Alien Lord

Chapter 1566: Embarrassed

After receiving the demon snake's inner dan, Lin Ze patiently took a break in the demon snake's inner dan space. After recovering the previous mental strength and true energy consumption, Lin Ze stood up and continued to move forward.

"Boo Boo Boo!!" Lin Ze controlled the Qingming Sword and slammed a little bit, but unfortunately it still couldn't leave much traces, but compared to the previous traces, there were no traces, and now it can leave a few white The little bit is already much better.

"It seems that after this demon snake lost Neidan, its defensive power has dropped by many levels, otherwise, how can a small Qingming sword leave white spots in the demon snake's body." Lin Ze was silent in his heart. Thought.

"It's just that the spine of the demon snake is buried deep under these meats, but now I still can't hurt the other party much, this..." The shameful reality in front of him made Lin Ze frown.

"Here is the heart of the demon snake, can I think of some ways from its heart?" Lin Ze bowed his head and thought.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered, and then he quickly moved aside, this time his goal was the heart of the demon snake.

As I said before, the heart of the demon snake is very close to Neidan, so Lin Ze soon came near the heart of the demon snake.

As soon as he arrived here, Lin Zexin took a deep breath, because the picture presented in front of him looked really amazing.

There are dense blood vessels everywhere, and there are hot, smelly blood flowing in the blood vessels. These blood flows very fast. In Linze, there is a sound like the roar of the Yellow River.

From time to time, these blood vessels will still beat a few times. The sound of "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang" made Lin Ze feel a bit creepy after listening to it.

"It looks like a horror movie here, eh..." Lin Ze shook some goose bumps off her body, and then stopped looking at the blood vessels of these disgusting people, and continued to advance towards the destination heart.

Soon, a large blood-red object appeared in Lin Ze's line of sight. As soon as he saw this thing, Lin Ze knew that the heart of the demon snake had arrived.

However, at this time, many of the previous small blood snakes appeared again near the giant snake's heart.

A series of sperm and blood snakes began to poke out the snake body in the blood vessels of the demon snake. The snake body shivered, and then a trace of **** weapons came out from under its skin. Then, a sperm and blood snake appeared not far away from Lin Ze At that point, the body was just such a bow, and finally flew towards Lin Ze like an arrow off the string.

Lin Ze's body just flashed a little, and he easily escaped the attacks of these **** snakes. At the same time, the spiritual storm once again enveloped the range of fifty meters around him.

"Buzz buzz!!" In an instant, countless sperm blood snakes seemed to lose their consciousness, so they stopped in midair in silence, then fell directly to the ground, and other sperm blood snakes behind them saw this , I dare not step forward to provoke Lin Ze, and quickly fled backward.

Lin Ze will not miss this good opportunity to weaken the strength of the demon snake. You must know that these little blood snakes are all a mixture of the demon snake's blood and spirit. Once they are all eliminated, it means that the demon snake has lost a considerable amount. Part of the blood and mental power, which can greatly reduce the strength of the demon snake, and then make Lin Ze’s subsequent battle easier.

and so.........


"Collect and collect!!" A series of spiritual storms flashed quickly, and then all the blood snakes lost their consciousness directly and fell down. Finally, Lin Ze behind collected all these unconscious blood snakes. In the world of carry plane seeds, it became Lin Ze's spiritual material.

Soon, while Lin Ze launched a mental storm, he gathered those sperm blood snakes, and then quickly came to the heart where he was, just two minutes. He came to the heart of the demon snake.

I saw that at the junction of the heart and countless thick blood vessels, and the periphery of the heart, there was a layer of flashing red awning film guarding. Seeing this, Lin Ze shook his head and felt a trace of pressure in his heart.

Obviously, in order to protect the last vital heart, the demon snake has obviously turned the majority of the remaining gang gas into this **** film. Lin Ze wants to take down the heart of the demon snake, first of all Break this film.

"What now?" Lin Ze thought secretly, looking at the blood-red film in front of him.

For ten minutes, Lin Ze stood here, staring blankly at the sheet in front of his eyes as thin as paper, but his defense was an extremely amazing blood-red film.

Lin Ze had dealt with the demon snake's gang gas shield before, and the demon snake's gang gas shield easily defeated Lin Ze, making him helpless.

Lin Ze, the current gang of gas shield, has just tried its defensive power. The defensive power is definitely not what Lin Ze can break.

"Did you just let this demon snake go like this?" Lin Ze couldn't help but have such a question.

