Alien Lord

Chapter 1574: Collect fluid

Seeing the boulder he had hidden before, flung the powder of the city by the tail of the snake, Lin Ze hiding in the world of Plane Seeds was also a blessing in his heart.

Then Lin Ze began to think about why Jiao snake would find his trail.

Soon, Lin Ze scanned himself through mental power and quickly found the reason.

"Before hiding in the belly of the demon snake for too long, the body was covered with the smell of the devil snake, so even if it was not contaminated with the blood of the demon snake, but the later snake can still smell some scent, Acting in the future, I have to be more careful." Lin Ze warned himself silently in the bottom of his heart, and on the other hand, he began to clean up in the world of Plane Seeds in order to wash away the breath of demon snakes.

As for when Lin Ze went out, he was not in a hurry now, and he would not go out until the outside snake left here.

In addition, there are Sun Xifeng and they now can’t take care of Lin Ze. After all, the outside snake is too strong, even Lin Ze is not an opponent, plus Sun Xifeng they don’t know where to escape now, Lin Even if Ze went out to find him, he couldn't find them for a while, but there was a great possibility that he would encounter those snakes. Lin Ze would be in danger.

"Anyway, they will definitely go to the next destination afterwards, and I will go directly there when the time comes. I believe that if they are safe, they will go back there and wait for the gathering." Thinking of this, Lin Ze was relieved a lot.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned to the body of the demon snake that had just been taken in.

Now the bodies of these demon snakes are handled by Xinxue's men. The blood, flesh, and snake tendons of the demon snake, as well as the scales and snake bones of the body, are all removed in the same way, and then placed On one side, nothing was wasted.

"Master, the body of the demon snake has almost been packed up. Now I'm waiting for you to get the fluid of the demon snake." Xin Xue came to Lin Ze's side with a smile and reported.

The other parts of the demon snake's body can be cleaned up by Xinxue's men, but the extraction of the medullary fluid from the demon's spine is not done by Xinxue's men.

Oh, it's not that they can't do it at all. As long as they smash the spine of the demon snake, they can still get the medullary fluid of the demon snake, but in this way, not only the extremely important vertebrae of the devil snake are wasted In addition, the quality and quantity of the medullary fluid removed by this method will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Xin Xue did not let his men deal with the matter of collecting pulp fluid, but waited for Lin Ze to deal with it directly.

As for how Lin Ze handles these medullary fluids, hehe, it's actually very simple.

That is to use Lin Ze's ability as the seed world of the plane to directly mobilize the power of the seed world of the plane to extract the medullary fluid in the spine of the demon snake.

In this case, the quality of the extracted pulp fluid is not only extremely high, but also a drop of pulp fluid is not wasted.

"Well, that's good, Xinxue, you first let others push away." Lin Ze nodded and said to Xinxue.

"Yes, master!"

Soon, following the orders of Xinxue, those who had previously packed up the demon snake and shot away left a large space in the middle.

"Master, please!" Xin Xueqian said with a smile.

"Well!" Lin Ze said nothing, and came to the open space with the guidance of Xin Xue.

"Oh, this demon snake's spine is really big!" Looking at the spine in front of him, which was more than ten meters wide and six or seven hundred meters wide, it showed a jade-like color like blood jade. Even Lin Ze saw it for the first time. The spine is also surprised.

"Looking at the spine of this demon snake, it is obvious that it has evolved to a very advanced level, otherwise, where its spine will be like this **** jade." Lin Ze stepped forward and gently touched the spine of the demon snake There was an obvious soft feeling of jade in his hand. It felt like he was touching this spine, not like touching a bone, but a piece of beautiful jade.

"Master, the strength of this demon snake has advanced to the late period of foundation. Only at this level will the spine in the body of the demon snake show the color and touch of Yuhua, which is recorded in many sects. "Qu Jingwen said directly on the side.

At this time, he also touched the huge monster snake spine in front of his face with surprise. Seriously, he also saw this monster snake spine for the first time.

"Oh, fortunately, the strength of this demon snake was castrated by Xuanyin Master. Otherwise, I am definitely not the opponent of this demon snake. If this demon snake is the strength of the heyday, even if I enter In the body of the demon snake, maybe I can't even break the outermost cortex of his internal organs, then..."

The rest of Lin Ze didn't say anything, but the blood around him and Qu Jingwen knew what Lin Ze said.

"This is the master, you Hongfu Qitian!" Xin Xue Lima is just a horse fart, which he brought from the Seventh Prince Yan Yucheng.

