Alien Lord

Chapter 1570: distribution

After confirming that the demon snake was castrated, Lin Ze completely let go of her worry, and ignored the others, and began to collect the blood of the demon snake wholeheartedly.

Not to mention the size of the demon snake, in fact, its sperm blood is also limited, or a small number.

In addition to the previous fights, Lin Ze collected a lot of demon snake's essence and blood. Therefore, the amount of remaining demon snake's essential blood is now even less.

"It's really a demon snake in the foundation period, and the blood is really extraordinary!" Looking at the bright red that was continuously sucked out from the blood vessels of the heart, with a white jade light and a hint of sweetness Lin Ze's heart is very satisfied.

For treasures like essence blood, the higher the strength, the higher the quality of essence blood.

Although this demon snake has been castrated a lot, but after all, it is still the strength of the foundation period, so its essence and blood quality is extremely high.

It is only foreign trade, which looks like chalcedony, giving people an extremely advanced feeling.

"Hoohoo!" Five minutes later, the blood volume of the demon snake's blood is already invisible.

Looking at the blood of the five big demon snakes in the Plane Seed World, Lin Ze nodded in satisfaction.

"Jingxue and Neidan are all collected, and it's time to collect the marrow fluid." Lin Ze thought: "It's just that this marrow fluid wants to be collected. I'm afraid it won't work in this demon snake's body."

The monster snake is too large, and the passages in it are all directions. If you are not careful, you can easily get lost in it.

In addition, the smell of the demon snake is not very good. Lin Ze used to be able to endure it for Nei Dan. Now that the devil snake Nei Dan and the essence blood are in hand, where will Lin Ze endure.

"It's better to go out first. If you want the marrow fluid, just take out the spine of the demon snake directly. This is simpler and easier." A decision was made in his heart. Lin Ze quickly set off, after recognizing the direction, he went directly The position of the demon's brain quickly advances.

"Huh, is this demon snake dead?" Bai Yiwen asked carefully on the side.

From three minutes ago, after a long hissing of the demon snake, there has been no movement until now. Even if their attack power is strong, the demon snake has no response.

Plus Bai Yiwen hasn't felt the monster snake's breath for a long time (the monster snake's breathing movement is extremely large, just like the movement when the jet is started.), so he will guess whether the monster snake is dead. .

"Changmen Master, what do you think?" Sun Xifeng also stopped the attack and turned to ask Chang Xinyuan on the side.

"I can't say it well. It feels that the deterrence of this demon snake has indeed disappeared, and life fluctuations can't be felt. It's just that this demon snake is so powerful, is it really so simple that we are packed up? Will there be any other problems in it? It's like pretending to be dead, and then suddenly hit us hard." Chang Xinyuan said with a look of uncertainty.

Chang Xinyuan also felt the change of the demon snake. The most obvious thing is that the life fluctuation of the demon snake disappeared. However, Chang Xinyuan could not believe that the demon snake was killed in this way. When he wanted to come, the probability of the demon snake pretending to die Bigger.

Similar to this experience, Chang Xinyuan has experienced countless times before.

"Master Sun Men, you should first ask Senior Li." Xie Zijun on the side spoke, but he was right in the middle of a word.

"Oh, really, I have forgotten this point." Sun Xifeng shook his head mockingly, he really forgot to inquire about Lin Ze.

But, just when Sun Xifeng wanted to contact Lin Ze, ‘poo’ sounded, a long blood fountain flew out of the eyeball of the demon snake, and then a figure flew out of it.

"It's Senior Li!" Sun Xifeng's eyes were bright, and immediately he saw Lin Ze flying out.

"It's really Senior Li. In this way, this demon snake is really dead!" Xie Zijun shouted ecstatically.

Since Lin Ze was able to come out from the eyeball of the demon snake, it was obvious that the demon snake was already dead. Otherwise, how could Lin Ze get into the devil's head.

"Huh, this Li Ze is indeed a rival!" Chang Xin Yuan sneered in the heart, but had to admit Lin Ze's strength.

Chang Xinyuan knew very well that their attacks on the demon snake at most played a role of containment. Now that the demon snake is obviously dead, it means that this demon snake was killed by Lin Ze.

As long as the thought of a demon snake in the foundation period died directly in Lin Ze's hands, even if he was proud of himself, he had to admit that Lin Ze was powerful.

"Seen Senior Li!"

"Senior Lee is fortunate!"

"Thank you Senior Li!!"

After seeing Lin Ze out, Xie Zijun and they all came forward to say hello to Lin Ze, their voices were full of thanks.

