Alien Lord

Chapter 1696: Start

This time, Lin Ze originally wanted to continue the previous action, that is, to continue to add soul energy to the Divine Pill in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, so that the Divine Pill can be promoted to the Divided God as soon as possible, but in the end Lin Ze’s heart Startled, he thought that if he had consumed a soul crystal again, maybe the one hundred poisonous devil would doubt him.

After all, these two soul crystals are absorbed by any other strong man in the foundation period, and they can form a soul crystal nucleus 100%. Now if he still can't, there are only two possibilities.

One is that he is doing blame and wants to destroy the plan of the Baidu Demon King, and the other is that Lin Ze has treasures that can absorb the energy of the soul.

Of these two possibilities, no matter which one is known by the Baidu Demon King, Lin Ze will be upset.

In the case of the former, Baidu Mojun will definitely give Lin Ze some colors to look at, so that he will not dare to do anything bad.

In the latter case, Baidu Mojun will immediately let Lin Ze hand over the treasure.

Treasures capable of absorbing soul energy on such a large scale are absolutely unusual, and Baidu Mojun will definitely not miss it.

In fact, where is Lin Ze’s treasure, he can absorb so much soul energy, because of the Divine Pill in the sea, and if he can’t take it out, Baidu Mojun must think Lin Ze doesn’t want to Hand over the treasure.

After that, he will definitely torture Lin Ze, then Lin Ze was really bad.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing, Lin Ze is not using the Divine Pill to absorb the soul crystal this time, but let himself absorb the soul crystal.

Soon, Lin Ze could clearly feel that there is a slight difference in the consciousness in his knowledge of the sea. These previous consciousnesses can be said to be a cloud of mist, but now they are slowly solidifying until they are solid. After a certain degree, it will no longer continue to shrink, and there is a rice-sized particle hidden in it, which is slowly condensing out.

The red-haired man frowned slightly. If the guy in front of him had no soul crystal nucleus, he would not be able to bear too much of his knowledge in the replacement of the soul body after that. In this way, his Li Daitao stiff plan would not work. .

However, what is even more surprising now is that the person in front of him swallows two soul crystals in succession, which is just the first step to condense the soul crystal nucleus.

To know the strength of these two soul crystals, it is almost equivalent to the soul energy of the wandering man's whole body.

Before the soul wandering, it was a strong man in the middle of the foundation, plus he was a soul, so his soul energy was several times that of the strong man of the same level.

So much soul energy is replaced by any other strong foundation period, it has already formed a soul crystal nucleus, but now this guy has just formed a soul crystal nucleus, and the heart of the Baidu Demon King flashes A little shadow.

After he groaned a little, his eyes flickered slightly, and his right hand lifted a bit of an already weak wandering soul. The wandering soul immediately groaned, and the already unreal body began to change drastically, contracting, and finally finally Under the magic skills of Baidu Mojun, he once again condensed into a twinkling soul crystal, which was then caught by him and thrown at Lin Ze.

It can be said that this soul crystal is actually the life of wandering soul.

Lin Ze was originally worried that the continued absorption of soul crystals would cause the suspicion of Baidu Mojun, but now it seems that Baidu Mojun is more concerned about getting rid of his difficulties, so even if he has some doubts in his heart, In the end, he continued to give Lin Ze a soul crystal.

How could Lin Ze be polite with Baidu Mojun, immediately took over this third soul crystal again, and began to absorb it.

Soon, this third soul crystal was also absorbed by Lin Ze.

After he swallowed the third soul crystal, Lin Ze clearly felt that the illusion-shaped rice grain-shaped soul crystal nucleus particles within the sea of ​​his awareness were rapidly becoming larger, solidified, and soon, It will be really solid, and the volume will reach the size of soybeans.

Suddenly, a strange feeling poured into Lin Ze's heart, and his powerful spiritual force suddenly contracted, and then madly rushed toward the central crystal nuclei of the soul, and finally all melted into the soy-sized crystal nuclei circle Within the ball.

As for the crystal sphere, it soon disappeared in his eyebrows.

After feeling the changes in the sea of ​​knowledge, Lin Ze's eyes flashed a hint of black awn. In fact, until now, he was regarded as a true foundation-building powerhouse, with the real fighting power of the foundation-building powerhouse. Now as long as Linze's True energy can keep up, he can soon be promoted to the foundation period.

That is to say, from now on, Lin Ze's cultivation will be smooth until the foundation period. He doesn't need to worry about any barriers in the middle.

