Alien Lord

Chapter 1588: 5 lines of land (1)

From a distance, there is a boundless feeling here. At least the murderous bees released by Lin Ze still have no boundaries to see this place after five minutes.

However, they found some anomalies.

Here, at every distance, there will be a pagoda made entirely of ice, which is not so big from the nearest ice pagoda. The height is only twenty or thirty meters, and the earth’s Some pagodas are about the same size.

But the farther back, the higher the ice pagoda appears. The larger, according to what the killer bee flying farthest, the farthest ice pagoda has a height of more than 100 meters. It looks almost the same as those of 30- to 40-story buildings.

On a closer look, Lin Ze found that these ice pagodas are actually connected in a straight line. Therefore, under such an increasing height, it gives people an extremely spectacular feeling. Similarly, it gives people a strength. The stronger the feeling.

In particular, these ice pagodas are all made of ice-based spirit materials. Even if the light reflected from the ground ice layer falls on these towers, it is absorbed by them, and there is no slight reflection.

After carefully observing the situation inside through the killing bees, Lin Zexin's heart worried down.

Since the killing bees that went in have been able to guarantee good things now, after Lin Ze goes in, I believe there will be no danger.

As for what is in the earthy yellow pagodas, did Lin Ze let the killer bees to take a look.

One is that the killer bee's strength is still a bit lower. Go inside and once it encounters danger, it will definitely be the result of a second kill.

In this case, the killer bees not only fail to detect, but also directly excite something in the tower.

Secondly, it is better to find out the key points to enter the second level than to enter the pagoda to find something.

The range here is so large. If you want to find the door to the second pass, the time required will definitely be constant, and Lin Ze now has limited time, so he has to make reasonable arrangements.

For treasure hunting or something, Lin Ze would do it himself. If he wanted to kill a bee or something, it would be better to look for the entrance of the second pass, so that attacking on both sides at the same time would be more beneficial to Lin Ze.

After making these decisions, outside the huge vortex, Lin Ze opened his eyes, he withdrew his sense of force on the killing bee, and after a little silence, he pressed directly into it.

But, just when Lin Ze was going to enter the vortex, Qu Jingwen in the Plane Seed World directly said: "Master, you still don’t have to go inside to take risks. It’s good to have us people here, you are still watching. , Let's go ahead and investigate."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Master, this time Sau Xiu was right. You are still looking outside now. Let's go inside and check it out to avoid any danger." Xin Xue immediately followed, and also advised Lin Ze don't go first.

"This..." Lin Ze hesitated, and after thinking about it, when he wanted to say something, Xin Xue spoke again.

"Master, I said a word, don't you get angry?" Xin Xue looked at Lin Ze with a trace of caution.

"Speak, I am not such a stingy person." Lin Ze said with a smile.

"Master, this..., this..., I want to come out and see the outside world, stay in your world for a long time, now I miss the outside world a bit, so , Master, will you please let me come out?" Xin Xue said very carefully.

Xin Xue said this, in fact, the biggest reason is to let them go to open the way for Lin Ze first. As for coming to the outside world, it is just a small wish.

"Uh..." Lin Ze froze for a moment after hearing Xin Xue's words.

He didn't feel dazed because he didn't want Xinxue to come out, but he was thinking, how did he never think of letting Qu Jingwen come out before him?

Although the Plane Seed World is very broad, there will be no feeling of suffocation in it, but it still lacks a lot of humanism, business atmosphere, and other ordinary people's lives.

Xin Xue and Qu Jingwen both lived in Kyoto before, and they lived wonderfully in their daily life. Now they are trapped in the world of Plane Seeds by Lin Ze. Of course, there will be some unfitness in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze knew that his master was a little neglected, and he was too worried about his own men.

Anyway, there are puppets imprinted in it, Qu Jingwen, they can’t betray Lin Ze for a lifetime, so, in fact, Lin Ze put them out, there will be no danger, but, Lin Ze has not realized this before, until this After a reminder of Xinxue, Lin Ze thought of this.

"Master, if you feel embarrassed, forget it!" Qu Jingwen looked at Lin Ze carefully and said softly.

