Alien Lord

Chapter 1572: Red Haired Ape

"Chang Xin Yuan, are you sure you want the inner snake of the demon snake?" Lin Ze looked at Chang Xin Yuan with a dull expression on his face, without any unusual expression on his face.

I just don’t know what happened. After seeing Lin Ze’s indifferent look, Chang Xinyuan whispered in his heart, and there was a faint fear, as if he had overlooked some important details.

It's just that he has spoken the word now, and that he is really inevitable for the demon snake's inner dan, so after thinking about it, Chang Xinyuan stood up daringly and looked at Lin Ze firmly: " Yes, I think, since the demon snake was killed by everyone together, its inner dan should also have our share, everyone said it?"

After finishing this sentence, Chang Xinyuan looked directly at the group of people behind him. He believed that there must be someone in his mind who thought the same.

"Senior, I also think that Chang Menzhu said yes, so, see if you are..." Pang Hai also stood up and said directly, his eyes filled with greed.

Seeing Pang Hai stand up, Bai Yiwen on one side couldn't help it at this time.

When he came in, Bai Yiwen didn't like Lin Ze very much.

Sun Xifeng was his friend, but after meeting Lin Ze, he directly forgot Bai Yiwen. At the same time, on the road, Bai Yiwen asked Lin Ze several times, and Lin Ze didn't have a good answer. Therefore, he had long been dissatisfied with Lin Ze in his heart.

Bai Yiwen didn't say it before, just because he was alone. Now that both Chang Xinyuan and Pang Hai have stood up, he still has some hesitations.

Therefore, Bai Yiwen quickly stood beside Chang Xinyuan and looked at Lin Ze with a stern look: "Senior Li Ze, I think Brother Pang is right, since this monster is everyone together Killed, of course, its Nedan should also be divided together."

"You..., how can you kill the demon snake like this, the most important thing is to rely on your predecessors, you are so shameless!" Xie Zijun looked at Chang Xinyuan with three faces, and Speak directly at them.

"Master Sun, what do you mean!" Lin Ze ignored it at all, but looked at Sun Xifeng on the side, waiting for his answer.

"This..., Senior, I'm on your side!" Sun Xifeng only hesitated a little, and quickly made a decision.

Sun Xifeng is very clear about Chang Xinyuan's thoughts. Similarly, he also believes that Lin Ze is now greatly reduced in strength. If everyone unites together, it may really be able to force Lin Ze to take out the monster snake's Nedan.

However, after thinking about it, Sun Xifeng was not prepared to do so.


The reason is very simple, that is, Sun Xifeng is optimistic about Lin Ze's future, or directly, Sun Xifeng believes that the future Lin Ze can bring him more rewards.

Moreover, to be honest, Sun Xifeng, as the master of Confucianism, although he sometimes pays attention to some strategies, but he himself is still decent.

The demon snake was obviously killed by Lin Ze, and they can also be said to have been saved by Lin Ze. Under such circumstances, if he wanted Sun Xifeng En to revenge, he really couldn't do it.

"Oh, very good!" Lin Ze looked at Sun Xifeng with a smile.

Lin Zexin didn't care about Sun Xifeng's slight hesitation on his face.

After all, this is a big thing for the demon snake Nedan in the foundation period. If you encounter such a big event, even between the father and son, there may be some problems, not to mention Sun Xifeng.

There was a trace of hesitation in him, which was also human nature. In the end, Sun Xifeng had not endured this temptation, and did not greedily divide the demon snake Nedan, and clearly stated that he was on Lin Ze's side.

With this, Lin Ze was very satisfied.

"Sun Xifeng, don't forget, this is the inner snake of the demon snake, as long as we get it, then we can 100% advance the foundation period, Sun Xifeng, you don't want to advance the foundation period?" Chang Xinyuan said I couldn't believe it and looked at Sun Xifeng and said, and constantly tempted Sun Xifeng with words.

To be honest, Sun Xifeng's statement was truly beyond the expectation of normal mind. When he thought about it, nothing could be compared to the advanced foundation period.

They and a group of people came in this dangerous secret environment to seek treasure, not for the advanced foundation period, but now the opportunity to advance the foundation period is now in front, Chang Xinyuan originally thought that everyone will not let this opportunity go, so Even if Lin Ze was offended, Chang Xinyuan still resolutely made this decision.

However, in the end, there were only two people who were as black-hearted as him. Two people, like Xie Zijun and Sun Xifeng, directly denied his suggestion, and directly indicated that he was standing on Lin Ze's side.

