Alien Lord

Chapter 1584: deterrence

"Space door, close!!" With Lin Ze's order, the huge space door before, began to close slowly.

"Buzz!" The two doors began to close at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and soon a hole of only a dozen meters was left.

"His hiss!!" Seeing this, the space snake snake anxiously screamed, the whole body was swimming fast, and his eyes were hesitantly wandering outside the space door.

"Hey, look at what you do now." Lin Ze looked at the anxious space snake with anxious expression. If Lin Ze didn't have much confidence before, now after seeing the anxious look of this space snake Lin Ze already had more than eight levels of confidence in winning it.

"Buzz!" The closing speed of the space door has not slowed down, and there are even signs of getting faster and faster. There are only holes less than three meters in size, and there are a few seconds. The whole space door of the clock will be closed completely.

"His!" The space snake roared upward in the sky, and then, with a determined and determined gaze, directly turned into a lightning, and flew towards the door of the space door quickly.

When approaching the space door, the whole body suddenly became much smaller. Then, it easily passed through the space door and entered the world of plane seeds.

"Hey, here you go!" Lin Ze burst into laughter when he saw the space snake entering the world of Plane Seeds.

This is a monster, or a monster with spatial attributes. With him, Lin Ze's strength has been directly enhanced by a dozen times. Now, he really has the strength of the foundation period.

At that time, Lin Ze did not have to be afraid that Sun Xifeng would show up in front of them. There was a space snake in his hand. Sun Xifeng did not dare to doubt Lin Zefeng's strength.

"Little snake, calm down!" The space snake has just entered the world of plane seeds. I don't know whether I am happy because I am free from the cage of Xuanyin's tomb, or because the aura here is extremely abundant and the food is sufficient. Anyway, it is now I am very happy, constantly flying in the clouds, circling, venting the joy in my heart.

"Hiss!!" The face of the space snake was a face of dumbstruck, because it was imprisoned directly in the air.

At this time, Lin Ze appeared in front of the space snake, and his right hand directly touched the two horns of the space snake.

Feeling that his most sacred Jiaojiao was touched by Lin Ze, the cold killer was immediately revealed inside the space Jiao snake's eyes.

Now if it is free, it will definitely attack Lin Ze immediately, until it never stops.

The horn on the snake head is the same as the girl's key position. It will not be touched by other people. Once touched by other people, it is absolutely unhappy to end.

"Okay, okay, don't show such a look, you have turned the caterpillar, so, I believe you should understand me, right?" Lin Ze did not care about the cold killer of the space snake, his right hand still touched Looking at the horn of the space snake, he asked with a smile in his mouth.

"His hiss!!" The space snake seemed to not hear Lin Ze's words, and was moving with all his strength, trying to get out of the situation where he was now imprisoned.

"Don’t struggle anymore, here is my world, here, I am God, everything here is developing according to my heart, once you enter here, don’t say you are a little snake, even if it is Jiaolong, even a real dragon, here must be obedient to me, otherwise, if...

"Hum!" With Lin Ze's cold hum, a thick cloud of black clouds suddenly appeared above the space snake's head. The dark clouds directly pressed against the space snake below. At the same time, in the dark cloud, countless power Amazing thunder is constantly being produced, as if it will come directly down the next moment.

"His hiss!!" Seeing the thick black clouds above his head, and the mighty thunder inside the black clouds, the space snake underneath was panicked directly, and there was no trace of killing in his eyes. Instead, it was deep. fear.

"Lei Lai!" Lin Ze ordered.

"Boom!" A thunderous thunder sounded, and then a white, full-thick thunder came down from the sky, and at once, a piece of stone 10 kilometers in size that Lin Ze had collected before was given to Split into pieces.

The boulder disappeared in an instant, leaving countless crushed stone powder continuously falling from the sky. Soon, a thick layer of lime was accumulated on the ground.

"His hiss!!" After seeing the great power of this thunder, the eyes of the previous space snake had only born endless fear and fear, and there was no other trace of it.

Seeing this, Lin Ze finally felt relieved in his heart.

This time when I came in the treasure hunt, Lin Ze encountered all the monsters along the way. The lowest strength was at the level of Supreme Grandmaster. Although Lin Ze can now mobilize all the power in the plane seed world, there are also red hair giants. Ape, a powerful barbarian in the false foundation period, but in the dense environment where the monsters and beasts in the foundation period are everywhere, Lin Ze's strengths are still somewhat weak.