He also wants to live outside, but if it is contrary to Lin Ze's intentions, then Qu Jingwen would rather stay in the world of plane seeds.

"Hehe. There is nothing difficult, but I was thinking, I ignored your inner feelings a little bit, and I want to say sorry to you above this point." Lin Ze waved his hand and apologized directly to Qu Jingwen.

"Master, it is ours, not ours!" Hearing Lin Ze apologizing to them, Qu Jingwen and others quickly stopped, but it was indeed warm in his heart.

Although they were already Lin Ze's men, they also thought about their masters and were a conscientious man with blood and flesh.

"Oh, everyone, don't say that, this time I'm really wrong." Lin Ze said with a smile: "So, Qu Jingwen, after going out, you and Xinxue go to plan, everyone arranges work according to their respective functions , The rest can go out, and then, after five or seven days, everyone will rotate again. What do you think of this arrangement?" Lin Ze suggested.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern, I'm so grateful!" Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue and their colleagues were lying on the ground immediately, and they replied with excitement.

Lin Ze’s arrangement is really too much for them. In this way, they will not delay the work in the plane seed world, but can also enjoy the flower world outside. For Qu Jingwen, they are simply In heaven.

"Okay, since you all agree, then arrange it like this. After we go back, Qu Jingwen, you will start to arrange according to this method." Lin Ze decided directly.

"Yes, master!" Qu Jingwen and others bowed to the command.

After making this decision, Xin Xue stood up again and said: "Master, you still let me out first, let me go inside and check it out."

Lin Ze didn't say anything this time. He knew that if he disagreed, Xinxue would definitely chatter in his ears.

"Okay, let's do that!" Lin Ze said with a trace of helplessness on his face, and then waved his hands and released Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue from the Plane Seed World.

"Well........Although the breath here is not as clear as your master's in your world, it still feels good to me, hehe!" Xinxue smelled the outside breath and looked Hippie said with a smile.

"Vulgar!" Qu Jingwen on the side directly gave Xin Xue a white eye, but he also took a deep breath, and his face also appeared soothing.

Seeing Xinxue rolled his eyes on one side, and scolded inwardly.

"Master, I'm going in first!" Xin Xue came to Lin Ze and said solemnly.

"Well, be careful yourself!" Lin Ze nodded and urged.

"Yes, Master!" Xin Xue finished, carrying light power, the whole person turned into a **** light, and flew directly into the vortex.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong!" Just two seconds after Xinxue entered the vortex, Linxe's sea of ​​knowledge came from Xinxue with a dignified voice.

"Hmm...!" Lin Ze frowned, then, with the puppet mark, connected with Xinxue.

Just connected with Lin Ze once again saw the scene after the vortex, but this time, he looked directly after seeing the scene inside!

Because, this time after Xinxue entered the vortex, what he faced was not the world of the ice pagoda that was covered with ice before, but a bright red sea of ​​fire.

Really, it is indeed a sea of ​​fire, and it is as endless as the previous ice pagoda world, and the fire inside is indeed burning, and the more the color of the flame is, the darker it is. At the end, even the black lighted up.

Standing at the entrance, I looked at it from a distance. In the distance, it was a world of almost black flames, and the whole sky was burnt in purple, black and purple.

Another thing that makes Xin Xue very uncomfortable is that the bursts of high-temperature heat waves here, so that the face is coming directly, even if Xin Xue transported the body protection, he also felt very hot.

This is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is, this is the world of fire, the world of the sun, and Xinxue is a blood cultivation, if distributed according to the two ways of the devil, the absolute devil is like this, like this The boundless flames are definitely the nemesis of the **** martial arts.

In addition, there are countless powerful monsters transformed from flames, which flash in the flames.

Even standing at the door of the vortex, Lin Ze can still feel the strength of these Fire Eudemons, at least the strength of the Supreme Grandmaster level, plus their number, and the current terrain.

Lin Ze swallowed a spit directly outside!

Finally, in this sea of ​​fire, like the previous world of ice pagodas, there are also fiery red pagodas that increase according to different heights. These pagodas are also connected into a vertical line, and there is no end in sight at all.

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