Alien Lord

Chapter 1693: See king

After seeing through these things, where would Lin Ze believe the old man's words.

"It's not that you don't believe it, but that this matter is very important. If you can't leave with a certain degree of confidence, then everything is empty talk, let alone sealing the Baidu Demon King!" Lin Zemu was straight and straight. White said.

The old man frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Relax, since the old man promised you, he will never say anything afterwards."

It was just that Lin Ze was still unmoved and shook his head, saying, "Seniors are both superiors, and the juniors should have believed in them, but this matter is related to my life and death. I am sure that even if I finally agreed to the seal, I will inevitably have some scruples in my heart. I am afraid it is difficult to exert all my strength."

When the middle-aged young master heard this, he immediately snorted, and saw the murderous, spooky Lin Ze said: "Junior, you are going around, too annoying, I will definitely do it when I promise you. . If you really don’t believe it, then we don’t have to be so troublesome, come and come, let the old man give you a ride first, and it’s dead but your thoughts!"

With that, his right hand flicked out suddenly, suddenly turning into a dark hand in mid-air, and after being opened, he shot fiercely towards Lin Ze.

Lin Zemu's eyes flashed coldly. He didn't look at the big hand. He just stared at the old man without saying a word.

The huge palm stopped three inches above Lin Ze's head, which was prevented by the old man.

Seeing reaching out to stop, the middle-aged man immediately withdrew his palm, but his eyes were still staring coldly at Lin Ze.

"So what do you want?" The old man slightly locked in his eyebrows and glared at the middle-aged man, then asked slowly to Lin Ze.

Lin Ze looked at the ten magical instruments around him and said directly: "Since these things are your magic weapon of life, it is better to store them here in the juniors. After we all go out, I naturally give them with both hands. Presumably, seniors will not worry about me alone, after going out, there will be the ability to take these magic weapons as their own."

The old man stared at Lin Ze. After a long time, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He nodded and called with his right hand behind him. The ten instruments in the middle suddenly flew in and were caught in his hand.

He thought about it, and then laid several seals on it, and then threw it to Lin Ze.

"Okay, we're done. These instruments are placed first with you as our guarantee!" the old man said directly.

Lin Ze didn't say anything. After taking these ten artifacts, he didn't look at them. Instead, he took out a storage bag separately, threw it in, and then put it away carefully.

These ten instruments are Lin Ze’s guarantee. If these people did not do anything at the end, Lin Ze would indeed not be greedy for ink. However, if they did some tricks, then don’t blame Lin Ze for putting these ten directly. Swallow it.

The strength of these eleven guys is strong, but Lin Ze is not vegetarian. If he wants to escape, these eleven guys can't help him.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze’s hand still has a space snake king in its hand, but it is the strength of the foundation period, and is proficient in space magic, with its space ability, if it is time to escape with Lin Ze, those old people It can't keep up.

Oh, you said a head-on battle, hehe, seriously, now Lin Ze is really not an opponent.

This is a guy, each of them is the strength of the foundation period. Although they are already inferior to the old age, their strength has dropped a lot. However, there are eleven ants that bite to the elephant. In the foundation period, the strong man has only one space snake king, which is really not an opponent.

At this time, because there was no purple light shrouded in ten magical instruments, it suddenly began to dissipate gradually. The old man took a deep look at Lin Ze and grabbed it with his right hand. A dozen meters long appeared in front of him. There was a crack in the space, and then he took a few steps back and let himself go.

Lin Ze looked indifferent, moved forward calmly, and entered the space crack.

After he entered, the middle-aged man saw his eyes unwillingly, whispering: "Big Brother..."

"Shut up for me!" The old man's complexion changed immediately, and now his face was no longer as bland and gentle as when he was facing Lin Ze, but was full of sorrow, and looked at the middle-aged young master coldly After a glance, it was just a flick of the sleeve, and then also into the crack of the space.

The rest of the people, apart from the middle-aged men, also followed closely into the space crack. When the last person, the man in the black robe who always looked dark, before turning into the space crack, he glanced back and said: " Don’t you understand? The kid is afraid of our purpose, and he already knew what he knew. The threatening approach you just made was purely self-deprecating! After all, I can wait and see if I can achieve my wish. We are waiting for a hundred years, and our lives are coming to an end. This is our last chance, and everyone does not want to miss it! Unfortunately, the messenger is loyal to the Baidu Demon King, otherwise we will not have such trouble. "

After he finished speaking, he stepped into the crack of the space. After a little silence, the middle-aged man followed him in.