All this was at the moment when the crystal nucleus of his soul was completely formed, like some kind of inheritance, which made his heart clear and clear.

All of Lin Ze's changes were in the eyes of Baidu Mojun. After seeing that Lin Ze had formed a soul crystal nucleus, a smile finally appeared on his face.

Below, Baidu Mojun withdrew his gaze staring at Lin Ze, his right hand waved in front of him, and suddenly a space crack appeared in the air, then he grabbed it with a big hand, and the whole sea of ​​blood shook suddenly, followed by , A huge phantom shadow slowly emerged from the crack in that space.

Immediately after this phantom came out, Lin Ze felt an extremely powerful and extremely dangerous breath from it. Obviously, this phantom should be one of the most powerful **** avatars of the Baidu Demon King, which was also used in his plan. The main object of the soul replacement method.

Soon, the entire illusory shadow was like a dark cloud, showing all his body from the crack. The eyes of the Baidu Demon flashed and sipped. Soon, his body shook violently, a trace of strange **** light, in He spread out of the body, a burst of **** smell of blood, and suddenly emerged from all parts of his body.

It can be said that almost immediately, his body was covered by a thick blood-colored mist, and the poisonous demon king in the blood mist seemed to endure the unimaginable pain at this time. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head to reveal his What had changed was a vaguely fleshy face, with a hoarse voice in his mouth: "Avatar of Divine Sense, come out!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of red awns was forced out of the position of the eyebrows on his head. The number of these red awns was extremely large. As soon as they appeared, they immediately wandered around the Baidu Demon King. A hurricane, and constantly emitting a burst of eerie light.

After seeing this, the demonized warriors all around looked down, and their faces showed fear, but Lin Ze noticed that, like the middle-aged young master, they waited for ten people, but this time they did not look down, but all of them. His face was somber and his eyes were fixed on the red mans.

At this time, among the other avatars of the Baidu Demon King who had been prepared earlier, he suddenly opened a mouth, which was getting bigger and bigger, and continued to extend forward. After being next to Baidu Demon King, Suddenly closed, and then, about dozens of red rays were swallowed by it.

Immediately after that, the remaining red lights suddenly flashed brightly one by one, and the body of the mad venomous demon lord circulated around, and red symbols appeared suddenly between them. , And every time a symbol appeared, it was immediately printed on the body of the Baidu Demon Jun, his body will also tremble with it.

At the same time, with his tremors, dozens of red rays will reappear in the surrounding blood sea, and then quickly join around the Baidu Demon King to make up for the red rays previously swallowed by the clone.

As for the avatars of the hundred poisonous demon lords, after swallowing dozens of red rays, the cloud-like body has now become a hidden red awn. Obviously it takes a certain amount of time to digest and cannot continue to swallow.

At this time, there was also a trace of pain on Baidu Mojun's face, but his gaze was with a trace of evil excitement, and it appeared to Lin Ze through the current messy hair

Lin Ze now understands why Baidu Mojun used this to mobilize Gan Ge to help him form a soul crystal nucleus. Obviously, this is because Baidu Mojun is so powerful.

Lin Ze thought that the current Baidu Demon King is already the most powerful. Unexpectedly, he still has several consciousness avatars, just to continuously destroy this seal, this consciousness avatar has always been poisoned. The devil is arranged outside.

Hundred Poison Devil’s Soul Body Substitution Act actually means that he wants to use Lin Ze to replace him as a sealed object, but this requires him to input most of his power into Lin Ze’s body, especially his soul energy, Be sure to enter a certain amount into Lin Ze's knowledge.

Only in this way will Lin Ze have a strong breath belonging to the Baidu Demon King, and then make the seal think that Lin Ze is the former Baidu Demon King, and then Baidu Demon King can easily leave the seal.

However, because the soul power of Baidu Mojun is too strong, if Lin Ze’s consciousness is not strong, it really can't accommodate the soul energy that Baidu Mojun divides. In this way, Baidu Mojun’s plan will be realized. Nope.

Therefore, Baidu Mojun would only like to help Lin Ze out like this before, and even sacrificed one of his most powerful men for this purpose, in order to help Lin Ze form a soul crystal nucleus, even if he knew Lin Ze In the end, he was blind, not for Lin Ze to form a nucleus of soul.

Now that we are ready together, it is time to implement his plan.

However, during the period of safety, Baidu Mojun directly used his Divine Avatar as the protagonist of the Soul Body Alternative.

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