"No, no, no, I can't let go of this demon snake, otherwise, when I come here again in the future, I will definitely be attacked by it, even if it will attack itself with other powerful monsters, Snakes are the most vengeful. These hatreds can be remembered for a lifetime, and even your juniors will suffer their poisonous hands."

Here is the true story of a traveler's hometown.

When the pedestrian was a child, there was a second uncle of my father (the pedestrian was called the second grandfather). At that time, it was in the mid-1980s. I believe that those born in the countryside after the 1980s must know that at that time, the countryside was really poor. Some families can't save hundreds of dollars all year round. (This was the case in the Walker’s house at that time.)

Therefore, in order to subsidize households, many people have to work, and even small children have to go outside to pick up pig manure, cow dung or something. (Pedestrians picked up pig manure for nearly five years when they were young, starting at the age of four and ending at the age of eight after the second year of school. Don’t laugh at me. These things were indeed very common in rural areas at that time.)

Children must do this kind of work, let alone adults.

My father’s second uncle just wanted to subsidize the family during the farming season, so he often went back to the mountain stream to catch the stone chicken (a kind of frog that is about the size of a bullfrog, but the color of the body is stone) Waterfowl frog (a frog that is about the same color as the frog, but larger, and has a strong smell on the skin.).

The stone chicken does not see sunlight all year round, and it still lives in extremely clear water. It often eats shrimps in the water. Therefore, its meat is very delicious, and people in the city like to eat it. The same price is also very high.

Now in the hometown of pedestrians, the price of stone chicken is directly more than one hundred pounds, which is really expensive!

(Seriously, the water in the pedestrian’s hometown is indeed very good. It’s called clean. Even if you stand on the bridge and look down, you can clearly see the bottom of the three-meter deep stream under the bridge, and The creek is very cold and sweet. Drink it in summer, just like drinking cold boiled water.

Until now, every time I come back from my hometown, I will bring back two buckets of water. )

Don't look at the high price of the stone chicken, plus the large size, it is thought to be very good to catch. In fact, this is not the case. Catching the stone chicken is a difficult and dangerous thing.


This is because the stone chicken lives all year round in the cold and wet caves of deep mountain streams, where it lives, not to mention the high mountains and dense forests, and it is often accompanied by poisonous snakes.

The second uncle knew this well, but at that time, he didn't care about any danger for money.

In addition, his uncle's boldness in the village is well-known, so he is not at all concerned about these dangers. (Second Uncle's family was the first to build a two-story new house in the village because of his expertise in capturing stone chicken. At that time, the village was called a sensation...)

Therefore, as long as it is hot in summer, as long as it does not rain, the second uncle will go out to catch the stone chicken.

It should be the day at the end of July, the second uncle carrying a bamboo basket again to capture the stone chicken.

He had just drilled into a mountain depression, and his sensitive ears could vaguely hear the shouting of the rock chicken in the cracks of the stone. (It's really such a The pedestrian has heard it in person. Oh, how do you say that the pedestrian will hear it? Hey, I will say that in the summer, after the pedestrian goes home, often Go catch the stone chicken with some former partners!)

With a happy expression on the second uncle's face, he immediately found the stone chicken.

It's a pity that the stone chicken's hearing is also extremely sensitive. After hearing the footsteps of the second uncle, it turned around and fled into the cave.

Upon seeing this, Uncle quickly reached out enough to get in, but this time, what he caught was not a stone chicken, but a few white and soft things. Upon closer inspection, it was a snake egg.

Uncle Peeled one of them curiously and saw a small five-step snake lying inside.

In our hometown, or in many rural areas, there will be a saying: playing a snake without dying will always cause trouble.

So the second uncle took these snake eggs one by one and crushed them directly.

Seeing that there were so many crisps of snake eggs on the ground, at this time the second uncle was panicking, and he couldn't care about catching the stone chicken, and hurried back.

Then someone asked him why he had to go back to the village at that time. The second uncle said after thinking for a while that he could not understand why he had to escape. He just felt that the stream was deep and dark, as if something was staring at him. .

Later developments proved that these feelings were correct.

When Uncle returned to the village, he happened to pass a small stream. When he walked over the small bridge of the stream, suddenly there was a smell of wind in the bushes next to the small bridge. The unconscious second hand of the uncle was like that. Fang, then, he felt a burst of pain on his mother finger.

Turning his eyes for the first time, he didn't know when his finger was "scratched" and had a few teeth marks clearly on it, and black blood kept leaking inside.

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