Under the seven prince Yan Yucheng, if you don’t know how to flatter, then you shouldn’t come, because once you come in, you really don’t know how to die.

"Hehe..." Lin Ze smiled and didn't care about Xinxue's horse farts, but didn't say anything.

Seriously, whether it's a brilliant person or a confused egg, I also like to listen to some farts. This is human nature, and you can't change it.

"Horse farting!" Qu Jingwen's heart beside him immediately murmured.

In fact, he is a bit jealous in his heart, because he is less likely to flatter.

"Master, we still have time to deal with this spine first, this spine has been interrupted, even if we have dealt with it before, but it is still losing the essence inside, so, master, still first Handled it as well." Qu Jingwen persuaded.

Since he is not as good as the blood on flattery, Qu Jingwen positions himself as a role of a military division that is completely considered by Lin Ze. Obviously, his role is also quite good.

No, as soon as Lin Ze heard Qu Jingwen's full interpretation, he immediately realized that he came to the front of the spine of the demon snake and stretched out his right hand.

"Suck me!" With Lin Ze's order, a magical force was generated in the plane seed world, which completely enveloped the spine of the whole demon snake.

"Buzz!" There was a buzz in the air, and the spine of the demon snake began to tremble, as if knowing that it was about to be drained.

"Wow wow!!" Then, the sounds of distinct streams flowing from the stream rang, and, with the passage of time, these sounds were getting louder and louder, and now they are gradually becoming louder .

"Om!" Suddenly there was a red light on the spine of the demon snake. Immediately after that, Lin Ze stretched out the palm of his right hand and held it like that against the spine of the demon snake.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was an Optimus giant hand over the spine of the demon snake. The Optimus giant hand grabbed the entire spine of the demon snake at once, including the countless red light that had just emanated, and then, A very spiritual grip.

"Furfurfur!!" The red light just emitted from the spine of the demon snake was like a fog meeting a water droplet. All the fog in the blink of an eye was converted into the same rain and flowed down towards the ground.

"Tick, tick........." Suddenly, a very clear sound of water drops sounded, and then, Qu Jingwen they saw a drop of golden liquid appearing at the wound of the demon's spine's spine .

"This is the essence of the demon snake, hurry up and prepare to seal the jade bottle!!" Qu Jingwen immediately shouted to the others on the side.

"Yes, lord!"

Soon, the two flew quickly, holding a sealed jade bottle in both hands, just standing directly under the spine of the demon snake, and then the golden liquid flowing out of the wound.

Lin Ze ignored other people. He took a deep breath after seeing the following people catching the dripping medullary fluid. Without saying anything, he continued to absorb the medullary fluid in the spine of the demon snake.

At this time, due to the control of Lin Ze's Optimus giant hands, the spine of the monster on the ground no longer There was no other abnormality, so Lin Ze was so obedient to let the liquid inside be extracted.

Gradually, a drop of golden liquid slowly floated out of the spine bone.

A drop of myelin fluid just flowed out of the wound, and a faint fragrance immediately rushed to the face, letting the smelling person feel a burst of relaxation on his body, and then his body was hot, and sweat could not help flowing out.

The sweat is not the transparent color before, but with some light gray, and the smell is very strong.

Obviously, this is detoxification.

"It's a powerful medullary fluid, just the smell, it makes people send a lot of toxins, it's really powerful!" Qu Jingwen sighed while feeling the process of detoxification.

He had only seen the powerful effect of the medullary fluid of the monsters in the foundation period before in the records, but at that time he only saw some records, and really felt it for the first time.

For the first time, Qu Jingwen was directly convinced.

Lin Ze was still so calm, ignoring the changes in his body, he wholeheartedly collected the fluid in the spine of the demon snake.

It is just that the smell of the pulp fluid is so powerful, and the strength of the pulp fluid itself can be seen.

Therefore, Lin Ze didn't dare to waste at all. After all the marrow fluid was put into the seal jade bottle, Lin Zecai exhaled deeply, and the big stone in his heart finally fell.

After finishing this section of the spine of the demon snake, Lin Ze did not rest, and continued to come to the other spine of the extreme segment of the snake, continuing the same action as before.

Just now Qu Jingwen said that because of the disconnection of the spine of the demon snake, the essence inside disappeared in a flash. Lin Ze didn’t want to waste any time to prevent the essence in the spine of the devil snake from flowing too much.

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