Alien Lord

Chapter 1581: Space Snake (Happy 7th Festival!!!)

Indeed, if Lin Ze retreated back, he would still be attacked.

It seems that the masters of these two gang attacks attacked the reason that the ordinary people could not help but retreat backwards. Therefore, during the attack, the power directly derived ten meters backward.

Fortunately, Lin Ze's sense of power told him that it would be extremely dangerous to retreat, so this time Lin Ze retreated in the direction of the right side, and thus escaped a sneak attack of this killing.

"Boo!" The thing that made Lin Ze dumbfounded. After the two gang attacks did not hit Lin Ze, they seemed to be alive. They turned around and continued to kill Lin Ze.

"This is a living creature!!" Lin Ze looked dumbfounded at the change in front of him.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Ze discovered that he had actually attacked two snakes about three meters in length that were about the size of his arms.

It's just that this kind of snake is obviously a spatial attribute. They were hidden in the space before.

Only when Lin Ze passed by them, he suddenly launched an offensive, which made Lin Ze's sense of danger invisible to danger in advance.

"There really are such space beasts, still snakes, babbling..." Lin Ze's mouth twitched, and his eyes were full of joy.

Spatial beasts are the most rare. Even in the top ancestors, just like the one too, there are no spatial beasts.

Long ago, Lin Ze was cultivating some barbaric beasts with spatial attributes, because once such a barbarian is cultivated, the combat power is absolutely amazing.

Like the two space snakes in front of them, their strength is the Grand Master level, but the threat to Lin Ze is stronger than that of the Grand Master.

"Since you came out yourself, then I'm welcome, huh........." Lin Ze smiled at the corner of his mouth, facing the two space snakes attacked by two mental acupuncture.

"Buzz!!" Two times, these two spatially serpents collapsed in a position about five meters away from Lin Ze.

"Collect!" Lin Ze collected a word, and the two snakes were quickly taken into the plane seed world by him.

After collecting the two serpents with spatial attributes, Lin Ze went on the road, but this time although he was still very careful, there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

The two spatial snakes can't satisfy Lin Ze, he wants more.

"Buzz!!" Lin Ze's body protection shivered violently, and the whole person was shocked by more than 30 meters. The strong reaction force directly exposed Lin Zezhen's mouth.

It was also by this chance of being retreated that Lin Ze's entire person immediately withdrew hundreds of meters, and until here, the cold sweat on his forehead began to emerge, and then, Lin Ze stared at the slowly merged The space was big, and my heart shook violently.

"The strength of this space barbarian snake is definitely before Sun Xifeng and they may have reached the strength of the fake base period, otherwise, I will not be injured by the shock." Lin Ze thought secretly.

The injuries on the body, as well as the strong impact they had suffered before, made Lin Ze judge that the strength of the space snake that attacked him this time was very strong, and its unpredictable space ability could already threaten Lin Ze.

"It's really cunning!" Lin Ze said, looking at the space not far away.

This space snake is extremely cunning. It does not attack when Lin Ze's gravel circle passes, but waits for Lin Ze to pass by its side, then suddenly opens the space, and then attacking Lin Ze with all his strength. succeed.

From the beginning, its goal was to lock itself in.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze was silent for a while, looking at more than half of the way in the distance, his heart could not help bitter.

It was just the initial encounter that I encountered a space snake in the base period of the pseudo-building period. If it continues, will there be a space demon snake in the base period next?

If that's the case, Lin Ze...

"The attack power of these space snakes is really strong!"

Lin Ze had been defending himself with Yan Long Fen Tian Pei before, but when facing the full force of the space snake, he still had some cracks in his defensive shield, which almost shattered, which can be seen The attack power of the space barbarian snake surpassed the blow of the fake base period, and may have reached the attack power of the strong base period.

In this way, even if Lin Ze was just shocked, his body would eventually be injured because he couldn't bear such shaking power.

As it is now, it is just a shock force that directly bleeds Lin Ze's mouth.

Therefore, Lin Ze took a deep breath. After a moment of silence, he did not hesitate to stimulate the defense force of Yanlong Fentianpei, and then turned out a lot of aggressive seals from the plane seed world. These things were all the murders he made. The loot of the time, or it was bought from the underground black market before, or they were refined by hard blood.