Entering the space gap, after coming out, it was a **** world in front of Lin Ze. During the period, an inverted blood-red cone-shaped stone pillar was visible, especially the huge sky-blooded stone pillar in the distance. Lin Ze's pupils contracted.

Coupled with the blood sea that seems to be boiling in the center, it is obvious that this place is obviously the blood sea space!

Lin Ze’s eyes, now staring at the man on the sky stone pillar, he has a **** red hair, his body exudes a burst of arrogant breath, the endless purple and black tacitly steadily escaping from him slowly, Just a glance, Lin Ze in the distance has a breathless feeling!

At this time, there have been successive return of demonized warriors, including the elders and others.

After they entered this blood sea space, they shook their bodies and fell on the same but smaller stone pillars, sitting cross-legged without saying a word.

All the demon warriors who entered this place all found their positions one by one, their eyes flashed, and they stared at Lin Ze for a while.

They all sat cross-legged, now in the blood sea space, but Lin Ze alone, so floating in the air straight.

Lin Ze didn't care too much. He glanced and found that there were a large number of demon warriors here, at least there were nearly 200 people. Among these people, Wang Lin saw Bai Yiwen, Sun Xifeng, Xie Zijun, and Youmingzi...

After seeing Sun Xifeng and Xie Zijun, Lin Ze sighed.

"Neither of them escaped this robbery! It's a pity!"

At this moment, in the void next to the red-haired man, a crack appeared, and then a long-haired man stepped on one foot. When this man appeared only, he looked at Lin Ze at first glance, with ecstasy on his face. The color, respectfully said to the red-haired man: "Master, he is the most suitable object!"

After he finished speaking, he flew all over, and quickly landed on a stone pillar next to a stone pillar that was only smaller than that of a red-haired man.

Lin Ze only recognized at a glance, this man was the powerful demon warrior who took the lead in killing him.

There was silence all around, suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the mouth of the red-haired man.

"Come here..."

After saying this sentence, the person suddenly raised his head, and the whole blood sea space shuddered suddenly, and countless blood mist spewed from the blood-red stone pillars around him. Between the whole heaven and earth, at this moment, completely Covered by endless blood mist.

His gaze is also as infinitely magical, revealing a strange color from his messy hair, staring straight at Lin Ze.

Lin Ze suddenly felt that there was an invisible prohibition, and at the moment when the other party's eyes condensed on him, the moment was arranged around his body. Immediately, Lin Ze felt that his body could not move for half a minute at once.

"Come on, you absorb this knowledge right away, otherwise, die!" The red-haired man finished, scratching his right eyebrow at the center of his eyebrows, first a trace of pain on his body shaking Shengsheng pulled out a voluptuous red awn from his body, and as soon as the voluptuous red awn appeared, he immediately turned into a blood, floating in front of Lin Ze, motionless.

After pulling out this fascinating red awn, the red-haired man gasped for a few breaths, and it slowly took a while to calm down.

At this time, the demon warriors turned their eyes one by one, staring at the red mans, with a complex expression of fear and greed on his face.

The red-haired man, with a slight ups and downs in his body, eyes staring at Lin Ze through the messy hair in front of his forehead, his eyes deep and cold.

"I can help you, but you have to make sure that after breaking the seal, you should safely send me out of here!" Lin Ze's heart was a little surprised, but his eyes were extremely calm, as if not by a red-haired man. Impressed by the momentum, he was not threatened by him, and there was no slight confusion on his face. He said flatly.

When the red-haired man heard this, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, but then nodded.

Now is the most important time. Although the red-haired man would like to give Lin Ze who grew up in front of him a good look, but the big things are important, he can bear with Lin Ze now.

Lin Ze cautiously glanced at the fascinating red light. At the next moment, there was no coercion of the red-haired man. He opened the eye-consciousness space of the eyebrow directly. The fascinating red mans in front of him devoured.

Suddenly, a violent tingling sensation immediately came from within the consciousness, Lin Ze's body trembling slightly, after a long time, this really violent tingling sensation slowly disappeared, he immediately realized that his own consciousness, Actually doubled!

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