What makes Chang Xinyuan vomit blood is that the two talents Xie Zijun and Sun Xifeng are the people he really values, like Bai Yiwen and Pang Hai. In his view, it is to cheer on the side and call for the presence of cheering. It was the two people who valued standing on Lin Ze’s side, which made the feeling of uneasiness in Chang Xin Yuanxin grow bigger and bigger.

"The foundation period? I wanted it, but the gentleman made money and got his way! It should be mine, and I went back to get it. It’s not my thing. No matter how good, I won’t want it. More importantly, Li Seniors can be said to be my life-saving benefactor. With the strength of the demon snake before, without Senior Lee’s shot, I believe that now we are absolutely dead.

Now you want me to deal with Senior Li. In this way, my son will not do anything that will revenge and revenge, nor will I stay with such a person. So, Changmen, you still look back! "Sun Xifeng tried his best to persuade."

Everyone is a person on a boat now. If they fight, there is a great possibility that the boat will sink. Sun Xifeng doesn't want to miss the previous treasure hunt.

"Oh, En Jiang Qiu Bao, Sun Xifeng, did you forget that I was born in Xuanyin Demon Taoism, as a person in Xuan Yin Demon Taoism, En Jiang Qiu Bao is a normal thing, ha ha ha..." Chang Xinyuan laughed He said that he didn't feel guilty for his favor.

"Have you finished laughing?" Lin Ze's cold, calm voice came again.

"Hiss!" Chang Xinyuan suddenly felt that he was cold all over. Lin Ze's voice was calm, but he didn't know how. Chang Xinyuan's heart was jumping fast, as if there was a feeling of catastrophe.

"Li Ze, what do you mean?" Chang Xinyuan asked Lin Ze with a cold face, and the vigilance in his heart rose to the extreme.

By this time, Chang Xinyuan had realized that he had acted recklessly.

Since Lin Ze is a strong man in the foundation period, his methods are definitely not as simple as what he sees now.

For things like magic weapons, they all have several magic instruments. Will Linze have them?

At the thought of this, the morale in Chang Xinyuan's heart dissipated again.

"What do you mean? Huh, I mean you shut up for me!" Lin Ze sneered directly, and didn't give Chang Xinyuan the face of the former Sect Master Xuanyin.

"You..." Chang Xin was anxious, his hands kept on, "buzzing", the three-story bone pagoda that disappeared before appeared again in front of him, and he pointed at Lin Ze, threatening him .

"Alas....!" Lin Ze sighed, shook his head, and then looked at the three-story bone tower coldly in front of his eyes, and said softly, "Come out!"

"Hoo!" Suddenly, with Lin Ze's words, a huge red shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

This red shadow is as tall as two floors, and its body is very wide, about the size of a bus, and it is extremely magnificent. As soon as it comes out, Bai Yiwen and Sun Xifeng on one side feel a strong sense of pressure on them. Heart.

"This is the strength of the fake base period!" Sun Xifeng was well-informed and immediately saw the strength of the huge red shadow in front of him: the fake base period!

"A powerful red ape!" Xie Zijun looked at the huge red ape in front of him with a sigh, and leaned back a few meters This is the red ape ! "Bai Yiwen's eyes looked silly at the huge red-haired giant ape in front of him, and his mind was completely empty."

"No, I don't think Li Ze still has such a means. Is he still a master beast master?" Chang Xinyuan's face was also completely black. The powerful red-haired giant ape in front of him directly let him Cold.

Although Chang Xinyuan is confident that he can resist this red-haired giant ape, God knows whether there will be a second head, third head and the like around Lin Ze...

As long as I think of myself being surrounded by a lot of fake foundations, Chang Xinyuan is ashamed!

"This time I really chose the wrong position, alas...!" Pang Hai's face was regretful. After seeing this red-haired giant ape appearing here, he knew their previous All calculations have failed.

"Alas, no matter how good the calculation is, in the presence of absolute power, there is scum." Pang Hai regretted that he wanted to hit the wall.

"Seniors are so powerful, and they still hide such a powerful method. It's really a master of the foundation period!" Unlike Pang Hai, Xie Zijun's face was full of excitement.

Xie Zijun hadn't seen a few wild beasts before, even if he saw them, he avoided them. He was not an opponent, but now he had a tamed base beast standing in front of him In front of him, Xie Zijun almost fainted with excitement in his heart.

"So do you have other thoughts about Chang Xinyuan now?" Lin Ze still looked at Chang Xinyuan calmly.

"No......., no!" Chang Xinyuan finished the sentence, the whole person's spirit was suddenly defeated, and the whole person looked like he was ten years old.

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