He didn't care about these undergrounds before, but now he uses them as consumables.

After hesitating, Lin Ze controlled the gravel circle again and flew forward.

This time, he was more careful, his sense of power spread out outside his body, the true energy in Dantian was running fast, and the hidden escape technique was even indifferent. When it was slightly wrong, Lin Ze immediately retreated without hesitation.

Suddenly, the gravel in front of him disappeared abruptly for more than half. Immediately after that, there appeared a semi-circular hole about 30 meters in length. Lin Ze saw this and immediately retreated, but his speed It's still not fast enough, because the gravel behind him also disappeared more than half at this time, and it disappeared from several locations at the same time.

This means that, no matter in front of him or behind him, there are space barbarians appearing, and they have launched a siege on Lin Ze.

Lin Ze didn't panic when he saw this, as if he had been prepared for a long time, he carried out the escape technique, and when he yelled, his body flashed to the side immediately.

Immediately afterwards, on the defensive shield outside his body, there was a crackling sound suddenly, and then Lin Ze felt that the true energy in his own Dantian was being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

Lin Ze understands that this is because the space snakes attacked him, and they constantly attacked the defensive shield on his body, which in turn caused the real energy in Dantian to be consumed a lot.

In just less than five seconds, the real energy in Linze Dantian was consumed by nearly two layers. Seeing this, Linze looked horrified, and once again carried out the escape technique, his body immediately turned into a shadow, Quickly continued to slide aside, so, dangerously avoided the past.

At this time, Lin Ze was already standing 50 meters away, and the sweat had already wet his clothes. At that position, at least seven space snakes had opened the space at the same time. It wasn’t Lin Ze’s early chance, and with the help of hermit escape that could do short-distance teleportation, Lin Ze was now trapped in the siege of those space snakes.

Seeing this, Lin Ze had a bitter smile on his face. He looked around and saw that the gravel circle around his body was now swallowed. Although the defensive shield on his body remained full, Dan Tian The Qi inside has been consumed for three layers. Although the Qi is quickly recovered with the help of the Plane Seeds, it seems that this recovery speed cannot keep up with the previous consumption speed.

You know, it was only five seconds before, the real energy in Linze Dantian was consumed by two layers, and he needed three or four minutes to restore these consumptions.

It's five seconds on one side and three or four minutes on the other.

Oh, you said that you can also take the juice of the millennium Yuzhi to instantly restore the true energy, hehe, this is also good, but if it is used now, it is not very suitable.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze is now facing a space-savvy snake like a space-savvy beast. They are extremely fast, and the hidden ones are even hidden. Until now, only they have attacked Lin Ze, and no Lin Ze found them. The most important thing is that their attack speed is extremely fast, in just a few seconds, they will kill the enemy.

Just like what Lin Ze encountered just now, in less than five seconds, he was consumed with two layers of Qi, and he couldn't grasp the time to fight back.

In such a short period of time, if Lin Ze is going to take the juice of the millennium Yuzhi to restore his true energy, then he is looking for his own way.

It took four or five seconds from Lin Ze to take out the millennium Yuzhi juice, and then he took it away, and at this time, maybe Lin Ze would not be attacked by a few space snakes. But dozens.

Lin Ze was very difficult to resist the attacks of several space snakes. If there were dozens of them, that...

Needless to say, everyone knows the result.

In a real life-and-death duel, the outcome of life and death often takes only a few seconds to determine. Therefore, at such a critical moment, Lin Ze can't empty his hands to swallow the juice of the millennium Yuzhi.

However, this gave Lin Ze an idea.

Since he had no time to take out the juice of the thousand-year-old Yuzhi during the battle, Lin Ze could scream in his mouth in advance. In this way, he would not be able to consume his true energy at any time.

Thinking about doing it, Lin Ze took out the juice of the thousand-year-old Yuzhi very open, and poured a full bite, and then looked directly at the piece of space in front of him, and restored the calm space.

Lin Ze did it, don't look now that it seems to be calm again, but the space snakes have been staring at themselves.

Perhaps the next moment, they will suddenly attack themselves from their side.

Therefore, Lin Ze did not dare to carelessly.

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