Therefore, in order to avoid the danger that he could not resist in the future, and in order to have sufficient self-preservation power, Lin Ze also entered here directly after the space snake entered the plane seed world, and began to plant puppet imprints on it.

Lin Ze has already understood that the first way to toughen the wild beasts, the warriors plant puppet marks, is very time-consuming, and the difficulty is not small, not to mention the puppets for the monsters in the foundation period. Imprint.

Fortunately, Lin Ze understood the importance of lure here. As long as he/she/he was given enough interest to lure, Lin Ze could spend little time and energy to plant puppet marks for them.

The best example is Han Dong's woman Baihua Fairy.

It took Lin Ze less than a minute to plant the puppet mark for Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua. The speed is so unimaginable.

With the example of Li Xueni, the fairy of Baihua, the way behind Lin Ze changed completely.

When planting the puppet imprint, Lin Ze not only relied on strength, but also added enough benefits // temptation / / confusion, which makes Lin Ze plant puppet imprint faster and faster, the more efficient Come higher.

This way of doing things is indeed very good, but this is only for the barbarians or warriors of average strength, such as space-based snakes and other base-building monsters. Lin Ze wants to plant them in the same way. Puppet imprint, it is not that simple thing.

For these monsters in the foundation period, their hearts will only recognize one thing, that is strength.

Only those who are stronger than them are likely to surrender, and if they want to make them surrender to those who are less powerful than their own, these monsters are either vowed to die or are secretly playing other ideas. .

It seems to be perfunctory and obey your orders, then at some point, suddenly rebel against you, and finally run away after killing you.

Things like this are countless in the records of each sect.

Knowing this, Lin Ze knew that he wanted to plant a puppet mark on the space monster, which was not difficult.

So, as soon as he came up, he directly ignited the supreme thunder to deter the space snake.

As we all know, when the monster is advanced, it will encounter heavenly disaster.

Like advanced congenital period, the barbarian will encounter the first sky-tribulation, followed by the advanced guru, grand guru, and supreme grand guru, and each stage will encounter a sky-tribulation.

Because of their low intelligence, the barbarian only knows how to resist it when faced with Heavenly Tribulation, and does not want to use some foreign tools to help it survive the disaster. Therefore, every year, the number of wild beasts that die on Heavenly Tribulation is Innumerable.

In terms of ten, at least half of the ten-level barbarian beasts will die under the sky-tribulation.

This is still the ferocious beast's torture in the congenital realm. Once they reach the foundation period, the power of the apocalypse they face will increase dozens of times.

Under such circumstances, it is good to be able to survive three heads among the ten headed monsters.

Therefore, in the hearts of monsters, Heavenly Tribulation is their biggest No monster will be afraid or afraid when faced with Heavenly Tribulation.

Lin Ze used this weakness of the monsters this time to deter the space snake with the sky-robbers, and finally achieved the purpose of temporarily domesticating it.

As long as the space snake can temporarily cooperate, Lin Ze will soon be able to plant the puppet mark, and once the space snake has planted the puppet mark, it will be Lin Ze.

"Boom!" The thunder in the sky is still ringing, and the dark clouds are showing signs of pressing the space snakes below.

Seeing this, the space arrogant, who was still arrogant before, instantly became an ostrich, and wanted to hide it immediately.

It is a pity that it is imprisoned by Lin Ze now, and it is difficult to move, so, at the next moment, the eyes of the space snake became a pleading, pleading for Lin Ze to let it go.

As I said before, after the snake demon turned into a larvae, it immediately opened the psychic wisdom. Therefore, this space snake is very clear that the heavenly calamity was summoned by Lin Ze, and it wanted not to be given by the heavenly calamity. If you hack to death, you have to plead with the person in front of you.

As for whether to directly ask Lin Ze for forgiveness, will there be the identity of the lost space beetle in the base period, hehe, this matter does not care at all.

In front of it, it can enter the space door for freedom and abandon everything. At that time, all the perseverance in the heart of the space snake was already broken, so now I beg to Lin Ze for forgiveness. For the space snake, sincerely A piece of cake.

This is like giving meat to a monk. After tasting the deliciousness of the meat, you want the monk to be a vegetarian all the time, which is completely impossible.

Oh, I'm talking about the real monks, not the monk temples that sell pork at the sheep's head.

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