin: "Hundred poisonous demon king, old man and others dare to stand up and kill you now, of course, there is already a way to break your identification. Your move has already told us Useless, hahaha...!"

After he finished speaking, the old man laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of joy, as well as the murderous chance of the Baidu Demon King.

All this is long, but in fact, it is only a few seconds.

Hearing this, there was still no change on Baidu Mojun's face. He sneered in the corner of his mouth, then nodded his eyebrows, and looked at the remaining ten people, sweeping them one by one, and shouted again in his mouth: "Explode! Explode! burst!"

The old man's eyes flashed, and then he shouted loudly, "Jingjun!"

Baidu Mojun heard a word in his heart. He hadn't heard of the word divine king for more than 500 years. Now he hears it again, which makes him really miss it in his heart.

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