Also, the strength of Xie Zijun is the lowest. If anyone is the first to be killed by the demon snake, it is definitely the few of them. Now that the demon snake is dead, it means that their danger has been completely eliminated. .

Therefore, for the great benefactor Lin Ze, Xie Zijun they are really grateful.

"Oh, this is nothing, and everyone is not hurt?" Lin Ze responded with a smile.

"No, no, that is, it consumes some real energy." Pang Hai answered with a smile.

"That's good, that's good." Lin Ze said with a smile.

"Senior, this time I really thank you, otherwise, we people will definitely suffer heavy losses." Sun Xifeng also came to Lin Ze with a smile and said.

"It's nothing. Since we are a group, I should have some effort." Lin Ze said modestly.

"Senior is self-deprecating." Sun Xifeng replied with a smile, then he looked at the giant monster snake that was three or four kilometers long behind him, and asked with some caution in his words: "Senior only, how is this monster Do?"

Hearing Sun Xifeng's words, the others also looked directly at Lin Ze, his eyes full of fiery, even Chang Xinyuan, who was pretending to adjust interest rates, opened his eyes at this time and looked straight at Lin Ze.

After all, this is a demon snake in the foundation period. For them, everything above is a treasure.

The scales of the demon snake can be refined into magic weapons and magic weapons;

The meat of the demon snake can be used to eat, it can definitely enhance their // meat // body strength. Of course, it is also possible to refine some Jingxue Dan, and the effect is definitely stronger than expected;

Not to mention the blood of the demon snake, not only can it be used for refining immortality, but also it is extremely powerful in strengthening the body and body;

The spine of the demon snake is also very useful. Not to mention the other, it is used to refine the immortal medicine such as Zhuanggu Dan, which can make people crazy, and, with the strength of the demon snake, these spine are used The magic device is also a top material;

Others are like brain marrow, teeth of demon snake, five internal organs, and bones, which are extremely useful. They are rare treasures. Even Sun Xifeng and they are very greedy.

"Is this..." Lin Ze thought, while glancing around with both eyes, he soon saw the expectation in Sun Xifeng's eyes.

"Goodong..." An obvious swallowing sound rang in Xie Zijun's throat. When he saw Lin Ze's line of sight, Xie Zijun was nervous, and did such a thing.

"Hahahaha..." Lin Ze laughed directly when he saw Xie Zijun's expression that the child looked forward to the adult's candy.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Everyone came in together this time, and, honestly, I was able to kill this demon snake. It is also a big reason for everyone to contain it outside. So, this demon snake Let’s share it together!"

"Wow..." Lin Ze's words just fell, and Xie Zijun's cheers rang out in their mouths.

"Thank you Senior Li!!"

"Thank you for your generosity!"

The waves of thanks again filled Lin Ze's ears, making Lin Ze's face smile, feeling that his previous decision was four correct.

"Predecessors are seniors, and doing things is indeed the atmosphere!" Sun Xifeng on the side looked at Lin Ze with admiration, and his heart was full of convincing.

To be honest, before Sun Xifeng had nothing to share with Lin Ze this demon snake's Yes, indeed, as Lin Ze said above, they held the demon snake outside and dispersed it Some energy.

It seems that their role is very big, but this is just the scene. In the credit of killing this demon snake, their actions only occupy less than one layer.

Didn't see that in the end the demon snake directly put his body into a snake array and buried his head in it, they had no way to take the demon snake.

Attacks one after another hit the demon snake, just cracked some of the scale armor of the demon snake, and did not hurt the demon snake at all.

It can be said that these attacks on the demon snake as a whole are just tickling.

The demon snake did not solve them. One is that their volume is relatively small compared to the demon snake. The attack of the demon snake is very inconvenient. The most important thing is that a large part of the spirit of the demon snake was attracted by Lin Ze.

Therefore, Sun Xifeng's control of them was really only control, and it was Lin Ze who actually killed the demon snake.

In this case, if Lin Ze asked to divide the eight layers of the demon snake, the nine layers and the like, Sun Xifeng also thought it was normal, thinking that this was what others paid for before.

Of course, if this is the case, Sun Xifeng will definitely feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

Something like Chang Xin Yuan will cause some movement.

Sun Xifeng was very worried about this, because in the next few levels, he still had to rely on Lin Ze.

Fortunately, Lin Ze directly said that everyone would share directly, which made Sun Xifeng let go of his concerns.

If you divide evenly, there will be no harm to everyone, which is very beneficial for the next action!

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